The Lies We Tell by Brittany Butler – Review by Emma Morreale
The Lies We Tell by Brittany Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A plot twist? In a book about lies? What?!
But seriously, I did not see that coming and it made up for almost everything else I wasn’t too fond of.
Natalie is a liar. It’s pretty helpful as an author, I would imagine. But she lies about everything and honestly it got old after a while. The lies were something I could relate to since I was a pretty big liar as a child and it would be about the most ridiculous things that I didn’t need to lie about but it would make whatever situation I was currently in just a little bit easier. As with our lovely main character Natalie, it doesn’t hold up well in the long run. SOOOO many of her problems could have been solved with a short conversation and although I know this is how Natalie operates, but this is really similar to when characters make stupid decisions for drama’s sake. Not a fan of that. This instance is a bit different since Natalie has always been like this but still.
The story gets pretty intense and the twist is worth it.