In the Midst of Omens (The Legacy of Gilgamesh Series) by Nicole Bailey – Review by Deborah Joseph

In the Midst of Omens (The Legacy of Gilgamesh Book 1)In the Midst of Omens by Nicole Bailey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

** Make sure to read content warnings and Authors notes before reading **

I have never read The Epic of Gilgamesh, so not having read that I did enter this story blind, due to this being a retelling. I am glad the author added a glossary on what some of the words mean, without it, I would have been confused.
This story was very well written, along with the character/world-building.

I wanted to like this story, however I just couldn’t get into it. I have read other fantasies that I loved and was hoping to add this one to that collection. Why couldn’t I get into it? I felt there wasn’t enough action.

It started off great and grabbed my attention right away with the war. It gave great insight to how Gilgamesh’s character is. How he is power-hungry and wants to make a name for himself. He did care for those in his inner circle and protected his family, but is ruthless.

After the first chapter, the war, it slowed down… A LOT. It became more of a slow burn and focused on character/world-building. While this is great for some, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Even the fight with Enkidu wasn’t much to grab my attention back. It was also love at first sight (or touch in their case).

There were other moments where I thought it was going to pick back up again, but it was never enough to grab my attention until about 80% into it.

I just didn’t vibe with it. I am sure someone who has read The Epic of Gilgamesh might be able to enjoy this story to its fullest potential, and of course, if you are more into character/world-building.

This book does end with a cliffhanger, but I don’t think I will be getting the second book in this series.

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