El Diablo (Jessica Watts Southwest Suspense Series) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Jenni Bishop

El Diablo: A Jessica Watts Southwest Suspense Novel (Jessica Watts Southwest Suspense Series Book 2)El Diablo: A Jessica Watts Southwest Suspense Novel by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just like the first book, the second book, “El Diablo,” is a gripping and thrilling story in the Jessica Watts Southwest Suspense Novels series. This book begins two years after the first book, “Tequila Midnight.”
This cleverly woven story embodies gritty darkness, palpable tension, high-end danger, and plenty of suspense. Amateur detective Jessica may be reckless and unpredictable, but there is one thing she won’t tolerate, and that is injustice. There are a lot of sick individuals out there, and she is more than willing to kick arse and take names. She will always run into danger to protect those who need it. Now she is stuck in a world where only criminals and the vile exist, and staring down her own monsters is not a place she wants to explore.
“El Diablo” is a book that will have you on the edge of your seat, looking into the darkness to see what lies beyond. You will find it at times violent, disturbing, dangerous, and questionable, but you will be high on the chase as it twists and turns and totally immersed in it. I loved it.
I need more.

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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