Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione – Review by Barbara Bohls

Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues…Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues… by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series and it follows along with the first one quite well. That being said, it is full of all the information that you could possibly want to be able to read them in any order. I don’t feel as if anything is missed should you read this book before the other. It would just be like looking backwards. This books carries everything in it, romance, laughter, and anger. This book gives you a look into what it must have felt like to move to another country in the 1950’s. It gives a love story that spans more than just your typical love story. It shows the struggle of what stress can do to love. It shows the battle of what it is like to move to an area where you don’t know anyone. It really makes the reader feel what the main female character feels. It was making me turn pages as quickly as I could. As soon as the leading female started to set down roots and grow in the area that she went to in order to follow love, something happens. It then causes turmoil that I didn’t see coming but made complete sense once it happened. I will be rereading this book numerous times. I am normally not a fan oh historical romance but this one had much more to it than the normal book in this genre.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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