Ghost Talker (Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries Book 1) by Byrd Nash – Review by Jennifer Crain

Ghost Talker (Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries #1)Ghost Talker by Byrd Nash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“Ghost Talker: Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries Volume 1” by Byrd Nash is a delightful and engaging read that combines elements of fantasy, mystery, and romance. The story follows Elinor Chalamet, a talented medium with a penchant for solving mysteries and communicating with the dead in 1910 France.

The plot is cleverly crafted, with a unique blend of ghostly encounters, witty banter, and suspenseful investigation. Elinor’s character is well-developed, with a strong sense of determination and independence.

The setting of Alenbonné, a coastal city with picturesque canals and a rich history of ghostly activity, is vividly described and immerses the reader in a world of wonder and magic. Nash’s writing style is engaging and evocative, making it easy to become lost in the world of the story.

View all my reviews


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