The Crown of Stones Trilogy Box Set (The Crown of Stones Series) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Amanda Swindle

The Crown of Stones Complete TrilogyThe Crown of Stones Complete Trilogy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Crown of Stones is the first series I have read from C.L.Schneider and was an amazing intro into this author. The trilogy is composed of Magic Price, Magic Scars, and Magic Borne.
In book one (Magic Price) we meet Ian Troy: Bounty Hunter. Ian lives in exile and has a rough and rugged past. When the past comes back to haunt him, he must once again take up magic to abolish the threats. Book two (Magic Scars) follows book one, and Ian Troy is in trouble. To suppress his magic, Ian has been tortured and drugged into submission. Ofcourse, our hero isn’t going to sit back while the world around him, and within him, crumbles. In an attempt to answer the questions in his head, and facing his past over again, Ian uncovers secrets that were perhaps better left unfound. Book three (Magic Borne) brings us to the end of Ian’s story and The Crown of Stones in order to free himself, and his people, from the torment and suffering they have endured.
The Crown of Stones Trilogy is a dark fantasy full of adventure, twists, and hard decisions. The characters are believable with their trauma and back story trickling in, and their reactions to events as they happen. Readers should be advised that some parts do get quite heavy as our hero traverses not only the trauma around him, but also within himself. This was a fantastical series and I will be looking into more works from C.L.Schneider!

Reviewed by @zoltrixes

View all my reviews

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