Unicorn, Don’t Do That! by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jenni Bishop

Unicorn, Don't Do That!: It's okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstepUnicorn, Don’t Do That!: It’s okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstep by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ask any child if it’s ok for a Unicorn to poop on your doorstep and most of them will tell you yes and laugh their heads off especially little boys, just ask my grandsons. They thoroughly loved this book.
Unicorn, Don’t Do That! Is entertaining, funny, and cute.
The illustrations by Ada Konewki are delightful and paint a picture for little ones to enjoy. The book is aimed for children from the ages 4 – 8 years of age.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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