
Savage Truth (Hidden Valley Elite Book 2) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kerry Baker

Savage Truth: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 2)Savage Truth: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is amazing! I could not wait to start reading this after finishing the last and it did not disappoint. I had to know what was going to happen with this story. These characters are some of the best I have reads this year. They have such a strong connection and yet so much seems to stand in their way. I could not wait to see what the author had in store for them.
I always really enjoy this author and these books have been some of my favourite. I have immensely enjoyed this series so far and cannot wait to see what is next.

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Kerry Baker

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a brilliant series and this book is a great addition to it. I really enjoy reading about these characters and the fantastic journey they have been on. Each time I pick up a new book I can’t decide where I think they might end up or which way the story might go. I simply let myself be taken on the ride.
This book I think has to be my favourite so far. The author has done such an amazing job at developing both the story and the characters. The book is well written and thoroughly enjoyable. I would definitely recommend this book and series.

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White Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson – Review by Kerry Baker

White Picket FencesWhite Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was so immensely easy to connect with and I loved reading every second of it. The author really managed to capture what mothers go through, the feelings and emotions that that overwhelm them on a daily basis. I engaged with the story and the main character and found the whole book to be fantastic.
This is a completely new author to me and I went into this blind. I didn’t know what to expect going in and I loved what I got. I am already looking forward to seeing what else this author has to offer.

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Amy’s Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre Book 1) by Julia Goldhirsh – Review by Kerry Baker

Amy's RebellionAmy’s Rebellion by Julia Goldhirsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first story I have read where the character is referred to as “they” and it made for a unique reading experience. I like that this is a topic the author has chosen to tackle, although a times it did feel a little clumsy. The overall story was well written though and easy to get into. I enjoyed reading about the characters too. They all seemed to add so much to the story and fitted well with each other.
This is a pretty new author to me and I think her work shows promise. I think the more of her work that I read the more I will enjoy. I am looking forward to discovering more from her.

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Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2) by Landra Graf – Review by Kerry Baker

Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2)Operation Escape by Landra Graf
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in a great sci-fi series and a great follow up to the first. I would highly recommend reading this series in order so you get a full appreciation of the overall story and chatacters. This book is just as good as the first and the characters were just as interesting and engaging. I loved the premise of this story. It was easy to become invested in what was happening and I was rooting for the chatacters the whole way through. This is an author that I am becoming more familiar with and I always enjoy the writing style she uses. Her books as well written, original and a pleasure to read. I would highly recommend them.

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book 1) by Aubrey Elle – Review by Kerry Baker

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a mystery story this is such a fun and entertaining book! The characters and just amazing and I love the combination of the mother and daughter. With thr neighbours in support I thought the relationships worked perfectly with the storyline.
The story itself was really good. It was well thought out and a cute Cozy Mystery. This is a thoroughly enjoyable book that is worth the read.

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Little Red, the Detective (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale (Science Folktales)Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whenever I write a review for this author I feel like I am becoming a broken record because they are always so good. We always sit down to read these books as a family and each and everyone of us enjoys them. The stories are always so well thought out and engaging. They appeal to all ages and help children to think about topics they might usually. But the author makes sure they are fun and light-hearted, the perfect story for young children. This book was just as good as all the others and we have read it multiple times. I am sure we will read it many more before the next one as well.

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To be a Fae Legend (Realm Chronicles Book 3) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Kerry Baker

To be a Fae LegendTo be a Fae Legend by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the series and it is just as good as the previous ones. I picked this one up as though I had just finished the second and was excited to see how the story would continue to develop. This book is just as well written as the first two, and I would highly recommend reading them in order. I love how we get the see the character development progress through all the books. Each book is exciting to read and has a really strong plot. This book definitely adds to the series as a whole. I would highly recommend this series to any fan of the genre.

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Messenger (Star-Crossed Celestials Book 2) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Kerry Baker

Messenger (Star-Crossed Celestials Duet #2)Messenger by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series and I would highly recommend reading them in order. This was a great follow up to the first book and it took no time to re-connect with Jace and Cyrus. They were just as strong characters in this book as the first and I loved watching their development progress even further as the story went on.
The story was a great follow on. It was more emotional than I expected it would be but I think that added to it. I really enjoyed reading this story and I am looking forward to seeing what else this author has in store.

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Kerry Baker

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was another fantastic book by this author. It was well written and intriguing. Once I had started reading I could not put the book down. I had to find out how everything was going to play out. This author really keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout this book. She creates so many twists and turns.
The characters are really strong and fit the story well. You can clearly see the development throughout the story and I wanted to know more about them. This is a brilliant story and I cannot wait to read more.

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Unexpected Entanglement (The Echo Series Book 3) by C.R. Alam – Review by Kerry Baker

Unexpected Entanglement (Book 3 of the Echo Series)Unexpected Entanglement by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was excited to start reading the third book in this series and it certainly did not disappoint. I loved the characters in this book. They had so much chemistry between them and they fit together so well. they were entertaining to read about and I thought they made the whole book so engaging. The story was well written and thoroughly enjoyable. I do love a fake fiancé style book and this was a brilliant example.
This author is still fairly new to me and yet I have not come across a book that I haven’t enjoyed. I always seem to finish one looking forward to reading the next. I cannot wait to see what else is to come.

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I’ll Love You Tomorrow (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 3) by Julie Navickas – Review by Kerry Baker

I'll Love You Tomorrow (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy, Book #3)I’ll Love You Tomorrow by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third and final book in this trilogy and it is just as good as the previous books. The journey these characters go on is such a moving one. I liked the fact that we got to see the struggles there were going through after their marriage. You don’t always get the “behind the curtain” look into characters I think it added to this story.
I think this whole trilogy has been really well written. They have been captivating books, emotional and have some amazing characters in them. I have fully enjoyed each and every book and I am looking forward to reading more of this authors work. I would definitely recommend this trilogy as well.

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The Innovator (WaterFyre Rising Book 3) by Nadia Han – Review by Kerry Baker

The Innovator (WaterFyre Rising, #3)The Innovator by Nadia Han
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great book in to add to this series and is really worth the read. I would highly recommend reading the other book sin the series as I honestly think it would add to the overall enjoyment of the book. The characters in this book are complex and interesting, they both have some much going on and yet they just seem to work together perfectly.
The overall pace of the book is well done. The author knows how to move the story along and keep you invested in what is happening. I wanted to find out how these characters would make it work and I wanted to know more about them. This was an enjoyable book that I would recommend.

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Undying Light (The Stella Maris Series Book 1) by Aurora Wildey – Review by Kerry Baker

Undying LightUndying Light by Aurora Wildey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting and unique story that caught my attention from the moment I read the blurb. I wanted to know what story was going to be about and who the characters would be. I enjoyed watching how v things played out and really getting to know these characters. As the first book in the series I think its sets a good premise of course what is to come.
This is a new author to me and if this book is any indication of her work then I am looking forward to discovering more.

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The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan – Review by Kerry Baker

The Traveler: Book 3The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It was lovely to read this book and connect with the characters again. This the third book in the series and they are all so good. I am really enjoying watching the development of the characters over thr series, learning more about them each time. The author has a really interest and thought provoking writing style. Thrbstorybseems to flow effortlessly and keeps you.attention with ease.
I thought this book was a great addition to the series. I enjoyed watching everything unfold and couldn’t wait to read more. I sm looking forward to the next instalment.

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Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8 ) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Kerry Baker

Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8)Breach of Trust by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This series is fantastic and this is another great book to add to the collection. I always find it so easy to reconnect with these characters and pick back up with their story. I like that they are keeping my interest even though we are eight books into the series.
This particular story is fast paced with a lot going on. Juggling three cases at once would be challenging for most and yet the story, characters and author handled it with ease. I didn’t get confused by any of them and could follow along which each case. I looked forward to the resolution of them all. I have enjoyed this latest addition and will be looking forward to more.

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Under My Care (Chase Care Book 3) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Kerry Baker

Under My Care (Chase Care Book 3)Under My Care by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another great book to add to this series, and yet another from this author. I am really enjoying this spin off series and the change of pace it brings. The characters are have a great chemistry, made even stronger by their history. I connected with them instantly and wanted to read more.
The book was fast paced and action packed yet well thought through. I love the dynamics that the author brings to her books and this is just another example of why. I am already looking forward to the next book.

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Return to Hoodoo (Boudin, Bourbon, and Barbecue, Book 1) by Reggi Dupree – Review by Kerry Baker

Return to Hoodoo: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel (Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo Book 1)Return to Hoodoo: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel by Reggi Dupree
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a highly entertaining story with one of my favourite main characters of all time. She is an absolute breath of fresh air because she is so real and relatable. I loved that she isn’t the typical heroine you get in a book but I think that just made the story so much better. The storyline of the book was great. It was perfectly written and really fit with Gwen’s character.
This is still a pretty new author to me but this book is definitely one to make sure they are added to my one click list. I cannot wait to read more of this series.

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Rogue (The Talisman Series) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Kerry Baker

Rogue (The Talisman Series)Rogue by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another strong addition to this series, and is just as exciting and action packed as the others. This world and the characters pull you in and really keep your attention. I enjoyed how fast paced the story was. So much seems to happen and it keeps the pages turning.
This series has been a great introduction to this author and with each new book I am enjoying her writing style more. This book was another step to adding her to a list of authors I read without hesitation and I think her work is worth a try.

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Noah’s Not So Super Summer (A Super Series–Book 1) by Brittany Tucker – Review by Kerry Baker

Noah's Not So Super SummerNoah’s Not So Super Summer by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a great story about a 12-year old boy and a world with people who have superpowers. Although this book is clearly aimed at the pre-teens it is the kind of book that really appeals to all ages. Even as an adult, I had no issues connecting with the story and the characters. I thought the book had been well written and was designed to grab your attention immediately.
I think Noah is the sort of character that touches on feelings most people have had at some point. He is relatable and endearing. He is what drew me into the story the most and is the reason I wanted to keep reading. This was a brilliant book that I thoroughly enjoyed and I would definitely recommend it.

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Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Kerry Baker

Right in Front of You Vol. 1 Brinley and AdrianRight in Front of You Vol. 1 Brinley and Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a brilliant romance story and an amazing start to a new series. I loved the characters right from the start. They really grabbed my attention as they had such as strong chemistry. Their interactions were entertaining and you could easily see the connection between them.
The book is well written and is a great storyline. It fits the characters well and really sets the scene of what you can expect from this series. I think this is a brilliant book that I thoroughly enjoyed and I cannot wait for the rest.

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Esprit de Corpse by Ef Deal – Review by Kerry Baker

Esprit de CorpseEsprit de Corpse by Ef Deal
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an imaginative and well written historical steam punk novel that was so much more than I was expecting. This book is so detailed and well thought through that I found myself hooked when reading it. It has some many different elements to it and the author weaved them all together so well. this genre wouldn’t necessarily be my go to genre but after reading this book I would hesitate to read another piece of work from this author. This was a brilliant book that I would highly recommend.

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Other People’s Money (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 7) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Kerry Baker

Other People's Money (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 7)Other People’s Money by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is another fantastic addition to this series, full of plot twists at every turn. I always find it so easy to get back into one of these books, connecting with the characters again straight away. I always enjoy how interesting these stories are. Usually this far into a series it starts to lose steam but the author has done a great job of keeping up the momentum.
This book is exciting to read. I found myself trying to put the pieces together and yet the author does so well to keep you guessing. I am still really enjoying this series and I cannot wait for whatever the author produces next.

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Pulling Together by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

Pulling TogetherPulling Together by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is such a lovely and heart warming story by an author that our entire household always enjoys. This story is all about inclusion and sticking together, something that kids really would benefit from knowing more about as they grow up. It was really nice to see my daughter understand the subject matter and engage with it so naturally. It was perfect to teach her the morale of the story. As usually, we have already read this book multiple times and I am sure we will be reading it many more.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Kerry Baker

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a great enemies to lovers romance, with characters that have amazing chemistry. I really connected with them and loved watching how things developed between them. I also really enjoyed the fact that the main character was a little bit older than you usually find in books of this type. Most stories like this seem to focus on young women so it was nice to show how life doesn’t stop just because you reach a certain age.
I thought the book was really well written. The author pulls you into the story and I was really interested in how things would work out. This is a thoroughly enjoyable book.

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Insomnia: (A Short Stories Collection) by Kelly Covic – Review by Kerry Baker

Insomnia (A Short Stories Collection)Insomnia by Kelly Covic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book completely took me by surprise with just how much I enjoyed it. I had read a few books “like” this lately, finding the shorter stories great as time fillers. I picked up this book thinking that I would be the same – easy to pick up and easy to put down. This was a mistake. As soon as I started reading this book I could not put it down until I had read all of the stores inside – sleep be damned! I thought this was a unique and interesting collection and I loved it as soon as I started reading. It was so well written and absolutely captivating. This is a new author to me and, as her debut collection, a great way to show everyone what you are capable of. I cannot wait to see what she will produce next.

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Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne – Review by Kerry Baker

Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and SunDawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a brilliant fantasy story that pulls you in and keeps your attention from start to finish. The characters are interesting and compelling and I thought they fit the storyline really well. Each played their part and had something to offer to the story.
This is still an unfamiliar author to me and this story certainly makes me want to discover more. I loved the writing style used and how easy it was to connect with the story. I wanted to know more about what was going on and I couldn’t wait to see how things would play out. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and I am looking forward to whatever is next.

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His Forever Muse (The Echo Series Book 2) by C.R. Alam – Review by Kerry Baker

His Forever Muse (Book 2 of The Echo Series)His Forever Muse by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has so much more going on than I expected and I really enjoyed it. This book is even better than the first one and I was drawn in to the story right from the start. Callie and her past definitely intrigued me and I thought the fit of her and Brandon was done really well. I wanted to know more about both of them and enjoyed the discovery as the book developed.
I think the author has created a strong series and I am looking forward to the next book. I want to see what else is to come and will be reading more of her work in the future.

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Braving Lily (True Platinum Series Book 7) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Kerry Baker

Braving Lily (True Platinum, #5)Braving Lily by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the latest in the series and is a great addition. I loved the two main characters and the chemistry between them. On paper, they really shouldn’t have worked so well and yet you could not deny the pull between them. I thought the story suited them perfectly and I wanted to see how things would turn out.
This is still a relatively new author to me and I have really enjoyed getting familiar with her writing style. The pacing of her books is good and I find myself connecting with the storylines with ease. I am definitely looking forward to reading more of her work.

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Savage Lies (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kerry Baker

Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1)Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the prequel story I could not wait to start this book. I wanted to read more about these characters and see how their story would develop. This style book is one of my favourites and I think this author does an amazing job with this one. I was hooked from the moment I started reading and I became absorbed with the characters. They have such a strong connection that could be felt in every interaction.
This author has a really strong writing style that draws in the reader and it is one that I really enjoy. I really loved reading this book and I cannot wait to read more by this author.

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