
Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Robin Rankin

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series. This is the first book I have had the pleasure reading by Ms. Kay so I wasn’t sure what to expect with her style and how she builds her characters and was anxious to see what I would be getting with this story. Let me tell you what I got.

I got a story about love, romance, “alone time” and there was the whole missing law student thing which brought in the hot alpha Federal Agents and local Police Officers.

I was a little confused by the focal point in the beginning but as the story progressed it was clear to me where this series will be going. My confusion didn’t cause me enough distraction to take away from the book.

I have book two in my kindle and looking forward to getting it read.

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Series) by Seelie Kay – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna, Feisty Lawyers Series, by Seelie Kay


Snatching Dianna was an interesting and action packed novel. The storyline was easy to follow and moved quickly. It was fitting, too, how important it was to locate a missing person in a certain amount of time. The individuals that made up the primary characters of the novel consisted of an interesting mix including lawyers, law students, special agents, and police. I loved how strong Dianna remained in the face of danger and handled being taken. She never gave up hope. There was also a hint of steamy romance mixed in. I look forward to reading more in this series.

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers) by Seelie Kay- Review by Anna Hirsch

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers) by Seelie Kay
4 Stars

This is book one in the Feisty Lawyers series. It is a suspenseful, dramatic novella. Dianna Murphy has been kidnapped and it’s up to secret agents Janet MacLachlan and Cade Matthews to bring her home and take down the slave trafficking ring. The book reminded me of the series Code Raven by Lynda Fuller. Agents and police setting up covert operations to save innocent women and make the world a better place.

The playful banter between the characters lightened the story. Human trafficking is a heavy topic so this was a good addition. Some of their conversations seemed to allude to there being a prior book but I think the author was trying to show that the characters had history together. Being such a short book, I couldn’t really invest myself with any of the characters therefore there was no real connection.

My only issue with the story was the few “sexcapades”. I love sex scenes in a book but these were weird and random and had nothing to do with the story. They could have been left out completely and it wouldn’t have changed anything.. Had the book been longer and we had more in depth knowledge of these relationships maybe it would have worked better.

Other than that, I think the story was interesting and it was a good introduction to the characters. The whole secret agency will lead to some intriguing storylines for future books. I’m interested to see what will happen in book two.

Review by @annahirsch
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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Krista Beck

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by Seelie Kay and I was not disappointed! Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series. Dianna is a law student who goes missing. Her roommate brings up the situation to her teacher, Janet, who is ex – covert agent, she immediately gets on the case. With the help of her husband, Cade, and others, they find themselves tracking down a human trafficking ring. This is a quick and easy read. I loved the characters in this book! I feel like there might have been a previous story with these two. I would have liked it to be just a little longer with more action. I can’t wait to read the next one!

Reviewed by @klbeck

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay
#SnatchingDianna #FeistyLawyers #SeelieKay
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance
Page count – 112 pages
Goodreads –…/show/42245125-snatching-dianna

When suburban Milwaukee law student Dianna Murphy fails to connect with her roommate, there is no real evidence that she has been snatched. Until Law Professor Janet MacLachlan, a former covert agent, discovers a single clue, one that points to a taking by a slave trafficking cartel. In a race against time, Janet recruits her husband, secret agent Cade Matthews, small-town Police Chief David Manders and his wife, criminal defense attorney Julianna Constant, and other law students to uncover the truth. Can they prove she has been taken, before Dianna disappears without a trace?


Seelie Kay is a nom de plume for a writer, editor, and author with more than 30 years of experience in law, journalism, marketing, and public relations. When she writes about love and lust in the legal world, something kinky is bound to happen!  In possession of a wicked pen and an overly inquisitive mind, Ms. Kay is the author of multiple works of fiction, including the Kinky Briefs series, the Feisty Lawyers series, The Garage Dweller, A Touchdown to Remember, The President’s Wife, The President’s Daughter (12/18), and Chasing Hope (1/19). 

When not spinning her kinky tales, Ms. Kay ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. She resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine.

Ms. Kay is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS:  Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you!


Live January 25th & 26th Click HERE for Giveaway




Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Angela Shirley

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series and what a book it is. Full of thrilling suspense, intrigue and twists and turn this book will have you on a roller coaster ride with its fast pace writing and well written story.

Dianna Murphy is a law student and one night she vanishes, her room mate is convinced something has happen to her but no-one will listen, so she enlists the help of her Law Professor to help in finding out what really happen to her friend, but her Law professor is not all she seems. Janet MacLachlan was once a secret agent and with help from her husband, the police chief and a merry band of others they decide to find out what really happened.

This book will have you on the end of your seat, although a short novel this does not stop the effectiveness of the full story. With the twists and turn you are taken on a journey with the “team” to uncover what has happened, but has the team over turned just one to many stones and are they ready for what they uncover. If you love the suspense and thrill of a good thriller you will love this book. I can’t wait to read more in this series or more books by this author.

Review by @ashirley

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Sue Kemp

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1)
By Seelie Kay

Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers by Seelie Kay. With this my first book by this author I was quite open to what I might be reading. But I have to say this book was a nice quick read. I also found this book was well written and the story just flowed throughout the book. If you enjoy books that contain danger, crime and suspense then I am pretty sure this is looking like it will be the series for you. If book one was this great, I can’t wait to see what happens throughout the series. Thank Seelie for a great start to the series.

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Erica Fish

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Seelie Kay just took my breath away. Snatching Dianna is the story that I fear the most. I have three daughters and I fear that they will be snatched and made into slave trafficking/sex trafficking. This story (I know it is fiction) could very well happen. Seelie Kay made me want more and more but at times I found myself making cringing faces because of the content. There are many twists and turns which kept me on my toes. I do not know how long it took to read the book because I was that enthralled with the story line. Thank you, Seelie Kay I loved this story and cannot wait for the next book.

Snatching Dianna is a suspense, action, adventure, and danger. Dianna Murphy is a law student who is missing. Her law professor, Janet is worried as she found a piece of evidence that Dianna may have been taken by a slave trafficking cartel. Will Janet find Dianna or will it be too late?

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Series, #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Erin Wolf

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I give Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay, 4 stars.

Law student Dianna goes missing one morning after jogging. Professor and former undercover agent Janet is alerted to the problem. Some of the details sound all too familiar. It sounds like a slave trafficking racket Janet worked a while back. She thought they broke them up. The more they discover, the deeper they go. Can they rescue the missing student? Or will they be too late?

This was an interesting book. The story was intriguing and the characters were quite good. The only thing was that I felt like I was thrown into the middle of a series. I felt confused for a bit until they got into the search more. But this could have just been me. However, I really did enjoy this book and hope to see more in this series.

If you like a thriller with some hot and heavy scenes, you should pick up this book.

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Review by @erinwolf79

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Tausha Treadway

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay. I loved this book. It’s the story of Janet MacLachlan a former covert agent, now a Law Professor, who is looking into the disappearance of a student named Dianna Murphy. Clues lead her to believe she’s been taken by a slave trafficking cartel. Janet talks her husband Police Chief David Manders into helping her. Dianna’s roommate is scared & upset and her parents are hysterical. This is such a quick, good read. It’s about a very scary, horrific subject but one that is very prevalent in our society today. Will they find Dianna or will she be lost forever. This is an awesome book and I highly recommend it!

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Naomi McDonald

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series. It can be read as a standalone, however the epilogue leaves things open for the series to continue.

This book is a peculiar mix of action, mystery, humor, and issues that are serious (i.e. human trafficking). Overall, it was a good read. There were a few places where it was a little bumpy, but nothing distracting enough to take away from the main story. One of the things that I wish had been a little different is the depth of the characters, it takes a little while to get into them. It does have some brief adult scenes so it is meant for readers 18 and over.

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Lisa Boltiador

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna was action packed and interesting. It almost seemed like it couldn’t be the first book in this series, as the characters already have such developed relationships. It feels like each book may take you on a fast paced adventure, fighting crimes and saving lives. The personalities of the lawyers, spooks, etc were strong, sassy, and fun. The dirty scenes were hot, but kind of out of place? They were enjoyable but distracting to the action a bit. Overall, a good read and a good start to a series.

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna is book one in the Feisty Lawyers series by Seelie Kay. This author intrigued me with the storyline. I have not read any of Seelie Kay’s work, and I was delighted to find it was amazingly good. The writing style was really engaging for a reader, had excitement and thrilling suspenseful moments, and the characters blended effortlessly and provided a plethora of articulate actions and dramatic displays.

I love a good what happened drama and Snatching Dianna was an excellent example of a top quality suspense. I will definitely be reading more from this author and this series will be on my must read list. 5 stars.

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Snatching Dianna ( Feisty Lawyer Series) by Seelie Kay – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
Four Stars

Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series by Seelie Kay. This is the first book I have read by this author, but I’m definitely looking forward to reading the next book in the series. This short story is full of action, suspense, drama and a little romance. I was hooked on this book from the beginning and couldn’t put it down until I finished. As Janet and Cade, along with the entire police department race to find the missing Law School student, Dianna, before it is too late, it is the small clues that will guide them on their journey. This story is engaging and the characters are true to life. The book made me feel like I was right there chasing after the bad guys. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

Reviewed by @sunbarn

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Heather Lovelace

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fantastic quick and easy read! Now, sometimes people equate “quick and easy read” to mean simple, adolescent, and sometimes even childish. That is most certainly not the case here. This book was thrilling, suspenseful, fast paced, and very well developed. The author has an innate ability to weave story and character fluidly, doing so in such an effective manner she apparently doesn’t require as many pages as others to complete her craft. Just a very good book and one I will highly recommend to others.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Debi Kircher

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay

5 Stars

This is my second book by this author and I loved it even more than the first that I read. I love the writing style and the smooth flow of every word. I think one of my favorite things about the whole book was the way she wrote the interaction between these characters, the way it all just seemed natural and maybe some parts not so natural but this author made it all seem real, like pulling a gun on your husband and it being like one of my favorite scenes in the whole book. LOL

Much of the story was about something that is completely real in our world today and that part wasn’t so easy to read about but again it was handled beautifully.

I can not wait for more on this series and more of the interaction with these characters, I could almost picture this as a series on TV and if that happened I’d definitely be watching it.

The only negative I have about this book is that it ended, leaving me wanting so so much more.

Loved It!!

Review by @debikircher

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Katie Matthews

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


This was a great, fast paced read! I have read work by this author previously so I knew that I would be in for a good read and I wasn’t disappointed. When I first read the blurb I wasn’t sure what I was in for so I was really looking forward to reading it, it left me a little intrigued! It didn’t take me long to become hooked on the story, and there were some quite sensitive topics in it that might not be for everybody but I thought it was a great, thrilling read that I found hard to put down. The author has done a great job of interjecting humour and entertainment into a book with some dark moments. I really liked the main characters and I could tell how important it was for them to find out the truth behind what was happening in the story. I felt really connected and engaged by them.
An intriguing read that I absolutely would recommend.


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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Jana Teppih

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna is the first book in Seelie Kay’s Feisty Lawyers’ series! What an opening to the series! When you read about the writer and her background, you tell yourself, oh my, I cannot wait for more! I know the second book is coming out in January and I tell you, it feels way too long away …
Seelie gives us 2 very interesting couples – law professor Janet MacLachlan and secret agent Cade Matthews, and small-town Police Chief David Manders and criminal defence attorney Julianna Constant … these two couples are left to figure out what is going on in the suburban Milwaukee college where blond and blue-eyed girls have disappeared!
The story is short but intense and it hangs so well together that at no point you think that it is too fast and the writer is jumping over things … I wish it would be made into a TV series … maybe once a couple more installments are out … it would make great TV! It gives us everything – danger, suspense, international crime, steamy relationships, banter … I think I will have to go and read the other stories the writer has published as it seems that our main couple headlines quite a few of them!
Great job Ms Kay and please, keep the Feisty Lawyers’ busy so that we can pour another glass of wine and read away!

Reviewed by @teppih

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Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay – Review by Kerry Baker

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay is the first book in the Fiesty Lawyers series. This is a fast paced and intriguing tale of a young girl who may have been taken as part of a Slavs trafficking cartel and one law professors race against time to try and save her/m.
This is an entirely new author for me and I found her writing style to be gripping. I wasn’t overly sure from the blurb that I would be able to get into this book however I found myself hooked quickly.
The author easily juggles the dark side of this book with the fun and entertaining side she brings to it.
From what I can gather you are introduced to these characters in a different story however I never felt like I was missing out from having not read it. A great book I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Snatching Dianna ( Feisty Lawyers Series) by Seelie Kay – Review by Roxana Yoss

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay was an interesting and intriguing. I have to say that I was impressed with the story line and the way that the author wrote it. I loved the suspense and thrill that followed the story and fell in love with the characters and their passion for finding out the truth. This was a definite 4 Star for me, and I’m looking forward to reading more by this author.

Reviewed by @ryoss

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Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay – Review by Lisa Helmick

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers #1)
By Seelie Kay
Rated 4 stars

This is a action packed short story. It drew my attention at the beginning and held it all the way to the end. The story was riveting. The characters were so fun and comfortable. I enjoyed all the banter between them. It wasn’t stiff dialogue. Very smooth and easy to read. This book does touch on a subject that could be a trigger for some people. Human trafficking is a touchy subject. It was handled nicely here.

This is my first book by this author. I enjoyed it but at times felt I missed out on the characters other escapades. It makes me want to look for their other stories.


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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Jenni Bishop

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay is cleverly written and a quick read but a good read. ​The story has it all with intrigue and danger, suspense and action, humour and romance, drama and mystery. I really loved the beginning of this gripping tale. I love the characters whom are very endearing and very realistic and their chemistry and antics and their easy comradery and banter.

Dianna Murphy is missing. Janet an ex-secret agent, now Law Professor, enlists the help of her husband, a covert operative and the local police chief to track her down. What they find is a trafficking ring that is an around the world operation. Will they be able to reach Dianna before her life is on the line and she is so far beyond help?

I can’t wait for more of this series

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Maura Harper

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The fact that human trafficking is real and that it’s not a fictional problem is so crazy and scary.

Snatching Dianna is just that – a fictional offering that is intriguing, multi layered, and kept me interested from the first page to the last.

It is a short book that is packed with a big punch and I do recommend this story.

Review by @mauraharper

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Series Book #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Angela Hayes

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers Series by Seelie Kay. This is a short story, which makes it a very quick and easy read. There is intrigue, suspense, humour, action, adventure, danger, drama, some romance, and a bit of spice.
Dianna Murphy is a beautiful, smart and savvy college student, who’s studying law. When she goes missing, her roommate is frantic and approaches law professor Janet MacLachlan for help in tracking her down. Janet is an ex-secret agent, and she in turn enlists the help of her husband Cade Matthews (who is a covert operative) and the local police chief, David Manders. Realizing they have a lot of ground to cover and need more man-power, they also recruit David’s wife, as well as several law students- and the ‘team’ gets to work to try and figure out what happened- before Dianna disappears forever. And so starts a chain of events that takes the investigators (and us) on quite the adventure. Across continents, from the United States to Morocco, this story is quite a gripping tale. An intense investigation leads to an international human trafficking ring… and now it’s not just Dianna’s safety on the line!
I really enjoyed this clever little suspense. I love the characters, having met Janet MacLachlan, Cade Matthews and Anders Mark in “Hanging From a Ledge”- which was one of the short stories in the “Kinky Briefs Cinque” collection. I loved them then, and now after this story, I love them even more. I enjoyed their chemistry, funny banter, quips and antics. It made them quite realistic and very endearing.
I think Janet and Cade’s adventures would make a great Television series.
I can’t wait to see what new adventures and investigations await in the future instalments of this new series!

Thank you, Ms. Kay!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Emily Walsh

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna
BySeelie Kay
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers #1) by Seelie Kay was a fast pace, witty, entertaining read that, had me hooked from start to finish.

Not my first read by this author or for these MC’s. They appeared in Kinky Briefs, Cinque; and I’ve been waiting to read more about them. These two are started to become a fav of mine, and I need to go back a read more from this author. Not only that, there’s two other important characters that I need to go read about; the Chief of police and his wife. They’re something else, and I need to know their kinky story.

Fast moving and despite the dark and heart wrenching plot, I had fun reading this book. I will say this because it is a fast quick read there isn’t much overall world building and or heavy details. But, I didn’t mind that because of the race against time plot, the witty interactions, solid connections and having Dianna such a strong, defiant character; you’re not stuck on the what the surrounds looked like. You’re engroes into the story, you’re on the edge of your seat hoping that Janet and Cade can get to her in time, not just her but the others as well.

Overall this book is worth your time and energy. It has a pull to it that keeps you glued to the pages and the suspense is thick and heart pounding. So please take my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval that, you will have this book read in one sitting.

Happy Reading

-Review by @eawalsh

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers) By Seelie Kay – Review by Laura Furuta

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1)
By: Seelie Kay
5 out of 5 stars

The story Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay is a book that I loved reading. There is both mystery and suspense. It had me wondering what was going to happen next. I was turning pages to find out. It is the story about a law student, Dianna Murphy, who fails to show to a planned event with her roommate. When Law Professor Janet MacLachlan, a former covert agent, is alerted she begins looking for clues as to if Dianna was taken. One clue sends her and others looking into a slave trafficking cartel. Will Dianna be found, or will she disappear without a trace? Read this book to find out. This is a story in which I felt like I was right there with the characters. Trying to put the clues together is like putting together a puzzle. I enjoyed reading the interactions between Janet, her husband Cade and the other additional characters. The characters work well together and are determined to find the truth of what has happened to Dianna. There are also some characters that have their own agenda and whose actions I would call evil. Don’t miss out reading a wonderful story that will hook you in and not let go until the last page.

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author and I enjoyed how it is a creative, easy flowing story that left me on the edge of my seat at times. This story is about a kidnapping on campus but there could be more going on. What happens when Janet and her husband Agent Cade turn up more then they were expecting during their investigation? I liked both of these two, they are connectable and I enjoyed their chemistry together made the story flow. I highly recommend reading their story.

Review by @bjwagner
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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Heather Bahm

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seelie Kay’s Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series. This was a thrilling and suspenseful read. Seelie Kay doesn’t wait to pull the reader into the story, but instantly starts with the right lead ins to draw attention to not only the characters, but also the environment. As I was reading this story, from the details provided, I could vividly picture the scenes – it was amazingly done. Each of the characters in this story were well described and portrayed, despite the limited pages within this book. The story was fast paced, but not rushed. I felt that this was a great introduction into the Feisty Lawyers series and after the sequence of events that occurred in in Snatching Dianna, I cannot wait to see what the author delivers next.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Liz Vrchota

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna is the first book in the Feisty Lawyers series from Seelie Kay. I have read some of her other erotic stories in her Kinky Briefs series so I was super excited to see what would lie between the covers of this sexy new cover from her. I knew the writing would for sure be hot and captivating at the least and well Seelie Kay delivered all that and so much more.

Janet MacLachlan used to be a covert agent that is being called upon to help look for a missing girl, Dianna. All the clues are pointing in the direction of a slave trafficking cartel. Will they be able to actually prove that she was taken by them or will she just be another girl gone missing without a trace?

The action and adventure in the book totally balance the tad of romance and steam perfectly. I was never bored, always on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to find out what will come next in the series!

Review by @lizaileen
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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers Book 1) by Seelie Kay
#SnatchingDianna #FeistyLawyers #SeelieKay
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 112 Pages
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When suburban Milwaukee law student Dianna Murphy fails to connect with her roommate, there is no real evidence that she has been snatched. Until Law Professor Janet MacLachlan, a former covert agent, discovers a single clue, one that points to a taking by a slave trafficking cartel. In a race against time, Janet recruits her husband, secret agent Cade Matthews, small-town Police Chief David Manders and his wife, criminal defense attorney Julianna Constant, and other law students to uncover the truth. Can they prove she has been taken, before Dianna disappears without a trace?


Seelie Kay is a nom de plume for a writer, editor, and author with more than 30 years of experience in law, journalism, marketing, and public relations. When she writes about love and lust in the legal world, something kinky is bound to happen!  In possession of a wicked pen and an overly inquisitive mind, Ms. Kay is the author of multiple works of fiction, including the Kinky Briefs series, the Feisty Lawyers series, The Garage Dweller, A Touchdown to Remember, The President’s Wife, The President’s Daughter (12/18), and Chasing Hope (1/19). 

When not spinning her kinky tales, Ms. Kay ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. She resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine.

Ms. Kay is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS:  Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you!

Seelie Kay Interview