
Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Helani Kihe

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreakable is the first installment of The Diamonds series by Tee Smith. In this story we meet good girl Erin and bad boy Ripper. We get to see how they meet and fall for each other and have to overcome obstacles from their pasts that may affect their futures.
I really enjoyed how the Romance and Suspense entwined with each other. It made me want to keep reading page after page. I can’t wait for the second installment of the series. I’m hoping we’ll get to know more of the characters we were introduced to in book 1.


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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Helani Kihe

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreakable is the first installment of The Diamonds series by Tee Smith. In this story we meet good girl Erin and bad boy Ripper. We get to see how they meet and fall for each other and have to overcome obstacles from their pasts that may affect their futures.
I really enjoyed how the Romance and Suspense entwined with each other. It made me want to keep reading page after page. I can’t wait for the second installment of the series. I’m hoping we’ll get to know more of the characters we were introduced to in book 1.


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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Kerry Baker

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped by Stacy-Deanne is the first book in the Stripped series. This book is a spin off from another series however I don’t think you need to read the other series first. I started with this book and was able to completely follow the story and the characters with no issues.
I found this book to be quite an easy read.
You get into the story easily enough, and although the characters obviously have background from the other series you connect with them easily too. I didn’t find the storyline too gripping, in parts it was a little predictable, I did still find myself invested enough that I wanted to know how things were going to turn out.
This is a new author to me and I have to say I definitely enjoyed her work. I will be reading the next book in this series and probably the previous series too.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Heidi Schoolman

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 1st book in The Stripped series. This is a Romantic Suspense novel and is 398 pages in length. This story follows Dee, a detective in Baltimore, as she tries to solve a murder. The trail leads to Grayson, her ex, but also to Jonathan, who is the leader of a cult. Both men want her, but she is currently in a relationship with Winston, who she loves dearly. But she is intrigued with Jonathan, who also wants to make her part of his cult. This one has just enough action and romance to suck you in and next thing you know you have finished the book and it is in the wee hours of the morning!

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Bethany Rollins

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unbreakable(Book 1 The Diamonds) by Tee Smith is a divorced nurse who returns to Rosewood Bay to care for her dying mother. Here, she meets Ripper, a man with a past full of burdens that led to his tortured soul. This unlikely duo begins with sparks and leads into a romance and love that they both need to thrive. This story is full of emotions, heartbreak, love, and suspense. It shows how love can survive difficult realizations and circumstances.

I did enjoy this book and cannot wait for the 2nd installment as we are left on a bit of a cliffhanger. I really enjoyed Ripper’s character and how he has struggled with his past actions and how it translates to the person he has become now. I hope in the next installment we get more backstory into the secondary characters we’ve met because I would love to get more details on those like Don, Mia, Jay and Sebastian. I feel there is so much more to these characters than the scratch of the surface details we received and I cannot wait to dive into them more.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Karen Pearman

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book from this author that I have read. I was surprised to learn that she has written over 100 top bestsellers and wondered how I had missed out on her books. I can say that I look forward to reading those others as I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I found it to be very interesting and full of intrigue and suspense. There was also plenty of romance as well and I love that she didn’t go overboard with the romantic details to take away from the suspense. I couldn’t put this book down once I read the first chapter. My only regret is that I did realize it was a spinoff from another series written by the author that I hadn’t read, and I do think that would have benefitted me and given me more knowledge going into this story. So, I highly suggest that you read that before starting this one. In fact, I am going to go back and read those and then re-read this one again. Great book!

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The Sound of Silence AUDIO BOOK by Dakota Willink – Review by M Policicchio

The Sound of Silence AUDIO BOOK by Dakota Willink


4 out of 5 Stars


Gianna Valentini thinks she found the perfect man in Ethan Walker.  Ethan is loving, kind, a police officer, and seemingly everything she wants.  Once the wedding vows are exchanged, Ethan starts to change.  Ethan is more of a nightmare than a dream.  Once Gianna makes up her mind to leave, she stays to plan carefully and accumulate everything she needs to get away from Ethan.  But nothing ever goes as planned.  


Derek Mills is a budding entrepreneur.  He just happens to be at the same hotel as a wedding reception for Gianna and Ethan.  When a chance encounter between the bride needing a moment and this stranger, the sparks fly.  Several years later, when Derek assists a stranger in the hallway to his fitness center, he discovers the bride from the chance encounter.  She is not the same.  She is going by a different name, her hair is shorter and darker, and always looking over her shoulder.  Could this beautiful woman be on the run from someone?  


Dakota Willink delivers on the suspense, the drama, the heat and the heart.  You can’t help but root for Gianna as she fights for her independence.  The heart-wrenching scenes are balanced by hope and healing.  Ethan got off way too easy.  Gianna is brave and resilient.  Dakota put in the time to make Gianna real and believable. Amazing story and characters!    


Trigger Warning:  This book contains scenes of domestic and sexual violence.  May not be appropriate for all audiences.

THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson – Review by Robin Rankin

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda Burson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rage is the first book in the Marcy series by Linda Burson.  I liked the book overall and i was looking forward tonreading the second book but I found myself a little confused and now have a ton of questions.  I had been down with a pretty bad cold when I started so I can’t help but wonder if that has something to do with my confusion or if I was lead to be confused on purpose by the author.  If that is the case, she did a good job.

Confusion is the second book in the series. I found myself getting very frustrated with Marcy in this book.  The back and forth was never ending or at least that is the way it seemed to me.  There were times I really wanted to shake her and get her to make up her mind between Brad and Liam.  I like the supporting cast as much if not more than the main characters and I hoped to find them in more prominent roles in the following books.

Agony and Ecstasy is the third book in the series and I think this is my favorite of the series so far.  I didn’t find myself as annoyed my Marcy as I did in the first two book which was a good thing, but that never stopped me from reading the books and not want to put them down.  Marcy has done a lot of growing and healing in this series and I have a feeling that there is still a lot more to come for her.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Piper Foster

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Connie’s , Dee working on a case Autumn death. She shocked to find an ex maybe involved with this murder. She has a great way of getting twist and turns into the story that never knew who the murderer was until it was revealed at the end of the book it gave me a shock. The time to cult shocked me but was well thought out and written in the correct Manor.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unbreakable is book one in the Diamonds series by Tee Smith. This one is a story that takes a little while to get going, and flowed along nicely, if not a little sedately. The story was really well written and the characters I found quite beguiling and very entertaining. For some wild reason, Ripper just made my heart ache. He brought out my protective mamma instincts and he was by far the most appealing in the story. Erin was not as easy to get a read on. But all that aside, the story as a whole was a good one. It was easy to follow and had a bit of excitement, drama and dangerous deeds. Great word structure and character creation made Unbreakable an enjoyable read. 4 stars.

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Ride For Me (The North Shore Crew Book 1) by Vi Summers – Review by Angela Hayes

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Series, Book 1)Ride For Me by Vi Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Ride For Me is the first book in the North Shore Crew series by Vi Summers. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Summers, so I was interested to see what she could do. It is a romantic suspense, with second chances, chemistry, steam, drama, danger, and a big dose of emotion.
I really felt for the characters and found myself rooting for them the whole way through. I was definitely invested in them and the outcome of their story. The heartache and emotion were palpable- Ms. Summers certainly knows how to tug on your heartstrings- while weaving a suspenseful tale.
If this first book is anything to go by, the rest of the series is set to be fantastic. Looking forward to book #2!

Thank you, Vi Summers!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Amanda Lundin

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Y’all, I’m SO invested in this story! I’ve never read a story like this before and I’m just as conflicted about who I want Dee to be with as she is! Winston is the sweet safe choice, Johnathan is the intelligent cult leader, and Grayson is the eccentric writer; all great choices in their own way and all totally into Dee. All this relationship drama while solving a murder!

I can’t say more without giving spoilers but this is a must read!

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Erica Fish

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped is the first book in the Stripped series by Stacy Deanne. This is my first book by this author and it will not be my last. The story has a suspenseful romantic feel to it. The characters are fully developed and complicated. This story is about Dee and Connie, two detectives in Baltimore who were put on a case of a strangled woman. The suspect in the murder is Dee’s ex, Grayson. As Dee was investigating the murder she was introduced to Jonathan. This is where the story gets interesting. Will Dee find the murderer? Will Dee start a relationship with Jonathan? I highly recommend reading this book to find the answers to these questions and more.

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Unbreakable by Tee Smith – Review by Erica Shoebridge

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ripper Bandura is definitely a sexy bad guy in this romantic suspense novel. For all his bravado and strength, he has surprisingly little experience in a relationship, so when he falls for Nurse Erin, it catches them both off-guard. He’s also a complex character that is more than just a typical ‘bad boy’. Unfortunately, his childhood was abusive and sent him down a path of crime from an early age. The relationship between Ripper and Erin seems like an unlikely match for many reasons, but they find themselves compelled to each other regardless. The backstory of Erin’s father gives the plot lots of interest, and it speeds up quickly with the family business and the reemergence of Erin’s first husband. Lots of drama to keep up interest, and the ground is already laid for some explosive happenings in book 2!

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Kerry Baker

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unbreakable by Tee Smith is the first book in the Diamond series. For me this book is all about the characters and their connection. Although they are complete opposites they have such a strong connection – the chemistry between them is so believable and real.
I thought the story line was good as well.bit felt like it built slowly throughout leading you to where it finishes. It was quite intense in some places and then less so in others, a good mix of the two. It is a well written book that leaves you wanting to read the next in the series. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to book 2.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Kerry Carr

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book one in the Diamonds series and it looks like its going to be a good one. This book contains 2 of my favourite things. Romance and danger. The author does an amazing job taking the reader into a world where our lead character Ripper lives. From a bad childhood, to prison, to now being part of a kinda of Mafia style company. Ripper is mixed into allsorts  of things. Trouble always seems to come looking for him even when he doesn’t want it. He’s never entertained the idea of finding someone to love because let’s face it who would want someone as messed up as him.

The Nurse Erin walks into his life. Erin has her own past, with the loss of her mother and her failed married she is just starting to find her own feet. The last thing she expected is to fall for a guy. Especially a guy who is a bad boy like Ripper.
With trouble coming for Ripper can he risk dragging Erin into his life? Could the secrets he keeps destroy them or make them stronger? And will Erin finally find the man of her dreams in Ripper despite his flaws or will this be another relationship doomed to fail from the beginning.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Kaitlynn Taylor

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped (Stripped Series #1) by Stacy-Deanne


This is the first book of the Stripped Series and my first book by this author but it won’t be my last. I thoroughly enjoyed this story from beginning until end. There was plenty of drama, mystery, steamy moments, intriguing characters and of course a great storyline.

I enjoyed the way the author wrote with so much detail making it easy to picture everything playing out in my mind, it made for a highly entertaining read. I look forward to reading more from this author in the near future!

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have always been a big fan of murder mystery novels, but this one truly hooked me, seriously. The writing itself was so well done, I have words to simply put how good this novel was to read and basically get lost in.
This most defiantly will not be my last by this author, but it is my first. I am so happy I got a hold of this book and lost myself in the story. It was indeed a well worth read for sure!

One of the main characters, Dee, was a strong and someone really commendable. She was also a detective. Quite frankly, I will say she was very good at her job. She knew how to do it and do it well. She was strong in the mind and body and had great intuition as well. As the story starts to take off, there’s a murder case with her partner whom is named Connie. A person named Autumn has been murdered. Ok easy work for our Dee right? With all that said, what happens when she gets a murder case and the main suspect just happens to be her ex she thought she was over, but strength of her own heart speaks other wise?

As well as the whole thing of dealing with Grayson, she had Winston. Someone good for her I felt upon reading. You could tell he cared greatly and was a safe pick. Question of the matter though wash e too safe? Yes, there was a big love triangle and it goes deep into your soul more than I ever thought…I at this point never expected the triangle to go the way it say it went crazy is a understatement, it went down a path I never saw coming. Honestly it made me love this book so much more!

Grayson was a suspect. Dee had trouble coming to terms that he would commit this murder. Herself and her partner Connie, decide to go forth and see what the next prime suspect Johnathan can give them for answers. Johnathan was a character to say the least. He was everything Dee shouldn’t want, but truly did with all of her mind, soul, and most defiantly her mind. He ran sex group, more like group of people having lots of sex. It was extremely unpredicted on my part and very twisted. And this made me dive in deeper to the story and the characters itself.

She was going through a lot. She had a history with her ex whom was a prime suspect. Winston who treated her good and loved her very much. A well as Johnathan who was a dark and twisted in the sense of what he could bring, but yet she wanted him so bad, but could allowing herself to be with Johnathan basically be the end of herself to what she knew? Perhaps what he shows her is so desirable that in every right aspect of her mind, she wanted basically what she knew she should never dare to consider?

I read on, and the story just got better and better. When Connie and Dee finished the case for the strangling of dear Autumn everything made sense in the end. I was a bit off with the sum up of the investigation, but it was what got me to the end of the book with twists as the dark creepy sense with the cult as well as the steamy moments it gave even when the characters did not need to touch each other to scream hot sexiness’.

The author was amazing with their writing skill. They made a story that was different from anything I have read. I loved it with a passion ! Maybe it was a curiosity that I had that wanted more, and when I got a bit of it, I still wanted more. I had such a good experience reading it. I will be reading more by this author and this was a rare treat that I can not recommend enough. Read this and you will have no regrets. Again to say simply, the book was amazing and writing blew be away. Loved it!

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Ride For Me (The North Shore Crew Book 1) by Vi Summers – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Series, Book 1)Ride For Me by Vi Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites yet. This is the first book in her new series and what a great start it is. This is a well written story about getting a second chance at love. The characters are great, strong and connectable. I enjoyed being pulled into the story from the start. They made the story engaging and brought the story to life. I enjoyed how the author used details to give it a realistic feel. The growth throughout the story and their chemistry just adds to the story. Gage has a past that ripped his world apart. He didn’t believe it could happen twice to him but when it does, what will happen? This is a really great story that I found hard to put down. It is fun, easy and entertaining to read. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

TAINTED by Marsha R. West

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
TAINTED by Marsha R. West
Genre – Seasoned Romance, Romantic Suspense, Second Chance Romantic Suspense
Page Count – 236 pages
Cover Designer – Charlotte Volnek

Socialite and philanthropist Elizabeth Hartman needs to start a new life after divorcing her husband Gerry Richardson who’s serving time in federal prison for money laundering, a crime the Feds suspected her of being involved in. Her mother’s family vacation home in Red River, New Mexico offers just the respite she needs. Or does it?  

One too many deaths sent retired Dallas homicide detective and now Marshall Matt Thornton to Red River to seek a less dangerous place to serve. The New Mexico mountains promised to be that refuge until his high school sweetheart Liz Hartman arrives, bringing with her danger to his town and his heart.


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A retired elementary school principal, a former school board member, and theatre arts teacher, Marsha R. West writes Romance, Suspense, and Second Chances. Experience Required. She lives in Texas with her supportive lawyer husband and Charley, a deaf, Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier. Their two daughters presented them with three delightful grandchildren all who live nearby. 

The theme of Marsha’s eight books is always second chances. She even has a four-part series titled The Second Chances Series, and believes in Happily Ever Afters. Her husband picked up a plaque for her on one of their several trips to Maine that states her philosophy exactly. Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it’s not the end. The Heroines and Heroes in her books are in their 40s and 50s with their parents and children often playing supporting roles. 

She’s a member of Romance Writers of America, the North Texas local chapter, NTRWA, Authors Marketing Guild LLC, and the WORD BY WORD Blog. She has her own weekly blog and monthly newsletter. Marsha loves making presentations to groups and has twice taught a Silver Frogs class on Indie Publishing for Texas Christian University. Her books can be found on AMAZON, B & N, KOBO, and iTunes. Print books are also at Indie Lector Stores and Amazon.

Author Interview With Marsha R. West





Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Shelly Kittell

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dee is involved in a missing case that intertwines her current man, her past man and a cult leader who is a suspect. Toss in a partner that she doesn’t like and you have a book with some definite drama and a tough officer. Dee is just coming back after burying her father so the whole case of who killed the cult member opens her up for easy seduction. Jonathan, the cult leader, tries almost every way possible to seduce her into the cult by using her need for family that can love her. Thankfully, Dee realizes that she has people who do care for her that pull her out. Alas, this is book 1 so it will leave you hanging…. I’m going to be eagerly awaiting book 2 to find out what happens. Can Winston hang on to her? Or will Jonathan take her away. Highly recommend.

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Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne- Review by Shadel Ayerbe

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne is a romantic suspense book

When a lady is strangled to death, Baltimore Detectives Dee Quarter and Connie Wilks get into action. The inquiry quickly leads to Dee’s ex-boyfriend Grayson, who is still after her. As if dealing with Grayson wasn’t enough, the investigation leads Dee to Jonathan Wild, the head of a group known as The Circle. Jonathan is unlike any guy Dee has ever encountered, and his attraction to the fiery policeman extends beyond the case, endangering Dee’s relationship with Winston Lewis. Dee adores Winston and, despite her curiosity about Jonathan, she refuses to be drawn in. However, Dee is unaware that Jonathan intends to make her a member of The Circle, whether she likes it or not. Dee strives to solve the case while managing her love for Winston and her curiosity about Jonathan, but will she lose herself in the process?

I loved this story and the concept of it as well. I loved every page of it. Every chapter was exciting. This is the first book that I have read from this author, I cant wait to read more.

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Angela Renee Diaz Stacy-Deanne – Review by Angela Diaz

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this interesting because it mentioned cults. This book had me entranced. I finished it in one day. Can’t wait to read the next book in this series. There’s some about temptation in here that is quite realistic.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Beverly Finnie

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

To me Unbreakable(Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith started out slow but I’m glad I didn’t stop reading at that point as I have in the past. Definitely witty with some edge.
I loved Ripper and as the story went on and we got to know him better I loved him more.
Ripper has a difficult past one that makes him fear loving anyone because he’s just going to hurt them. Till Erin stitched him up at the clinic one day, he knew no matter what he did he couldn’t stay away, feelings he didn’t understand. A love triangle brewing with Erin’s ex-husband Josh hanging around. Does Ripper get over his fears? Does Josh cause problems?
Of course there’s also the underground world of gangs mixed in. The Diamonds being a group who are well established vs a young group of street rats threatening to take over. They threaten their businesses, family, and well being. The Diamonds don’t take kindly to this or of the attacks that have taken place to their loved ones.
Does something bad happen? Do they have to take matters into their own hands?
These and the questions mentioned previously are what’s going to keep reading through the twists and turns of this suspenseful romance. I know that’s what did it for me, and now I’m wanting more!


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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Angela Hayes

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Unbreakable is the first book in The Diamonds series by Tee Smith. It is a contemporary romantic suspense with mystery, emotion, angst, secrets, and lies.
While I did enjoy the story, I feel like it was a little slow to get going, and lagged in places, which frustrated me a little. Because of that, it took me a while to really get into the story…… but that might just be me. I will revisit this story again later to see if I still feel the same way or whether I was just having an “off” reading session.
Again, I did enjoy the story and the angsty emotion- but I feel that the author missed an opportunity to take this story to the next level by adding more intensity, action, and drama…
Unbreakable is a story about finding love unexpectedly. Erin and ‘Ripper’ are a case of opposites attract- she’s the ‘good girl’ and he’s the quintessential ‘bad boy’. Erin is trying for a fresh start, leaving her old life behind and moving back to her hometown to care for her ailing mother. Ripper has some pretty heavy baggage, and a past that won’t stop haunting him. Just when things start looking up for both of them, his past casts a dark shadow over their future. The book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger that’s intended to lead us into the next book.

Thank you, Tee Smith!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Heather Bass

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read from this author and she now has a new fan. I usually don’t read murder mystery but this author has me hooked to this series. This is the first book of the Stripped series and I could not get enough. This author drew me into these characters right from the start and I can’t wait to see what will happen next.

Detective Dee Quarter just got assigned to a murder mystery. She and her partner have to find out who strangled this very beautiful woman. Dee is shocked when her case finds that her ex boyfriend might be involved. She also has another possible lead to a Cult leader Jonathan. Dee is very intrigued by Jonathan but she has a guy that loves her dearly. She is there to solve a case but Dee is curious about this new life she has seen. Will Dee solve and find the killer or will they find her first?

Review @heatherbass
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Ride For Me (The North Shore Crew Book 1) by Vi Summers – Review by Jenni Bishop

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Series, Book 1)Ride For Me by Vi Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ride For Me (North Shore Crew Book 1) by Vi Summers is a second chance enemies to lover’s romance. Vi is a new author to me and I was excited to see what she had to offer. I was not disappointed. Sparks fly and the chemistry is electric but it’s not all sunshine and flowers. There is heartache and all-consuming sorrow but there is also the chance to heal the heart and soul. This wonderful story is all consuming and the characters make you fall in love with them. There will be tears so grab the tissues and probably a good stiff drink.

Let me tell you I’m glad I came across this book and as it is the first book in the series, I can’t wait to get my hands on the others.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Ashley Mandell

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreakable is a dramatic, suspenseful, and heartwarming romance. It’s about new beginnings, redemption, and love just as much as it is about secrets, lies, and heartbreak. Everything in the plot ties together so well.
Erin and Ripper begin to fall in love before discovering they have more in common than they know. In the end, it’s what brings them closer together.
You’ll be left with a cliffhanger that has you reeling for more! I’m excited to see what happens in the rest of the Diamonds series!

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Stripped (Stripped Book 1) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Kerry Carr

Stripped (The Stripped Series Book 1)Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first  book in the Stripped Series and wow what a start. I loved it and read the whole thing in one sitting. I just couldn’t put it down.

It’s a story about murder with a romance and psychological twist to it. I love how strong our leading lady Dee is. But with all the mind games even she isn’t immune to the thought of a perfect carefree life.
When Dee and Connie are tasked to solve the murder of a young woman called Amber it takes them on a wild ride leading them into the arms of a cult.
The story has so many twists and turns that I never knew who the murderer was until it was revealed at the end of the book. The book also leaves the opening for the second book. And I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of our mind game playing cult leader Johnathan. I have a feeling he’s not finished with Dee just yet.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow this is one fantastic book! Erin is a nurse at a clinic when she first meets Curtis “Ripper” Bandura. At first, there is instant heat between them. As the story unfolds you really feel for these characters. There is a very dark past that comes to light about Ripper that Erin finds out. Can she forgive Ripper for his past? You learn also about Erin, and what she has been through as well. Two hearts with different upbringings and dark pasts. This story is full of intrigue, murder, love and redemption. I don’t want to give to much away but highly recommend this book by Author Tee Smith… praying there will be a book 2 😊

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