
Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat house confessions) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Kerry Carr

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat House Confessions, #6)Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. It is a romance of opposites attracting. There are so emotional parts and some funny parts which all mixed together makes a great read.

Casey is a shadow of herself since losing her friend. She has become a wall flower who just exists instead of lives. Focused on her studies she has no time for fun or romance. That is until Setter runs into her life.

Setter is a jock and a total prankster. He is spending his time at college having fun, having meanless flings with women and pulling as many pranks as he can.

When Casey and Setter are paired up for a project they start to explore who the other person really is. Also when Casey’s dad asks Setter to help his daughter start to live again their feelings grow and develop.

Will Casey be able to live again? Is Setter just spending time with her cause he was asked to? Could Casey be the woman to tame Setter once and for all?

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Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat house confessions) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat House Confessions, #6)Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great read and so hard to put down! Another great book by Danielle Jacks. The loved the sparks between football playing prankster Setter and studious and keeps to herself Casey. When Setter meets Casey in the library, running from Campus police, the story just takes off. There are some twists and turns as you find out what why Casey stays more to herself when she loses her best friend and the Setter’s father into having Setter take over the family owned business and high expectations. In the end, is Casey good enough for Setter? Definitely read the book and find out. This book was an easy read and the story just flowed. I truly enjoyed this book and so glad I read it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Amber Day

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My heart!

From what I can recall this is my first book by Danielle Jacks and it has me wondering why. While I tend to read ‘spicy’ romance books this book hit home with the realness that it portrayed. Jody is, as she feels, the family screw up. Honestly, she is a bit of a hot mess, but when her grandmother gets hurt she goes to her. There enters Adam. He is yummy. Their story held me captivated and I wasn’t mad about it. It is worth a read if you want a relatable love story.

Reviewed by @awesomelyamber

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Rachel Moss

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Heart Of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks was a really good read! At the beginning I wasn’t sure if I would like the main character Jody, but her and her quirks quickly grew on me. I thought this was a quick, short read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot was really good, the storyline was interesting, and the characters had a lot of character. I was laughing throughout this novel and even wanted to cry at some parts. I’ve read another book by this author before but so far this one has been favorite! I can’t wait to read more from Jacks in the future!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Rosanna Ingram

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jody got fired from another job and knows she needs to find another job. She doesn’t want her sister pointing out how she can’t hold a job…Jody does enough of that to herself. When Adam calls to let the sisters know that their gran is injured and someone needs to run the shop, Jody ends up having to be the one to go handle it.

From the moment Jody arrives in town, Adam knows there is no room in his life for this high maintenance girl. But, since he is a helper, he helps Jody along the way in order to keep the shop open. As they grow closer, though, Adam sees the real Jody that she keeps hidden beneath the layers of insecurity and self-doubt. When the time comes for Jody to move back home, can he convince her to stay? Or will she return back to her sister’s to find her next job?

Jody’s self-doubt is front and stage from the first page. It was interesting to watch her grow as the book progressed and realize that sometimes her own thoughts stand in her way. I wasn’t a fan of Adam’s at the beginning because of the way he treated Jody…but he grew on me. I enjoyed reading their story. Another good book by an author I am really coming to enjoy!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Michelle Mulvey

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The heart of Baker Bay surprised me. I’m the beginning, I felt like it wasnt going to hold my interest. I’m not sure where exactly my opinion changed but, I found myself really enjoying this book.

Poor Jody….I kinda felt bad for her in the beginning. She seemed like she just couldn’t keep a job. After being fired from her most recent job, she ended up having to go help out / run her grandmothers shop in Clover Bay. Jody told Adam that someone from her family would be there the following day. Hannah was expected to be that person but since Jody promised it, Jody is the one who has to go do the work.

Adam is a small town guy who likes to help everyone out. He wasn’t expecting Jody to be there that morning and he seemed to be really put off about it. I almost feel like Adam was being mean to Jody because of the type of person she portrayed. Once Jody showed her real self, Adam and her began to get along and Adam helped her out as much as he could.

Will Adam and Jody end up being together or will Jody go back to the city life and see how many more jobs she can go thru before finding the right one.

I liked the characters and the story flowed well. Looking forward to more by this author

review by @xchellex

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Sarah Devereaux

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks is a contemporary romance, and my first book by Danielle Jacks. I really enjoyed the storyline of this book. I felt very connected to Jody and her experiences and the way she felt towards Adam.
Jody is the mess up and let down in her family. The book begins with her being fired and with no job. She wants to do something with her life but she also doesn’t realize the importance of responsibility and the commitment it takes.
When Jody’s grandmother has an accident and can’t run her seaside cafe, Jody is the member of the family who finds herself stepping up and temporarily moving to the small town of Clover Bay to help run the café even though she can’t hold down a job for more than a few weeks in Manchester.
Insert the cute, young mail delivery man, Adam, in the small seaside town and readers have themselves a fantastic adult contemporary romance read about learning to find yourself, taking responsibility, stepping outside your comfort zone and just how important family, and love, really is.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good contemporary novel and for someone looking for that perfect read to take to the beach. This definitely won’t be my last of Danielle’s!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Stephanie Nicole

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you love small town romances then you will love Danielle Jacks The Heart of Baker Bay. This small town romance is filled with growth, family, innocent romance, and above all finding yourself, everything that makes this reader love small town romances. Ms. Jacks characters are delightful and the way they discover themselves through the story is just wonderful. Her scenery really adds to the small town feeling, making her readers feel like they are right at home. The dialog between her characters is fun and very realistic making her story even more relatable to her readers. So if you are looking for a great summer read then I highly recommend The Heart of Baker Bay.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this sweet contemporary romance set in a small village by Danielle Jacks. This was an easy and lighthearted read which left me with a real feel good feeling. Main characters, Jody and Adam are definitely opposites when they meet but they are both likeable and relatable characters who I felt instantly engaged with. Jody has been fired from more jobs than she can remember but when her gran has an accident Jody volunteers to manage her seaside cafe in Clover Bay. To Adam Clover Bay is his home and he loves it but doesn’t like the tourists who come and go each summer. When he first meets Jody he thinks she’s high maintenance and can’t see her being anything but a temporary resident as she’s more used to the city. However the more they get to know each other Adam finds he can’t stay away even though he wants to not like her, he does. For Jody Clover Bay was only going to be temporary but that was before she got there and not only enjoyed running the cafe but also liked getting to know Adam. The storyline flowed well and the authors descriptive narrative really bought the setting of Clover Bay to life making me feel fully immersed in Jody and Adam’s story. An enjoyable read which I definitely recommend.

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Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat house confessions) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Lisa Helmick

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat House Confessions, #6)Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fun story. I was surprised by more than a few things that happened in her. That up my enjoyment level and kept me turning pages. The characters are interesting and more complex than I thought. Setter surprised me more and more as the story went forward. I thought he was just a rich boy who felt he is above everything. As I dove into his life deeper there is so much more to his actions and reactions. Casey is the smart girl with a few surprises of her own. She is stoic and her fathers offers up Setter to help her get some joy back into her life.

The secondary characters really helped mold this into the wonderful story it is. They added charm, danger and friendship to the story. Her fathers seemed overly calm at times and I always wondered if Jacob had ulterior motives in some things he did or said.

Overall its a wonderfully written story.

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The Heart of Baker’s Bay by Danielle Jack’s – Review by Cindy Mayberry

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Heart of Baker’s Bay
By Danielle Jack’s
This is a full length romantic novel.
Jody, such a lost soul. After she loses yet another job, she finds herself looking for a new job. During her search, she gets a call that her grandmother was hurt. The café needs help. After Jody tells them someone will be there, she finds herself going. With only one problem, she has no clue what she would be expected to do. Will this job be the right job for her?
Adam has always lived and loves Clover Bay. So when the high maintenance Jody arrives he finds himself questioning his first thoughts. But now he is starting to weaken and falling for Jody would be wrong. Wouldn’t it? How will these two work through their differences?

Danielle Jack’s has hit this romance out of the park. I found myself involved and committed to finishing this story. It is well written as well as fast paced. I was caught up in it after a couple of pages. Oh and I love Jody and Adam! The characters are just down to earth people, I could be friends with. Well worth the reading. Well Done Danielle Jacks! Well Done!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Debi Kircher

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks

5 Stars

I loved this book! I think my favorite part of the whole concept of this book was that our main female character was not a perfect person that had her whole life figured out and did everything right. This main character was the complete opposite and it was refreshing in a strange kind of way.

I also fell in love with Clover Bay and have it all pictured in my mind and could just imagine visiting and staying in a B&B and enjoying life.

Adam and Jody both had struggles and tried so hard to not connect, but we all know how that works out. The way they complimented each other in their own ways made this such a fun, sweet read. Watching them get past their struggles in life with help from each other was awesome. I laughed, and I definitely got teary eyed a few times.

This was an awesome, quick, one sitting read for me, and the more I read from this author the more I want to read.

I loved it and highly recommend it!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Lorrene Huisman

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book with the words that leapt off the page, were beyond beautiful with words alone. But to me this book was similar to a beautiful song being played on a piano. It was so easy to get lost in the story, the characters, and the love the book brought to life!

This one had a lot of feelings and emotions brought onto the reader in a good way. It kept you not only interested, but rooting for the main characters Jody and Adam

Both were different but at the same time they were like musical notes that come together and make not only a beautiful song, but also a beautiful melody.

I find what’s meant to be always will find its way no matter how much you may pul against the strains of the universe, and that is exactly what happened in this story.

Adam he was a person who strong minded. He had closed his heart off. He had been hurt very badly, so personally I could not blame him for his feelings of not wanting to feel or to trust. Or let alone bring down his walls and allow himself to care, and risk giving the person his heart not knowing if he would get hurt again.

Jody to me made me think at times, was this character secretly based on me? Jody hasn’t had a very easy life. She constantly seems to be let down in life be it relationships, jobs, as well as her own happiness. I find she constantly was trying to find herself and most importantly find a place where she belonged. But where did she really? Is that such an easy question for us to have as a goal not knowing how long it would take to achieve?

Jody and Adam meet and spars fly I would say, but their walls push each other away. Jody was different and Adam was very much drawn to her, though he gave himself every excuse in the book to while he shouldn’t, but when the heart truly knows, can you do anything really but listen to it?

What I loved about these two was not only how much chemistry they had, but how much they deserved each other. They didn’t have an easy life on both their sides. And being together was not as easy as basically black and white. There was some cryptic code and splash of colors swirled together. But, I find as it is with life, in the end if you really want something, you work for it every day. You never stop trying. If you stop you could very well lose it forever. And how could you go on knowing you got a taste of happiness and let it go because you didn’t try the amount you had to?

And especially I loved how at the end everything made sense and was a like a big comfortable bed. It was like a painting that was done and you could gaze upon and smile. And feel nothing but true bliss.

The author wrote a truly beautiful novel and I will be looking to read more of their work for sure. I really enjoyed this and made my heart happy and connected all the way reading through.

Highly recommend, read this and let your heart feel things from this beautiful book more than words can say. Remarkable writing would be an understatement.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Jaclyn DeTullio

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m going to be honest, when I started this book I was a little unsure about Jody. She came off as super immature, a little spoiled and a lot helpless. This story had so much character growth, and I cheered at not just her accomplishments, but also Adam’s.

I expected a sweet romance, and I certainly got that, but it was so much more. Adam needed to learn to step out of his comfort bubble, and Jody needed to believe in herself. It was a slow burn, charming and wholesome. I adored Clover Bay!

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The Heart of Baker Bay – Review by Tracy Jenks

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story! It’s a sweet, feel-good story with characters you will root for. There’s romance but not a lot of steam. It was nice to read something clean! I found both Adam and Jody, the main characters, to be relatable and I liked the story being told from both points of view. This was an easy read for those who want to escape from real life for a bit but not have to follow complicated twists and turns. The author described the little town well enough that I wouldn’t mind visiting the seaside village myself.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Amy Brennan

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I have read by author Danielle Jacks. I have been rather partial to a few different authors, and it isn’t often that I give another a try, and I am so very happy that I took the chance on her. I’ll admit, I had a lot on my plate when I started reading about Adam and Jody’s love story, what with my daughters 8th birthday, and best friend’s wedding being on the same day, and the travel associated with such, luckily, this book pulled me in. I sat in the hotels Jacuzzi tub and read more than half of this adventure in Baker Bay, though I did look like a prune afterwards, it was worth it!

I fully relate to Jody, as her life reminds me of how mine was not long ago, just a mess, and trying to find my own way. I found it to be easy to slip into the setting of Clover Bay, it felt like a home away from home, with the small village feel and closeness of all the folks you’re introduced to. All in all, I found this love story to give me goosebumps, feel the loss that the main characters go through, or have gone through, and the joy of the friendships and love these two share, for each other, and those in the inner circle. Thank you, Danielle Jacks, for a reason to escape during a hectic weekend. I’ll be coming back for more!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Danielle Jacks, The Heart of Baker’s Bay is a sweet contemporary seaside romance. With wonderful characters, a beautiful setting and not to mention the baked goods it is one read you do not want to miss out on. Danielle has written this story beautifully and I cannot find a fault with it. This is one of my favourite books I have read this year. A new town, a new start to help her Gran, Jody finds more than she thought she would ever find. Unfortunately, Adam likes his town just the way it is and outsiders are not welcome. Makes for an interestingly cute read.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Heart of Baker’s Bay by Danielle Jacks follows the path of Jody and finding where she fits in the world. She has always known city life and has been in constant limbo of job security and lives rent free with her sister. Due to a promise made that only she is able to keep, Jody finds herself at her grandmother’s cafe in a small village of Clover Bay. Clover Bay is where Jody will begin to discover her true self and her passions in this world, to include a handsome, brooding man named Adam.
The Heart of Baker’s Bay is a sweet story to follow. It flips between Jody and Adam’s story very nicely and makes you want to see how their two worlds combine to one. The characters are all lovely, including Jody’s family members whom I disliked for a while in this story. The description of Clover Bay seems like a quaint village on the coast of England that I would love to visity, if it was a real place! It was a quick, easy read that keeps you hoping for a happy ending. Recommend for a rainy day or beach read.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Heart Of Baker Bay is a great contemporary romance novel by Danielle Jacks. I have previously read a couple of her books and thoroughly enjoyed them so was looking forward to this one. I’m really glad I chose to read this book as I think this is my favourite of her books that I’ve read so far.
I totally loved Jody as a character. She feels like the black sheep of the family and for once wants to prove that she can make a go of something.
Adam is one of the nicest, sweetest characters that I have read in a long time. I’d love an Adam of my own. He has his own demons to live with that keep him living in the small quiet town of Clover Bay but he has a heart of gold and when he gets to know the real Jody, he wants nothing but the best for her.
I loved Jody and Adam’s story. They seemed like complete opposite when they first met but as time progressed you realise that they are actually very similar in many ways.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story and would definitely recommend it to others.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – – Review by Kerry Carr

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really loved this story. It is a sweet romance and is also about finding yourself and where you belong. The author does an amazing job with the characters making them come alive and feel real for the reader.

Jody thinks she is a screw up. Every jobs she tries she fails at. She just can’t seem to find her place in the world and figure out what she’s good at. When she gets a call saying her grandmother has had a fall and needs her help Jody takes it upon herself to go to her aid. After all what can happen in a small place running a cafe? And who knows this might just be the place she feels at home?

Adam is a local lad who doesn’t like tourists or outsiders invading his town. After an ex (who was an outsider) left and broke his heart Adam keeps his distance. That is until Jody comes steam rolling into his life. He doesn’t want to like her, he wants to keep far away from her, however something is drawing them together.

Can Adam let his guard down and trust another outsider? Will Jody finally find her place running her grandmother’s cafe? Or will they both be left heartbroken if Jody messed up again and leaves?

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book started out slow for me, but ending up being a great read and I am so glad that I continued on and read it through. Once I allowed myself to submerge fully into the reading I fell in love with Clover Bay and the characters within this story. Jody has had a rough go and doesn’t believe she is capable of doing anything without messing it up. When Molly (the grandma) needs help in her café, Jody gets sent instead of her sister and she starts to discover (with some assistance) that maybe she isn’t as big of a screw up as she always believed she was. Adam has been in Clover Bay all of his life and hasn’t left the small town in quite some time. He prefers the townies over the tourists and isn’t usually one to let his guard down. When Jody arrives, things start to change for him too. I love the characters here – they’re all so relatable and the story itself reminds you that anything is possible and that love is one of the most powerful things in the universe. I haven’t yet read anything else by this author yet, but after this I will be sure to read through as many as I can.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat house confessions) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Samantha Jayne Grubey

Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster (Frat House Confessions, #6)Confessions of a Sophomore Prankster by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my second book by this author and I really enjoyed it, this book is part of a series but can be read as a standalone as I did. I really enjoyed reading this book it was a contemporary romance. I really liked Casey and Setter they were hilarious characters. I enjoyed reading this and I may eventually start making my way through the other books in this series.

Reviews by @samanthajayne96x
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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is always a treat to find a contemporary romance that seem to focus more on flirting than the steamy. This story of Jody and Adam is refreshing. Jody doesn’t have the greatest record of holding jobs. She thinks she is a screwup. Who wouldn’t with people like her mom and sister always beating her confidence down. An opportunity arises to help out her injured grandmother at her bakery in Clover Bay. There she meets Adam, a handsome man with baggage just like her. Together they try to overcome odds and build a relationship together. Jody finds her voice in Clover Bay and becomes a stronger person with a purpose to her life. Clover Bay sounds like a town the physically fit might want to visit. What great descriptions such as built into a cliff; steep, no bikes or cars. Terrific book.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks

The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks is a romance story thst will have you turning the pages till the end I truly enjoyed reading this book. I found myself lost in the pages and couldn’t put it down. I’ve read other books by this author but I must say this one is definitely at the top of my favorites list. This is a story about Adam and Jody. She’s not the most reliable person and cant keep a job. Her grandmother has a accident and she finds herself in a situation where she kinda volunteers to help out . Adam didn’t want to like her he thought she was way to high man but he found out he was wrong. Can these two have a relationship together? Can this small town help mend two hearts? Find out what happens next in this absolute must read. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Nakyshia Leger

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could not put this book down. If you are looking for a heart warming, emotion tugging story, look no further than The Heart of Baker Bay. Danielle Jacks created a magical place in Clover Bay with descriptions so detailed, I could picture every scene clearly in my head. There are times in our lives where we don’t know we need someone until the universe throws them at us, and that is a lot like Adam and Jody. Both of the characters needed to do some growing in their own way, but couldn’t do it without leaning on one another. This book would make a great feel-good, Romantic Comedy movie!

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Review by @nrl0522

The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Lisa Helmick

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is such a sweet story! Its very enjoyable to read. The banter and struggles are fun and realistic. The characters are easy to love. They brought smiles to my face and joy to my heart. Adam seemed so grumpy and sometimes just plain mean. As the story progresses we learn why he is that way and what his struggles are. I love his job..its just down to earth. Jody deems herself a failure…pretty much at life. Her last ditch effort turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Watching Jody and Adam overcome their strife and coming out the other side as better people was a delight.

Secondary characters are just and fun, crazy and different as the two main ones. Gram, Sarah, Hannah heck even the townies make me smile.

One of my favorite things about this authors stories is how she makes everything come together. Even the smallest detail which normally I would just ignore or blow off..she makes it part of the story. I love that! That epilogue just added to the charm of the story. Thank you!

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Angela Hayes

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The Heart of Bakers Bay has just become my favourite read by Danielle Jacks. It is all about finding yourself, growth, and family- wrapped up in a sweet small town romance.
Jody’s life is a bit of a mess. She coasts through life one bumble to the next. She can’t seem to hold a job, and if it weren’t for her sister, she would have nowhere to live. Jody has no expectations of herself, no real goals, and her family treat her like a lost hope. Then her grandmother has an accident and next minute Jody finds herself with the task of running her gran’s small town café. Easy peasy, right? Well, not so much.
Adam is a local in town who doesn’t have time for outsiders. And definitely this outsider! Things are definitely about to get interesting…
I loved the growth and development that Jody went through- she really ‘grew up’ over the course of the story. Adam is so sweet, and he surely wasn’t expecting Jody to come bumbling into his life. But they are both tied together in their desire to help someone in need.
A sweet read!

Thank you, Danielle Jacks!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 from Author Danielle Jacks!! Nothing like a story being totally engrossed in and never wanting it to end. The story of Jody, whom cannot keep a job nor has very good experiences when it comes to keeping a job. When she goes to Clover Bay to help at her Gran’s cafe after her Gran’s accident, Jody learns so much more. Baking, helping to run a business and new friendships come along. We meet Adam, he is rough around the edges. I totally loved Adam’s character. First impressions when Adam meets Jody, he though she was “high maintenance”. You find out Adam falls for Jody and wants her to believe in herself when no one else can. Jody sees herself as a “mess up”. New friendships, love and loss …. I just loved loved loved this book. So happy for a great epilogue as well.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Ashley Dover

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jody is what I would call an underachiever. She likes where her life is, and although she’s never kept a job for very long, it’s more about the familiarity with the places and people that she has in Manchester. Shortly after losing her job as a hotel maid, her grandmother in Clover Bay falls and hurts her wrist. Jody promises Adam that there will be a member of her family there the following morning to help. Much to her chagrin, her sister, Hannah, tells her that she will be the one to go to Clover Bay since she made the promise.

Adam is a lifer in Clover Bay. He enjoys his life in Clover Bay and doesn’t like outsiders. After Molly, the owner of The Botanist, Adam calls her granddaughter, Hannah, hoping that she can come and help while Molly recuperates after her accident. Instead, Adam is met by Jody at the top of the hill. She is dressed like a high maintenance, city girl, and he sees her as an intrusion to his quiet hometown.

After talking with Jody, Adam realizes that Jody is insecure. Her failings in life seem to be broadcast as she hopelessly tries to learn how to manage her grandmother’s tea shop and how to bake. Hoping he can make this a little easier, he takes small steps to help her achieve. During his time helping, Adam and Jody grow close. Can a small town man get a city girl like Jody to believe in the small town life? Or will Jody return to her city life?

Danielle Jacks did an amazing job with this sweet story.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Kerry Baker

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Heart of Baker’s Bay by Danielle Jacks is a quick and romantic story that I found to be sweet and heartwarming. I thought Jody and Adam were so well suited for each other. They each had their own pasts and experiences that made then slightly reluctant but once they got past the reticence their connection was great.
This isn’t my first book by this author and I always enjoy her stories. They are easy to read with great characters and great storylines. I don’t hesitate to pick up one of her books because I know it will be worth the read. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to more of her work.

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