
Nobody Knows (Razes Hell Book 1) by Kyra Lennon – Review by Sara Oxton

Nobody KnowsNobody Knows by Kyra Lennon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nobody Knows by Kyra Lennon a rocking five-star read. This is number one In the Razes Hell series and shows us what a great series it shows to be becoming. There were parts that this was not five-star worthy, it was a bot repetitive and could do with a re-edit, as some lines kept repeating later down the page. But overall, the story and characters were well done, and had depth to them, you could feel the push and pull Ellie finds herself in and how she felt about Drew, but the conflicting emotions of Jason will push you at times, but others it pulls you, you can feel why Ellie has the emotional roller-coaster and why there is friction. It breaks your heart as a reader as you feel like you are forced to sit on your hands and not do anything, much like Ellie herself, forced to choose between doing what’s right and doing what those you love need of you.

Review by @saraoxo

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Twisted Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops Book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Rebecca Hill


Twisted Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops)Twisted Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As soon you start reading, Twisted Secrets pulls you right into caring about the main characters. The love story between Xander and Riley is artfully weaved in a compelling mystery that keeps you guessing. You will find yourself offended for Riley when it comes to her pompous boyfriend and rooting for to find her way. Just when you think you have the mystery solved, there is a big twist that you won’t see coming! You’ll find yourself breezing through the pages of the story to discover the secrets and if their story will end happily ever after. This book opens the way to read the next book in the series to find more out about the dashing Hale brothers while also a great stand alone story.

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A Hole (Alpha Bet Guys Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Sara Oxton

A Hole (Alpha Bet Guys Book 1)A Hole by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Hole by Phoebe Alexander a five-star read that will surprise you. This is number one in the Alpha Bet guys series and I can’t wait for more. This was such fun to read, I could have read so many more pages, but honestly, I think the amount just topped it right, it felt easy to read. It just has it all, comedy, drama and spice.


Review by @saraoxo

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Climbing The Walls (Hart & Cole Book 1) by Sacha T. Y. Fortuné – Review by Piper Foster

Climbing The Walls (Hart & Cole Book 1)Climbing The Walls by Sacha T.Y. Fortuné
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a raw heartbreaking book and very much a slice of life. Climbing the walls is an amazing adventures on the pages told from two different POV. Kris and Nicole. The characters development flows very well. What I love about this book is that these are real everyday people you can relate to. If you like romance with the reality of real life this book is for you. I look forward to seeing more books from this author.

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Killer Blonde by Allan Evans – Review by Kerry Carr

Killer BlondeKiller Blonde by Allan Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. The twists and turns definately keep you guessing in this cat and mouse game. The author does a fantastic job of gripping you from the first page and you can’t put it down until the end.

There is a killer on the loose. He’s targeting tall blonde stunning women. He bumps into them on deserted highways and kills them. No one can figure out why or how he finds his victims. Is the killer just after more victims or is there another motive behind his murders.

Cade is tasked with the case of finding this murderer. After his success on a previous case it has heightened his image and his place in the ranks. Now he is on the hunt for this murder before he strikes again.

With cases turning up from Chicago as well which left the lead detective there dead Cade is also wondering if he needs to watch his back as well as watching out for another victim.

Will Cade stop the murderer before he strikes again? How can the murderer be hiding in plain sight and not be noticed? And will Cade have met his match this time?

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Killer Blonde by Allan Evans – Review by Tausha Treadway

Killer BlondeKiller Blonde by Allan Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Killer Blonde by Allan Evans. This is my favorite Genre so I may be a bit biased but I loved this book! I read this so fast it kept me up way past my bedtime. This is the story of Cade who is a very good detective who has a high number of closed cases. When a series of weird accidents start occurring he gets suspicious. Once Cade starts digging its like unraveling a ball of yarn. He figures out a serial killer is in the area and using car accidents as his cover and his favorite victims are beautiful blondes! This story is told by both Cade and the killers POV so its very intriguing. I love Cade and felt like I knew him and was in the book with him trying to solve these murders! Its a fast paced novel that will keep you on your toes. I highly recommend reading this great book!

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Mythical Alliance: Phoenix Team: the Complete Season by Claire Luana – Review by Finn Cunningham

Mythical Alliance: Phoenix Team: The Complete Season (Mythical Alliance Series #1-6)Mythical Alliance: Phoenix Team: The Complete Season by Claire Luana
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mythical Alliance: Phoenix Team: The Complete Season is the first 6 books in this series. Buckle up before settling down with book one, because you will want to binge all of them right then and there! Before getting my hands on books 2-6, i read and ADORED the first book. Let me be the first to say, it ONLY gets better from there. This series is absolutely phenomenal, and i recommend every single page of it! I can NOT wait to see more from Claire in the future!

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At All (The Adams Brothers Book 3) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Amanda Taylor

At All (Adams Brothers, #3)At All by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At All (The Adams Brothers Book 3) by Mindy McKinley was absolutely amazing; I had such a hard time putting it down. I would definitely read these books in order as the characters are reoccurring and you get more of the back story. This is the story of Maelie Barre & Sebastian Adams. Maelie is the daughter of a world famous violinist and has spent her whole life living in his shadow. So she is trying to figure out how to make it on her own. Teaching is a passion of hers and when she gets a job she’s excited, but what she didn’t expect was what comes next. Sebastian is a saxophonist who has ran into a lot of trouble with alcohol and needs to redeem himself. He landed a teaching job alongside Maelie but what he didn’t expect was the attraction between them. Will things work out for them? How far are they willing to go? This book will keep you on your toes and you won’t be disappointed.

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Black Dog Rising by Kat Caulberg – Review by Finn Cunningham

Black Dog RisingBlack Dog Rising by Kat Caulberg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All i can say is WOW! Kat Caulberg is just full to the brim with talent, just like this book. This dark fantasy style romance is beautifully written, with vivid imagery, and an amazing plot with drama, adventure, danger, mystery, and secrets around every single corner! This is my first book from Kat Caulberg, and after this, it’s the first of many! I love this book from start to end, and i think you will too! I recommend this book 1000% percent, and wish i could give it higher than 5 stars! I genuinely can’t wait to read more from this author.

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Hell In A Handbasket (Life is Hell Book 3) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Chantelle Smith

Hell In A Handbasket (Life is Hell #3)Hell In A Handbasket by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author has done it again! Each one of her reads I think that she can’t possibly top the last and each time she leaves me speechless with ‘how has she done it again’ and you know how she does it? By her incredible writing style, epic storylines and incredible characters! Each time she will captivate you into her world of fantasy, drama, mystery, suspense, romance & action, you will never ever be bored! I love the depth she gives to this quaint town and the way she has you on the edge of your seat with anticipation, this read is everything and more. While part of an epic series, this read can be read as a stand-alone but I promise you, you will not want to miss the previous two! Oren & Teivel’s story just tops it all off with their incredible connection and undeniable chemistry! These books immerse you into an incredibly vivid story that you never want to leave. I highly recommend this author and this read, you do not want to miss this!

Reviewed By @tillytillzz
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Rebecca Remains by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Emma Clawson

Rebecca RemainsRebecca Remains by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After the tragic loss of her parents, Tessa Stevens, meets her husband Keith. An unexpected visitor disrupts her newfound joy insisting Keith isn’t who he says he is. A murder, a relentless ghost and a pile of family secrets are enough to destroy anybody. Will Tessa be able find the answers before the secrets and deception break her? Rebecca Remains had me on the edge of my seat. I just couldn’t put it down. A paranormal crime novel for everyone. Jessica Aiken-Hall has done it again with this novel.

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Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Emma Clawson

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amanda has no trouble choosing a college or picking a major. But she does have a problem with Doug. The one helping her keep her scholarship. When she starts lying to family and friends, her world turns upside down. This is a great coming of age novel for people. It highlights some of the problems teenagers face when going of to collage.

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Goddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III – Review by Tausha Treadway

Goddess of EverythingGoddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Goddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III. This is such a good story! It will keep you turning pages way into the night. Its the story of Gabriel de LaTierra who is a psychiatric healer and his wife Consuela. They are living in Atzlan del Norte and children have begun disappearing from the local orphanage where Gabriel’s mother is the Mother Superior. Gabriel and his mother have always been very close until he married Consuela and then everything changed. Mother Superior seems to run the orphanage with love an care but looks can be deceiving. Gabriel tries to counsel these damaged children. When these children start coming up missing and Gabriel starts asking tough questions his Mother doesn’t like it. Will Gabriel save these children and will his relationship with his Mother survive if he does? Read Goddess of Everything to find out!

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Killer Blonde by Allan Evans – Review by Emma Clawson

Killer BlondeKiller Blonde by Allan Evans
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This novel has it all: murder, mystery, hidden agendas, plots, politics, rivalry, a lot at stake, dramatic developments, danger, tension, and even a little romance. The interesting part about the story was the serial killer’s point of view. What he may plan next was what kept me going on. This novel had me putting it down a lot because it was getting to be a bit much. The characters are great but when things pop up in the middle that doesn’t have any relevance to the story it gets a bit confusing for me. Overall it is a great read as long as your not a blonde.

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Coyote Summer by Laura Koerber – Review by Angela Shirley

Coyote SummerCoyote Summer by Laura Koerber
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When an event in your life imbeds itself in your head, will there ever be a time you can forgive yourself.

Ben is a preppy kid who is a bit shy and vulnerable but he wants to fit with the popular kids and strives to be accepted. Although he is friends with Clint, Ben’s parents are trying to keep up with Joneses and loves that their son is friends with the congressman’s son, but this friendship will be put to the test one night.

As they attend a party, everyone is getting drunk and stoned but as the night goes on Ben sees Claire, a girl who he has a drunk conversation with and when she excuses herself after a while he decides to go to the bathroom where he stumbles upon a scene which makes him sick. He sees Claire totally out of it and Clint assaulting without her knowledge or consent. As Ben wrestles with the scene in front of him he tries to step in and stop the heinous crime that has happened. After that night Ben can not get the scene out of his head and always wonder if he could have done more to help.

Roll forward and Ben and Clint are still friends but the past has come to haunt both of them, can Ben stand up for himself or will the past eat him up forever?

I have to start off that this is not normally a genre I read and was wondering if I would be able to read the book due to the contents, but I am glad in a way that I persisted and got through it. I have two say that I feel this book is of two halves, the first half through the trials of the assault and the heartbreak around that, with the soul searching from Ben knowing that he needs to disconnect from Clint with his toxic nature. The second half of the book was a bit out there and although the feeling of the book did not change, I felt this was a strange turn of events within the story.

Aside from this I really enjoyed the book and although some people may be put off by the content of rape it was written with care and my heart went out for Claire. Although I had a hard time relating to Ben and his turmoil, I did understand the elements which got him to that point and that the soul searching in the end helped him become who he wanted to be. Although this is not normal for me I did enjoy the story and would read other books by this author.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

Vengeance (The Sundown Series Book 5) by Courtney Konstantin – Review by Katie Matthews

VengeanceVengeance by Courtney Konstantin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Vengeance was a great read; it is the fifth book in the Sundown series but could be read as a standalone. I have read others from the series and also recommend them. The author has a great writing style that really draws you into the story and although it is a YA read I really enjoyed it. The storyline was good and engaging and I really liked the characters. Max was a nice character to read about and her story definitely kept me interested the whole way through. The author’s attention to detail was another huge positive for this book.
I would definitely recommend this story and think YA readers would really enjoy it.

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The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Traveler Series, Book of Eleanor Book 3) by Shannon Nemechek – Review by Katie Matthews

The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Book of Eleanor 3)The Traveler: Chimera Rising by Shannon Nemechek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Another wonderful time traveling story in this series by Shannon Nemechek! This story carried on straight from book 2 so they definitely need to be read in order and as I anticipated they story was just as well written with a great pace. The author’s vivid imagination really shines through and allows to me to imagine what is going on with the characters. I was immersed in the story from beginning to end. I really liked the characters; they are well developed and imaginative. I think out of the three stories this is probably my favourite so far.
This series is a must for any historical/time traveling fan! You won’t be disappointed!

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At All (The Adams Brothers Book 3) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Katie Matthews

At All (Adams Brothers, #3)At All by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This is the 3rd book in the Adam Brothers series and I think it might have been my favourite (although I did really enjoy the first two). Seb was such a surprise for me, having met him in the previous books I wasn’t 100% sure about him but my mind has definitely been changed! I loved Maelie, she was a great character and her and Seb together was amazing to read about! I loved every second of their story. They both have their own issues to overcome but together they were wonderful!
The story was brilliant, well-paced with a great flow. The characters were great to read about and as I said before this is definitely my favourite from this series! I definitely recommend this book and the whole series!

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The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Traveler Series, Book of Eleanor Book 3) by Shannon Nemechek – Review by Katie Kearney

The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Book of Eleanor 3)The Traveler: Chimera Rising by Shannon Nemechek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Book of Eleanor 3) by Shannon Nemechek. This book had no problem pulling me in and keeping me hooked from start to finish. I do suggest reading these in order. This one was just as good as the others. The storyline is well developed and I like the writing style. Even the smallest details are done well and the author bring the words to life in my mind. The characters are complex and well written, they pulled me into their world and I loved the adventure we get to go on together during this book. I’m excited to see where the author takes readers next. Four stars and highly recommended!

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Where Flowers Bloom by Nikki Vale – Review by Jenni Bishop

Where Flowers BloomWhere Flowers Bloom by Nikki Vale
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Where Flowers Bloom: A Romantic, Modern to Historical, Mystery by Nikki Vale is a gut-wrenching thought-provoking story. It is a story of a young woman who see a past and present that coexists as the story reveals ghosts and slaves, love and relationships, and lives living on a plantation. With historical elements and the paranormal I really enjoyed this beautiful and emotive tale but the ending not so much. It is an ending that you will either love or hate.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Cursed Sight (Broderick Coven Series Book 2) by AJ Renee – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Cursed Sight (Broderick Coven, #2)Cursed Sight by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Cursed Sight (Broderick Coven Series Book 2) by AJ Renee

Cursed Sight is the second book in the Broderick Coven Series by AJ Renee. This is a wonderfully written Paranormal story that once you start you won’t want to stop. This authors style of writing and attention to detail along with well developed characters are a perfect combination for an epic story. This is Serena and Ethan’s story. She’s a high priestess and nees a new oracle for her coven and Ethan’s a oracle. She never imagined that helping him with his powers would have her having feelings for him. Find out what happens next in this must read . I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Goddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III – Review by Jenni Bishop

Goddess of EverythingGoddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Goddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III is a dark psychological supernatural thriller which is an International Book Awards Winner. Paul very cleverly weaves a gripping and engaging tale as we follow along with archetype realities of good vs evil and lots of mysticism. There are many differences with the characters from those with little or without much depth, those that are complex and have a much deeper depth to them and those that is twisted beyond the realm of horrors and hell.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Carnival of Shadows (Black Water Magic Book 2) by Leslie Scott – Review by Liz Vrchota

Carnival of Shadows (Black Water Magic #2)Carnival of Shadows by Leslie Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love love books that have an undertone of Carnival to them so when this cover caught my eye and I saw the theme it was a no brainer I knew I had to give it a read. I am so glad that I did. It was one crazy ride and I loved every single second that I spent reading it! I was completely swept up into this world created by Leslie Scott where Teagan is our main character and there are so many more side characters that just pack as much of a punch, given the theme that is also a no brainer. I loved how this managed to keep me thinking about it when I wasn’t reading and had me itching to pick it back up the next day to see how things would turn out. I can’t wait to see what else is available in this series and will come next as well as what may be available by Leslie Scott as well!

Review by @lizaileen
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Beckoned (Born of Darkness Book 1) by R. B. Fields – Review by Angela Hayes

Beckoned (Born of Darkness, Book 1)Beckoned by R.B. Fields
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars

Beckoned is the first book in the Born of Darkness series by R.B. Fields. This book also appears to be the author’s debut novel. I love anything vampire- so it was a given that I would be reading this book the moment it showed up on my recommended book list.
It has a refreshingly original take on the whole vampire lore- making for a captivating read. With drama, humour, and plenty of sizzle- this introduction to the author’s work ensures that I will definitely be coming back for more.

Thank you, R.B. Fields!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Hell In A Handbasket ( Life is Hell Book 3 ) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Carla Clemmons

Hell In A Handbasket (Life is Hell #3)Hell In A Handbasket by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Naomi Valkyrie has done it again! Who knew the series would just keep getting better. Reading about Teivel and Oren will keep you wanting more. I honestly could not put this book down! The series is amazing but you don’t have to read the first ones to enjoy this one. I highly recommend them though and have already preordered book 4!

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Hell In A Handbasket (Life is Hell Book 3) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Heather Lovelace

Hell In A Handbasket (Life is Hell #3)Hell In A Handbasket by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Valkyrie continues to impress me greatly with the care she takes in crafting each book and creating a world that you dive headlong into and feel part of. Because of the character development that carries over, even though these books stand well on their own, I cannot stress how much more enjoyable the reader will find the experience if taking it in series order. Quite frankly, with Valkyrie’s gifted pen, I’m not sure anyone wouldn’t rush to pick up the rest if they started out of order. Regardless, the character development and world building in this book were fantastic. If you fancy not-your-average paranormal romp, this book is most definitely for you. I know these characters are dear to the author for the care she took in each page. And that care made me care. Masterfully done! I cannot wait to read the next book!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Goddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III – Review by Katie Kearney

Goddess of EverythingGoddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Goddess of Everything by Paul DeBlassie III. I’ll be completely honest I was a little surprised by this book I really got drawn in and I wasn’t sure if that would happen but I was so glad to take the leap. This is an author I’ve read before but this may be the one I’ve liked the most so far. The characters are complex and de well developed. The storyline had me on the edge of my seat more than once I wasn’t expecting the twist and turns and I loved every minute. The storyline is engaging and unique, I found myself completely hooked. It may be smaller in pages but there’s a depth to this book that makes it seem longer in a good way. Four big stars and highly recommended.

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Killer Blonde by Allan Evans – Review by Katie Kearney

Killer BlondeKiller Blonde by Allan Evans
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Killer Blonde by Allan Evans. This is a new author to me and I’ll definitely be looking for more. This was a great thriller. I was definitely on the edge of my seat more than once and it kept me guessing. I liked the different POV we got. This book definitely had a lot going one but I never felt lost or confused. The characters are complex and had me so hooked I just couldn’t put this book down. Definitely found myself watching something fluffy after the journey we get to go on in this thriller that had me reading well into the night. I can’t wait to see what else this author has to offer. Four big stars and highly recommended.

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At All (The Adams Brothers Book 3) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Katie Kearney

At All: Adams Brothers: Book 3At All: Adams Brothers: Book 3 by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At All: Adams Brothers: Book 3 by Mindy McKinley. These books just keep getting better and better and I can’t get enough. This one may just be my top pick but hey don’t tell the others ok. Because they are really great also , so make sure you read each one. But this one just spoke to me in a different way and I was so sad when I reached the end. I honestly wanted this book to go on forever and I’d have been there for it. The characters are complex and relatable, they pulled me into their world and I was happy to go along for the ride they took me on. The storyline is well written and paced nicely never feeling rushed or lacking anything. This author definitely knows how to keep me coming back for more and I’m excited to see where we go next. Five stars all the way and highly recommended

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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Raylene Green

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

  1. Broody. That’s the prefect word to describe Stormy. He’s very mistrusting of anyone and his attitude makes him unlikeable. You learn Stormy’ s back story here. While we know he deserted the club, this history of his gives you a peek as to why he did it. Cat is the prefect anecdote for him and their story will rock your socks off!!View all my reviews