
Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Christine Taysom

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven’t read a good suspense book in a while, but this book was absolutely thrilling! I have a bad habit of guessing who was the killer and most of the time I’m able to figure it out way in advance of the big reveal. The red herrings in this were so well done that I couldn’t even get close to figuring it out. I loved it! This book has it all, a badass female protagonist, thrills for days, sexy people, cults, intrigue I mean you name it and it was there. I read this book in one session and am eager to read more. I really love an unpredictable ending, and a suspense book that keeps me guessing. I can’t wait to read the other released books in this series. Definitely a must read!

Reviewed by @prettybird-marie
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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne is my first read by this author and I was definitely not disappointed. This mystery/ romance had so much to offer including intrigue, plot twists, fantastic characters, and more. Ms. Deanne had me hooked from the very beginning and after finishing this book I can’t wait to read the rest of the series and see what happens to her terrific characters. The authors writing really seemed to just flow right off the page, her characters and plot were both just terrific and really made me love her story even that much more. Personally I can’t wait for book two, to see what happens next.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Angela Packard

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great romantic mystery. We meet Dee Quarter a police detective who has just lost her partner from an accident on the job. She gets paired with Connie Wilks who she has personality differences with. It may just be that they are a lot the same. The case that gets thrown their way is a woman who was strangled. Their investigation leads them in a couple directions, one of them being a cult called The Circle, led by Jonathan Wild, another her ex-Grayson.
Will Dee be drawn into Jonathan’s world or will she be able to hold onto her romance with Winston Lewis. I feel Dee’s struggle, the pull she feels to Jonathan, Grayson not wanting to let go of the love he has for her, and Dee just wanting to have her relationship with Winston. Can she keep a hold of who she is? Or will this case pull her in directions she really doesn’t want to go?

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Jade Thomson

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If anyone knows me, they know I’m a SUCKER for any kind of dark, angst-y, moody, sexy bad boy romance. Especially if they are anything like Ripper! This is my first book from Tee Smith and y’all. 👀. This book is *chefs kiss*. It hits all those sweet spots for me. A heroine with secrets- and a smoking hot bad boy who you KNOW has his own secrets and a past of his own just from his description alone! Was I in love with every aspect of their romance? No! And I’m pretty sure we aren’t supposed to be! I can’t wait for the next one and y’all should check it out too! Onto the next! 💖

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THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda Burson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is such a wonderful boxed set with so many different areas of interest covered for young adult readers that it would be a wonderful one to snag a gift or read for yourself! I love box sets from my favorite authors for this reason! I can share all my favorites in such a convenient way and start people with a wonderful series. The Marcy Series has something for everyone like I said with a strong female lead and really brings to a whole host of supporting side characters to fall in love with as well. I have included below the review for the first two books in the series individually as well so you can get a taste of what is in them in depth a bit more but this is one that you do not want to miss out on!


“As I fall asleep, all I can think of is a four-letter word: Rage.”

This was my first time reading anything by Linda Burson, and I don’t generally pick up many novels in these genres either, but was wanting to switch it up a bit and the synopsis grabbed my attention from the get go. I was really intrigued by the fact that this was looking to lean more towards an alpha female lead rather than focusing on an alpha male lead for a change. So, I jumped in with an open mind and was fully ready for some kick butt female lead story lines.

So, we meet the lovely and deeply aggravated Marcy. She is the owner of a bakery, Coffee, Tea, & Treats, engaged to Brad, and seems like life is going fairly well. Except it really isn’t. She has been plagued with these nightmares for quite some time now and it is affecting every person and aspect of her life.

“I haven’t been my sweet self for a while. I’m not trying to be difficult, but the nightmares I’ve been having are taking their toll on me.”

All that seems to be the norm in her life as far as feelings go anymore is rage.

“As I fall asleep, all I can think of is a four-letter word: Rage.”

Eventually it takes its final toll on her relationship with her fiancé and an ultimatum is given to her, she either gets help or he is gone.

“That’s it, damn it! I’m done! Do you hear me? I’m fed up with your craziness. I’m leaving. You need help and you need it now!”

This eventually leads her to a newfound love and friend, Liam. They embark on a journey together that will either heal them or tear them apart more.
I will say that this isn’t necessarily a cliffhanger book, but there are unanswered questions and loose ends. It is book 1 in a series and you will definitely want book 2 after this one is done so that you can get the answers to some of those questions left hanging in the air after this one is done. The one reason that I did not give this five stars was because for me this book was in a lot of ways disjointed. It almost felt like two stories with an intermission of excessive information. I have a feeling that it will make all the more sense when reading the second book but it was a tad confusing in the sense that it was introduced in this novel rather than spread throughout the next few books. Otherwise I did enjoy it and will give the next one a go to see what comes next for Marcy and the rest of the characters.


“Marcy, sometimes we can’t explain why the heart wants what it wants. It doesn’t mean it’s wrong; it just means we get confused…”
This is the second installment in The Marcy series by Linda Burson and I was very much impressed with the flow and improvement with the storyline progression in this book. I liked the idea behind the series in book one and wanted it to go blossom in this one and it didn’t disappoint!
“Marcy, sometimes we can’t explain why the heart wants what it wants. It doesn’t mean it’s wrong; it just means we get confused. You need to incorporate your mind; use your intelligence to logically figure out why you feel so connected to him. The heart will lead us astray, but our hearts combined with our reason helps us decipher what the right answer is for us.”
This pretty much picks up where the precious book leaves off, with Marcy confused as to where she wants to settle her heart with, between Liam or Brad. She knows that she has ‘feelings’ for both of them but which one does she love? Luckily, she gets the opportunity to have time to figure this out with both of them, something that is not traditional in most relationships in the modern age, also made for a very interesting and captivating read.
This also contained all the drama, suspense, mystery, and intrigue that balanced so well in the previous novel. It really takes the reader on a roller coaster of a ride. Marcy has quite the intense life both in the present and in her history and she is still uncovering a lot of details. I look forward to reading more about this in future installments in this series.

Review by @lizaileen
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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fast paced page turner which had me hooked from start to finish. The main character Baltimore Detective Dee Quarter is a strong and independent female lead who really brings the story together and I felt that she is a relatable and realistic character, making her easy to engage with. Dee and her partner Detective Connie Wilks have a case to solve when a woman is strangled to death. The investigation becomes personal for Dee when it leads to her ex boyfriend Grayson and causes her current relationship with Winston to be strained. The case also introduces them to cult leader Jonathan Wild, of The Circle. As they continue to investigate it becomes clear that Jonathon wants Dee as a member of The Circle, whether she wants to be or not.
The storyline flows well and the plot twists kept me guessing until the end and had me happily turning the pages. It turns out that this series is a spinoff of the authors Bruised Series, and I did feel as I was reading the novel that certain things that were referred to had maybe happened in a previous book. Although this book can be read as a standalone story, I feel that the reader may understand Dee’s backstory better if they have read the other series first. I found this gripping romantic suspense to be an enjoyable and engaging read and I am now keen to read other books by Stacy-Deanne as I liked her writing style.

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THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda Burson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson. The 1st book is Rage ( The Marcy Series Book 1) by Linda Burson. This is the where it all started. The very beginning. Book one is Rage ( The Marcy Series Book 1) This is the where it all started. The very beginning. I’ve read all the books so now we are back to square one and it did not disappoint! This is the story of Marcy and her having nightmares that are causing her life to fall apart. Her partner tells her to get help or they are done. In the midst of all this she is held at gunpoint during a Robbery, she meets Liam and vows to help him find his parents murderers. Liam and Marcy begin to have feelings for each other and she’s never felt like this before. This love is new to Marcy, its kind, positive and happy. Jealousy, confusion, and heartbreak are in the works with her old love. In the Second book Confusion Marcy starts having nightmares due to her trauma. Her past is keeping her from completely healing and she doesn’t know what to do about it. Brad has to make a decision about his father and he’s struggling with that. Liam and Marcy are growing closer and that causes confusion with Brad. Agony & Ectasy is the 3rd book and the characters are just as confused as ever. Brad makes a decision that throws them all off, Liam gets the revenge he thinks will fix everthing and Marcy is still trying to get help for her nightmares from therapy. Once Liam talks to the therapist thinks start to break open and he won’t leave Marcy’s side. Liam makes a decision that turns Marcy’s world upside down. Read this series it will keep you turning pages for hours.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Tausha Treadway

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith. This is the story of Erin who is a beautiful red headed nurse who has had her share of heartbreak. When she returns home to Rosewood Bay to care for her ailing mother she never dreams of meeting bad boy Curtis “Ripper” Bandura. Ripper is a bad boy to the bone and he’s not one for falling in love and settling down but when he meets Erin, sexy, beautiful Erin he’s willing to ride it out and see what happens. When Erin and Curtis connect it is pure chemistry! Erin knows that Ripper is not the kind of guy to settle down but she’s afraid she’s falling for him. When Ripper’s past comes haunting him it may solve everything because they are out for blood! Will Ripper survive the doom of his past and will he and Erin find a way to make it work? Read Unbreakable to find out!

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne is a compelling love triangle suspense novel. A spin-off of the Bruised series by the same author, this book follows Detective Dee of Baltimore. When a murder investigation takes her straight to her ex, she must contend, also, with the leader of a cult. All the while, she must stay true to her love Winston and, more importantly, to herself. Dee struggles with her loyalty to Winston while combating her interest in Jonathan, and she is a character you find yourself rooting for. This book will suck you right in and keep you until the very end. It is the first installment in The Stripped series, so rest assured there will be more to come! Seriously, don’t miss out on this read. The combination of romance and dealings with The Circle (Jonathan’s cult) will definitely keep your interest while satisfying your romantic side. Definitely don’t miss out on the Bruised series to get to know the characters first – however, this can be read as a standalone and enjoyed just fine.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this romantic suspense book…..I felt like I was being pulled in the cult aspect of it by a character named Jonathan, just the way he talked and came across as the leader of “The Circle”. Detectives Dee Quarter and Connie Wilks are investigating a murder of a woman whom was strangled. You feel like it leads up to Dee’s ex named Grayson. As you read the story, there is another aspect of it that the woman whom was murdered possibly belonged to this “cult” run by Jonathan Wild. Dee finds herself being pulled in by Jonathan and his girls and they would like her to join “The Circle”. This book had some twists and turns and it is truly intriguing read. I would like to continue the series and I am curious what will happen next. I will be also circling back to the other series’ by Stacy-Deanne as this book is a spin off series. Overall, I really liked this book and I am very intrigued what may happen next.

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Ride For Me (The North Shore Crew Book 1) by Vi Summers – Review by Melody (Karen) Marsh

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Series, Book 1)Ride For Me by Vi Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ride for Me by Vi Summers was a good book. It was fast paced following the crew while focusing on Gage and Lil. It is very well written and has great detail, however, personally I find this writing style harder to read. I normally look for books with a lot of dialogue AND descriptive detail that make you pause to think of the place. But there are so many people who will love the writing style of this book because it flows really well, honestly this is the style that I read while trying to get back into reading.

Despite not having my preferred style of writing, this story has a beautiful plot! Gage and Lil give us heart attack after heart attack trying to force themselves apart. But they are just so drawn to each other that we keep screaming at them to finally get over themselves! AHH It was a wonderfully thought-out plot making me want to throw my kindle at the wall multiple times!!

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Karyn Taylor

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped is the first book in the Stripped series by Stacy-Deanne. The Stripped Series is a spin off from the Bruised Series. I had not read any of this author’s work before reading Stripped. I did feel that maybe I’d have got more out of this book if I had read the other series.
I enjoyed the overall story with Dee being forced to work with new partner Connie who she doesn’t like (I’m assuming there is a story there from the previous series) on the case involving The Circle.
I really enjoyed reading the interactions between Dee and The Circle cult leader, Johnathan. I was drawn into their story and really enjoyed reading about these two characters.
I have to say though that I really didn’t get the relationship between Dee and her boyfriend Winston. Again, I’m assuming that there is more to their story from the previous story. Maybe if I had read that then I’d have a better insight into their relationship.
Overall I did enjoy the book and I will read the remainder of the series as I want to know how this story pans out.

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Ride For Me (The North Shore Crew Book 1) by Vi Summers – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Series, Book 1)Ride For Me by Vi Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ride For Me is book one in the North Shore Crew series by Vi Summers. I was excited to try this new to me author’s work, as I was taken in by the blurb of the story instantly. I eagerly devoured this story, falling for the main characters and loving the way the author had weaved their tale. This story will have your heart breaking, your imagination wandering, your inquisitiveness at a maximum, and your complete investment. The author has a way with words that kept me captivated and desperate for more. Suspenseful and passionate, this story was a whirlwind of emotional drama. Danger is ever present and I was kept guessing. Gage and Lil were a dynamic couple that mesmirised me and filled my heart with an overpowering sense of everything. I felt a lot while reading Ride For Me, and all of it so good. A stunning romantic suspense that was breathlessly hypnotic. 4 stars.

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The Sound of Silence AUDIO BOOK by Dakota Willink – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Oooo Suspenseful! This was a great audiobook! This awesome audio kept me interested through out the whole of the story and I loved the main characters. It takes some guts to run from nightmarish things that are in your life and that’s exactly what Gianna does. She was brave & strong & she was the reason that I liked this story so much!
The narrators were great in this one. Such good, smooth voices that I will definitely be looking forward to listening to in future audios. Great choices by this author!
I cannot wait to get my hands on more by this author & I am definitely going to pick up more of her audios! If you’re interested in a Suspense filed Romance this one is perfect!
Happy Listening!

Forbidden Mate (The Shadow Chronicles Book 2) by CR Robertson – Review by Alexandra Leith

Forbidden MateForbidden Mate by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could not get enough. This is the second installment of the Shadow Chronicles series and it is just as amazing as the first. If you thought book 1 had a huge plot twist than book two will throw you through many more! I love love love the love story between Levi and Tasha, but I love that this series goes beyond them and into the politics of Lycans Vs. Vampires. However, there are more lies behind their history than originally thought and this book expands on that. With the Hellspawn knocking on their doors will they be able to uncover the truths of such a secret history before it’s too late? Read to find out what happens next and trust me you will NOT regret it!

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith was my first read by Tee Smith and I can honestly say that I was not disappointed. The cover alone was enough to snag my attention, combine that with the synopsis of the book and I just knew I had to read it. This book is a contemporary romance but it’s filled with so many twists that you could never put it down. This contemporary romance has angst, drama, mystery and so much more. The characters are incredibly well developed and the plot is woven perfectly, I for one can’t wait for book two.

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Stripped by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Erica Shoebridge

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Detective Dee Quarter has gotten herself into quite the love triangle (or quadrilateral?). Boyfriend of 1 year, Winston, is what she says she wants and needs in a man. But then how to explain her reaction to ex-boyfriend Grayson’s advances, and how her body reacts to cult leader Jonathan? As she gets closer to solving her murder case, she gets more and more embroiled in temptation and trouble.

The plot is well-drawn, and the developments in both the case and Dee’s love life make for interesting reading. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why Dee was drawn to the creepy cult leader, but to each their own. I think the issue I had is that I wanted there to be more character development. I didn’t feel like these characters were truly lifelike and believable… something was missing for me. However, fans of romance will appreciate the steamy love scenes, and suspense/crime lovers may enjoy this mystery.

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Ashley Dover

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Erin Murphy is a nurse at a local clinic. She returned to Rosewood Bay after her marriage failed when her mother was sick with cancer to help her father. After her mother passed, she decided to stick around as there was nothing to return to her previous hometown for.

Curtis “Ripper” Bandara has a past life that he would never forget and no ties to his siblings. He currently works stripping cars, reupholstering, and repainting them for sale. He is also a henchman for the Diamonds, a group of four men, who made and run Rosewood Bay. With the influx of a group of bangers that are younger, the men have a challenge before them so that war doesn’t break out in the Bay.

Being out with a friend and being slashed by a knife is the reason Ripper ends up in Erin’s clinic. The two have an electric spark, but Ripper knows that his life is not the life for Erin. When a friend ends up in trouble he calls Erin for help. She assists in making sure his friend doesn’t die. Shortly after, Erin ends up in trouble and Ripper takes her home.

Can the two work out the mystery of who is trying to hurt her? Is it because of Ripper or someone else in her life? Will the sparks they felt the first time they met ever lead to anything more?

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THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson – Review by Kerry Baker

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda Burson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda J Burson is a collection of great books with some brilliant characters. This is a series that really does need to be read in orders as it is a continuation of their stories throughout. With each of these books I found it so easy to connect with the characters – and to reconnect with them quickly each time I started a new book.
Each of these books is well written and exciting to read. Even though it follows the same characters I thought each book had a different feel to it, distinguishing it from the last book while still having a familiar sense to it. The books are all faced paced. So much seems to happen in each book and the author really knows when to throw in a twist to keep you on your toes. As soon as I had finished one of these books I had to start the next and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Candida Hopper

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)
By Stacy-Deanne

This was a good read. There were definitely some interesting characters in this book. There are twists and turns, suspense, romance and more. As I was reading this story I realized that some of these characters were in another book and although I was able to follow this story very easily I wish I would have read the other book these characters were in so I had a better back story. I also wish I knew what happened between Dee and Grayson.This author kept me intrigued and entertained throughout the book. I look forward to reading more books in this series. I’m not sure how I feel about Jonathan and the woman that lives with him so I’m hoping to get to know more in the next book. I’m glad I decided to take a chance on this book.

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The Sound of Silence AUDIO BOOK by Dakota Willink – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Wow this book….the story is raw, heart wrenching and at times I had to stop and catch my breath. This story is about Gianna who falls in love with a man named Ethan. What Gianna did not know was how Ethan was abusive and cruel. From the outside you would think they are the perfect couple but behind closed doors was a totally different story. Gianna finally flees from her abusive husband and ends up in NYC. She couldn’t believe she bumps into a many named Derek, a man she met on her wedding night as he was at the hotel as well staying for the night. Gianna learns from Derek how to possibly love again but with true caution. Gianna also learns how she can fight back. Ethan finds her again and is bitter. Will Gianna finally be free of Ethan after years of abuse? This story has definite triggers of abuse but also a trigger of stalking. Overall just another fantastic story from Author Dakota Willink.

Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a start in a new series for me, and I certainly got sucked in quickly with the novel and the characters. The book was so good I can not express. The story pulls you in, and holds you close, and you learn more about the characters and who they are, and you really feel for them. It was amazingly good!

Erin is the main female love interest in this book. She is a nurse and very caring as well as dutiful to her duties. She had secrets of her own, ones that only her heart knew best from all aspects. She goes day by day doing what she does best which is healing others, but what if a chance came for someone to heal her wombs’? Would she take a leap of faith or let the scars consume her?

Throw in a sexy bad boy named Ripper. He has had led quite the different life than Erin has. He has the I am better off on my own attitude, but yet he seems to feel incomplete. All changes for what he knows when these two souls interact. Ripper gets hurt, and he needs some tender loving care, and he just so happens to get this beautiful, kind hearted, and free spirited nurse named Erin.

Ripper feels something not possible. She was not what he normally would go after. Having an attraction for something real more than just a good time to feel good, is normally what he likes on his dinner plate. Erin feels something too, something she can not deny, but how? Why? Would they trust their feelings?

Ripper had nothing to give or so he felt. Yet he wanted her more than anything he ever thought he wanted or would want. He had past, that the law doesn’t speak very lightly on. He knows if Erin found out this would be the end of things he’s got going, and he knows tis a good thing….but is love really worth all this risk in the end? Things take a turn when their lives get aught in that fly swatter even more, when Erin funds out but not the way he wanted. With everything brought to light, the impossible had to be asked, is what they feel have, is it worth the pain and secrets of the past that made them who they were?

I really loved these two characters, especially when their secrets and pain were brought to the surface and they really opened up to one anther, and really allowed themselves to feel things they always wanted, but never felt inside their hearts, they truly deserved. They had found their safe haven truly, but with anything as beautiful as this love, they both knew they would have to work hard to keep it, other wise it would be gone and they would have the biggest regret ever of their lives upon them.

The author brought forth two beautiful characters, despite their scars they were beautiful in their own way. I really fell in love with them both and wanted them to get their happy ending. I will defiantly be reading the next one in this series. I can not wait to see what happens in the next book in the series!

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Karyn Taylor

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreakable is the first book in the Diamonds Series by Tee Smith. I had not previously read any of this author’s work but I was intrigued by the blurb and decided to give it a try. I’m very glad that I chose to read Unbreakable as I really enjoyed it and look forward to reading the rest of the series.
As we as being the story of Ripper and Erin, we are introduced to the Diamonds and they type of operations that they run. Let’s just say it involves a lot of danger, drama and intrigue.
Erin had returned home after a failed marriage to look after her sick mother. Her mother has now passed on and Erin is trying to get on with her life and look after her father who has found solace in the whisky bottle.
Erin first meets Ripper when he attends the clinic she’s a nurse at to get a stab wound examined. He’s totally taken by the beautiful red headed nurse and over time tries to get close to her.
I loved Erin and Ripper’s story. Not only do we have the romance story between them but there is so much going on with the Diamonds which bring a few surprises to the reader and causes Erin to re-evaluate her life.
This is a really great read that had me gripped from the very beginning, right up to the very end. It’s full of danger and drama and will keep the reader entertained and not want to put the book down.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Felicia Bates

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped is the first book I’ve read by Stacy Deane and while I could follow along pretty well, I felt like I was missing something despite starting from book one. The interactions between Dee and Grayson made me curious about their history and how we got where we are. I looked into Stacy Deanne’s writing a little further since she’s new to me and realized that her Bruised series crosses over. Now, this might have been blatantly obvious when I downloaded the book, I have a tendency to see something, read the synopsis and forget it by the time I delve into the book (added suspense!).
No harm done though, I am just left with another book series I look forward to tackling. As for Stripped, I really liked it overall. Part of the reason I was drawn to this romantic suspense is because of the female main character being a detective. I feel like so often our female leading ladies are not portrayed as strong and independent as I’d like them to be and I was hopeful this would be a different case. Fortunately, I was right and really enjoyed Dee as a character.
What really pulled me in though was Stacy Deanne’s writing style. There was something unique about the writing style in the first two chapters that really grabbed my attention. Each chapter felt like a perfectly timed commercial break that made me
need to see what was next. The storyline was fluid and the book
was short so pages flew by. I would give the book 4 stars and will gladly continue on in the series.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Dawn Brown

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Ripper goes to the local clinic to avoid questions, nurse Erin is the one to stitch his gash back together. Both of them take notice of the other but Erin is at work and can’t flirt with a patient. Fate throws them back together again but both have issues in their current lives. Ripper has his best mate and his mate’s daughter that he is worried about as well as his not so legal work. Erin is trying to help her dad move on after the death of her mother but they keep running into each other and are inclined to give in to fate.
This book is a great read. With short chapters, it is perfect for the person who is on the go and has to read in between tasks. The allure of the shady side of the law, for me, makes this book quite intersting. The rhythm of the words draw the reader in while Ripper’s mate’s daughter has the reader’s protective side jumping out.
This is the first book in a promising series.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds #1) by Tee Smith-Review by Amanda Kimble

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith

This is the first book I’ve read by Smith. Unbreakable had me hooked from the first line. Ripper and Erin’s story will have you wanting more.

Erin loves working at the free clinic. After losing her mom she threw herself into work. She tends to Ripper and can’t stop thinking about him. The quote I chose for Erin is: “No, it’s not okay. No one could ever beat me up about what happened to Salinda as much as I beat myself up. You went to prison for what you did and lost your whole family. My family loved me, supported and protected me. You were just a scared little boy. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for you.”

Ripper is part of the Diamonds. They built their town and now it’s being threatened. When he goes to the clinic to get stitched up he meets Erin. The quote I chose for Ripper is: “I’ve done my time, Erin. It will never be enough. I will always have to live with what I’ve done. Ten years in prison was only the beginning of the punishment. I get it. I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve anything. I’m sorry, darlin’. You’ve got to believe me; I’m so sorry.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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The Sound of Silence AUDIO BOOK by Dakota Willink – Review by Bobbi Wagner

This is not my first audio book by this author but it is one of my favorites yet.  This is an author I never hesitate to pick up one of her books or her audio books.  I was pulled in from the beginning with the voice of the narrator.  I loved how the change of their voice gave the characters not only a realistic feel but gave life to the character themselves.  This is a dark romance suspense story that  took me on an emotional roller coaster ride just waiting to see what would happen next. Gianna is a woman that has been broken in more than one way. With a determination to survive she runs from her abusive husband. Then she runs into Derek.  Will he show her another way of life? I loved their chemistry and their connection.   I highly recommend this audio book and this author.

TAINTED by Marsha R. West – Review by Bobbi Wagner

TaintedTainted by Marsha R West
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this romance suspense story. This is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and kept me engaged to the end. This is a well written story about starting over and finding solace from the past and second chance romance. The characters are relatable and made the twists and turns edge sitting just waiting to see what would happen next. They brought suspense to a new level in parts and just kept me turning pages. I enjoyed what they brought to the story and also the growth with them. Liz and Matt are both trying to find solace from the past so they end up back in the same town. They have a past together but will fate allow them to be together this time? Will Matt be able to believe in himself and protect Liz? I really enjoyed their chemistry together. I found myself hoping they would get their happily ever after at the end. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne

Stripped is the first book in the Stripped Series by Stacy-Deanne. This is a suspense with a bit of romance. I was drawn in from the beginning and had a hard time putting it down. It was a fast paced story with twists and turns that had me turning the pages trying to figure out what was going to happen next. This is a new to me author but I’m definitely going to check out what other books she has. This is a story about Dee and her Partner Connie who is put on a murder case of a woman who had been strangled to death. She’s shocked when the case leads her to her ex boyfriend who might be involved. Better yet she gets a lead to a leader of a sex cult. Will they solve the case and find who murdered Autumn? Find out what happens next in this must read. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Melissa Agena

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Way to spin it off on a new series! This is not a typical Love Triangle. There is much more to it than meets the eye. This is the first book in the Stripped Series written by Stacy-Deanne. It is a spin off from the Bruised Series. In this story we meet Baltimore Detective Dee Quarter. Her and her partner Connie Wilks are called in to a homicide which involves and ex-boyfriend of Dee’s and another man who just seems to be very intriguing but has ulterior motives to bring her in a cult. This book sounded very intriguing as it involves a Murder Mystery, Romance and Cults but it’s also because it is a BWWM (Black Woman/White Male). I haven’t read much of this genre but it totally worked in this book! I loved the characters and the mystery within it all. I hadn’t read this author before but I was very pleasantly surprised. This story was a very easy read and it was very engaging and it really brought you in. I wished I had read the previous series just so that I could have a little bit more of a background but you can totally read this book without doing so. I can honestly say that I am excited for the next book in the series! Well Done Ms. Stacy-Deanne!

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Review by @vegasdaisie