
Shattered Snow (The Mirror Chronicles Book 1) by Rachel Huffmire – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Shattered SnowShattered Snow by Rachel Huffmire
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story begins with Keltson Grammer, he is preparing for another day at work and getting his music playlist ready to play through his earphones, he is heading to walk past the fuel pumps on his way home via a to jump to the Palais Garnier in Paris where he collects some items he will be needing to give to one of his clients.

When he gets back home, he has the surprise of finding his brother Baigh waiting for him with a case of Vibe energy drinks, he finds that he is off his tag and although still on parole, he hasn’t got his license back, but that isn’t the worst thing in the world. He is sad that he can’t spend more time with Baigh, but he has work in 15 minutes and can’t talk, so Baigh says he will see him tomorrow and collect the case of Vibe then, so Keltson headed down to his workshop in the cellar.

Next we meet Lilia Vaschenko, a Russian mechanic who works at a local scrapyard who after finishing her shift, comes home to shower off the grease, grime and scent of the junkyard, only to find a stark white envelope waiting for her on her home work surface, which contrasted completely with the wires, components and scrap metal which she was used to working with. In the envelope she finds a time, a phone number and an instruction to be ready for immediate departure, she realises that the application she put in for has been accepted.

This is where Lilia meets The Mirror who is going to change her life, she is about to embark on a journey into the past to save a child named Margareta Von Waldeck from her fate and hopefully not change the present and the future too much in the process, but will this all work out, or will a huntsman be sent to scupper their plans?

This retelling of snow white is done in a fantastic way with twists and turns all the way through, which leave you wanting to know what happens next and see what happens to the characters next.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Tompkin’s School: For The Resurrected (A Supernatural Academy Trilogy Book 3) by Tabi Slick – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Tompkin's School: For The Resurrected (Supernatural Trilogy #3)Tompkin’s School: For The Resurrected by Tabi Slick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We start this story off back with Kain, Izara and Choyce, as well as the other characters which have also drawn you into the series, but we also learn where it all started and why. We are introduced to Thomas Thompkin and the schools namesake to see what happened to him and why he made the decision to create the academy in the first place. We also see what happened to one of the main characters in the first book and the repercussions of the actions of those around them, but this leads to more insights into the strange occurrences in the first two books as well.

Kain is still having dreams which have a dose of his reality mixed in with them, he is shrill waking up more exhausted than ever, but Izara doesn’t seem to be having the same issues, she is continuing with her research into how they can stop the upcoming clash of the opposing sides wanting control of the school and the students within it, when she discovers a book which calls to her in an irresistible way, but the temptation is hard to deny and despite all the warnings, Izara cannot stop herself from trying to discover its secrets.

As life at the Academy continues, tempers are fraying and choices are being made which will affect them all, trust is being questioned as are motives and emotions, Kain and Izara are still struggling with their powers and the things that they have done, as well as school work, plus the usual racing hormones and teenage problems which creep up on them.

Will the twins be able to resist the forces pulling them apart, or will they be led astray and be unable to stop the upcoming battle? What are the right choices and who can they trust? What will the future be filled with, darkness or light?

This book is the concluding chapter in the series and does not disappoint in any way, it is a compelling read which will keep you on a rollercoaster of emotions, will keep you off balance and guessing until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Key to Tirumfall (Tirumfall Trilogy Book 3) by J Drew Brumbaugh – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Key to Tirumfall (Tirumfall Trilogy #3)Key to Tirumfall by J. Drew Brumbaugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story is set seventeen years after the last installment and Gwen and Seth are adults, but still as close as ever, although Seth isn’t always happy when he gets into trouble when Gwen gets up to mischief! She has become quite proficient in the magical arts thanks to her uncle, the Emperor Pris teaching her, but she wants to see the world and is determined to do it. She has heard the tales of the Tower of Tirumfall and wants to see it for herself and find out what magic there is to learn there and she is insisting that Seth goes with her.

In Pogor, Isabella is living the life that Gwen was supposed to have and is not as proficient in the magical arts as she was meant to be, but she is happy in her own way, until she decides to stop the war between the two demon lords and get them to swear allegiance to her. Their destinies are twisted together, but they do not know of each other’s existence, or that they have been exchanged, this is until a stranger comes and announces it. This leads Isabella to leave with this stranger to find the true child of prophecy and sort things out once and for all, but this journey may not be as smooth running as they expect.

The Tower of Tirumfall, however, is drawing more than just the attention of Gwen and Seth, there are others with not so innocent intentions, but who will make it to the Tower first, will they get into it at all, will it yield the knowledge that everyone craves, or will it be more than anyone can handle?

This is a fantastic conclusion to a great trilogy,but the only way to find out how it ends is to read through this fast paced and enthralling finale.

Review by @roxsannel

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The History of the Universe: As My Soul and I Remember by Stuart Ledwith – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The History of the Universe: As My Soul and I RememberThe History of the Universe: As My Soul and I Remember by Stuart Ledwith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is about the creation of the universe, the development of the human race and it’s future. It is written from the point of view of the souls who created it by working through Stuart to bring this history and knowledge to the world. There is a lot of terminology throughout the book which was at times needed re-reading to fully grasp each concept, however, as the chapters went on, became more clear and easier to understand.

The book starts with Stuart’s journey to integrate with his soul Edouard, the methods he used, the questions he had, the answers he received and the souls he spoke to along the way. This detailed account also explains the past lifetimes Edouard experienced in a human body and what lessons he learned from each one to bring him to this point in his mission.

It then goes on to explain the creation of our universe and the process which the souls went through, the costs of this creation on them and how it has evolved over time to where it is now. This includes the formation and taming of the earth and its elements, the evolution of the beings on the planet throughout its various stages, how each of the stages was reached and also how the souls influenced these changes. It does this in the format of a diary of conversations, feelings and thought processes emerging from these discussions, quotes from other pieces written by others in the past and looking at the similarities and differences between them and what was said by the souls.

This book explains the overarching lesson of equality and unconditional love which the souls introduced within are attempting to teach the world, the ways in which it can be experienced and learnt, as well as what it should feel like when it is achieved. It was a very interesting book and although I did struggle with the content a little bit, it provoked a lot of thought and self reflection around the themes and ideas written throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Wendigo Forest by C.A. King – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Wendigo ForestWendigo Forest by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a story about the Fawns, an ordinary family, mum, dad, daughter, but their life is anything but ordinary, they have to move towns all the time for work and these continuous transitions are hard for them all, but hardest of all on Clara. She cannot make friends, she cannot find love and she cannot let herself get attached.

We meet Clara as she is travelling to a new town and another fresh start, she is starting to get sick of it and lose her patience with her parents’ constant need to move, but she goes along with it as they see their new home, as the grey rain falls down. The sign for Chance was overgrown and hidden from view, a great start, next came the size of it, small, a place where everyone will know each other and not making connections with people will be harder than ever, but would also mean that they would be easily forgotten when they eventually had to leave. The house came next, a large country house backing onto the woodland which surrounded the entire town, a driveway and a large yard, not what they usually went for in the slightest.After unpacking everything and getting settled, the first day of school and her new life would begin, but that is also when the dreams start, a dream so realistic that it stops her getting a good night’s sleep, just what she needs before her first day and it stays with her throughout that day as well.

Clara enters her new school expecting the worst, the comments about the new girl, the stares and the lack of fitting in. However, this first day was different, it was when she saw him, Hank and he sticks in her mind the rest of the evening as well. The next day, Hank approaches her and invites her to hang out with him and his friends after school at the shake shack. As much as she doesn’t want to make connections, she always ends up making them anyway, so she agrees to meet the group of friends after school. The rest of the day passes and she gets to the shack, which looks exactly how you would expect it to from the name, she goes to look at the names of the ice creams there and is confused when they are named after animals. When she asks about this, they say it has something to do with a local legend, but aren’t allowed to say anything else about it, but that she should go camping with them in the woods on friday and if she does go, then she can join their group, with that they leave her to decide what to do.

She decides to do a little research of her own when she gets home and that is where the Wendigo pops up and the revelation that the forest around the town is called Wendigo Forest. It is around this time that her parents expressly forbid her from going into the woods, but she does it anyway and this is where the story really gets going.

What will happen if she goes into the woods? What is a wendigo and should she be more scared that one may be in the forest? Will her new friends let her join their group, or will something stop her?

This one night will be life changing, but will it be for better or for worse? This story of fantastical creatures, twists, turns and mystery, is a journey you will want to go on too.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Kismet Heart: A Protector Romance (A Surviving Love Novel Book 1) by Brinda Berry – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Kismet Heart: A Protector Romance (A Surviving Love Novel Book 1)Kismet Heart: A Protector Romance by Brinda Berry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We start with Malorie recounting the most traumatic experience she ever had when she was the lone survivor of a bombing and the loss of her mother and the after effects this has had on her. We then move to Malorie having dinner with her uncle JT for her 18th birthday, they are discussing Malorie going to college and leaving home, well, Malorie is expressly saying she doesn’t want to go and JT is on his phone, that is until Malorie goes to the bathroom to get away from it all. On her way, she bumps into a guy outside the bathroom where he knocks into her, he drops his phone and as Malorie reaches down to get it,she is bumped into by someone coming out of the mens and is pushed backward by the door. This leads to an awkward conversation with the guy and a panic attack in the toilet when she got there. Thinking no more about the event, she returns to the table in time for cake, where JT insists that she makes a wish as she blows out the candles, then as she is cutting the cake, she is surprised when someone joins them at the table, her uncle had invited someone to talk about work with to her birthday celebration! When the realisation hits that it is the guy from the bathroom incident, she doesn’t know what to do. When her uncle introduces him as Ace, they briefly discuss the work offer JT gave him and JT tries to press a bit more about his character, Ace does not feel comfortable with this and so decides to leave the restaurant, the offer and the others to their dinner.

As he gets to his car, Ace realises he can’t find his keys, as he is looking for them, he sees a suspicious man hangin around outside the venue, once he decides that he has left his keys inside the restaurant, he goes back in to find them. This is when all hell breaks loose and the guy from outside is now inside and threatening the hostess at the door. As JT starts to give Malorie her present and the explanation which goes along with it, she hears shouting and as Malorie looks around, hearing all of the commotion, she turns to see the gunman and starts to panic again, JT tries to reassure her when she hears a sound like a car backfiring and the next thing she knows, JT is lurching out of his chair and she can see the blood on his shirt, when her brain catches up and she realises it is a gunshot. As she is about to go over to him, an arm grabs her, she falls to the floor, feels the injuries sustained in the fall and the table she was just sitting at being flipped over, she is trying to reach JT, but when another shot rings out close to her hand, she is pulled away and when she turns to see Ace there, she is confused as to why. She again tries to get to JT, but when she can’t, she tries to get the gift he was going to give her, she can’t leave that last connection to him behind! She starts to hear sirens in the background, but again, the gunman starts to shout and Malorie turns towards him instead of running away, he threatens to kill more people and that just snaps Malorie into action, she rushes him screaming and attacks him, this gives the police enough time to get there, but she has been shot in the action and blacks out.

As she gets rushed to hospital, Ace accompanies her with the gift and stays until she is out of surgery, he also meets another family member of Malories, hands over the gift bag into their safekeeping and leaves the hospital. This is where Ace thinks that he will never see either Malorie or the other man again, but both of their stories have begun to intertwine and they will not be separated again, he becomes her bodyguard, but things will never again be straight forward for either of them.

This is a story of love, death, despair and hope and the only way of knowing which prevails is to read the book and follow in their path.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Super Sorry by C.A. King – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Super SorrySuper Sorry by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sarah Sorry is just like every other teenager, she has friends, family, school and all the pressures that go along with them. She is popular, pretty, and on a strict self-imposed diet so that she can stay that way.

We meet Sarah as she is going to a landmark festival with her family where she wants to meet up with her friends instead, it is held the last two weeks of summer every year and there is lots to see, do and experience. As she goes off with her friends to find a group of guys from school, they go on rides and then for something to eat, being a cheat day, she allows herself the carbs she normally avoids. This is seemingly all she has to worry about when she goes to meet her friends, until it isn’t.

The day after the festival, Sarah finds that she has to go into school a day early to pick her classes for the year, even though she would rather be spending time with her friends, but while she is there, her teacher looks like he has seen something in her teeth, she feels mortified to realise that it is a spot on her cheek and decided the only thing that she can do is to pop it, but quickly has to leave the school bathroom and premises when the mirror starts to melt and give off some seriously toxic gasses.

Later on that day she is preparing to go to see her friends when she gets another spot, which unfortunately, her little brother sees and she is mortified again. After the last time she dealt with a spot, she decides to go to the local river and take care of it, what she doesn’t know is that this time it has another affect and later that evening, a beaver knocks on her window and demands to be let in out of the rain because he is soaking wet and it is Sarah’s fault!

The next day Sarah realises that this is no normal beaver, he has just made himself a plate full of waffles and complained about the lack of maple syrup in the house and the revelations just keep on coming when she has to change schools because of the closure of her own and when a teacher goes to her home and tells her that she has been accepted into her school and it is the beaver who made the application for her.

What she doesn’t realise is that she is no ordinary student, this is no ordinary school and she is not going through ordinary puberty and her life is about to change forever. This is a coming of age story with a twist, will Sarah be able to come to terms with her spots and the change which is coming, or will she be Super Sorry that this whole adventure started? This is a mystery which you will have to read to find out what the future holds for both Sarah and her talking beaver friend.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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CAFE CONFIDENTIAL: An unfiltered and intimate memoir by Lynda Filler – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

CAFE CONFIDENTIAL: An unfiltered and intimate memoirCAFE CONFIDENTIAL: An unfiltered and intimate memoir by Lynda Filler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the story of author Lynda Filler and her journey around the world, it is a journal full of experiences, photographs and love. The chapters start with a quote from either Mark Jenkins, Rui Miguel or Rumi, this quote relates to the content of each chapter and is an invitation to find out why this quote is the one which has been specifically chosen.

This memoir starts in a place of sadness and grief, over the impending loss of a lover and friend, but also the companionship of a surprise message from a reviewer of her books and a phone call which would change the course of her life. Through the development of a close friendship with this reviewer over a year, Lynda decided that she wanted to meet the person behind the voice, this would mean travelling halfway across the world to India, so to make an adventure out of it Lynda decided to sell or give away everything that wouldn’t fit into a wheeled suitcase and a rucksack and buy a one way ticket to travel the world.

It is this journey where Lynda discovers a love for the cities she visits and the people she meets along the way to her final destination, but where this will be is a mystery to Lynda, from Mexico toTurkey via France, India, Israel and Malaysia on the search for love, but will it be with the one person she wants it from, or will it be from the people she meets on the way there.

The book makes this feel like a shared experience which enriches your view of the world and makes you want to visit the same places yourself one day, with rich descriptions accompanied by beautiful photographs it is a treat to read.

This is a story of chances taken, memories made and experiences all linked together through love and happiness, even where there is sadness, the happiness to which it can lead is always shown as well. A beautiful read which shows that it is never too late to go on an adventure.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Grosse PointeGrosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the story of Brek O’Brien, he is born and raised in Kilkenny, Ireland, but decides to get on a boat to New York City to start a new life. This new life is a start from scratch, he has the clothes on his back, a little bit of money, but no plan or idea what he will do when he gets there apart from, find something to eat, find somewhere to lay his head on a night and then find work.

It is 1926 and this new life involves being on a boat for weeks, a trial in itself to survive, but a friendship is formed through this shared experience. As Brek and his friend arrive in New York City, their next trial is about to begin, they have to pass the entry tests and when this is finally over and done with, they have to face the next round of hardship and find somewhere to stay for the night and work out what the next few days will hold and how carefully they will have to spread their combined wealth.

The prospect of finding work seems to be out of their reach, until a man gives them an offer they can’t refuse in the city of Detroit. As the pair get sucked into a life of booze, pistols and women, they keep the booze and drug supplies flowing by going out on supply and delivery runs, while also keeping the competition in check with his persuaders. It is on one of these days where the competition needs to be reminded of their place when Brek catches sight of a beautiful woman in an outdoor market, his heart and breath are stolen away. This could be the beginning of something beautiful, if only life was as simple as Brek wishes it could be, be with his woman and keep doing his runs.

Soon Brek and his friend realise that the work they accepted is a different sort to what they initially expected it to be, but there seems to be nowhere to escape the bloody path which fate has in store for them. Will the only thing standing between Brek and Gabriella be the one thing which will break them apart? Or will life be as simple as they both would like it to be?

This is a tale of Irish cheek, friendship, love, life, death, disappointment, regret and discovery all set in a background of 1920’s Detroit. A snapshot of an exciting and dangerous life which draws you in until you’re as immersed in the characters’ fates as much as they are.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Shattered Reality (Summoned Book 1) by C.A. King, USA Today Bestselling Author – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Shattered Reality (Summoned Book 1)Shattered Reality by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this story, we begin with Mudesa at home and relaxing after a long day at work in the clinic, watching the sunset and the city come alive, that is until she sees the shadow at the corner of her eye, she was always told that the shadows are demons to create a more solid form, however, they are unable to do it because they are trapped behind the glass and past experience has been that nothing good happens when the shadow appears.

She goes into a shower and tries to get rid of the goosebumps which the shadow has given her, as she is getting ready for bed, she takes some sleeping tablets and picks up a photo frame with a picture of her brothers and while reminiscing about them when she sees the shadow again. As she throws the frame across the room in shock, it shatters and when a bout of nausea overtakes her and she rushes to the bathroom, she realises that she has splinters of it all through her feet, the pain of which the sleeping tablet’s won’t help with.

The next day, she heads to her practice to start the day and is asking her assistant to arrange it so that all her meetings will be held in her office, when she receives a phone call to say that her parents have had an accident and passed away, she decides to instead rearrange all her appointments and goes to see a lawyer to get everything straightened out instead.

When she gets there, she wants to organise everything from there, however, there is a clause in the will which means she will have to head back to her family home and everything that she left behind her there.

We next meet Perry P., a private investigator who receives a mystery envelope with cash and a request to procure three items from a certain house, as the family owed him a debt, he was more tempted than usual to agree to the unusual circumstances.

As the two meet for the first time at the house, they both realise that they are both looking for the mystery hidden within the walls, but not necessarily for the same reason. As more things are revealed about the past, her family and why they behaved the way they did, a war in her mind between logic and her parent’s beliefs and the possibility that they are true begins.

Will Mudesa be able to solve the mystery and what has Perry P. got to do with it all, will he be a help or a hindrance to her and will she be able to overcome her fears and get to the truth? Only by reading it will you uncover the mysteries of the house and the people within it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Curse of the Sands (Relic Hunters Book 2) by Martin Ferguson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Curse of the Sands (Relic Hunters, #2)Curse of the Sands by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this to the life of Adam and the team of hunters he works with, they embark on a mission to Egypt where something has been unearthed during some extreme storms and sandstorms in the centre of the desert, they are to go after a request from the Egyptian Government was sent worldwide for help with uncovering the secrets within.

The events begin with Abdul where his family are hiding in the basement from the storm which he is risking his life to observe on the roof of his home. There is thunder, there are sand filled winds which are strong enough to blind, choke and tear through the skin, as well as lightning which is striking in the same place on the sand. As he watches, he sees the sands part to reveal a pyramid long lost in myth and long forgotten.

We next see Adam on a mission in Colorado with his team, where he is sent in to do recon and something goes wrong, a contaminant is released and he abandons his team to save the local populace. He does this, however not in the way that he expected and ends up in a jail cell where his boss Charles has to pull a lot of strings to get him out.

When he is back home and settling back into life, a message comes through from Charles that they are needed in Egypt and that they are being teamed up with Bravo and Charlie teams as well, this is a surprising turn of events and this will not be the last of them either. They travel to Egypt where the other teams join them and they are debriefed about what they will be doing there, as well as what happened to the other Egyptian team who went into the pyramid first.

As they all prepare to go in, they have no idea of what they are walking into, until they come to their first experiences, but will they be able to get past all of the pitfalls, illusions and traps and figure out who is buried there and why they are so well protected?

This rip roaring adventure will keep you guessing until the end and take you on an adventure you won’t want to put down.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Child of Prophecy (Tirumfall Trilogy Book 2) by J Drew Brumbaugh – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Child of ProphecyChild of Prophecy by J. Drew Brumbaugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this installment of the Tirumfall trilogy, we start off the tale four years after the first book finished in Gant and Dalphnia’s house as he waits for Pris to arrive for his usual visit. As Gant is watching for Pris’s approach on the pathway through the forest and worrying that he has been waylaid in his travels, he hears a knock on the door and is shocked to see Pris there and he is reminded of when they first met and how he loved to play pranks on people. As Pris explains that he has been studying magic and he has used it to travel to see Gant, he is able to do more now, than other wizards in the past, however, it does take a toll on him and as Dalphnia is still out in the woods, Gant asks what it is that Pris has been doing, Pris goes on to talk about events in his empire and how the populace want his as the Emperor to solve all of their problems for them, this, plus his worries about the other kingdom over the mountains where the Demons are still causing a problem.

When Dalphnia returns and they have said their hellos, a golden light begins to appear and strengthen and turn white until it becomes almost blinding and a woman appears within the light. She is familiar to Gant, as she has appeared to him once before and she then warns them that a child is to be born across the mountains and that this child is destined to unite the forces of darkness who dwell there. The child in question will be born on the darkest night in Ferd, the capital of Scaltzland and deep into the heart of the demon territory. As she leaves, she finishes the prophecy by saying that this union must not come to pass and that they must do something to stop it as she is unable to do so herself.

After the lady and the light disappear, they continue to talk about this upcoming event and ways in which they can stop the demons getting the child long into the night. They discuss all the possibilities, where the child will be, how well it will be guarded and by whom, as well as what they can do once they have the child, as killing it is not an option. They realise that it is only two and a half months away and that they will need some help with figuring out the plan and they know exactly who to talk to.

They travel to see Abadis and Amelia where they figure out a plan and prepare to head out to Ferd, as long as they stay together, they can use each other’s strengths and weaknesses to their advantage. As the journey progresses, they keep running into obstacles and barriers, but fortunate events as well lead to some ways to make progress and keep spirits high from some unexpected allies.

This is another epic journey through dangerous lands with friends, foes, magic and fights, all the things you want from a fantastic fantasy tale, so go on another exciting journey with Gant, Pris, Abadis and Amelia and see what comes to pass!

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Fall of the Western Kings (Tirumfall Trilogy Book 1) by J Drew Brumbaugh – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Fall of the Western Kings (Tirumfall Trilogy #1)Fall of the Western Kings by J. Drew Brumbaugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book starts with Gant, a commoner and resident of a small village where he lives with his parents and helps his father as a blacksmith’s apprentice, where, on his way back home after his swordship training with his uncle, he comes across a friend of his being manhandled by a noble, whom he defends. The fact that he laid hand on a noble and he is only a commoner means he has to leave all that he has known behind, for the life of an outlaw. As he hurriedly packs some essential things and wishes his family and friends a hasty goodbye, he departs for the neighbouring kingdom and escapes from the ramifications of his crime.

As Gant is travelling, his thoughts turn to what he has done and how he may never be able to see his family and friends again, he doesn’t regret what he has done, just feels sadness that this is the result. Suddenly, he sees a figure running over a hill behind him and smiles as he is joined by his best friend and as much as Gant tries to get him to turn back, he refuses and insists on going with Gant. This lightens the load on Gant’s shoulders and he begins to smile and feel relieved that he won’t be on his own, at least for now.

As the two friends walk towards their next destination, they talk about what is going to happen back home and then onto current events within the kingdoms and how it might affect the one they have just left and talk of an upstart invading and taking control of another neighbouring kingdom. Later on in the evening, the noble finds Gant and his friend and threatens them, though his words perturb them and they discuss it after he leaves.

The next day, they arrive at their destination and begin their new lives and get into new routines of work and sparring training, this is until trouble find them and a new journey begins where they will find new friends, old enemies, evil and darkness, good and light and in every way, shape and form, their lives will be changed, but will all this change them as well?

This book is a fantastic work of fantasy and left me wanting to read more, as I hope it will for you.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Everyday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily Conjurings by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Everyday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily ConjuringsEveryday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily Conjurings by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a beautiful piece of nonfiction which gives you an idea about how to bring a little more joy and enchantment into the everyday. As the book goes from topic to topic, it is a study of the little things and how much they can cause enjoyment, disruption and rest. It is a work from the heart and it shows how a change of perspective can make the difference between doing something because you always do it and really investing in what you are doing.

There are examples in each chapter of the type of things that bring joy to the author, it goes into such detail about the beauty within these things and the way in which she describes the actions and feelings behind them, which make the book even more immersive.

In the first chapter the author talks about what enchantment is and the definition of the word, this is done in such a way that you can almost see the word in front of your eyes and all of the magic that it can contain within it. This view of enchantment really sets the tone for the rest of the book and the format which the author will use to talk about how she sees her everyday enchantments.

The next chapter talks about double egg yolks and how she sees them as a joyful surprise when they burst out of the egg when cracked open, this leads her to talk about how this can uplift you when you see the bright colours and how it can also bring a feeling a fullness and opportunity to start the day the right way.

As you read through this wonderful book you find yourself thinking about the things in your own life which bring you joy, it draws out the feelings behind these things and helps you to reconnect to them in a meaningful way. It shows an example of a new ebay of thinking and finding the joy in the enchantment anyone can find in their everyday living situation from first thing in the morning through to last thing at night.

So embark on a journey of discovering the magic, conjuring and enchantment which can be found everyday if you go looking for it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Tompkin’s School: For The Dearly Departed (A Supernatural Academy Trilogy Book 2) by Tabi Slick – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Tompkin's School For The Dearly Departed (Supernatural Trilogy #2)Tompkin’s School For The Dearly Departed by Tabi Slick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the continuation of the story of Kain and Izara as they continue their lives and the consequences which go with them, but we start with them on their summer holidays, Izara has chosen to stay with Lee at his home near the school in Oklahoma, but Kain has decided to go to New York and stay with his Aunt.

While Kain is in New York, he has been working as an intern at a music magazine as a journalist, or more accurately, as an errand boy, he was hoping that his would mean he could have a rest from the telepathy, but instead, they are still connected, but because of the distance between them, it is only through their dreams and these are becoming more scary and realistic at the same time. They are also changing in the way they view them, they are seeing them from each other’s points of view meaning that they don’t get as much rest as they would hope to. He has also been struggling to control his powers at the full moon.

Izara, however, has been enticed by her power and is finding it harder and harder to control it. The flames she can conjure are appearing more and more often and it is becoming harder to keep others from finding out about them. The more time that she spends with her friends, the harder she has to work to keep them and herself distracted from the truth.

As their powers become stronger and more unpredictable, their other hope of having time away from Choyce and his determination to get them to help him solve a problem didn’t happen either. He is intent on getting their help and gives them both a proposal, he will help them to get control of their powers, if they help him in return, so as they return to school and struggle to hide themselves from the teachers and the other students, Kain and Izara realise that they want the same thing but in different way, Izara wants to embrace what and who she is, but Kain only wants to do that so that he can live a normal life, graduate and continue his life.

The question is whether they can both get what they want and whether the price will be too high to pay. Will their dreams lead them to a solution and will they be able to make a deal to help each other, or will it all end in disaster?

The only way to find out is to go through the steps with them and make the same discoveries which they do.

Review by @roxsannel

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Hero High:: Heartbreak Rebellion (Hero High Collections Book 2) by Mina Chara – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Heartbreak Rebellion (Hero High, #4)Heartbreak Rebellion by Mina Chara
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the next stage in the story of Friday Fitzsimmons, as she prepares to re-enter the life of Icon City and her second year at Hero High. In the prologue we recap over why Hero High was founded and how the Hero’s and their opposing villains came to receive their powers.

We then join Friday as she recovers from some injuries and tries to get her life back in some semblance of order. She is in her room in the dorms when Ashley comes to her window to see her, although they aren’t supposed to, they still enjoy spending time together. They decide to visit the Hero Museum and Friday shows off her knowledge of Hero trivia, through this they learn more about each other as well.

As the story moves on, we join her at her 18th birthday party where she catches up with friends and is surrounded by celebrations, as well as the fans of the Hero Channel who have followed her story from the beginning. Veronica appears and leads her away from the party and into the mall to pick out a few bits and pieces of her choice from both her own merchandise, those of her team and the other Heroes and villains. Friday does this and when finished she sees that Veronica is joined by someone else, she is then introduced to Luke, a student at Hero High. Friday finds out that they will be working together a lot during the season and is led to the offices to sign her new contract. After she signs it, she is given her new clothing requirements and her lines for the next week.

What she doesn’t realise is that the filming for the first scene has already begun at the party, as her teammates run towards her, they see that one of the villains has appeared at the top of the party’s ferris wheel. As they go to stop the villain, they realise that they are being filmed and that it is all just a set up. As Friday finds the device that the villain has hidden, it is apparent that Luke knew it was a set up from the start and continues with his lines as though Friday was doing the same. This leads to an argument with Veronica about it and the realisation that she and Luke are meant to be love interests this season.

The next day, Friday goes to try and visit Jake in prison with Captain Fantastic, as usual, she is refused, but she does hear something that doesn’t seem quite right, this is where she and the Captain discover the biggest secret that the Hero TV channel has. They are both shocked and in disbelief that this is actually happening and as they learn about what has been happening, they make a decision together to investigate what is really happening.

What will this revelation mean for her, the Captain and the school? Who is behind it all and how will it affect their lives? What about Luke and Ashley, how will this affect their relationships, both working and personal? Can Friday keep up with the demands of the show, the fame, the power and the stardom and all the while keep her integrity in place, or will she comply with the way her life has been mapped out for the season?

The only way to find out what happens is to read on and let your emotions go on this latest whirlwind ride through Icon City.

Reveiwed by @roxsannel

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Better To Have Loved by Christy Nicholas – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Better To Have LovedBetter To Have Loved by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story begins with Julie Jensen writing to her sister to tell her that she has moved to England with the family of the children that she looks after. It is a surprise to herself that she made the decision to go and that she is looking forward to the challenge of living somewhere completely different to her life in the midwest of America. We join her as she moves into her accommodation in East Grinstead at the Saint Hill mansion which holds the international headquarters of the Church, who the family work for.

She is signed in and told where she will be living, which turns out to be one of the outlying cottages and not the mansion, as she hoped, once she has lugged her enormous suitcase of belongings there, she meets Sheila who she will be living with, Sheila helps her to settle in and takes her on a tour of the grounds.

As Julie settles into her routine of childcare during the day and her artwork for the church at night, she slowly gets used to the changes and differences she is encountering, although, she is enjoying meeting the people who pass through from all around the world and learning about their cultures and personalities, be that during work, where they enjoyed meals, in the old ballrooms where they could enjoy hobbies and leisure time, or at the parties which the Church throw on weekends she makes friends and flirts with some of the men, but only one really catches her eye. She was also enjoying the freedom to walk around the surrounding countryside, villages and scenic areas, as well as exploring the mansion and the surprises it hid.

This is where these relationships all start to develop and other opportunities come Julie’s way, however, not all of these opportunities are equal, some good and some bad, but all are things which turn her life around and as she continues life with the church and the new places she visits because of this, her life changes in ways she could never have imagined.

This is a story which leads you around the world in a flurry of emotions and excitement, where choices are made, relationships develop and break down, love and loss cause disruption and all of these things create a journey worth reading and exploring.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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John the Baptist: As His Soul Remembers by Stuart Ledwith – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

John the Baptist: As His Soul RemembersJohn the Baptist: As His Soul Remembers by Stuart P. Ledwith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

John the baptist

This book is a very interesting look at the life of John the Baptist, I am not a religious person and this is not a religious book in any way, however, I still found it immensely informative and thought provoking.

This story starts with Tiberius Claudius Nero Cesar Augustus, or Tiberius the Great one having a discussion with his emissary and close friend Paternuns Maximas he tells him of the things he has learned while on his travels to Syria, Jerusalem, Palestine and the Judean Desert. They discuss the legionnaires stationed out there, the situation with King Herod, the rebellious uprising of a group of religious zealots and the rising of a Hebrew “King” and a powerful and influential man who will aid him from the Essene religion. They discuss the problems that these different parties are causing the legions and how to remedy it, this is as well as discussing the “God” of these new religions and how his followers have said that they will remove the “invaders” from their lands. This worries Tiberius, especially because it isn’t a god which is known to them or one that they are familiar with.

This is where we first hear about John the Baptist or the “Desert Prophet” and the things that he has done, miracles he has performed and to Paternus, other outlandish things. It is this that worries Tiberius more than anything is that these “god-men” could become more powerful than him.

We next join Rabbi John the Nazarene and learn more about his daily life, who he interacts with, as well as his family and the journey which he will go on with them. We learn that he is a humble man who lives by himself in the desert, he baptises and preaches to the local population and lives a solitary, but enjoyable life by the River Jordan. His peaceful life is then interrupted by a visit from an old friend he has known since school who comes to him with a message. This message is that he is going to be an influential man who will teach people about love and equality, he will do this with the aid of a woman and that this will also be his demise.

This is where we truly learn about the journey he embarks on in the first person as his soul tells his story and enlightens the readers about the messages he brought and his life while he did this. It talks about his thoughts, feelings, experiences and ultimately his death. It is an original concept which is absorbing and wonderful to experience.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Rose of Anzio – Moonlight (Volume 1): a WWII Epic Love Story by Alexa Kang – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Moonlight (Rose of Anzio, #1)Moonlight by Alexa Kang
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story begins in a rose garden in Chicago where Tessa is seen clipping some roses in a messy fashion by Anthony, who proceeds to tell her off. He goes into his house to see his parents and proceeds to tell them what has happened outside, he is shocked to learn that Tessa is a member of the family and that she has come over from England without her parents to wait out the war. This first meeting sets the tempo of their interactions as time goes on and even though they live in the same house, they lead very separate lives.

Tessa is fourteen and thrown into a life which is completely different to her one in England, with all the pressures of high society and private schooling when all she wants is to be left alone so she can enjoy her own company. That is until she makes a friend at the post office where she posts letters to her parents, as this friendship starts to develop and she goes to visit them where they live, another whole new world opens up to her. It is more like what she was used to at home and she relishes the both the familiarity and newness of it all.

Anthony is eighteen and studying at the University of Chicago and spends most of his free time training with the University swimming team, the rest of his time he spends with his friends or coming home over the holidays to see his close knit family. Their discussions also become about the war in Europe and how this is affecting their lives as well as Tessa’s. They have strong views as to why Americans shouldn’t join in and these discussions become more heated and opposing to the ones he is hearing at university, but there are always going to be discussions about the war and when the conscription bill becomes the law, this triggers the need to make a choice as to which side he is on.

When Tessa and Anthony’s paths keep colliding and their opinions of each other change, there are sides to both, which the other cannot see and as the war comes closer, their lives will change, in ways which they will not expect. As the war comes closer to them, their friends are drafted and chance encounters fling Anthony into Tessa’s other world.

This is quite a shock to both of them, but will their differences keep them apart and become a hurdle that they cannot overcome, or will they choose the same sides and handle the war together in their own ways?

This is a story of love, friendship, loss and courage as they face the life that pre-World War II and it’s challenges will bring them.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Shattered: Rhodes Family Book 1 by Lisa Wood – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

ShatteredShattered by Lisa Wood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a book for the over 18’s only due to scenes of an adult nature.

This is the story of Olivia and Gabe. Olivia is a 26 year old graduate from law school who is sure she knows where her life is heading, until she is placed in a predicament where she has to give it all up, move to a new city and find a new job with only the clothes on her back and in two suitcases. Gabe is a senior partner in his father’s law firm with an eye for the ladies and an arrogant, playboy attitude.

We begin with Olivia as she leaves her old life behind to start a new one in the first place she points to on the map. This just happens to be New York City, so she packs her bags, gets in her car and drives there, she is in pain and disbelief, as to what she just walked in on and this is the reason she has to leave.

Next we meet Gabe, he is conducting interviews for a new junior partner for his father’s law firm, he is unimpressed by the candidates so far and after 4 of them, he needs to see how many more he has to deal with. He is unimpressed to find that there are still four more, that is until he sees a beautiful woman waiting to be seen and is completely shocked by the effect she has on him. He eventually makes his way through three more run of the mill candidates and finally calls her in.

It is at this moment that Gabe shakes Olivia’s hand and she is taken aback at the reaction she has to him as well. She is honest, straight forward and a breath of fresh air after all the others he had to put up with today, as she continues with the interview, he realises that his thoughts earlier were correct and that she was the perfect person for the position and so makes her an offer that she can’t refuse, but not something that he should be offering in the first place because his offer is a complete lie, apart from the job.

Gabe has to make a few calls which go over well, although he is seriously risking a lot for her, he can’t help it, as unbelievable as it is to those he speaks to.

What will the future hold for these two complete opposites? Will the lies and secrecy rip them apart or bring them closer together? Only time and experience will tell.

Reviewed by @RoxsanneL

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The Perfect Outcast by Melissa O. Hansen – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

The Perfect OutcastThe Perfect Outcast by Melissa Ott Hansen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a very engaging story about Alina, she is a teenager with all the issues that comes with it, hormones, blemishes and imperfect teeth, but she is not as normal as she seems, she lives in a place filled with perfection and being imperfect as she is, makes her stand out in a way she does not want.

We start the journey within this book at school with Alina, in her biology class and this is where we discover where the book is based, in Pria, as well as a bit about the people living there. During this lesson we discover why Pria is known for its perfection and what this means for Alina and the other residents, as well as why Alina is different. Later on in history, more about the leader of Pria is revealed, as well as the repercussions which may happen if someone speaks about him in a less than friendly manner.

It is here that we find out more about Alina and how she is ostracised by the community she lives in, how she experiences life and how this all makes her feel. It also starts to uncover the relationships she has with those she lives with and those whom she hopes to be friends with. These relationships reveal things about herself and Pria which she never expected to hear and would never have believed if she wasn’t the imperfect being she is.

When things start to go wrong for Alina, she has to discover if perfection is all it’s cracked up to be and whether it is worth paying the price demanded for it.

The journey which Alina must now go on means that she has to discover new strengths of character which she didn’t know she possessed, as well as finding the strength to become who she is meant to be, but will all of this newness overwhelm her, or will she be able to step up and stand up for herself and those around her?

Reviewed by @RoxsanneL

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Accepted: Rhodes Family Book 2 by Lisa Wood – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur

AcceptedAccepted by Lisa Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is only for those over 18.

Thomas, Hunter and Olivia have been friends for years, since their early school years in fact, but one night seven years ago, well, too much tequila and not enough talking led to something only one of them regretted and that night tore them apart.

In the present, Hunter wants to make amends, he wants nothing more than to have his two best friends back, they are all senior partners in Ava’s father’s law firm, but for seven years, they have only spoken in a professional capacity and even then, nowhere near as much as they used to. He misses them and what they shared all those long years ago and so he writes a letter to each and prays that they can forgive him for what he did and what he plans to do if they can’t.

In each letter he explains that the box attached is an explanation as to why what happened happened, what his life has been like since and how much he regrets the situation. He delivers the boxes to Thomas and Ava and waits to see what will happen next.

How will Thomas and Ava react to the packages and letters which Hunter has written and what will the two of them think? What will the future hold for them all?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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High Flyer (Verdant String) by Michelle Diener – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

High Flyer (Verdant String, #4)High Flyer by Michelle Diener
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an action packed adventure from start to finish, situated on the planet Faldine in the Verdant String, a planet which is notorious for being a nightmare for those who rely on technology, as it has magnetic fields over most of the surface. These fields vary in strength from mild, which makes the technology unreliable and patchy, all the way to dead zones which render this technology completely redundant.

Iver is the head of the planet and embraces the difficulty of making technology work on this unforgiving planet. Hana loves her job as Iver Sugotti’s pilot, it tests her skills every time she flies and gives her the adrenaline rush she craves. The only thing both want, but can’t have, is each other.

The story begins with Hana and Iver Sugotti starting a journey from his home to Touka City, as Hana gets Iver’s plane ready to pick him up, she is also planning her own solo trek into the mountains near Tuoka. When she picks Iver up, she realises that his assistant Lancaster is not coming with him and that he has a look on his face that is out of the norm. Iver confirms that it will just be the two of them when he gets comfortable in the cockpit with Hana, this is also out of the norm and Hana isn’t wholly comfortable with the situation.

The flight begins as usual with Hana and Iver exchanging small talk and observing the scenery when things start to go wrong, Hana picks up that they have been targeted by someone and that danger is on the horizon for them both. She warns Iver and begins the evasive maneuvers that she needs to execute successfully in order for them both to stay alive. As usual, Hana is calm and collected as she evades the danger, but is unable to avoid the dead zone which she has to fly through to do this, leading to them having to abort the flight and land as safely as she can with nothing working on the plane. She manages to do this, but as they leave the plane so that Iver can call for help, their plane is destroyed.

What Iver doesn’t know about Hana is that she is not just a pilot, she has some extra abilities which could mean the difference between life and death for the pair of them.

Is Hana going to be able to keep these abilities from Iver, or will her secrets come out as they fight for their lives?

Will they be able to work together and will something develop which they both want, but are scared to accept, or will they be torn apart?

The only way to find out is to join them in their fight and become drawn in as their story develops and it will definitely suck you in!

Reviewed by @RoxsanneL

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EverMarked by AJ Eversley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

EverMarkedEverMarked by A.J. Eversley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sienna is a young girl who is about to graduate from her school in the DEZ where she is living after being abandoned by her parents at birth, nothing seems too untoward about that, except that because of this she is one of the Marked. This means that she is not allowed outside of the DEZ and as such, not know what the outside world is like and she takes risks by actually going outside and into the arena in the city of Cytos, but she is doing it for a reason, she is preparing for life outside the DEZ, so as well as her studies during the week, she goes into the arena on a weekend so she can provide for herself and her friends when they do graduate.

Jayla is a Watcher and is part of a secret force who keep the citizens of Cytos safe from those they have no idea about, she stops those who would want to harm the population and maintains the secrecy that has been around for over one hundred and fifty year and she has done her job successfully until now.

This story begins with Sienna in the ring and fighting her opponent so that she can remain the Champion, although she has to cover up her marks and her face so that she is not recognised as one of the Marked. After she finishes the fight, she is confronted by her friend who has also sneaked out of the DEZ to find her, as they walk back together, they visit another friend on the way.

As both Sienna and Jayla go about their lives, there is an explosion at a genetics lab within the city limits and this event is a shock and mystery as the explanation is a gas leak, however, this is suspicious to both of them because of the use of robotics as a means to ensure the safety of the population.

As both parties decide to investigate what happened, they realise that something isn’t right and that all is not well in the worlds they both live in. What they both don’t realise is that the challenges and barriers which will be thrown up in front of them, will be something that neither is expecting or anticipating.

What will happen once Sienna and her friends graduate? Will Jayla be able to figure out what the significance of the explosion is? Will either of them be able to carry on as they are, or will their futures be more than they are capable of facing?

The answers are in this fantastic book and they’re ready and waiting to be discovered as you are drawn into Jayla and Sienna’s worlds and lives. Be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of emotion, as you delve through this fast paced and exciting read.

Reviewed by @RoxsanneL

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On With the Butter! Spread More Living onto Everyday Life by Heidi Herman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

On With the Butter!On With the Butter! by Heidi Herman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heidi Herman gives you a glimpse into the Icelandic life and the history of the saying “On with the butter!” Although this book is geared towards those who are retired or on the brink of retiring and looking to prepare for it better, I found it to be really helpful as well.

The book starts with an introduction to Heidi and how she learned about this saying and what it means to her and how it has impacted her life. The explanation is detailed, as is the description of what life can be like when this saying hasn’t been introduced into it.

The format is one that I have not seen used in such an effective way before, each chapter deals with a different aspect of life, there are her thoughts on it, a few anecdotes from her personal experiences and then there is a challenge to go along with it.

This book is a great read if you’re looking for inspiration on how to get the best out of life, giving the little kick needed to try out new things and why it is so important to keep your zest and enjoyment of life present at all times.

So take a chance to discover what it could be like to get on with life and “Spread more Living onto Everyday Life” by saying “On With The Butter” as well!

Reveiwed by @RoxsanneL.

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Road Tripped: Satan’s Devils MC Utah #1 by Manda Mellett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Road Tripped (Satan's Devils MC Utah #1)Road Tripped by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a book that is only suitable for those over 18, due to the adult content throughout.

This book starts with Road who has just been in a serious accident as is on his way to recovery, the only trouble is, he will never be able to compete in his beloved sport any longer and this is a future that he is really struggling to accept. This is making him a time bomb which could go off any second and everyone around him knows it and is on eggshells around him.

When he is summoned in to see his Prez, Drummer, he is worried about what the outcome may be, he knows his fuse is short and that he isn’t dealing well with things, but he does not know whether or not this is something his Prez is going to continue to allow. This is where his Prez surprises him with a suggestion which could help.

This suggestion is for him to have a change of scenery and go to visit another chapter, in Road’s case, this is the one down in Utah. Drummer is worried that something is going on in Utah, not that it is a bad thing, they haven’t shown any reason for his worry, apart from that things are just too right at the club and he has a gut feeling that something is quite as it should be. Road is surprised, but is willing to accept that Drummer is trying to help, but he wonders why, out of all his brothers, Drummer has chosen him of all people!

As Road prepares to leave and set off for his road trip, he knows that it will be a slow one with the pain from his injuries reducing the amount of time which he can spend in the saddle. Even so, he hopes the time away will help him to clear his head so that when he comes back home, he will be back somewhat to his usual happy self.

When he gets close to the club, the idea that a warm welcome and a bed to sleep in is surely on the cards at least, but other than that, he truly has no idea of exactly what he will be walking into and this is where the story really begins.

What Road finds at the Utah branch will change his perceptions and life forever, but what that means for him is something that he may not have much time to figure out. In this tale of twists and turns, unexpected trials, tribulations and choices which have to be made, will Road be able to handle it, or is he in over his head before he has even walked through the front door? Only time will tell.

Reviewed by @RoxsanneL

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The Abduction of Sarah Tarbell: As Her Soul Remembers by Stuart Ledwith – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

The Abduction of Sarah Tarbell: As Her Soul RemembersThe Abduction of Sarah Tarbell: As Her Soul Remembers by Stuart Ledwith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a beautifully laid out historical novel based around the life of 14 year old Sarah Tarbell and the trials she went through during it.

We start with a description of Sarah, her life, her home and her community. She is happy until one day when she is abducted with two of her brothers by a Mohawk raiding party.

It is this abduction which causes Sarah to question her life, beliefs and ties to others, as her world changes direction completely. As she is treated differently to her brothers, she realises how out of her depth she is and wonders why she is treated this way. She has to grow up quickly and create a place for herself in her new environment, but because of the changes within this environment, she has to adapt quickly. This leads onto the formation of relationships, a new routine and way of life, however, just as she is starting to form these, she is moved on again and the new trauma of this is just as bad, if not worse than the last in her eyes, but she doesn’t go without showing her maturity and her strength.

When she meets her final place, she has to again learn a new environment and routine, as well as adapt and accept the change again. She is helped this time by a familiar face and becomes someone of whom she can be proud of with the choices she makes. These choices lead her to a fulfillment of which she would never have believed possible or dreamed of in her original hometown.

It is an emotionally complex story of a young girl thrown into an adult world, without a clue what she should do. It is her journey of adaptation and acceptance without prejudice, of love, loss, friendship and rejection.

A book you will not be able to put down as you are drawn into learning about life and traditions in another time and place.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by Mary Billiter – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

The Divided TwinThe Divided Twin by M. Billiter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We are back with Aaron and Brandon Kovac, the twins are now seniors in college and have their lives together, although hundreds of miles apart, they have jobs, a way with the ladies and are nearly finished getting their respective degrees, but nothing is as simple as it seems.

Their mum is diagnosed with cancer and they are finding it hard to deal with it, as are their other siblings. Branson is still learning how to deal with his mental health and Aaron is still dealing with it too, albeit by keeping his distance and leaving his brother to do his own thing.

This is where we meet David, David is the third twin. David is different and has more dark tendencies than the other twins, but he is the life of the party when he is more encouraging. He voices the things that should stay hidden, but also says the things that people want to hear.

With all the emotions which need to be worked through and the more details that come to the fore, the more the problems start to arise, but who is David talking to and what will he say? These are the million dollar questions!

Prepare for another emotional rollercoaster that takes ups and downs in its stride leaving you not knowing how or what to feel, but sure you want to feel more.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Divided Mind by Mary Billiter – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

A Divided MindA Divided Mind by M. Billiter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Meet Branson Kovac, he is a senior in his final year of school and that’s what everyone thinks he is too, but Branson hears voices and that is where this story begins.

We start with Tara, Branson’s mum when he tells her over the phone that he is hearing voices and to say she is in shock with this announcement is an understatement. She goes on a brief trip down memory lane and tries to see what she could have gone wrong and justify what she has heard.

We next see Branson as he starts to realise that these voices aren’t heard by everyone else and also, that these voices are becoming clearer and making more sense. He is in with the office counsellor trying to make sense of what happened earlier on in the day and why this incident has him sitting in this office with someone he doesn’t even know.
As he tries to begin to explain his situation and get some advice, he finds that he may not be as alone as he thinks he is.

As the book continues, we meet Branson’s twin, his girlfriend and his other friend Trevor, but what you find out about them doesn’t quite tally with what you want to believe.

This book is an illuminating look into a tough subject and takes you on a journey from two different perspectives, it will have you on an emotional rollercoaster, but one you will not want to get off.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Frontman by Lawrence Parlier – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

The FrontmanThe Frontman by Lawrence Parlier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book starts with us finding out that Kerry Vance has died in his hotel room of an overdose while on tour in England, this news is a shock to the system of his family, his best friend, a mystery from his past and those who know him through his music.

We start the book off a member of his family spilling orange juice all over the floor in shock and having to reign themselves in from emotionally collapsing until their daughter leaves for school.
Next we see his best friend amidst a horrendous hangover trying to take in the news, they are rudely awoken from a stupor by their other best friend, who seems determined to finish off what the alcohol, anger, devastation and drugs had started the night before. From their point of view, what the news has reported about Kerry’s death isn’t all adding up and that it was not in Kerry’s’ character to go the way he did but is determined to somehow get to the truth of the matter.

Finally we meet a long time friend of Kerry who is also hit hard by the news of his death and is desperately trying to come to terms with the news when a mysterious package from Kerry himself arrives. As they remember their time with him, they are confused as to why they have received this package and eventually pluck up the courage to open the box and read the letter addressed to them. The contents of this are a shock to the system as is the realisation why Kerry has sent it and the strange request within it.

The story continues as this request is followed to the letter, but what with trying to both stay out of trouble and cause it all at the same time, whether it can be done is another thing completely.

There are plot twists and turns in this story and nothing is as it seems throughout. It is a non-stop whirlwind that keeps your emotions on edge and a need to know how it will end, will keep you reading.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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