
Spring’s Calling: (A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy Novel) (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ezri Trenton is a young woman, she is a Detective with the local law enforcement, but she is also a witch, but she has to keep these two sides of herself separate, no matter how much she wishes it could be different, however, she hasn’t had the easiest start to life, when she walked into her house, saw her murdered mother on the floor in front of her and at the time it was just too much for her to bear, now she uses it to fuel her career. Meanwhile, in the background there are the undercurrents of another facet to her magical life, this is the fact that she is destined to take part in a prophecy on the Vernal Equinox, but the when are where are vague and so she just has to build herself up so that she can be ready when the time comes.

Fast forward to today and she has just been assigned a new partner, a mundane, or person without magic and they pretty much immediately get a call out to a homicide, however, this isn’t any homicide, it reeks of magic and dark magic at that, but she has to keep the information to herself because of the secrecy surrounding her life at all times. As the investigation intensifies and more victims are found, Ezri knows that mundane police work isn’t going to cut it and is finding it more and more difficult not to use her magical skills in front of her partner, or how to explain when she has to and appears just to zone out from time to time.

While all of this is going on, the past comes calling as Ezri tries to solver her mothers murder while working though the evidence which is pointing the finger to the darkest of dark magic, she is also quickly coming to terms with the fact that it is this Equinox which the prophecy was talking about and she only has a few days to stop it. Will Ezri be able to solve both cases in time, or will time run out before she has the chance? This is a fast paced and addictive urban fantasy chock full of spells, action and adventure as Ezri races against time while dealing with past and present in one big jumble of emotions, revelations and magic.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Class Clown by Allan Evans – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Class ClownClass Clown by Allan Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abbey is in high school and is about to start a new year and with that all the challenges that brings, but what she didn’t expect is that she would be dragged to the circus and that it would start off a whole chain of events which are going to make high school even harder.

It all starts with a visit to the circus with her parents a couple of days before the start of the school year, which she enjoys as much as a teenager can, but when she turns a corner at school one day and come face to face with a clown, she is more than just confused, she is annoyed. Abbey isn’t like any other teenager, she is a ghost magnet and this clown ghost is no exception, she has always seen them and always tries to help, even if the consequences aren’t worth it, losing friends and alienation being the two easiest to deal with.

As the days progress and Abbey is just trying to deal with life in general, the dead clowns just keep popping up to distract her, clowns of all shapes, sizes and some which are just downright scary, but when two of her new friends go missing, Abbey has to use her skills to find out just who or what is behind it all, but will she be able to find them before it is too late and this clown apocalypse turns deadly? This is a paranormal adventure full of spirit, mysteries and lots of clowns which keeps you guessing throughout as you try and figure out the who, what, where and why before the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Changes and Challenges by Kimberly Mullins – Review By Roxsanne Lesieur.

Notebook Mysteries ~ Changes and ChallengesNotebook Mysteries ~ Changes and Challenges by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is 1885 and Emma Evans is back with her mystery solving crew and her trusty notebook and after a break following her last case, she is called in to hear the reading of the will of someone involved in that case, much to her surprise and thinking that it will only be something small she agrees to the meeting. When she gets there, she is shocked by the information inside and what it will mean for her future.

Leaving the office, Emma has a lot to think about and needs to talk to her nearest and dearest about the decisions she will have to make in the very near future, these decisions mean that she will also have to make a trip to New York, so one is hurriedly organised and as the train leaves none other than Jeremy make it known that he is also travelling to New York, so they end up spending a lot of time together. As business meetings and paper reviews occupy Emma, she ends up becoming embroiled in yet another mystery to solve and leans on Jeremy to help her solve it, in fact things blossom between them and further decisions on a more personal level have to be confronted when they return home.

As usual, nothing runs smoothly in the life of those around Emma and so just as one case closes, she is called to another and this one is in Paris and involves her friend Tony, she is encouraged to go despite everything which has occurred and cannot keep out of trouble. Will Emma be able to cope with everything piled on her shoulders, or will everything come crashing down around her as she uses all of her skills and techniques to keep abreast of the situation?

This is another thrilling set of mysteries for Emma and her team to solve as drugs, kidnapping, murder, hidden plots and more will keep you on the edge of your seat as the twists and turns keep coming and the drama heightens throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Traveler: Book 2 by Deborah Dugan – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Traveler: Book 2The Traveler: Book 2 by Deborah Dugan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Traveler is back, but this time his experience is slightly different, he has woken up in a different frame of mind, he has woken with despair in his heart and another lifetime to live, however this time he does not know if he will be able to last through the experience again.

While in his latest stasis period, he has been changed, he has woken up in a completely different configuration and cannot understand why, that is until his memories come crashing back. He is overcome by emotion and struggles to take everything in to a point which is detrimental to his health, but eventually he comes out of it and is able to process enough so that he can eat and drink.

One thing which remains though is hope, hope that he can live with the despair in his heart, hope that he can work within his new physical configuration and hope that he can still communicate with those around him, but will this hope be able to get him through the trying times and chaos which lies ahead? Will The Traveler be able to come to terms with this latest ordeal? How can he overcome the loss and despair he is being swamped by and being life back into his current lifelessness?

This is a sci-fi which deals with some hard hitting emotions and situations, through the lens of both the observer and the observed and which makes you think about your own experiences and how they have affected your life while you follow along with the story.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Ghastly Gumball by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

The Ghastly GumballThe Ghastly Gumball by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lockwood King is just a young man trying to find his place in the world, he has a steady job as a barista with his best friend, but he still lives with his parents. One day he has been working late and is tired, so when he stops for gas, he decides to grab something to keep him awake, but this plan backfires in the most spectacular way.

All he knows is that the next day strange things start to happen to him with no reasonable explanation, things which appear magical even, but as he is trying to figure out what is going on, something equally magical happens, he meets someone who turns his head. As Lockwood is trying to get a handle on things, he finds out more and more about a magical world he never even knew existed, but it is a world which he might have to get used to.

As things progress there are shifters, there is humour, there are mishaps and mayhem, even a cigar smoking octopus called Clyde who turns up out of the blue. Will Lockwood be able to Kew his sanity as his world changed around him, or will outside forces meddle in his life to such an extent that it isn’t even his anymore? This is a hilariously magical paranormal romance, which will keep you laughing throughout as the chaos reigns and mayhem ensues with curses, maybe fated mates and inconvenient tentacles?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Lost Soul (War Of Destiny Book 1) by Teresa Van Spankeren – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Lost Soul (War of Destiny # 1)Lost Soul by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julia is fifteen and belongs to a wealthy family in 16th century London, she has two siblings whom she gets on well with with and servants whom she has known most of her life. One family in particular had a son her own age and they grew up together and became closer and closer, but this young, budding love was not to be when Julia’s family tore the two apart and betrothed her to another, they are both heartbroken and are not even allowed to say a proper goodbye.

When Julia is presented with her future husband, she is outraged that she has to have an arranged marriage, especially the one they want and she falls into a depression up until her wedding day. When that fateful day arrives, Julia puts on a brave face and goes through with the ceremony, but as soon as they are alone, the control begins and she comes to realise that her husband will show her no kindness or mercy if she disobeys his rules.

As the marriage deteriorates, Julia keeps on fighting for her life and the ones around her whom she loves, but even escape is out of her reach, until one day tragedy strikes and she is pushed to the edge of her limits. This however, is when a stranger enters her life and offers her everything she has dreamed of, escape, freedom and independence, with nothing left for her in her home, Julia accepts the help and leaves without turning back.

What Julia discovers however, is that there is a price for her freedom and that is to become something and someone different, a vampire and not only that, she will be a Vampire in the Resistance against their King. Will Julia accept the offer, or find another way out of her current life? This is a fantasy which is part coming of age and part adventure and is full of vampires, but whether they are good or evil, is only discovered by reading the story until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Apocalypse (Guardians Book II) by Theresa Pocock – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Apocalypse (Guardians Book II)Apocalypse by Theresa Pocock
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Seth is a young man who has some unresolved issues he needs to sort through, he still cannot believe how Miriam stole his memories and then never admitted to it and the trust which she broke in the process. He also struggles with his feelings for Miriam and the way they swing in between the extremes but betrayal is the one he feels most sharply. Meanwhile, Miriam is also struggling with her sentiments towards Seth and his strange way of life before he came to the garden, but she has no regrets as such, about what she had to do to keep the Garden and it’s people safe.

Seth now has to plan his own betrayal now that the Jones’s have become involved, his life just became a whole heap more complicated, but his brain still wars against his heart. Miriam however is placing more and more trust in Seth and is conflicted about whether this is based on more than just teenage whims. However, Peter has no such conflicted feelings, he cannot trust Seth and knowing what he knows, he has to make some hard decisions about the people around him and who he can trust with it, especially when he has the feeling that he is part of something much bigger than just the garden.

Will Seth be able to carry through on his betrayal and what will it cost him? Will Miriam be able to follow he heart and trust Seth and will Peter be able to pluck up the courage to follow his Nature wherever and to whom it leads? This is a fantasy adventure filled with intrigue, secrets, betrayal and revelations, as choices are made and consequences realised in this world of two halves.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Return of the Elf Lord: A tortured hero fantasy romance (Kingdom of the Elf Lords Book 1) by Heidi Vanlandingham – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Return of the Elf LordReturn of the Elf Lord by Heidi Vanlandingham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bernard Marchand is a man who has lost everything fighting for the resistance, his family being the main cause of his heartbreak, he would give anything to bring them back and after a lengthy debate with himself, he decides to go back in time to save them. Alva is a Huldra, a being who needs the life force of others to survive, but she is also an outcast from her family because she refuses to kill those she feeds from, including her partner.

As partners, Bernard and Alva have worked together to help bring the war to a close, they helped a dreaded enemy to be defeated and save millions, however when Bernard saves his family, he has no idea of the consequences of his actions. When he is shown what he has done, Bernard is full of regret and is horrified at how it has changed history for the worse.

The ramifications aren’t just on Earth, the ripples have gone much wider than first thought and with the realisation that Ragnarok, or the end of days within all the Nine Realms which will eventually lead to their entire destruction has begin, the time for action is now.

Will Bernard be able to go back with Alva’s support and fix what he has changed, or will the obstacles in their way prove to numerous and too large to overcome, as external parties are making their presence known? As the danger increases in this epic fantasy adventure, you will stay on the edge of your seat while navigating all the twists and turns in this fast paced race against time.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Seven Strengths: A Tale from Turaset (The Industrial Age) by P.L. Tavormina – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Seven Strengths: A Tale from TurasetSeven Strengths: A Tale from Turaset by P.L. Tavormina
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Turaset is a place of two halves, the countryside where everything is done in connection with nature, is done by hand and is full of traditions and family, the other half are the cities, they are swimming with industry, they have power and although they have traditions and family values as well, it is all centered around the industry there and they think everyone else is below them if they do not hold the same opinions, they are entitled and know it.

Celeste is seventeen years old and lives in a small country village, her life has been mapped out for her and she cannot think of anything worse, she feels stifled and longs for adventure of her own, so when an opportunity presents itself, she latches on with both hands. She finds out that she will be staying in a dormitory where she makes friends with her roommate, as well as some others who are from the city and she loves learning about all of them.

As Celeste spends more time in the city, she realised just how much she has seen and experienced and how much her opinions have changed, but that’s isn’t all. She finds out that being from the country isn’t the only reason they want to know her, they also want to know about her family history, in particular about a certain genetic trait which is very rare and very dangerous. This trait includes the ability to sense carbon emmisions in the air and is something the industrialists and big oil companies want to eradicate.

Will Celeste be able to keep herself and her family safe while keeping her own identity as the city slickers try to erase it? This is a coming of age tale which will challenge what you know about strength, relationships and yourself as you follow along on this journey of self discovery.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Lingering Spirits (Soul Connection Book 4) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Lingering Spirits (Soul Connection, #4)Lingering Spirits by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hope is a young woman with an extraordinary ability, she can connect with people, mind to mind and help them with their problems, albeit from a distance and normally she can disconnect as soon as she has done this, but this time it is different. Russ is a young man with a lot of responsibilities, he helps his friends and family out whenever he can, even if it is to his own detriment, that is until one day he starts to hear a mysterious voice in his head and he thinks that something is seriously wrong.

As Hope and Russ begin to talk over this telepathic connection, they try to work out what has brought this on, but as the connection continues, Hope realises that this connection is unlike any other and she has had many, in this case she can see through Russ’s eyes and hear his thoughts, much to his annoyance, but the reason behind this situation is still out of reach.

A few months in and Hope has helped to save his life a couple of times and they both acknowledge that they are feeling stronger for each other than they should, but neither of them want to end their connection. One day, Hope makes the decision to tell Russ some things about her past, that she is on the run and that she can never be safe, she can never let her loved ones she is alive, if she does, then a dark figure from her past will return and use her abilities like they have done before. Russ cannot believe what he is hearing, but he promises to help her in any way he can, as soon as he knows how to anyway.

Suddenly, the reason for their connection becomes clear and with this clarity brings truth, but will the truth put both Hope and Russ in danger and will they be able to overcome it and help each other? This is a paranormal romance with a twist and an unconventional timeline that will keep you hooked all the way through, as the mystery surrounding Hope and Russ unravels.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Vox Astra: The Black Box by James Chambers – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Vox Astra: The Black BoxVox Astra: The Black Box by James Chambers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Black box is a collection of short stories from life on other planets working together or against the other, war, peace, betrayal and secrecy. It tells tales of history, of exploration, of political manœuvreing and the hard decisions of those in charge.

What will the voices of the past tell those in the future, will it be hymns of praise, or misfortune? Will they tell of humanity, or those with whom they have come into contact and the results of this? Whose perspective will these stories be viewed through, friend or foe and will they reflect on them with positivity or negativity?

This is a collection of short stories which challenges the way you think about science fiction and what the events of today will look like when heard by those in the future.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Helm of Awe: Anchoress Series Book Three by D.L. Armillei – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Helm of Awe (Anchoress Series #3)Helm of Awe by D.L. Armillei
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vanessa Cross is back another year later and another year wiser, or at least she hopes so, but when she is the last of her teammates in the yearly Jaychund games and is confronted by the last team member on the opposing side, Vanessa experiences a surge of anger against the outsider who has barged in and taken what should have been hers, the winners circle. Vanessa is frustrated by this loss and is compounded by the needling comments her stepmother keeps making towards her loss in the games, compounded with her happy, secret boyfriend and Vanessa’s lack of one, but this just keeps Vanessa in a state of anger which pushes away all those around her, especially her best friend and her ex-boyfriend who seem to be getting closer by the day. Another thing irking her is that her boyfriend, the Balish crown prince Ferox, hasn’t spoken to her for ages and she has no idea why, so she plans on going up to the Living world early to confront him and find out why, she tries not to think about the fact that she also hasn’t spoken to him, so she decides on a plan of action and attempts to carry it out.

Unfortunately, her superiors are having none of it and refuse her request, but Vanessa bends the rules to breaking point and ends up going anyway, but this only leads to more questions when she is briefed about her summer and it is not to Vanessa’s liking at all. This leads to arguments and in the end they have to open up to Vanessa and give her the details about the goings on in the Living world and how the dangers to her life have increased. More of the Balish people have become sick with the virus which hit the whole of the upper worlds last year, but more than that, an old enemy has returned and is seemingly a part of the family again, but this doesn’t have the desired affect on Vanessa and she still insists on going and in the end, they acquiesce to her request, but not without conditions.

As the mission starts and her team has been assembles, the journey starts to head deep into Balish territory to fix another of the ancient seals, however, Vanessa is feeling a pull in another direction and tries her hardest to complete, even though her powers are on the fritz and she is struggling to access them. When she slips up and breaks a minor Balish rule, she ends up in another different set of games and her life just becomes more complicated as she has to battle for survival again, but will she prevail, or will this be the end of her and her team? In another action packed adventure, this fantastical journey continues with more twists, turns, danger and intrigue than ever as assassins, old enemies and the royal family combine to make this journey a treacherous one.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Plague of Death: Anchoress Series Book Two: 2 by D. L. Armillei – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Plague of Death (Anchoress, #2)Plague of Death by D.L. Armillei
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vanessa Cross returns and a year has passed since her last mission, since then, she has been training hard to hone her skills and increase her prowess as a warrior, she trains at least once a day and challenges herself to excel and to encourage others to do the same, but she also tries not to think about everything that happened the year before as the emotions are still to raw. The only one who seems serious about the whole thing is Brux, her unrequited love interest whom she can never be with, but who she wants more than anything else, but as summer approaches and everyone else focusses on having fun and letting loose after another year of school, all Vanessa wants to do is improve herself. The first thing on her list is to surf one of the more dangerous and out of bounds beaches, but like everything else seems to, it backfires and she nearly drowns, but as usual, even her near death experience includes visions of monsters and the darkness chasing after her, however, Brux is there to save the day again, much to her annoyance.

After her brush with death, Vanessa returns home only to find out that her stepmother has a new love interest and Vanessa is trying hard to accept this and move on, so she decides that the only way she can do that is to harden her heart to emotions so that she can be the fierce warrior she needs to be to save all those around her. She is also annoyed that she has been unable to find and retrieve the necklace her father left in her stepmothers care just before he died, this is compounded with the fact that she managed to find an ancient artefact, but now she is unable to find one necklace and her frustration eats away at her.

To try and distract herself from this, Vanessa insists on going to see the person in charge to find out what the summer will hold for her, she is stunned to find out that it isn’t something she expected and instead, she has to go and repair a seal which keeps the barrier between the Living and Earth worlds apart and keeps the demons at bay. Meanwhile, she insists that she is ready for whatever comes next, so when she goes on this mission, she unexpectedly is thrown into one messy situation after another which tests her in the hardest way possible.

Will Vanessa be able to overcome the temptations of the darkness surrounding her, or will the light prevail once again? This is another fast paces fantasy adventure which takes you further into the Anchoress universe as danger lurks in every shadow and the light seems more challenging to find and cling to as a stronger, darker and more dangerous enemy works against them in this race against time as Vanessa rushes to complete the essential repairs to save herself, her friends, her people and all humanity.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Shock of Fate Anchoress Series Book One: A Young Adult Fantasy Adventure by D. L. Armillei – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Shock of Fate (Anchoress #1)Shock of Fate by D.L. Armillei
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vanessa Cross is a fifteen year old with her whole future ahead of her, she has just completed the latest year of her schooling and is looking forward to summer, spending time with her friends and lounging about on the beach and maybe a couple of shopping trips, that is until the evening bonfire where she finds herself in trouble with a few other teens for attending the bonfire. Normally Vanessa is given a slap on the wrist, but this time, nothing happens and she walks home with her best friend, however, when she gets there, things are not as peaceful as they should be for the time of night and she is just sent to her room without the usual dramatics, that is until her best friend sneaks in to stay the night.

The next day, Vanessa has a visitor and after a brief conversation, she is asked to pack a bag and be ready to leave as she has been chosen for a summer project and that she has to be ready to travel later that evening, because her best friend was still there, she heard everything and she is determined to go with Vanessa no matter how against the rules it is. They decide to go for a last minute pamper session where the conversation they have is unusual to say the least, but it gives them a bit of insight into where Vanessa is going and how to sneak her best friend through as well. They think they have the perfect plan, but when they learn about the consequences of them breaking the rules and sneaking to this new place together, they are in way more trouble than they expected.

That evening, Vanessa finds out more about the project she will be a part of, she will be part of a team being sent out to find a relic, it is going to be tough, but while the teammates prepare for the journey, they are discussing current events that she had no idea about, including how her father is embroiled in them. As she listens to the gossip about her father turning traitor and the effects that this has been having on the world she knew nothing about, she decides that she needs to keep her relationship with her father quiet and so requests that her best friend does the same. It is at that moment that she decides that as well as searching for this relic, she will also search for a way to prover her fathers innocence and find him at the same time, but unbeknownst to Vanessa, this project will be a task with challenges Vanessa must overcome.

Will Vanessa be able to overcome the challenges and get the information she needs to prove her fathers innocence, or will she crack under the pressure? This is a fantasy adventure which is full of danger, magic, secrets and revelations, as friendships are tested to breaking point on this coming of age style journey in which Vanessa will be tested to see whether her heart and soul are up to the challenge of the destiny she neither wants or expects.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tess Burton is a woman with a dream, a dream of owning her own vintage clothing store and spreading the passion and love she has for it with the world and her dream has finally come true and she has called her boutique Divine Vintage. On her opening day, her first customer is someone who is having an event to showcase an important event in which a set of clothing pieces are going to be modelled for the public and the person organising it invites Tess to model one of the gowns, of course she says yes and agrees wholeheartedly.

On the day of the show, Tess heads to the house and is given a beautiful gown from an Edwardian era trousseau, she is also partnered with a very handsome man wearing a tuxedo which fits him like a glove, Trey Dunmore, together they walk the catwalk, however, as they come to the end Tess is overcome by a vision and collapses into Trey’s arms. As he takes her somewhere to recover, he is astounded to find that when she wakes up, she makes a shocking exclamation and it relates to his family history and the event which taints it, a century old murder in which a bridegroom kills his bride, but her description of her vision through the eyes of the murdered bride unnerves his sceptical nature and he refuses to believe what she saw.

As the days pass and Trey has had time to process his feelings around Tess and the vision she had, he decides to go along with the exploration of his family’s past as he wants to clear the black mark, but while he remains sceptical, Tess uses more clothing and a diary to aid in the discoveries, including a growing list of suspects, he cannot deny that there is an attraction to Tess there, but he is also worried that the images of the past are influencing their present growing intimacy. This is a murder mystery where history is viewed through modern day eyes, as the events leading up to the murder are revealed, they see that romance was as thorny then as it is now, but will the past railroad the present, or will peace and happiness be found by all involved?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Depending On You by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Depending On YouDepending On You by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cate Silver and Patti Thomas have been the best of friends since the day they first met at school up, they were as close as sisters and told each other everything, but over the years since Patti left and never returned, they have drifted apart so much that now they only see each other once every couple of years, all because of one night twenty years before. On that night, Cate killed a man and she has lived with this secret ever since and it has been tearing her apart, so when the case is reopened Cate is struggling, so she does what she always does and talks to Patti. As soon as she hears the news Patti senses that she is needed, so she packs a bag and immediately sets off back to her hometown of Vermont to support Cate, but Patti has secrets of her own and she is hoping that they won’t come out of the woodwork and into the light of day.

As soon as Cate sees Patti, she falls apart and is a mess of emotion and Patti realises just how much keeping this secret has affected Cate and how she has kept herself separate from the world because she feels that she is undeserving of happiness thanks to what she has done and when she confesses that the only way she sees to end her nightmare is to confess to the crime and trade the small amount of freedom she has so that the truth can finally come out. Meanwhile Patti is trying to convince her that there is no evidence and that all she has to do is wait and see what happens, which Cate agrees to, albeit reluctantly, however, as evidence does come to the fore, Patti and Cate have to decide what their future holds for them.

Can Patti and Cate’s once in a lifetime friendship survive this turbulent time as they decide whether to reopen the old wounds surrounding that night, or repeat their past and run away again as this murder is revisited. This is a story chock full of twists and turns which will leave you dizzy as you spin along on the current sweeping around this friendship, but will the current sweep everything away, or just stream along by?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Billionaire’s Slave: Steamy Historical BWWM Romance by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Billionaire's Slave by Stacy-DeanneThe Billionaire’s Slave by Stacy-Deanne by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is only for those over 18 due to the adult nature of the content within.

It is 1864 in South Carolina and slavery is still going strong and any rich person has at least one, whether they treat them well is another story, but Penny is one of the lucky ones and has been brought up more like a family member than a slave, she is allowed to live in the house and be a companion to the families daughter, but one day that all changes. Leon Falcon is the richest man with the largest plantation in South Carolina and possibly in all the nearby states and he treats his slaves well, one day he is visiting a family who is down on their luck, however, when he sees their slave Penny, all he wants is her and nothing else will do, so he makes an offer to her owners and awaits their answer.

As soon as Penny sees Leon Falcon she admires him and thinks that he is the most handsome man she has seen and despite being black and a slave she realises that she wants more from him than he can ever offer her. When Leon returns to Penny’s home, her owners agree to sell her to him and so she packs up her things and leaves with him for Falcon Grove where his plan is to teach her and then take her like every slave master does, however, when he realises that Penny isn’t like the normal slaves he encounters he experiences a change of opinion. Leon realises that he wants to woo her and court her like an equal, however, for a master and a slave, this can never be.

As time goes on and Leon begins to fall harder for Penny than he intended and soon she admits that she feels the same way, but what does their future hold and will they be able to overcome the obstacles their skin colour and the societal values which surround them, or will it all fall apart before it can even really begin? This is a historical romance where love runs strong, but the path is not free of the dangers which threaten everything they are trying to build in this steamy and intoxicating story of forbidden love.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Mesmerist: A Young Adult Fantasy Mystery by Claire Luana – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The MesmeristThe Mesmerist by Claire Luana
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Adrijana Mironacht is a seventeen year old girl from a small village within the kingdom of Adrjissia, a place where her life has been one of seclusion, living with her father and helping on their family farm, that is until they take a trip to the palace and her life changes forever. When they arrive, they find Adrijana’s friend and they are invited to the evenings festivities and much to her father’s chagrin, Adrijana accepts the invitation and they are shown to their rooms for the night. However, at the celebration, things go wrong and the Queen is killed during a ritual part of the festival where she is pushed and falls to her death but it isn’t until Adrijana is accused of the crime by the Royal Mesmers, the court magicians who can use their minds to control the thoughts and emotions of others.

After she is accused, Adrijana is determined to clear her name and so she enlists the help of one of the Mesmers, Dragan Vulpe, an enigmatic and mysterious man who just happens to be a Mesmer, but her suspicions always lie with the Vruk Ambassadors, two men who are at court, but are from a country which is a well known adversary of the Adrijana. Things become more complicated as time goes on when more of the royal family are killed and all in mysterious circumstances, she begins to suspect that a Mesmer could be involved and so she decides to look deeper into the Mesmers and this leads her to second guess everything she thought she had already put into place. There are lies, secrets and half-truths around every corner and the puzzle pieces essential to the mystery are still just out of her reach, but when she finds out that the Vruk armies are surrounding Adrjissia, can she trust those around her to help her, or will she have to solve this deadly mystery alone?

This is a young adult fantasy which is full of magic, mystery and intrigue and which will hook you in and keep you on your toes throughout, as you try and solve the mystery in this race against time to save the rest of the royals from a deadly enemy and root out the individuals behind it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Daire’s Devils by Danielle Ackley-McPhail – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Daire's DevilsDaire’s Devils by Danielle Ackley-McPhail
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Corporal Katrion Alexander is a member of the 142nd Mobile Special Ops Team, also known as the Daire’s Devils and they are the ones called in to make the hard decisions and take on the hard missions and as their newest member, the Corporal is on the receiving end of the usual hazing by the rest of the team, however, when she is given an assignment which is separate from the rest of the team, she feels like she is been left behind.

While on this assignment, although she feels abandoned, she doesn’t have much time to think about it when she is thrown in at the deep end and left to sort out someone else’s mess, she is not impressed in the slightest, but she gets on with her assigned duties anyway, but the way in which she does it is not as protocol suggests and this gets her into a bit of trouble. This is only the start when she finds herself on the receiving end of some less than stellar treatment and starts to second guess everything she thought she knew, but she also uncovers some vital information at the same time, that a synthetic fighting operative has replaced a vital member of the hierarchy and she discovers this by ending up in a confrontation with one.

As she is debriefed, the plot thickens as a plot within the Allied Forces is revealed when someone tries to steal valuable information about AeroCom’s new flagship called the Cromwell and the secrets that ship holds, but nobody knows who the infiltrators are, or who they are trying to steal the information for. Meanwhile, the Devils are given a new mission to aid in the defence of a planet which is at risk of exploitation and military invasion, the planet Demeter and this particular planet is a heavily contested piece of terrain, but with the information they have, can the Daire’s Devils complete their mission, or will the infiltrators get what they want and blow the mission apart?

This is a sci-fi with action, reaction and subterfuge, where one tight knit team must unravel the plots they have been thrown into the midst of, in this fast paced race across the galaxy where nothing is as it seems and trust is hard won and even harder to keep as you fly along with the team from the beginning of the mission until you have to know how it ends.

Review by @roxsannel

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Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book3) by James Talisman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3)Journeys Through AllCreation by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As the universe recovers from the last confrontation between those from Earth and those from another planet with an opposing view of how life should be, those living in a mystical place find an ancient prophecy which speaks of dire consequences to the MultiVerse brought on by an all powerful “God like” creature who will use their intelligence and power to ally themselves with the Dokkaebi-of-all-Creation to create their vision of reality in all its glory.

Meanwhile, the celestial beings who would be capable of stopping this diabolical plan in its tracks have gone missing, trapped by the “God like” creature as a retaliatory move for a past action. This has consequences as another is released so that they can be trapped and as happy as that individual is, disorientation and adjustments need to be made before the plan can be fully enacted.

As a set of ancient twins from the lost continent of Atlantis are called upon to again reunite and tackle the issue revealed by the ancient prophecy, as well as search for the trapped celestial beings, they embark on another journey away from their loved ones. Along the way they recruit a beautiful Queen who has access to ancient sites of wisdom and relics which will aid them on their quest, as well as other team members whose skills are needed and mentioned in the prophecy as well.

The overall goal is to search for the Master Mage who will aid them and stop this creature in its tracks, however, other players are preparing their own manoeuvres and training for their goals, but whether they will align with the prophecy is unknown.

As this unpredictable prophecy plays out among the MultiVerse, the two opposing sides prepare for a confrontation between mortals and “gods” as the future of all the beings in creation hangs in the balance, but which side will be triumph? This is a sci-fi fantasy of epic proportions as all the players race against time to either bring destruction, or salvation to all the worlds within the MultiVerse, as you are pulled into the journey with them and are carried along to its conclusion.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance (MetroGen After Hours Book 1) by Carina Alyce – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter RomanceWildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance by alyce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is only for those over 18 due to the adult nature of its content.

Leslie McClunis is a firefighter and a ballerina which make a perfect combination for discipline, stamina, flexibility and determination, not to mention that she is as strong in mind as well as body. Trevor Hampton is a star defensive end and has the build to back it up, at well over six feet tall and built almost as wide, he has the team in his heart and a determination not to lose at anything.

Leslie is being her usual grouchy self at a class she has to take to help her to act more “feminine” or at least that is what her chief has suggested it for, it’s not like she wants to be that, she prefers to be treated as one of the guys and have the same rules as they do. However, her firehouse have other ideas, but when a man sits next to her and is just the tall, dark and handsome she is looking for, she is more than just distracted and she decides there and then to propose they go next door for a drink.

Trevor is taken aback by the fiery redhead who has just propositioned him and normally he would just politely say no, but something intrigued him and when they go for that drink, she is extremely forward and has him wanting her as much as she apparently wants him. After a night of passion, Trevor wakes up on this pint sized wildcats bed, only to find that she is at work, but after what just happened, he is determined to make it more than a one night stand.

Leslie is more than happy just to hit and run, so when Trevor tracks her down and insists that she goes out with him again, she is both annoyed and flustered, this is definitely not how things are supposed to work, but he is having none of it. Will Trevor be able to convince Leslie that making this more than just a one night fling is the right thing to do, or will she kick him to the kerb faster than he can say firefighter? This is a steamy romance with a whole heap of action on the side which will hook you in as the story plays out and keep you there until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Bear at Midnight: 4 (Orkneyinga Murders) by Lexie Conyngham – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Bear at Midnight (Orkneyinga Murders #4)The Bear at Midnight by Lexie Conyngham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is another season on Buckquoy where the death of prominent member of the island society occurs and although it was expected, it still jars those who were closest to them. As it is such an occasion, the family members gather from the far reaches of the islands and further to pay their respects to the dead.

As people gather, a decision has to be made and Thorfinn is again in charge of the decision which is who will inherit their place as the leader in the hierarchy. As relatives pursue their own agendas, those left with the fallout are the ones who have to aid Thorfinn in the process and so he calls upon his most faithful to observe the contenders and report back on their findings.

As this is ongoing, tragedy strikes and there is another death, although this one is much more mysterious as accusations and fists fly in the aftermath. With this new development, Ketil is called upon to help solve the mystery, especially when it is his old friend Sigrid who is in the firing line, but will they be able to work out who the culprit is before they take the fall, or will tragedy follow on their heels?

This is another mysterious historical crime where people are plotting behind the backs of others, while protecting their own, on a small island community filled with contentious individuals.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Tomb For An Eagle (Orkneyinga Murders Book 1) by Lexie Conyngham – review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Tomb for an Eagle (Orkneyinga Murders #1)Tomb for an Eagle by Lexie Conyngham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

On Orkney’s, a resident of the local village is going about their day to day business when they are informed of an animal being somewhere it shouldn’t be and that they will need to go retrieve it before dark. When they get there, however, instead of finding the animal, they find a body, a body which has been buried using the old ways.

When the village leader is notified, a party go down to the burial site and retrieve the body, however, nobody knows who they are or who may have killed them, so the villagers try to figure it out.

Meanwhile, Thorfinn Sigudarson is returning to his Earldom in Orkney and Caithness from his latest trip, only to find that there has been a killing on the island and that it has brought with it ghosts from his past. This is neither welcome or expected for Thorfinn and so he has both a mystery to since and a past to revisit in order to secure his future, but will he be able to do it all, or with his past catch up with him first?

This is a historical fiction centred around a crime which nobody has claimed and a mystery he is reluctant to solve in case his own skeletons are revealed.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Clockwork Solution (The Clockwork Chronicles Book 2) by Michelle D. Sonnier – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Clockwork Solution (The Clockwork Chronicles Book 2)The Clockwork Solution by Michelle D. Sonnier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Arabella Leyden returns and she is finally able to come to terms with her powers of Technomancy, but it still isn’t all smooth sailing for her, since she passed the Trials and became a fully recognised witch, she has constantly faced criticism from others because of her lack of, in their minds, true magical talent. This has not deterred her from following her own patch and finding ways to cope, but some are finally coming round to see it as a possible advantage.

She has only just found a moment to breathe and let her current situation sink in when receives a summons, wherein, she is given her first assignment and it is not an easy one, she has been chosen to travel to Ireland and see if she can find a solution to the famine which is blighting the Isle and lend her help to the witches who reside there. So she soon finds herself having to adapt to a new situation, so she chooses her travel companion and meets the others who will be travelling in their small party, although on the surface it seems quite straightforward, what she learns about past assignments set her ill at ease.

The journey opens Arabella’s eyes about the world around her and how much she doesn’t know, but she is determined to learn as much as she can so that she can be as successful as possible with the assignment, however, with danger lurking around every corner and finding out that previous Sortilege family members have died trying to solve the problem she has also been given, Arabella must stay on her guard while listening to those around her who are also trying to keep her safe from harm.

Will the machinations of those around her lead her to more danger, or will her unique combination of magic and science be the solution to the prayers of many? This is another sci-fi fantasy where secrets abound and discoveries are made, as problems are researched, opinions are heard and options are considered while danger hides in the shadows all around those involved.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Clockwork Witch (The Clockwork Chronicles Book 1) by Michelle D. Sonnier – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Clockwork WitchThe Clockwork Witch by Michelle D. Sonnier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Arabella Sortilege is a young witch who lives in Victorian England, she is the youngest of a large family, a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter to be exact but she is the only one out of all her female relatives who has not shown an ounce of magical talent. She is known as a “brown bud” and she is a disappointment to those around her, leading to her being shunned because of it, her family make her complete the mundane tasks so that they don’t have to get their hands dirty and can spend more time practicing their art and interact with her as little as possible, all apart from one who is her best friend and the closest in age as well.

One day, the Sortilege family are invited to an event where an invention is unveiled and Arabella is fascinated with it, especially when she can see it all shining with an inner glow, all apart from an area in the centre, when she asks her sister about it, she finds out that it is magic she can sense, but not in any way which would be classed as normal, her sister advises her to stay quiet about what she has seen until they return home.

As the days go on, Arabella begins to notice that she can see other aspects of technology shining like magic, however, this leads to trouble and Arabella begins to feel like she finally understands what her sisters feel, apart from it is with an element, which is not natural. As events continue, Arabella’s secret comes out and she is even more trouble than before, she now has to face the judgement of those around her and the Trials which every young witch has to go through, to enable her to declare her Technomancy and the fact that she both understands and can manipulate machinery.

Will Arabella be able to stay out of harms way long enough to pass the Trials and be finally accepted into the family and develop her talents, or will the danger she faces stop her in her tracks, or will the judgement she faces be the most severe possible? This is a sci-fi fantasy where magic and technology combine in a coming of age tale of one young witch finding her place within a world where the rules are absolute and anything outside of them is considered an abomination.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Journeys Through Collection Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Journeys Through Collection: Volume 1-3Journeys Through Collection: Volume 1-3 by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In book one of this trilogy, “Journeys Through SpaceTime” the main characters are introduced as they learn about their special gifts. As an ancient being makes himself known to some key individuals across the MultiVerse, he embarks on a mission to show how they can manifest these gifts in the world around them. From an enlightened queen, to a skilled warrior whose determination is legendary followed by a university student, a leader of a utopian world who is as intelligent as she is beautiful and some humanoid alien species with an interest in science. These are the ones who will develop their skills, ideals, beliefs and values by learning about ancient secrets of creation, but will they learn what they need to in order to keep the MultiVerse safe from harm?

In the second book “Journeys Through TimeSpace” we observe the next stage of development in the key individuals we met in the first books as they go into the next stage of their development. However, it is the university student who must take on the responsibility of keeping the MultiVerse safe as yet another enemy attempts to do it harm. As they learn the ancient wisdoms taught to them by the celestial beings training them in a mystical land in the Himalayas, the humanoid alien species are seeking aid from other Secret Earth organisations. Both sides seek the ancient treasures needed for their plans to succeed, but as they journey through time and space, who will find them first, the aliens or those from Earth?

In the final book of this trilogy “Journeys Through AllCreation” an ancient prophecy speaks of dire consequences to the MultiVerse of an all powerful “God like” creature uses their intelligence and power to ally themselves with the Dokkaebi-of-all-Creation to create their vision of reality in all its glory. Meanwhile, the celestial beings who would be capable of stopping this diabolical plan in its tracks have gone missing, so ancient twins from the lost continent of Atlantis recruit a beautiful Queen and other team members to join their search for the Master Mage and the ancient artefacts they will need to stop this creature in its tracks. As this unpredictable prophecy plays out among the MultiVerse, the two opposing sides prepare for a confrontation between mortals and “gods” as the future of all the beings in creation hangs in the balance, but which side will be triumph?

This box set is as it says on the cover, a journey through space, time and all creation to attempt to save the MultiVerse and those who inhabit it, but whose beliefs will be the strongest and who will win out in this fast paced race against time, as those whose opinions lie on either side of the spectrum rush to confront those on the other?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Etched in this Moment by Calla Zae – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Etched in this Moment (Etched, #1)Etched in this Moment by Calla Zae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sofia (Tia) is a woman who is hiding from her past, a dangerous past and she thought that after a year in hiding, she may be finally free from that which haunts her, but when she receives a text reminding her that there is no escape. Theo is a Detective who is recovering from a deadly wound and trying to keep focussed on that so that he can get back to work sooner rather than later.

One one snowy day near Christmas, it starts out as any other day, however, when Sofia and Theo literally bump into each other when Sofia isn’t concentrating and her phone shoots out of her hand as a consequence, this leads Theo to give it back to her and it is at this moment that their lives change. Their eyes connect and everything around them is forgotten as she becomes tongue tied and he just tries to get an answer from her, but the spell is broken when reality comes back in and they carry on with their day.

The only problem is that they bump into each other again, however, as soon as Sofia finds out that he is a detective, her walls slam down and she shuts him out, but he is not going to give up on her that easily and it doesn’t help that Sofia cannot stop thinking about Theo, despite the fact that he is a cop. Neither of them can deny that their is an attraction there, but danger lies around every corner for them. Will Sofia open her heart again despite everything pointing to the contrary opinion and will Theo be able to convince Sofia that he is not what she expects a Detective to be? This is a fast paced romance which is action packed and full of twists and turns which will keep you hooked and on the edge of your seat throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Wild Hare’s Daughter (Wild Hares) by Laura Koerber.

Wild Hare's DaughterWild Hare’s Daughter by Laura Koerber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

They were just a normal kid with a normal life, albeit a quiet one with regards to friends and a loud one when it came to life at home, but living in a small town with a population of 800 can do that to a person. There is only one drawback to living where they did and that is the militia, they are a group of people who are arrogant and think that they know best, they also try to cover up their incompetence around a jailbreak and the mysterious disappearance of a congressman with rumours about magic and it just so happens that the rumour about magic is actually true.

However, for this person, living in a small town did have its advantages and finding out which of the people living there is their dad is one of them, it can be narrowed down quickly by age and the rest is a process of elimination. However, this search is narrowed down even more when they discover that that they are magical, they discover that they can fly, although it started off as just levitating in the bathroom, now they can go anywhere in the town!

This discovery also means that someone else in the town is magical and that it can only have been inherited from their dad! This is a magical tale of family, secrets and trust as one persons world changes and they have to adapt to this new situation they find themselves in, in a not too distant dystopian future.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The View From Here by Leon Stevens.

The View from HereThe View from Here by Leon Stevens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thomas is a man with a lot of life experience under his belt and now all he wants to do it hike the trails around where he lives and absorb the nature around him and that is exactly what he sets out to do, however on this particular day, it is the one thing that doesn’t happen.

The hike starts off as any other does, apart form the car in the car park with a note saying it is “not abandoned”, he admires the viewpoint and makes his way up to the part of the trail with a wall around it and the decision to either follow the trail and either go up or down. This changes when he spots a footprint on the top of the wall and he has a decision to make, but in the end he makes a discovery and takes a leap of faith following where he thinks the person may have gone.

What Thomas finds when he follows in another’s footsteps is nothing like he has seen before, but the friendships he creates will leave a lasting effects on him. If you were in his shoes, somewhere you have never been before and with only your skills and those of another to keep you going, would you be able to take the same leap of faith and be brave enough to create the friendships it may lead to? This is a dystopian adventure where science fiction becomes a new reality and nothing is what it seems.

Review by @roxsannel

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Savage Secrets: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 4) by Amy McKinley – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite, #4)Savage Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elena Caruso is a beautiful young woman who is running away from her past so that she can keep herself and those she loves safe from harm and for a while it has worked, that is until one day when she receives a communication from someone saying that she has been found. Marco La Rosa is the boss of a branch of the La Rosa family, one of the Five Mafia Families in Chicago and he is as handsome as he is deadly, but the one thing that he has wanted disappeared from his life, but just when he thought he had come to terms with that, she pops back up on his radar and he will do anything to find her.

As Elena starts off her daily routine, she goes through the motions of her life while making sure that there is nobody following or watching her, just like she has done everyday since she left behind everything she knew, she enjoys what she has created for herself. However, as she returns from her morning run, she notices that she has missed calls, assuming it is her boss, she waits until she is back in her apartment, but when she finds that it is the communication she always dreaded receiving, she starts to panic and goes to her plan b, grabbing her pre-prepared bag and everything else she might need, she gets ready to leave the apartment, that is until someone starts banging on her door. It is at this moment that she knows it is too late and that all she can do now is fight her way out, but when she opens the door to an unexpected guest, her brain misfires completely, he is more handsome than ever and all her feelings towards him she tried to suppress rush back in an instant.

Marco has just found out where the love of his life has been since she disappeared and he leaves to retrieve her the first opportunity that he can and when she opens the door and he finally sees her in front of him, it takes his breath away, just like before, however, now she is a woman and does it on a whole new level. When their eyes meet across the threshold, Elena tries to get round him and after grappling for a bit she flees and he has to use every ounce of speed he has to keep up with her. Elena knows she can’t fight Marco, so she does what she does best and manages to get away, but she knows that he will be right on her tail, so she knows the area she has been living in to her advantage and nearly manages to escape, that is until she runs into another assailant who pulls a gun on her and by the sounds of his accent, he is one of the Russian Bratva and the other Mafia she has been running from all her life. As a standoff ensues, Marco rounds a corner to the scene and when Elena is injured, he sees red and kills the man responsible, quickly followed by scooping her into his arms, taking her to safety and looking after her until he can take her home.

Will Elena and Marco be able to overcome the hurdles between them and keep her safe from the dangers which are quickly closing in on her, or will they be ripped apart by circumstance again? This is a brilliant second chance mafia romance filled with danger, secrets, revelations, hard truths and harder choices as two worlds collide in a fiery and violent chain of events, as you are whirled around in the undercurrent of the lives of the Five Families while trying to keep your head above water at the same time as those inhabiting it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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