
The Fighter (An Underground Bad Boys Romance Book 3) by India Kells – Review by Barbara Bohls

The Fighter (An Underground Bad Boys Romance, #3)The Fighter by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The push and pull of the characters in this book will hook you from the very beginning. The knight in shining armor that no one asked for but yet never knew they needed until he appeared, the fighter trying to make it big, and the nurse. These are the characters that will have you feel every emotion the author is trying to portray. I’ve always said that an amazing writer is one that will convey everything they are feeling while writing their books to you through their words. I was not disappointed at all. This book reads very easily and the character growth and development is amazing. You will be trying to figure out what will happen next but at the same time you will be caught up in the sizzling steamy scenes that happen between the characters. This book is what I consider an easy read because I was constantly turning the pages to see what was going to happen next. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride this book takes you on.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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The Traitor (An Underground Bad Boys Romance Book 2) by India Kells – Review by Barbara Bohls

The Traitor, An Underground Bad Boys SeriesThe Traitor, An Underground Bad Boys Series by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book of this series and let me tell you, the steam and sizzle on the pages didn’t slow down. It almost felt like it increased. When reading this book you are going to need a fan to help cool you down from these amazing spicy scenes. A boy that will gladly give his body away but not his heart comes toe to toe with a feisty little spitfire that he can’t seem to stay away from. Then you add in a friend from the past and things spark to life. The characters in this book are amazing and it gave me everything I didn’t know I needed and then even more of the things I knew I needed. If you love reading some sizzling scenes and still have some substance of a story than this book is for you!!. I couldn’t put it down and it was a quick read for me because I just got lost in the book. Enjoy!!!

Reviewed by @bbohls

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The Debt Collector (An Underground Bad Boys Romance Book 1) by India Kells – Review by Barbara Bohls.

The Debt Collector (An Underground Bad Boys Romance)The Debt Collector by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was hands down one of the steamiest, hottest, most melting books I have read so far this year. If you don’t have any triggers and don’t mind a little MM and MMF, you are in for a real treat. This books has scenes that burn the pages up and the of course will make you read it faster and not be able to put it down. There is character development throughout the story but I felt it needed just a little more than what I was given. Complete personal choice, it is there just didn’t hit the sweet spot for me. You will definitely fall for the characters and by the end of the book, you won’t be able to choose your favorite. The darkness that they all experienced in their lives is what brings them all together. If you have a few hours to tuck yourself away to read, this must be the book. When I say tuck yourself away, I mean it. You will be blushing from the things that you will be reading. Enter at your own risk but you won’t be disappointed.

Review by @bbohls

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The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla) by S.B. Alexander – Review by Barbara Bohls

The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla, #1)The Hunted by S.B. Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first book by this author. Let me tell you, I was not disappointed. The way the characters are written allows the reader to easily visualize them and the hot vampire is exactly that, HOT!! They character development in this story is really good but it was the twists and turns (suspense and action) that really made me sink my teeth into it. This book has everything from romance, steam, to suspense. I highly recommend this book because it left me wanting more. I couldn’t stop reading it. The pages blurred together and when the ending happened, I wasn’t prepared or ready for it to be over. Can she stop hunting him and love him? That question is what had me through the whole book.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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Shamrock & Clover: Field’s Apart by C.A. King – Review by Barbara Bohls

Shamrock & Clover: Fields ApartShamrock & Clover: Fields Apart by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is amazing. It is a really quick read but it does not disappoint. You would think that with a name like Clover, you would have all the luck. Not the case in this book. There is an adorable meet-cute in this book between the main characters. One is not living enough and the other is living a little to much. Can they meet in the middle and find solid ground? This book is truly a romantic story full of optimism, love, and fun. You won’t be disappointed to read it and can read it in a day. It is a great little escape. The characters are relatable and the writing style pulls you in from the start. I highly recommend this book and can’t wait to read more from this author.

Review by @bbohls

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Ruthless Heir (Mafia Elite Book 5) by Amy McKinley – Review by Barbara Bohls

Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite, #5)Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What could go wrong with a one night stand? I am sure Summer was thinking nothing would happen if she allowed herself to just break free and have a moment for herself. She wasn’t expecting Luc. Luc was bound and determined to make Summer his. This book has the twists and turns that you got in the previous books. It has all the steam that you could possibly want and the amazing love that these characters all share. I found this book to be an easy read and I love everything mafia, so that makes it even easier to read. Just when I think I know what is going to happen there is a turn that I didn’t see coming. That kept me more engaged and even gave me a bit of a withdrawal after finishing it. If mafia, action, love, steam, bad a$$ females, alpha males, and HEA’s are your thing you will love this book. Just be prepared to have your heart ripped out and shoved back together by the end. So so so good.
Reviewed by @bbohls

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Claiming My Mate (Wolf Hollow Pack Book 1) by Nicole Howl – Review by Barbara Bohls

Claiming My Mate (Wolf Hollow Pack #1)Claiming My Mate by Nicole Howl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has everything I could ever hope for. It is a really quick read and transports your away from your own reality. This book is about a Prince and a human-turned werewolf servant. There are some triggers that need to be addressed before reading this book. The first trigger is rape, the book doesn’t go into detail about it but it is heavily discussed and the trauma is there for the character. The other trigger is abuse, again this isn’t highly described but it is present and there is a heavy undertone to some of the characters. I fell in love with the main characters right away. I love a sassy female that learns to stand up for herself. The Prince is whole heartily what any true book boyfriend should be: caring, loving, devoted, and protective. This book does leave you on a cliff-hanger so be aware. However, it is so good that it won’t really bother you because you just get a feeling that whatever is coming is so gonna be worth it.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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I Dream of Cassie: A Student-Teacher Age-Gap Romance by Diana Vale – Review by Barbara Bohls

I Dream of Cassie: A Student-Teacher Age-Gap RomanceI Dream of Cassie: A Student-Teacher Age-Gap Romance by Diana Vale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an amazing short read. It has both POVs and I love that in a book, I feel it helps round out the story line. This book is also really well written. I only give it 4 stars because I feel like it could have been longer. I felt that the scenes, even though written really well, could have been longer. The crazy dynamic between the two main characters and their shenanigans to keep their inappropriate relationship a secret is highly entertaining. It is a very fast paced book that I couldn’t put down. The growth of the characters is appropriate for the pace of the book. I just wish there was more. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good age gape, inappropriate, wholesome love story.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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(UN)Loved (Mixed Emotions Series) by Katy Hunter – Review by Barbara Bohls

(Un)Loved (Mixed Emotions, #1)(Un)Loved by Katy Hunter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What happens when you meet the love of your life but your life isn’t where it needs to be? That is what happens with the main characters of this book. They are amazing and their lives are going where they want them to but is that enough? Does what they’re doing now affect what they want in the future? Can they work things out to get what they are wanting? These are the questions that I was constantly asking myself during this book. The characters have growth that you won’t see coming. There are is many bumps and bruises that they get along the way. This book had me crying, cursing, ranting, and swooning. I feel like I went on an emotional roller coaster. I wanted it to end then didn’t want it to end. I feel like I got whiplash with how things were constantly changing in this story. It almost gave me a book hangover. Not a lot of books can do that but this one did and the makes it a 5 star read. It is a witty, fun, romantic, steamy, soul crushing adventurous book. It constantly makes you wonder, is love enough. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to be emotionally abused. Just kidding, kind of. It is a great read and you want be disappointed while reading it.

Review by @bbohls

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Class Clown (Ghost Girl Series) by Allan Evans – Review by Barbara Bohls

Class ClownClass Clown by Allan Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is not in my normal go to wheel house. I have read horror before and enjoy a good mystery, so I thought, why not give this book a try. I was not disappointed. This book flows from the first page to the last page. It is incredibly well written and the characters have growth. The thing that gets me though is that the main character is having to deal with seeing dead people and crazy clowns all while attending high school and trying to have a normal life. She sets out to save those she cares about from the crazy clowns, which I pictured in my head to look a little like Killer Clowns From Outer Space but darker. The action sequence in this book is a huge page turner. The ending I feel could have lasted a little longer. Maybe had more of an epic engine scene but it was still really good the way it is. I guess I just didn’t want the book to end. If you are looking for a book that will completely transport you into the story, this is that book. I lost track of time while reading this because I couldn’t put it down.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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Doctor in the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, Book 3) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Barbara Bohls

Doctor in the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, #3)Doctor in the Outback by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book gave me all the feels. It has two amazing characters that have been through some things in their past. It is because of these things in their past that they are hesitant to move forward with love. They then decide to face their pasts and move forward with each other. They are finding their place together when someone from one of their pasts shows up. This pushes them to decide where they are going and what they are doing together. This book has a HEA and is a quick read. I highly recommend getting lost in the Outback of Australia where all the doctors seem to be hot and there is no lack of steam. Romance, character growth, drama, trauma, and hot steamy scenes make this book a 5 star in my opinion.

Review by @bbohls

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Doctor D’s Orderly Affair (Doctors of Eastport General) by C.A. King – Review by Barbara Bohls

Doctor D's Orderly AffairDoctor D’s Orderly Affair by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is an amazing quick, witty, and steamy read. I gave this book 4 stars because I felt like the ending was rushed. The book has amazing flow throughout but the last two chapters seemed rushed. The story line is amazing. I felt like there could have been a little more elaboration as to where, why, and how in the last couple chapters. I am not giving away any spoilers and I do recommend this book to anyone needing a quick escape. The characters are amazing and funny. They have certain hang ups that they have to overcome by the end of the book, which does happen. This book did give me all the feels with Dr. D’s whole persona. He learned from the past and moved forward but it also gave a look as to what it means and how it feels when you let the people you love down. Emily is a fun loving and good hearted girl. She is very cautious and tends to hover in the realm of being safe. She does learn to let go a little and live. This is a humorous and quick read. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a couple hours of free time.

Review by @bbohls

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Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite, book 4) by Amy McKinley – Review by Barbara Bohls

Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite, #4)Savage Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Starting at the beginning, the love/hate relationship that Elena and Marco have is amazing!!!!! It is one that will make your blood boil for so many reason. One of those reasons is the steam between the two. It is so steamy I felt like I lost some weight reading this book by sweating it out. The tension that surrounds them in everything they do has them constantly feelings things they think they shouldn’t be. Can Elena survive the changes that have happened in The Family since she has been gone? Will the constant barbs taken at each other come to an end if they can just admit their feelings. These are the questions that I asked myself during this book. It was so well written and I am a sucker for character development during a book and this one did not let me down. This book has everything that I have come to love in this authors books. The steam, the action, the suspense, the steam, the love, the romance, the steam, and did I mention the steam. This books makes me wish I was in the mafia. The twists and turns this series has taken so far some are answered in this book and it will make you so happy to find things out. However, you will constantly be asking yourself if these characters did in fact do what you just read. It is just that good.

reviewed by @bbohls

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Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance by Carina Alyce – Review by Barbara Bohls

Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter RomanceWildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance by alyce
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has so much steam from the very beginning, that you can’t help but blush while reading it. The story itself is a little all over the place. I’m not meaning poorly written, it has a great story line to it and amazing characters. What made it all over the place for me was the added point of view. It isn’t horrible, I just didn’t care to have a third persons point of view as to what was going on. Purely my own opinion. I love the two main characters giving their view of what is going on. Adding the third person to it just kinda lost the feel of the story for me. I love a strong female character but don’t necessarily care for a female character that is so set in her ways that it is a liability to herself. Most people don’t do what the main female in the story did. I love that she has a passion for what she does. I love that the main man is supportive of her dreams and is willing to make sure that she can accomplish everything safely. It is a swoony romance and you are captivated by not only all the steamy scenes but also the reactions of the characters when things happen. It is not your typical firefighter romance book. If you go in with an open mind and about 2 hours of time you can finish this book with a slight coloring of your cheeks and a new appreciation for female firefighters.

Review by @bbohls

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Imperfectly Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Barbara Bohls

Imperfectly Yours (Titans of Manhattan #2)Imperfectly Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book makes you feel things all throughout the book. I have never had a book grab me emotionally from the start like this book did. It is a continuation of the Titan Series but that being said you do not necessarily have to read the first book to understand what is happening in this book. This book does deal with some very heavy issues. If you have a trigger for addition, then this book is not for you. The way the characters face the horrible fates of addition in this book make it worth the read. It deals with real life situations and tugs at your heart strings. It deals with things that a lot of couples have gone through and the ability to cope with loss. I gave this book 5 stars because it deals with real events that people do go through so there is a humanizing relationship with this book. The reader can actually picture themselves in this situation. The coping mechanisms may not be how everyone handles things but it is raw and honest on how some might cope with everything in this book. I highly recommend reading this book and having a box a tissues next to you because it will tear your heart up but deliver it back to you with a bow at the end.

Review by @bbohls
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Blindsided by T. Christensen – Review by Barbara Bohls

Blindsided: A Contemporary Sports RomanceBlindsided: A Contemporary Sports Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was not what I was expecting. It was incredibly much much more. This is not your everyday high school bully romance book. It has many twists and turns which leave your mouth hanging open. You will have to reread a few sentences throughout the book because you won’t believe that, yes, that actually happened. This book is really well written and was a huge page turner for me. This is my first book by this author and I can officially say I will be reading more. The writing style sucks you in and the story line keeps you there. The characters in this book are spot on. I couldn’t see this book without the characters in it, like it just made sense. This book also has STEAM to it. I am so invested in these characters that I hope all of them get their own story. You will fall in love, have your heart ripped out, be stitched back together, get angry, smile with vindictiveness, and have a happily ever after. What else do you need from a book? NOTHING!! AMAZING!! This is a must read for 2022.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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Swipe Right to Bite (New Orleans Nocturnes Book 6) by Carrie Pulkinen – Review by Barbara Bohls

Swipe Right to Bite (New Orleans Nocturnes, #6)Swipe Right to Bite by Carrie Pulkinen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has it all. It has humor, steamy scenes, character growth, and a happy ending. The author takes her characters on a journey in this series. I read all of the books leading up to this one before starting this one. I noticed that all of the authors characters go on a journey. The journey always ends up with a trip to hell. In this book, there are a few trips to hell for the characters. The main characters in this book are trying to recover from their time in hell. It is a laugh out loud book that takes you through the ores of the characters. It is a day read and you won’t want to stop until you are finished. It is a HUGE page turner. If you haven’t read the other books in the series, it is not necessary to do but will help you understand the secondary characters in the book. . I was able to completely immerse myself in the book because of the way the author writes. The descriptive writing and amazing dialogue keeps you wanting to the turn the pages. It makes you want to keep going. Add in the humor and the steamy love scenes and this book has become a contender in my top 20 books of 2021. This is a must read if you just want to clear your mind and take an escape into the crazy supernatural realm.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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Fall to Pieces by Becky Flade – Review by Barbara Bohls

Fall to PiecesFall to Pieces by Becky Flade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is completely different from what I normally read. Yes there is romance which is right up my alley but it seemed more of a mystery to me. The suspense is there but the focus seems to be on finding the person who did these acts. It is also about self discovery after loss. The characters in this book are great and have an amazing character development throughout the book. The story line is amazing and it will keep you turning the pages in order to figure out who did what and if they will actually be able to catch the person who did these things. The reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is because even though there is a love story in the book it seems to be more about the mystery/thrill of the story, I highly recommend reading this is suspense/mystery/thrill with a side of romance is your thing.
Reviewed by @bbohls
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Conveniently Yours (Titans Of Manhattan BOOK 1) by Anise Storm – Review by Barbara Bohls

Conveniently Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #1)Conveniently Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has all the feels. It has the steam, business to lovers, childhood friends reunited, nosey family, and most of all it has character development. This book starts out steamy and it continues throughout the book. If you aren’t one for really hot scenes then this book is not for you. If you love some steam in your books, then welcome friend!!! This book is for you. The main characters were childhood friends and lost touch until literally running into each other at the hospital. They each have their reasons for joining into a contractual marriage but it isn’t long before they realize they are meant for each other. However, there are some huge obstacles for them to overcome in order to have a happily ever after. “Can they do it?,” is the question that makes you keep turning the pages and not stop reading until you have finished the book. There is just the right amount of turmoil with character growth, that you will want to keep reading even when the book ends. I can’t wait for the second book in this series.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Barbara Bohls

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was amazing. I am a huge fan of mafia romance books and this one did not disappoint. It had me on the of my seat the entire time I was reading. I was emotionally pulled into the book. When the characters were getting angry, I was getting angry. This book took so many twists and turns that I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. I kept turning the pages trying to figure out what was going to happen next and was that guy as bad as the others thought. Will the main characters be able to have their happily ever after, was the main question I asked during the whole book. The character development of this amazing group will leave you wishing you were part of them. I always say that a great writer is one that can make you feel the emotions of the characters, and this is a great example of it. This is the first book I have read by Amy McKinley but it definitely won’t be the last. I have bonded with the characters in this book that I need to know what happens next. I am also going to have to google everything she has written and read them

Review by @bbohls
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Blood Oath (Mafia Elite, book 2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Barbara Bohls

Blood Oath (Mafia Elite, #2)Blood Oath by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series. I absolutely loved the first book and was hoping this book wouldn’t let me down. Oh, how right I was. This book isn’t just as good as the first book in this series, it’s better. This is the continuation of the amazing group we met in the first book and really gives the background the two main characters of this book. It does also give you a glimpse into the other characters (I am sure there are more books coming). This has the twists and turns that I have come to love from an Amy McKinley book, but it also has the emotional heart string pulls. You feel for these characters and this book brought me to tears because of the way these two loved each other but were holding back because of outside circumstances. You are constantly wondering if they will ever just say “screw it” and be with each other or will all the rules of the mafia keep them apart. This book has suspense, mystery, action, love, and even humor in it. I felt myself go through every emotion while reading this. If you have ever read a mafia romance book and liked it, you will definitely love this series

Review by @bbohls
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Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairing Series Book 1) by Parker Fairchild – Review by Barbara Bohls

Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairings Series Book 1)Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship by Parker Fairchild
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was exactly like the title suggested. A lot of Christmas spirit on a cruise ship. The characters have an amazing meet cute. Olivia Chasen, chemist and complete nerd, wanted to get away from the drama that had engulfed her life. She went on a cruise over Christmas and her first night there, she met Santa and Mrs Clause. A few drinks or maybe a lot of drinks later, Olivia is recalling what her dream man would be like and gives a name that actually belongs to a man on the ship. She wakes up the next day thinking that she dreamed everything that happened because there is just no way he could ever be real.
Jace Morse, went on a cruise because his friends were getting married. Little did he know he would meet Santa and Mrs. Clause, who would then direct him to the love of his life. He pursues her and tries not to be to forward with her, thinking she might spook easily. She gives him a run for his money.
This book has a lot of laugh out loud moments. It is a very sweet holiday romance. You don’t want to put the book down because you are constantly waiting to see what kind of mischievous things that Olivia will get into. It makes you feel like a little kid again and believing in the Christmas Spirit. All in all I would recommend this book to anyone who needs a light hearted romantically escape.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Barbara Bohls

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book took me on some twists and turns, it was like riding a roller coaster. This is not your typical rock star romance book. Yes, it has the typical alpha male that most do but he has a twist that isn’t typical in your rock star romance. He is not an @$$. The slow burn that is built in the book has you constantly turning the page to see what happens next in their journey. Can they overcome what has happened in their lives in the past to build something that could be amazing for their future? That is what I was constantly asking myself while reading this book. Then, once I thought I had a handle on how things were going to go…. BAM…. out of no where comes a twist that not only turned everything upside down but messed with my emotions. This book almost had me in tears for so many different reason. That is what told me that this book was written really good. Not many authors can build your emotions to go through a vast array and make you feel them. I am giving this book 4 stars because, even though I know this is the first book in the series, I felt like there could have been more story lines with the side characters. We can guess that the next books are going to be about them, so not having many details is probably a good thing. I am just one that likes to know more about the characters that I will continue reading about. That being said, I will continue to read this series because I need to know what happens after that crazy twist.

Review by @bbohls

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Runaway to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, Book 2) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Barbara Bohls

Runaway to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, #2)Runaway to the Outback by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Have you ever showed up to a bar in a wedding dress? No, me either but that is how Pandora entered into the life of Jonas. This isn’t your typical run away bride story. I gave this story 4 stars because it is a decent and easy read. The characters do have some development throughout the story but the ending feels a little rushed. It is a slow burn steamy romance between the two main characters and they struggle through the whole book to overcome their personal issues. The issues get resolved in the last chapter of the book and the epilogue gives you a months after they resolved things and ends with a happy ending. It just felt as though there could have been more substance from the last chapter to the epilogue. I wanted to know more and be more intertwined into the overall plot of the story. Don’t get me wrong, this is a good book and worth reading and the series so far is good. I would recommend this book to people but would give a warning of the rushed ending. Again, this is just my take on the story. I am one that loves to be fully immersed into the story and I wasn’t with this one. I would chose to read it again because I can’t stress enough that it is good. I just like a little more meat and potatoes with my books.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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Entwined (Stone and Cinder Book 1) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Barbara Bohls

Entwined: A Cinderella Retelling (Stone and Cinder Book 1)Entwined: A Cinderella Retelling by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is AMAZING!!!! I am not patiently waiting for the second book. I thought that I had seen all the twists and turns of the classic Cinderella story but man oh man, was I wrong. This book isn’t at all what you think it might be. Yes, it has some of the same plot lines of the classic Cinderella. The step sisters, the step mother, and the Prince. That is however, where the similarities end. This book took so many twists and turns. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but I was never disappointed by what did happen. The book has so much suspense that I was constantly turning the page to see what happens. I couldn’t stop reading this book once I started. I am normally not a fan of fantasy but this book might have made me change my mind. Not only does it contain fantasy but it is also pretty steamy. I think the biggest mistake I made when getting started with this book was going into it thinking it would be just another version of the classic Cinderella. So, if you could go into this book knowing that it will have some fundamentals but is not anything like the classic Cinderella, you should be amazed.

Review by @bbohls

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Forever: A Diamond Doms Novel by Ivy Nelson- Review by Barbara Bohls

Forever (Diamond Doms #9)Forever by Ivy Nelson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the conclusion to the Diamond Does series by Ivy Nelson. She has outdone herself with this book. She maintains the deep development of characters like she has done in previous books. This means that you fall in love with the characters and as they grow throughout the book so does your relationship with them. You can’t help but feel everything that they feel. There is suspense, action, romance, and very steamy steamy scenes. You will find yourself going on the adventure that her characters take in this book. You will find yourself talking out loud to the book because you just can’t help but add your own two cents about the situations that these characters get into. If you’ve read the whole series, you will see some characters that you recognize and it is nice to see where they are at in this story.

Gemma and Russel seem to be fighting everything around them and fighting for their relationship at the same time. We watch as Russel goes from protector to lover to protector and back to lover. It is nice seeing the rough edges thaw a little when Gemma is around. Gemma maintains her fiercely strong self worth throughout the book. She doesn’t like to show weakness and feels conflicted when her guard is down and those weaknesses are shown. The struggle that these characters go through are struggles that could happen in everyday life. No, I am not talking about the suspense part of the book but ore their moral struggles or self imposed lines they won’t cross.

This book has tons of steam. If you have some triggers about masochism and sadism, please be advise that this book is nothing but that type of BDSM relationship and take caution when deciding if to read it. If you don’t have any triggers this book is amazing!!! You will love the suspense, action, character development, and obviously the steam.


Review by @bbohls

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Code Name: Vulture: A Dark Vampire Romance.(The Order of the Condor Series Book 1) by Maya Daniels and Sylvia Black – Review by Barbara Bohls

Code Name: Vulture: Dark Vampire Romance (The Order of the Condor Series Book 1)Code Name: Vulture: Dark Vampire Romance by Maya Daniels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***No Spoilers***
This book has it all: Romance, Suspense, Intrigue, and Steam. I was not able to put this book down. The main characters in this book come with heavy secrets that they are trying to protect. How far will they go to protect those secrets when their own very lives are at stake? This question is what kept me from being able to put the book down. I kept turning page after page to see what would happen next. Knowing that this is the first book in the series, I am only assuming that the characters that we are introduce too will be making future appearances throughout the series. The air of mystery pulls you in during the first couple chapters. It has you second guessing who is good and who is bad. The suspense has you on the edge of your seat. You will want nothing more than to continue reading just so you can see what happens. The way the characters of Vulture and Danielle were written, you can feel their struggles. Vulture leaves you with a dark good guy vibe. You know what I mean, he is bad because of who he is but the way he acts and how protective he is makes him seem like a good guy. Danielle is an amazing female lead. She is strong, courageous, smart, and obviously beautiful. She is always stepping up to the plate and throwing herself into every situation without any doubts. You will see the strength of the characters grow throughout the book. Their journey is full of twists and turns. When you finish this book you will be left with a book hangover and the need for the second book in the series,

Review by Barbara Bohls

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Something Lost (Funerals and Weddings SeriesBook 1) by Bernadette Marie – Review by Barbara Bohls

Something LostSomething Lost by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You will fall in love with love during this book. It has everything that any romance reader could ever dream of. It contains suspense, character development, tragic life struggles, loves being brought back together due to unforeseen circumstances, and an amazing group of friends. The author keeps you on the edge of your seat by building the suspense about what happened and where things are going to go. The character development seems genuine and is completely relatable. You can feel the burn that the main characters have for each other, their love makes even the most skeptic people believe in love.


Reviewed by @bbohls

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