Under Jackson Bridge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Kirsten Berkebile

This is the second book that I have read from this author. I can’t put it down, I am having some issues with Jack (the ex-husband of Irena). You see this man owes money for child support and has a lot of debt. Instead of watching how he spends his money he wastes it buying shoes. High price shoes that is. Anyways, Irena, Jack, Kelly (their daughter), Buzz and Craig on decide to go out on a boat ride. Everyone knows that they need to wear a life jacket but Jack refuses to. There is a big wave coming and it knocks Jack and Irena out of the boat in the cold water. Irena was pulled back into the boat because she was wearing the life jacket however Jack wasn’t as lucky. There is so much more to this then what meets the eye.

Under Jackson Bridge: A thriller (Beyond the Bridge Book 1)Under Jackson Bridge: A thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book that I have read from this author. I can’t put it down, I am having some issues with Jack (the ex-husband of Irena). You see this man owes money for child support and has a lot of debt. Instead of watching how he spends his money he wastes it buying shoes. High price shoes that is. Anyways, Irena, Jack, Kelly (their daughter), Buzz and Craig on decide to go out on a boat ride. Everyone knows that they need to wear a life jacket but Jack refuses to. There is a big wave coming and it knocks Jack and Irena out of the boat in the cold water. Irena was pulled back into the boat because she was wearing the life jacket however Jack wasn’t as lucky. There is so much more to this then what meets the eye.

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