Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione – Review by Jenni Bishop

Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues…Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues… by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Set in the 1950’s Italian American is a raw look at life for a woman from Rome as she sets abroad and into a new life with her American husband. It showcases their relationship, her relationship with her frost-bitten mother-in-law and those of others. Why they have such a tumultuous relationship I don’t know because the story doesn’t go into it which is a shame as it would give us as readers more understanding. Mariella understandably misses her family and longs to see them again.
Italian American has emotions running high in this beautiful tale, but it also shows the strength, resilience and spirit of a woman between two worlds. It will have your heart aching as you will celebrate and commiserate her struggles, her passions and her happiness in this rollercoaster of a story.
This book can be read as a standalone as I didn’t realise there was a first book, Greetings from Asbury Park until after I had finished. The author does a good job of pulling it altogether, so I didn’t feel as though I missed out. I will however go back and read it.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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