What Eyes Can’t See (Bold Journeys Series) by Paulette Stout – Review by Tausha Treadway

What Eyes Can't See: Spicy contemporary fictionWhat Eyes Can’t See: Spicy contemporary fiction by Paulette Stout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What Eyes Can’t See (Bold Journeys Series) by Paulette Stout. This is a great contemporary women’s fiction book with some romance and political justice. Barbara is a young black woman who has already had great successes being an attorney. She has had to work twice as hard because not only is it a man’s world its a mainly white man’s world. Barbara grew up very well off due to her dad having his own successful law firm. When she finds her fiance in bed with another woman right before their wedding she is heartbroken. It was a non refundable destination wedding so she gives it to one of her friend and becomes a bridesmaid at what should have been her wedding. While there she meets Sebastian who is the exact opposite of Barbara, white,poor, single mom, and a general hard life but they are attracted instantly. He’s become a successful lawyer and when they get back home and Sebastian gets the promotion she has been working so hard for. Will they be able to work thru this horrible situation? Barbara isn’t going to back down but to what end will that be? Read this great contemporary romance to find out!

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