A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection Book #2) by Amanda Marin – Review by Angela Hayes

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


A Song of Salt and Secrets is the second book in The Mythic Academy Collection series by Amanda Marin. This is another enchanting YA fantasy with a magical academy setting, Sirens, curses, magic, drama, danger, high stakes, agendas, myths, a touch of sweet (clean) romance, friendship, a journey of discovery, action, adventure, secrets, an ancient goddess with a grudge, fun, fairytale vibes (Little Mermaid-type story), a touch of fate, and emotion.
I loved the first book in the series, and the whole ‘Mystic Academy’ aspect – so there was never any question that I would be diving into this book as soon as it hit my Kindle. Even though this is the second book in the series, it can be read as a standalone if you wanted, as each instalment focuses on its own particular character/s- the common theme being the ‘Mystical Academy’- although different academies.
Magwitch Academy is where Sirens have been going for generations to learn to control their ‘deadly’ curse. But what happens if a siren unintentionally causes a nautical accident- her ‘victim’ driving his boat onto the rocks where she had been singing her song? What happens if the ‘sailor’ just happens to be young, handsome, and lives not too far away from the academy? Well, Corisande finds herself in just such a predicament- she feels an immediate connection with her ‘victim’, as if their fates are intertwining… And while fate seems to have a plan for them, exactly what that plan is, Corisande isn’t so sure… though she’s beginning to suspect a very tragic ending. Being drawn to Noah adds an extra complexity to an already overly complicated situation. Throw in some mystery, grief, a meddling mother, a powerful curse, sinister intentions, rage, grief, history, and a very vengeful goddess- and this story became unputdownable!
This is such a great little series- I’m very much looking forward to Book #3!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Amanda Marin!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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