The Holey Land by Laura Koerber – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Holey LandThe Holey Land by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Holy Land is a cleverly written charming and fun tale full of unique and quirky characters some like spirit guides and guardians both seen and not seen that have been around since the start of time. OMG AL is just hysterical. A place where time seems to stand still and the past and present intwine. There is a mystery, a peace, a sense of belonging and most of all discoveries.
Molly isn’t herself and not sure why and taking a holiday by herself and not with hubby is not something she usually does. What she needs can only be found in the Holy Land she just doesn’t know it yet. Did she pick the place, or did it pick her? You only have to look, really look to see what is there and what she discovers is exactly what she needs. Now I know that is all cryptic, but I don’t want to spoil things for you. You will need to read it to find out.
Laura is known for her unconventional tales and The Holy Land is just that, but it is so much more, it is an intriguing read and full of mystery and magical realism. It may be a short story, but it is packed full.
Journey along with Molly as she discovers some wonders in the world.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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