
Try Right (Aloha Series book 3) by Jill Brasher – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Try RightTry Right by Jill Brashear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved the steamy scenes in this book. I fell hard for Claudia and Henry and was rooting for him the entire time. My heart broke when theirs broke. When they were happy I was happy. the small authors notes threw me off for a second. I knew they were there to explain, but i felt like it was unnecessary.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Emma Clawson

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Countess Zdenka Waldner dreams of a future on her ancestral farm, free of Viennese Society’s rules or expectations to marry. So what does she do? What any sensible female would do, pose as a man. This is a funny historical romance. I was laughing at the smallest detail because I could picture it in my head. The imagination runs wild with this novel.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really loved the story of Matteo and Zdenka . Historical Fiction books are out of my comfort, but this story really was fantastic. I love Zdenka’s character as she is a strong woman willing to help her family and the farm while also trying to help her sister Arabella to find a husband. The letters between Matteo and whom thinks is Arabella but in actuality is Zdenka make my heart swoon! Great Read and Highly recommended!

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Jenique Bornman

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The blurb caught my attention immediately and what followed kept my attention…..
I’ve recently started reading Historical Romance and I must say it might be one of my new favorite genres.
This thrope was also completely different than anything I’ve ever read. I love that Zdenka disguises herself as a man!!! Also it was a nice change of pace that it didn’t take place in US or England.
The characters are extremely well developed and the side stories also bring something extra to the book.
It was a bit ‘wordy’ for me that’s why I gave it 4 instead of 5 but it’s honestly just my opinion. I like shorter books

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur .

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zdenka Waldner is a Countess, her family live on a farm in the country, but unfortunately they are about to lose it all because of her father’s gambling debts, so the family decide to go to Vienna where her sister Arabella can début into society and hopefully find a handsome and rich husband who will help to solve all their problems. Matteo Von Ritter is Lieutenant with the Kavalier Regiment in the Austrian army and has just come back from the Battle of Königgratz where he and his regiment have been injured in a brutal battle and he is still recovering from his injuries when he attends his Aunts social event, he is only there to support her, but when he is introduced the the belle of the ball, suddenly things don’t seem as bad.

As Zdenka and Arabella prepare for another event in the social butterfly’s calendar, Zdenka is as usual dressed in men’s clothing and acting as Arabella’s chaperone as her younger brother, although maybe she is enjoying her freedom a little too much despite the pressure on them to find Arabella a good match before the final event of the season. As they approach their destination, they pass an elderly man on the stairs who trips, but they also see that a handsome soldier helps him back to his feet, at least there are some good people still in the world, unlike some of the suitors who are arrogant and only wanting of a pretty trophy to marry rather than a woman who has her own mind. That is until the hostess introduces the pair to her nephew who just happens to be the soldier from the staircase, Zdenka is quite taken with him, but it appears he is also quite taken, but not with her, much to her disappointment, with her sister. Meanwhile Matteo is trying his hardest to get through the event with his sanity in place, but the people are loud and obnoxious and albeit the music is pleasant, he feels the need to soothe himself with alcohol, that is until he meets the fair Arabella and makes her acquaintance. As the evening passes and he gets to know her a bit more, he is slightly annoyed at how her brother is always hovering, although he isn’t unpleasant to look at either which is disturbing to Matteo as he has never felt like that towards another male and this makes him even more uncomfortable, if that is even possible.

Later on Matteo speaks with his cousin and together they devise an elaborate plan for Matteo to show his interest in Arabella via her brother and so a scheme is started where Matteo will bond with Zdenka, in order to gain favour with her sister, however, as a friendship begins to blossom and they learn more about each other and what they want out of life, Zdenka to run her families farm and Matteo to help the veterans of war when nobody else will, Zdenka is realising that it is becoming harder to hide that she is not in fact male and add that to the fact that Matteo cannot abide lies and liars and she is both, but as letters begin to be exchanged, little does Matteo realise that he is actually conversing and falling in love with Zdenka and not Arabella.

Will Arabella and Zdenka’s elaborate hoax be discovered and what will this mean for them and the family farm, will they be able to save it, or will they lose the only home they have ever known? What will Matteo do when he finds out about the deception, will he accept the truth, or will this finally be the final straw which breaks his heart forever? This is a fabulous retelling of a famous opera, but with an alternate storyline which is as compelling as the original one.

Review by @roxsannel

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Rebecca Hill

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Historic romance is one of my favorite types of books, and Kissing the Kavalier fell perfectly into this category. The story starts with Matteo fighting in the war. It is heart stopping reading about him and his men. Next you meet Zdenka and her sister Arabella. Arabella is tasked with marrying a wealthy man in her coming out Seasonin order to save her bankrupt family and their farm. With no money for another Season, Zdenka portrays herself as a male “Zdenko” and chaperones her sister. She never expected to meet the dashing and honorable Matteo who is suffering PTSD from the war. This is a wonderful love story about growing as a person and learning to trust other people. Will Arabella be able to save her family and marry for love? Can Matteo overcome the ghosts of his past and allow himself to love Zdenka? Will Zdenka give up some of her pride? Find out in Kissing the Kavalier!

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Mirela Ruiz

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine was a wonderful historical romantic read. I loved the attention to detail and the plot. There was classy romance and drama; which are my two favorite things in a historical romance. I loved Zdenka and related to her need to keep her life simple and run by her terms. I felt like I was following a television novella, everything was vivid and descriptive.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you are a fan of historical romances and bold, independent heroines, then Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine is definitely for you. I am a sucker for a story full of history and culture, and this book earns 5 out of 5 stars from me. I seriously cannot recommend it any higher, and if I could give it higher than 5 stars, I would. Set in 1867 Vienna, this book is not only steamy and romantic, but contains many aspects that make it a great read. The characters are well-built and fleshed-out. The protagonist, Zdenka, disguises herself as a man in order to chaperone her sister during her quest to find a husband. Posing as Arabella’s brother, Zdenka finds herself falling in love with Lieutenant Matteo Von Ritter, a possible suitor for her sister. As a reader, I truly do appreciate that the chemistry between the characters is palpable, and that the entire story is addicting. I will be looking forward to new books from this author.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Katie Kearney

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine. I’m starting to find my love for historical romances and this one definitely helped me love them even more. The characters drew me in right from the get go and I had so much fun being lost with them. To me a book that makes me forget the world around me is amazing and this story did just that. From page one I knew I was in for a great time and I loved every minute of it. This author knows how to keep readers engaged and loving the story that unfolds. The characters are complex and relatable. The storyline is well written and paced nicely never feeling rushed or lacking. Can’t wait to see where the author takes readers next. Four stars and highly recommended!

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Erica Fish

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Annette Nauraine is a new author for me. I enjoyed this historical romance. The plotline is fresh and unique. Her characters are complex and full of energy. I felt myself living through Countess Zdenka. Her struggle is real. She has been deceiving everyone. She did not think that she would find love, but she was wrong. Now, what will she do? Is she going to lose the opportunity for love? I recommend reading this story for a historical romance mystery.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Krista Vaughan

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Krista Vaughan

A historical romance with a dashing Kavalier named Matteo, his love interest Arabella and her “brother” Zdenko. A sweet romance of love letters starts between Arabella and Matteo. Only Zdenko is the one answering love’s call. “Zdenko” is actually “Zdenka” and she is madly in love with Matteo. This sweet and exciting love triangle was a pleasure to read. If you love historical romance with strong female leads, I would highly recommend!

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine- Review by Amanda Kimble

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine

This is the first book by Nauraine that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. She throws you back into the past and you get to see the world in a new light.

Zdenka, who goes by Zdenko, is pretending to be the brother of her older sister. When Matteo recruits her to be a messenger for him things go south. She falls in love with him and she isn’t supposed to. The quote I chose for Zdenka is: “I’m not eager to return to being a woman. I’ve rather come to enjoy the freedom I have as a gentleman. I can do as I please, walk about unescorted, ride when and where I please.”

Matteo is a soldier who returns home after the battle. He doesn’t remember much because he was taken down. When he meets Zdenka’s older sister things change. He recruits her brother to play messenger and falls in love. Little does he know he’s writing Zendka. The quote I chose for Matteo is: “I only returned last night. I had to at least clean up before I made an appearance. Nice of you to invite so many of the returned soldiers.”

Highly recommended for Historical Romance lovers.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Terri Jo McAllister

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an endearing story of honor, duty, family, and love. Set in 1867 Vienna, Lieutenant Matteo von Ritter has come home from the war. A head injury has left him with lapses in his memory about the night he was injured. Why were his injuries almost non-existent, while his two comrades have life altering wounds? Did he abandon them, like a coward?

Zdenka Walden, disguised as her sister’s brother, poses as a chaperone while her sister is presented at the Coachman’s Ball in hopes of finding a suitable husband. When Zdenka befriends Matteo as “Zdenko”, things become complicated. Zdenka begins exchanging letters with Matteo, pretending they are from her sister, all the while falling in love with him. This was a very entertaining story with some humor, the reality of PTSD and its effects on people, as well as what one will do in the name of love.


Reviewed by @terrijomac

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine -Review by Kerry Carr

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a lovely romance story set in Victorian Times. I love the strong female character in Zdenka Waldner. The characters are so well written and the author does a great job of creating the scenes so the reader is transported back in time.

Zdenka Waldner is trying to save her family’s farm and save her family from poverty. All she wants in her life is to go back and run her families farm but her father’s crippling gambling addiction means the family are on the brink of ruin.

Their only hope of getting back to their life is if Zdenka’s sister marries a wealthy man to save them. With Zdenka posing as Arabella’s brother she aims to help find her sister a wealthy husband. What Zdenka doesn’t plan for is falling in love with one of her sister’s suitors.

Can she save her family from ruin? Can she keep her secret of being a woman? Will Matteo fall for Zdenka if he knows the truth or will the lie destroy any hope of a relationship?

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Heidi Schoolman

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a Historical Romance novel and is 406 pages. This story follows Zdenka Waldner, a Countess, and Matteo von Ritter, a Lieutenant. This story is set in the late 1800’s in Vienna. Zdenka needs to save the family farm and find her sister, Arabella, a rich husband. So Zdenka dresses and acts if she is Arabella’s brother. Matteo did not want a plain girl, but he was intrigued with Arabella. He uses Zdenka as his messenger to deliver love letters to Arabella. Only the letters never make it because Zdenka pretends to be Arabella through writing. It does not take long for Zdenka to start falling in love with Matteo. But what is Matteo going to think when he finds out Zdenka isn’t the brother, but Arabella’s sister?

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Kayla Octaviano

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“Kissing the Kavalier” follows two sisters, Zdenka and Arabella, through the throes of society. Arabella needs to find a rich husband who she hopefully loves, or will grow to love, to save her family from their impending homelessness. Zdenka must help by dressing as a boy to escort her sister to all the events of the season. Along the way, these women run into a man named Matteo, a soldier who has been affected by the war, just as many soldiers seem to be. He’s an honorable man that doubts the honor of his past. As friendships build, lovers fall and all is lost. But can it be found? Together, these characters figure out what love can make you do, how far it will take you, and how it is needed for forgiveness. This story is full of love and pain that finds an equal balance, but at what risk? Soldiers are highlighted in this book, but as are women’s rights and independence. Read this book if you love romance and the pain people must go through to get it.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Piper Foster

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine 5 of 5 Stars I really enjoyed this wonderfully written historical romance. The author did an fantastic job with this book. The detail she went into was incredible and I really felt like I was right there with the characters at times. Countess Zdenka Waldner was a fantastic heroine to read about – I loved her from the very beginning.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Netania Lim

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this historical romance that kept me turning the pages so that I read it one go. This novel is set in 1800s Vienna and inspired by Richard Strauss’s opera, Arabella, which I absolutely loved, having begun to enjoy opera during the past year of lockdown. The writing is gorgeous and the plot is extremely fast-paced, which kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. It reminded me a little of the first Bridgerton novel, only this novel was much more interesting and better written. I’d read any book by the author Annette Nauraine.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Angela Hayes

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Kissing the Cavalier by Annette Nauraine is a wonderful historical romance that is based on the opera, “Arabella”, by Richard Strauss. It is set in Austria in 1867- which is beautifully brought to life by the author. All the lush historical and cultural details and the rich textures woven through the story pulled me in and made me feel like I was right there, experiencing everything right alongside the characters.
A story of finding love unexpectedly.
Looking forward to seeing what Annette Nauraine does next.

Thank you, Annette Nauraine!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Rachel Moss

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kissing The Kavalier by Annette Nauraine was a really good read! I was instantly enraptured with the characters and storyline, and once I started reading this novel I didn’t want to put it down. For a historical romance, it was very interesting in the fact that you have the female main character dressing as a male. Since that was very taboo during that time period, it was very interesting to read about. I was shocked at the steam this novel produced! It was the perfect amount that left you wanting more. I was on the edge of my seat with most of this novel as well. I can’t wait to read more from this author in the future!

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Michelle Collier

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine

My rating is 5 out of 5 stars

This is Annette Nauraine’s debut romance novel, and if this is what we can expect from her then wow! This book is a historical romance with inspiration from the opera Arabella, that follows Matteo and Zdenka on a journey they never expected. The language in this book paints vivid pictures that explode in your mind’s eye as you read. You are just drawn into the pages of the story. Matteo and Zdenka must overcome pain and fear of the truth coming out in order to find the love that could save them both

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Jenni Bishop

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine is a delightful historical romance set in 1867 Austria. It is rich in culture and details and gives you a vivid image of her narrative.

Countess Zdenka bucks all social convention when she sets about to find a husband for her sister but inadvertently falls for the one person she shouldn’t.

Kissing the Kavalier is Annette’s debut book and a poignant love story based on the opera, Arabella.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this wonderfully written historical romance by author Nauraine, set in Vienna in 1867 the story is a reimagining of the opera, Arabella by Richard Strauss. Countess Zdenka Waldner must save her family’s farm from her father’s gambling debts and find her sister, Arabella a rich husband if she is to fulfil her dream. In order for Zdenka to live out her life on the farm and be free of all the rules and expectations of the Viennese Society, especially that she should marry, she masquerades as Arabella’s younger brother. However her plan of dressing and playing the part of a man to help chaperone her sister gets even more complicated when she meets and falls in love with a Kavalier.

Lieutenant Matteo von Ritter, is a veteran of the Austro-Prussian war, who has vowed to care for his injured men but having met Arabella Waldner, Matteo recruits who he believes is her brother, Zdenko to deliver love letters to her but in fact it is really Zdenka. It is also Zdenka and not Arabella that he is trading letters with and he is in fact falling in love with the wrong sister. When the inevitable happens and Zdenka is found out she must save her dream, her sister’s engagement and Matteo’s honour but can she also save their relationship and his love for her even when her deception is unravelled.

The authors descriptive narrative really bought the era, the setting and the characters to life and made me feel fully immersed in the story. You can tell that the author has done her research for this novel and I found the ‘note on the opera’ at the beginning fascinating and I referred to the helpful glossary of terms whilst reading. The storyline captivated me as did the characters and the narrative flowed well making this an enjoyable and engaging read and one which I could not put down. I definitely recommend this heartwarming and sweet timeless romance.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Kerry Baker

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine is a well written historical romance that completely drew me in. I loved the characters in this book and the romance that builds between them. The way it comes about is so heartwarming and really made me connect with the two of them. You could feel the chemistry from the moment you started reading.
The book felt accurate for the time period it was written in and I liked that it was set in Austria. Most books in this genre I have read are set in England so this was a refreshing change. This is a new author to me and I enjoyed how she approached the book. The writing style had a great flow about it and she did a great job of building up the story and the characters. I really enjoyed this book and I will certainly be looking to read more from her in the future.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Kimberly Griffiths

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kissing The Kavalier
Annette Nauraine

Interesting plot, one sister needing to marry off her sister in order to be able to have the life she wants. Good story,great characters complete with turns and twists. Who doesn’t love a story like this. This is my first book by this author, Annette Nauraine put a lot of work into this story and it shows. I highly recommend this book, you will not be disappointed.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine

Kissing the Kavalier is a wonderfully written Historical Romance that I found myself lost in the pages and couldn’t stop reading till the end. This is a new to me author that I definitely will be checking out more of what she has written. This is a story that takes place in Austria during the time where being married was the thing to be. Countess Zdenka doesn’t expect to be falling in love that is until she dresses up as a man and then she meets Kavalier. Has she put everything at risk of being lost? Find out what happens next in this absolute must read. I truly enjoyed reading this story. I’m a huge lover of Historical Romance and this author definitely did it justice. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a new author for me. I enjoyed this romantic historical story. I look forward to reading more in the future. This is a great romance story that takes place in Austria and during a time where being married is the thing to be. Falling in love is not expected for Countess Zdenka or so she thinks until she dresses up as a male and meets Kavalier. So now she is faced with the deception of what she has done. Is she at risk for losing the man she is falling for and risking her sister’s engagement? This is truly a great story that I found to be easy to read, fun and entertaining. I enjoyed the chemistry and the realisticness they brought to the story. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Tausha Treadway

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine. This was a great book. I loved every page. Its the story of Countess Zdenka Waldner who is doing everything she can to save her family farm. She is also trying to find her sister, Arabella a suitable husband. Zdenka sees no other way to do that unless she pretends she is a man so she can chaperone her sister. When they meet Lt. Matteo von Ritter who is recently back from the war sparks fly between Matteo and Arabella. Little does he know that when he hires a messenger to take letters back and forth to Arabella its her sister Zdenka. Instead of letting Arabella write back to Matteo Zdenka takes matters in her own hands and answers them. Zdenka ends up falling in love with Matteo and doesn’t know what to do about it. Will he forgive her and will they be able to have a relationship? Will Zdenka find Arabella a beau or will Matteo choose Arabella? Read this great book to find out!

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Katie Matthews

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I loved this book so, so much. Historical romance is my favourite genre to read, I love being transported back and the author did an AMAZING job with this story. The detail she went into was incredible and I really felt like I was right there with the characters at times. Countess Zdenka Waldner was a fantastic heroine to read about – I loved her from the very beginning. I loved that the author included explanations of some of the words using during the story, it meant that it was easy to read for me and definitely helped with the flow of the story too.
I 100% recommend this story – it was a wonderful read and I cannot wait to read more from Ms Naurarine again in the future.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine – Review by Heather Lovelace

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an amazing book! I loved the concept – not your typical romance. I love a good period piece and really enjoyed how Nauraine developed this storyline and these characters. It definitely explores what one is willing to do for their family as well as the lengths someone will go to for their heart. Loved it.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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