
Charlotte: Doctor Richards’ Littles 7 by Pepper North – Review by Susan Mowdy

Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7 by Pepper North
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I went into this book with an open mind. I don’t live this lifestyle but I guess its something that’s always intrigued me. I will tell you I was blown away! I’ve never had my jaw hit the floor so many times in one book (NOT IN A BAD WAY). Albeit this book is short but it does give you an insight to the lifestyle and answered some questions that I’ve been wondering.

I loved Charlotte and Benton. Charlotte is such a lovable character. She is in need of a job and a place to stay which lead her to Gordon’s for an interview. That’s where she meets Benton and he’s overcome with the urge to take care of her. I loved seeing Charlotte learn about age play and how she’s becomes comfortable with it. I’m definitely intrigued by this series and Miss North packs a punch with her story writing!

Reviewed by @listersda
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Broken Circle (Gray Ghost #1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jana Teppih

Broken Circle (Gray Ghost #1)Broken Circle by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken Circle by Amy McKinley is the first book in her Gray Ghost series! It is also the first book I have read by this writer so I was very curious about her story telling ways when I picked it up! I have to say that I had nothing to be concerned about! I absolutely loved it! I loved it so much that I also picked up the ‘prelude’ to the series that I had somehow missed AND also the second book of the series! (Reviews to come!)
I loved Amy’s writing style – it was flowing and smooth like molasses AND it kept me at the edge of my seat until I came to the last page! There are twists and turns in this story and I tell you, every single character has their purpose and you cannot take anyone away! It is a story of betrayal and ‘illusion’ – you think that something is going on but you do not actually see what truly is going on under the surface …
I loved Olivia, I loved how she grew throughout the story and found her strength (and stubbornness)! And when her blinders come off … be prepared for fireworks!

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Eye of the Storm (Gray Ghost #2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jana Teppih

Eye of the Storm (Gray Ghost #2)Eye of the Storm by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eye of the Storm is the second book in Amy McKinley’s Gray Ghost series! I dived straight into it after finishing the first book as I had fallen in love with Amy’s storytelling ways! Even though the stories can be read as standalone, do yourself a favour and read the first book as well as you will enjoy Eye of the Storm even more once you have done it.
Amy continues with her smooth storytelling and emotional rollercoaster, there are twists and turns that you do not see coming and just imagine, it is all happening in the wilderness of Colombian jungle! The writer is so meticulous with how she describes the jungle, how her characters come across and boy, the secrets … they are like a cherry on top of the cream! I loved how Amy gave us two strong and independent (and stubborn) characters (Mari and Chris) that make the story unforgettable! How can you give the story a cold shoulder when there is action, emotion and …. Secrets … but I already said that! So, pick up a copy and run away to the jungle with Marie and Chris and maybe, just maybe, you will return in one piece!

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The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla – Review by Debi Kircher

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of SuspenseThe Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla

5 Stars

I’ve read most of this authors books and she always has a way of getting me hooked early…This one took a bit and I wasn’t sure whether I understood what was going on till somewhere around the middle of the book. I knew she was building up to something I was just trying to keep myself on track to know what that was.

Even before understanding what the secret was I was pulled in and could not put this book down. Now I think back and wonder what took me so long.

This was an awesome story, and the ending floored me…I was so totally off base and had no idea who was behind the yearly reminders that someone obviously knew the secret that only 3 people should have known.

I couldn’t help but feel so very sorry for Grace through most of this book, I loved her and I really loved Maggie, although a few times throughout I just wanted to bang their heads together and wake them up.

I love this author, and she always finds a way to surprise me with her stories, you never know what your going to dive into when you pick up one of her books, Im a forever fan and will be watching for what comes next. I highly recommend this book, but pay attention and don’t give up if it takes you a bit like it did me, you won’t be sorry you hung in there.

Loved It!!

Review by @debikircher

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Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review by Debi Kircher

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler

5 Stars

If anyone ever asks me what I want in a book boyfriend my answer will simply be go read Unbreak This Heart and meet Carter…

What a book! What an author! This is not my first read by Betty Shreffler and it won’t be my last..and Im not just saying that, I truly mean that. I love her writing style and her books flow so nicely. Ill admit at one point during the story my whole day was ruined but I kept the faith that this author would not do that to me and whether it turned out like I thought it would or not she wrote a beautiful story. It wasn’t always an easy story to read as far as content but it was handled so beautifully.

Do yourself a favor and pick this book up, it is amazingly awesome and I loved the characters in this story, even the one I truly didn’t like, there always has to be one and this character was done perfectly. I was shocked at the outcome of his part of the story, it wasn’t what I thought was going to happen and I’m actually thankful for that.

I can’t wait to see what this author comes up with next!


Review by @debikircher

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Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6) by Marion Kummerow – Review by Debi Kircher

Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6)Uncommon Sacrifice by Marion Kummerow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6) by Marion Kummerow

5 Stars

Awesome!! This is my first book by this author, I read the synopsis and was curious and decided to go out of my comfort zone and read a book that would normally never hit my kindle. These kinds of stories don’t normally hold my attention and are sometimes too real and they just simply bother me. This one though…..WOW…I read every single word, and found it really hard to put down to do real life stuff. I was worried after the first couple pages that it was going to fall flat for me as these types of books normally do. After those few pages it didn’t take long and I was 100% invested in this story. All I can say is that it must be the authors writing because it was completely and utterly amazing. It was not a very long book but was so full of perfectly written content that I can not explain how much I enjoyed reading this. I am also now looking back to the first 5 of this series and do believe I will be reading them all because now I can not wait for the next. It absolutely can be read as a standalone but I can tell there’s history with many of the characters that I really want.

I highly highly recommend this story!! It was simply amazing!!

Review by @debikircher

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Linda Gets Her Groove Thing (The Green Room Chronicles Book #2) by J.D. Frettier – Review by Angela Hayes

Linda Gets her Groove Thing (The Green Room Chronicles #2)Linda Gets her Groove Thing by J.D. Frettier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars

Linda Gets Her Groove Thing is the second book in The Green Room Chronicles series by J.D Frettier. This is a paranormal fantasy, with plenty of laughs along the way. It is funny, cheeky, and entirely entertaining! There story has some supernatural elements, magic, karma, revenge, friendship, body enhancements, and some spice- in this witty romp.
Linda White had her whole world crumble out from under her. All her dreams lay tattered. Her husband cheated on her, left her financially ruined, and then up and died on her before she could get a little revenge. She finds some herself relying on some battery operated stress relief, and had something special in mind for a long haul trip overseas. But, the company has a little mix up and Linda doesn’t get what she wanted. She has a bit of a conniption and ends up in the Green Room. There she meets Dee and Bonnie (Book #1), and hilarity ensues!
As with the first book, the storyline is very original, clever, and quirky. The characters are quite endearing and quirky.
Another light-hearted, fun, and slightly tongue-in-cheek look at the afterlife!

Thank you, Ms. Frettier!

Review by @angelahayes
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Casstiel; Born of Lightning: Dragon Shifter (Dragonkind ~ 52 Realms Series Book #2) by Sheri-Lynn Marean – Review by Angela Hayes

Casstiel; Born of Lightning: Dragon Shifter (Dragonkind ~ 52 Realms)Casstiel; Born of Lightning: Dragon Shifter by Sheri-Lynn Marean
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


“Without a mate, all dragonkind males started to lose their souls. Then their humanity went, leaving them angry, fire-breathing, killing machines.
Cass’s heart squeezed in his chest. Maya had hurt him more than he could have ever imagined when she severed their bond so that he wouldn’t follow her. Even worse was the feeling that he hadn’t been enough for her. That no matter his love, she obviously hadn’t felt the same.”

Casstiel is a dragon shifter romance by Sheri-Lynn Marean. This paranormal/fantasy took me on a journey full of love, loss, heartache, emotion, magic, revenge, pain, grief, redemption, action, adventure, and drama. The story is told from several perspectives, which gave an in-depth ‘look’ at what had/was happening. I like that the author provides a glossary at the beginning of the book, to help with all the names- it was handy and informative. There were a lot of characters and realms to get my head around, so the glossary really helped.
Casstiel lost his beloved mate 10 years earlier and he’s been wracked by grief and anger ever since. When she died, killed by their enemy, she severed their bond, so Casstiel couldn’t follow her. He was SUPPOSED to be with her now and he can’t understand why she did what she did. It torments him every day! He isn’t truly living, stuck in the past and unable to move forward. His anger and hatred consume him and his family and friends worry about his state of mind. Something or someone is tether him to the world, and he wants to find them so he can sever the connection. When he finally finds the one responsible for tethering him, she is definitely not what he was expecting. He feels drawn to her and incredibly protective. Now the story gets really interesting!

“I’m so bloody tired of all this. For so long, he’d dreamed of finding the one holding him to life. He’d plotted his revenge, imagining what he was going to do once he finally found her. He would make her pay, make her hurt, just like he hurt. Then he’d break their connection and send her to hell.
It had been all that kept him alive for the last ten years.
But now that he’d met her, he couldn’t do it. No matter what he wanted to believe, she wasn’t some evil sorceress and she looked like she could be blown over by a stiff breeze.”

Ashara Hasn’t had an easy life. She’d been taken from her parents as a small child and forced into slavery. Then when she grew up she was forced to become a ‘breeder’ for the Illium (the enemy). She is a half-breed fire born dragon, but has never known what it’s like to shift into her dragon. She too feels tethered to someone, and the connection has brought her comfort. When she discovers the source of her connection, she’s a little shocked and frightened. Ashara and Cass have endured great loss and carry a lot of pain. These two embark on journey of discovery, filled with passion and pain- and we get to follow along as everything unfolds!
The story is descriptive and detailed, bringing the whole story to ‘life’. Ms. Marean has wonderful world building skills, making her story quite ‘real’ and believable. I really enjoyed exploring her world and look forward to more adventures in the future.

Thank you, Ms. Marean!

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6) by Marion Kummerow – Review by Liz Vrchota

Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6)Uncommon Sacrifice by Marion Kummerow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a sensational tear-jerker of a novel from Marion Kummerow. I have never read anything from her before, but this will not be my last that is a promise! Given that this is the sixth book in the War Girls series, it did not affect my ability to enjoy it, but book one, War Girl Ursula, will be the starting point for me to begin devouring her other available novels. She also has non-fiction works available, if that is your cup of tea. I personally have been a huge fan of literature that has been centered on the WWII era since my middle school days, and this book happened to touch on that exactly, so immediately I was sold. I also knew I would be very much in need of the tissues by the end of the novel, which I did very much, so fair warning.

Peter is living in the worst of all hells on Earth. His days are spent dreaming of how to get out of the Nazi prison camp he calls home. One day all those dreams become possible when his wife coordinates an escape plan for him. There is one major hitch in the plan though. Peter’s brother. His brother is injured and already solely relying on his family to simply get through each day and the simplest of tasks. He will have to leave him behind. Can he sacrifice the life of his brother for his freedom? Is it worth it to simply prolong his brother’s life just a little bit? Death is certain for everyone eventually. Right? What would you do if you were forced to make a decision like this?

Review by @lizaileen
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Linda Gets her Groove Thing (The Green Room Chronicles Book #2) by J.D. Frettier – Review by Liz Vrchota

Linda Gets her Groove Thing (The Green Room Chronicles #2)Linda Gets her Groove Thing by J.D. Frettier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

JD Frettier gave us side-splitting laughs with her first installment in The Green Room Chronicles Book #1, Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine. One again, Frettier delivers the hilarious scenes and romance fit to take you on one crazy trip to the ‘green room’. This is sort of like the equivalent to “purgatory”. I won’t lie, I kind of want to make a stop at the Green Room when I go. Between the upgrade options available for the body, the spa, quirky counselors to encourage all ideas (good and bad), and a team of ladies ready to be the besties to stand behind you while you exact that last plan of revenge from beginning to end. Yeah, I want to go!

Linda White never figured she would be where she is. She had just reached her middle point in life with all the financial security she could have ever asked for. Until her two-faced husband not only dies but his death reveals he had been leading a life of cheating behind her back, but they are buried in debt up to their ears. Couldn’t be worse right? Well…

Let’s just say Linda finds herself in the Green room. It isn’t long before the women there hear her story and a plan is hatched to get some much deserved revenge. Setting the scene for a lot of laughter and maybe even a few tears. I found myself reading this rather quickly and being super absorbed within the storyline from the very first page. I am highly anticipating the next adventure to come from the Green Room! Thanks so much JD Frettier!!

Review by @lizaileen
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Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6) by Marion Kummerow – Review by Jenni Bishop

Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6)Uncommon Sacrifice by Marion Kummerow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6) Marion Kummerow is an historical fiction story and a very interesting read. It broke my heart to see how people were treated during a time of war, WWII. The story is one of survival and will, sacrifice and determination, friendship and love. Each character went through their own personal hell to survive, in one way or another and would do anything to find their way back to the ones they love. Marion writes of dark times where war crimes were committed and atrocities are committed against humans. We just don’t know how lucky we are to live in a world that we do. It is one thought provoking and heart wrenching read but a story that is well written and well worth the read.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken – Review by Erin Wolf

Behind the FanBehind the Fan by Caroline Walken
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken, 5 stars.

Dorothy Kennedy-Denham has lived a long, long life. At almost 100, she has out-lived her husband and her children. Now comes the time where she is no longer able to live in her own house any more. Her 2 granddaughters and 2 great-granddaughters come to clear her house and get ready to move her into a home. Little do they know just how life-changing this event will be for all of them. They are each broken in their own way. When they learn more about this older women’s life, they are amazed at just how interesting it really was. And they may just come to learn that there is more to life then to what they think.

This book was absolutely amazing. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I could not put this book down once I started. The details of Dottie’s life in the earlier years was so detailed, I really did feel like I was there. That era fascinates me and I was very happy at how well it was done. Then there is the present day and the things the younger generations learn affects them in way they never thought possible.

It is a book full of love, family, surviving the hardships, and moving on. Centered around a very strong woman, this book takes you on a journey the like you have never been. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @erinwolf79

Behind The Fan by Caroline Walken- Review by Samantha Scannell

Behind the FanBehind the Fan by Caroline Walken
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let me start by saying what a book. You read the summary of the book and what it might bring as you read. It’s nothing compared to what you actually read. The blurb doesn’t give it enough justice. If I can be half as inspiring when I’m older as the main character I would be lucky. The first book I have read by this author and it was a cant put down kind of book! She is absolutely brilliant. The writing style, her descriptions, and the general story itself was amazing. This is a book you will want to read again and again. I need to find more books by this author!! She is amazing!

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The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla – Review by Heather Bahm

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of SuspenseThe Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kathryn Berla’s The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense is a thrilling mystery. The author does a firm job of nailing the suspense and mystery within this story. The scenes in the story are well told and the method in which the author uses to progress from now versus then is done seamlessly as if it was yourself in the present and recalling memories of the past. It’s not always easy for an author to handle storytelling within the past/present without providing too many or too few details, that was not a problem. The story easily maintained my interest and I found this to be a good read.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla – Review by Angela Hayes

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of SuspenseThe Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla is full of secrets, suspense, mystery, manipulation, haunted memories, torment, and fear. It had a Pretty Little Liars vibe to it.
Grace has been haunted by her past, never fully ‘living, always looking back, worrying, wondering, remembering. Every year she gets a reminder that someone else out there knows what happened, too- and won’t ever let her forget. It’s 20 years on- but she’s stuck in the past. What happened you may ask? What is the burden that she’s carried for all these years? Who knows her secret and sends the yearly reminders? What, and who are The Kitty Committee? All these answers can be found in this suspenseful tale.
I have read all of Ms. Berla’s books now and was really excited to see she had written a suspenseful novel. I love a great suspense, so I quickly snatched up a copy to jump into. The story had a good pace, although it was somewhat slow to get going. The story switches back and forth from past and present perspectives. I spent a good majority of the time torn between needing to know what the secret was, thinking how the dialog didn’t really seem to suit a teenager, absolutely detesting Carly and wondering how no one saw through her, and feeling like the story just wasn’t meshing as well as I had hoped for. And when the big ‘reveal’ came, it felt rushed and wasn’t as detailed as I would have liked, or had expected from Ms. Berla.
This isn’t my most favourite read of hers, which pains me because I normally rally love her work, but I will keep a lookout for her next release.

Thank you, Ms. Berla!

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Must Remember (Solum Series Book #1) by Colleen S. Myers – Review by Angela Hayes

Must RememberMust Remember by Colleen S. Myers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Must Remember is the first book in the Solum series by Colleen S. Myers. It is a ‘new adult’/science fiction story with a love triangle, action, adventure, aliens, magic, survival, memory loss, and good vs. evil. It is just under 200pages, which made it a quick and easy read.
Elizabeth (Beta) Camden’s world turns upside down- going from being a typical college student one minute, to waking up on an alien world with missing memories, the next. As she is trying to figure out where she is and what’s going on- she runs into a Fost- one of the planets native inhabitants…. And the story takes off from there. She learns about the world she’s on, and little snippets of memories begin to return. She is drawn to two ‘men’- and spends a lot of time trying to decide between the two. There is danger, and a much at stake- a lot rests on her remembering. How did she get there? Why did the aliens abduct her? What do they want? What exactly happened, and why can’t she remember?
First of all, I love the cover! I was drawn to it right away.
Beta’s story was quite interesting, but she did frustrate me a lot with her inner dialogue and indecision. And I usually don’t mind a love triangle in a book, but I felt this one was quite distracting, and it added unwarranted drama and complication to the storyline. #TEAM MARIN…
The world building was on-point, with wonderful descriptions and details. The characters were interesting and original. The story got off to a fantastic start, with a great pace- but did lose some of that momentum in the middle of the book.
I am looking forward to book #2.

Thank you, Ms. Myers!

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Burning BritelyBurning Britely by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Burning Britely is a fabulous story by Deidre Huesmann. Its a coming of age story that follows two very different teenagers. It is the first book I have read by Huesmann, but I will be reading more. Her reading style pulls you in right from the beginning. The emotions are high, with drama, second chances, acceptance, love, fear, everything teenagers feel. Highly recommend the story.
Jeff Young is a nerd. He has his eye on valedictorian, even though he is still a junior. He spends his free time studying and getting ahead in homework. He has only one friend, and no intention of branching out. Braeden is the popular senior track star. Everyone lines him, including Jeff, who has been secretly crushing on him. Until a freak incident brings them together and sparks a friendship. Jeff tries to blow off Braeden, unsuccessfully. He is insistent on being friends and pushes until Jeff caves in and agrees to hang out. But can Jeff bury his feelings and separate the crush from the friendship? If not, is he willing to risk social suicide by coming out?

Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken ~ Review by Liz Vrchota

Behind the FanBehind the Fan by Caroline Walken
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Caroline Walken was a completely new author to me. I was not sure what to expect going into this novel and went in with a completely blank slate. I didn’t read the reviews or blurbs, the front cover simply drew me in. Frankly, the lot of her available covers drew me to the author, I was kind of on one of those one-click late night binges.

This story gave us a backstage pass to the world of a woman that is grasped tight within the disease of Alzheimer’s. We get to follow along on her journey through her eventful life, each and every twist and turn in the road that has led her to where she is today as a mother and grandmother. All the family secrets and drama unfold within the pages of this novel and keep the intrigue well encompassing throughout. Usually when novels jump from past to present time it is difficult to follow it can be tricky to keep up with, this was not the case in Behind the Fan.

I look forward to seeing what else is in store behind each of the other gorgeous covers that grace the novels from Caroline Walken in the very near future. I would like to see her explore a bit more of the romance part, seems she has a knack for that particular writing style. Overall, a solid four-star read!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla ~ Review by Liz Vrchota

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of SuspenseThe Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay, so this is a difficult review for me to write because I normally adore, absolutely adore, Katheryn Berla’s novels and the words for the reviews just flow freely for me. Unfortunately, when it comes to The Kitty Committee, things just continuously fell short for me. The plot was there, and it was strong. Immediately upon reading the blurb and knowing the author I was sold and ready to dive into this novel. However, when I got a good 25% in I was so completely frustrated. I saw where Berla was going with Grace, but there was nothing about her that was connectable. I kept waiting for this big explosive event or ta-da moment and it just really wasn’t ever there for me. She really seemed like unnecessary filler to me. Then there were those lovely time jumps. Out of NOWHERE. It just completely threw me off guard, tossed me around, and then confused the holy crap out of me. Quite frankly, it lost me, made it near impossible to want to finish, yet I did, and I truly don’t know what for. What happened here??? So with that all said, Katheryn Berla usually writes with a message behind her novels. A strong plot that usually has a mission to make you think long and hard, yet you don’t even know realize that you are doing so. I will say that I can see where this was trying to go. Women are mean ya’ll. We are. We love fiercely and we can sometimes love so fierce it can cause pain unintentionally. I believe that is was she was trying to portray here. I may be wrong. Anyways, on to the next adventure, and awaiting the next one with Katheryn at the helm! Happy reading!

Review by @lizaileen
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Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken – Review by Angela Hayes

Behind the FanBehind the Fan by Caroline Walken
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Behind the Fan is a wonderful, moving story by Caroline Walken. This is my first read by this author and I am impressed by my first foray into her work. The book is a fascinating story being told by Dottie (Dorothy Kennedy-Denham) who is in her advanced twilight years (100). She has lived a long, rich, colourful, love-filled life…. but has out-lived her friends and her beloved Nicky. Now, her family worry about her health and think it’s best to move her into a nursing home. So, as the packing up commences, memories come flooding back. Soon, discoveries are made- surprising her family in the process. We follow along as her memories unfold- giving us a glimpse of her once glitzy and glamorous world- where burlesque meets mobster. We discover how she meets the love of her life, about her little brother, some history and mob stories, about losing loved ones… and much more.
The book is an emotional, heart-warming and memorable tale from a gorgeous faded-flower, who is finding comfort in her memories, and whose legacy is about making the most out of life!

Thank you, Ms. Walken!

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Conviction: An Ash Park Novel (Volume 2) by Meghan O’Flynn – Review by Jenni Bishop

Conviction (Ash Park, #2)Conviction by Meghan O’Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Conviction An Ash Park Novel (Volume 2) by Meghan O’Flynn is another winner in this thriller series. The angst, the tension, the lies, the fear and the loss is so strong that you will find yourself creeping closer to the edge of your seat and your shoulders tensing with each passing page. The emotions this story provoke are at times overwhelming and the tears flow but you are so glued to the story and what is happening that you can’t break away. If Meghan makes you feel like you are in the story and it is up to you to work out what is going on but don’t be fooled because what you thought you knew may not be as it seems. This is one book that needs to be read with a good strong drink. Good work Meghan.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken – Review by Lisette Gonzalez

Behind the FanBehind the Fan by Caroline Walken
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Behind the Fan
By Caroline Walken
4 Stars

Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken is a Paranormal Romance. I usually do not read anything that is in the Paranormal genre, but I gave this book a chance. This story is about Dorothy Kennedy-Denham, her family has decided to put her in a nursing home due to memory loss. As they gather her stuff for her move, her family learns about her past that they did not know about. This story is very emotional due to Dorothy’s condition and all the other feelings this story stirs while learning about her past. Caroline Walken is a first to me author and I enjoyed reading this story. This was a very touching story and the characters were well developed.

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Charlotte: Dr. Richard’s Littles #7 by Pepper North – Review by Julie Lounello

Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7 by Pepper North
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charlotte by Pepper North is a four star novel. It is the seventh book in the Dr. Richard’s Littles series. I have not read anything pertaining to this topic before so I was a little skeptical at first. Please beware, this series centers around age play and all that entails. If that makes you uncomfortable, please put this book down. I did enjoy this book because even though it was about age play, it also had a story line about a young girl trying to find her way after she ages out of foster care. She has a degree, thanks to a scholarship program for kids like her, but she hasn’t yet been able to find a job. Then she meets Benton Gordon who owns Gordon’s, a store who specializes in items for people who are in age play relationships. She doesn’t find it weird or disturbing at all. As he gets to know her, he realizes he feels the need to take care of her and make her his little. Because of her life growing up being so unstable, she is willing to give it a try and let him take care of her.

Review by @julie-lounello
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Behind the Fan by Caroline Walken – Review by Michelle Austin

Behind the FanBehind the Fan by Caroline Walken
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Behind the Fan was a great 5 star read.
This was my first read from this author and I was pulled right in.

Dorothy’s (Dottie) story was a page turner. Due to some episodes of absence of presence (Alzheimer’s), her family decides it’s time for her to go into a home.

As they are packing up Dorothy’s things they are discovering a past they never knew about and are surprised and shocked. We shift from past to present as the story moves forward. I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster with everything that we learned about Dorothy.

I couldn’t help but think of my grandmother and the things that I may not know about her life. Which makes me curious now. I connected on an emotional level with the characters and the details were great. This is a story that you will keep thinking about after your done. I loved this story and I look forward to reading more from Caroline.


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Ghost of A Chance (Redclaw Security #2) by McKenna Dean – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Ghost of a Chance (Redclaw Security, #2)Ghost of a Chance by McKenna Dean
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ghost Of A Chance by McKenna Dean
Sarah inherits her grandmothers farm after her passing but has certain stipulations to follow for six weeks otherwise it all goes to Casey. Casey shocked at this plans to help her figure out the routine and leave her to it knowing she will most likely sale it after six weeks is up. What the two didn’t forsee is getting snowed in together there. As the two come to terms with each other trouble begins on the farm and in Sarah’s life. It seems to bring them together but they also have huge secrets.

I loved this shifter romance and could not stop reading it. I could easily relate to Sarah’s character and her love of horses. She goes through a lot in this novel that changes everything for her. She was a very strong female character. I definitely feel that this book deserves 5 stars.

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I Am Kimberly Cole by R.G. Miller – Review by Angela Hayes

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I Am Kimberly Cole is a new, gripping story from R.G Miller. It is a psychological thriller with a supernatural/paranormal overtone to it. There is plenty of suspense, heart-pounding events, and twists- that had me guessing the whole way through. This is a short story- but in no way was lacking in intensity. It is one of those stories that I feel you are better off going into blind and let the author and the story speak for themselves.
Another great read from Mr. Miller- I wonder what he has in store for us next?

Thank you, Mr. Miller!

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Series Book #6) by Marion Kummerow – Review by Angela Hayes

Uncommon Sacrifice (War Girls Book 6)Uncommon Sacrifice by Marion Kummerow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Uncommon Sacrifice is the sixth book in the War Girls Series by Marion Kummerow. I didn’t realise when I picked up the book that it was number 6 in her series. Having said that, this book can be read as a stand-alone, but I am intrigued enough by what I’ve read to want to go back and explore the other books too.
This is an historical fiction, WWII story- with, sacrifices, resilience, strength, determination, friendship, family bonds, love, and drama. The hope of escape and freedom that captives in the war camps hold in their hearts to help them endure.
Two brothers held captive- one badly injured and relying on the other to survive- the other with a chance to escape to freedom, but that would mean leaving his brother behind to face probable death. What decision does he make? Can Peter leave Stan behind, in order to save himself? Or will he sacrifice his own freedom, for his brother?
A very emotional, well written and thought-provoking read. The characters really made the story for me. It was entirely realistic, relatable, and believable!
I will definitely be reading more of Ms. Kummerow’s series in the near future!

Thank you, Ms. Kummerow.

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Fisher of Men (Eastern Shore Swingers Series Book #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Angela Hayes

Fisher of MenFisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Fisher of Men is the first book in the Eastern Shore Swingers Series by Phoebe Alexander. This book is a wonderful, interesting and informative contemporary romance that explores the world of swinging- and what happens when a minister’s daughter meets a sexy swinger.
To many, this story may seem way out of your comfort zone, but I encourage you to keep an open mind and dive in, because you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find between the covers of this beautiful story. Yes, this book does have the swinging element to it, and while that is an important part of the plot, there is so much more to this wonderful love story. I love how Ms. Alexander blended the swinging lifestyle of our leading male character, with the religious/spiritual beliefs of our leading female character; then sprinkled some emotion, curiosity, struggles, drama, acceptance, passion, erotica, and angst into the mix- and produced a fantastic, well balanced and sex-positive story that drew me in right from the get-go.
This book is nothing like I thought it would be, and was deeper, sweeter and more meaningful than I had expected.
Another great read from this superb author!

Thank you, Ms. Alexander!

Reviewed by @angelahayes
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Plot Twist (Romance in Rehoboth #3) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Sara Oxton

Plot Twist (Romance in Rehoboth #3)Plot Twist by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Plot Twist by K.L. Montgomery a four-star read that will twist you. This is the third book in the Romance in Rehoboth series they can be read as stand-alone but I have read as a series and enjoyed them as such, again as with the previous book I wanted to give it five-stars but there was something stopping me, its weird, its well written and has great characters a plot you could believe in and situations that will twist your heart. I think with this one if you have read a few of the authors previous books you will notice recurring themes through her writing and it was almost face slapping in this one, If you can get over that you will love it. If your new to the author, then enjoy her writing. Meric Chandler did make me want to punch him once or twice with just how clueless and uncaring he first appeared, but as you get to know him and understand him you will go from wanting to punch him to believing in him, like he does himself, he shows us that he can be a baddie on the stage and a goodie the other side of the curtain. Lindy Larson I struggled with, I know she doesn’t have any confidence in herself, but then she does things that show you different. By the end I changed my view and she did make a great heroine of the story.

Review by @saraoxo

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Rescued by the Spy (Romancing the Spies #2) by Laura A. Barnes ~ Review by Liz Vrchota

Rescued by the Spy (Romancing the Spies, #2)Rescued by the Spy by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Usually I am not a major fan of historical romances but, the first one in the Romancing the Spies series from Laura Barnes, Rescued By the Captain, was actually a really gripping read for me so I was back for more with Rescued by the Spy. This one was not too bad, but not my favorite of the two.

In Rescued by the Spy we get the story of Raina LeClair and Charles Mallory. Raina is on a mission to find out who is responsible for killing her family. When she finds them she has a particular plan in place for them. Charles is on his own mission to find someone, only his is to find the person responsible for his own kidnapping. He was also left for dead. There is one small hitch to this scenario, he fell for his kidnapper, and it just happens to be Raina. Turns out Raina feels for Charles too but knows that she can’t be all that he needs. Will they be able to figure out how to make a relationship work and to trust each other?

Just when you thought that all was enough confusion to figure out…. BOOM… it gets a whole lot more confusion. I almost felt like these two could have their own spinoff miniseries. For me, this is what drug down this novel and made it a bit difficult for me to follow and read. I am hesitant going into the third novel.

Review by @lizaileen
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