
Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Desiree Ottinger

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a fantastic ending to Tasha and Levi’s story! I couldn’t have asked for a better wrap up, if I had wanted to. I enjoyed reading the culmination of all the buildup of the hellspawn army and how they find a way to defeat them in the end. I liked that it took all of the species working together to make it happen, too! It was a concerted effort by everyone.

In the end, it seems like there could be more added to the story but with other characters that were introduced along the way. I will be keeping my eyes on the lookout to see if Kimber, Remus, or Dominic get their own story!

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Lisa Helmick

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was great! I just had to open my paranormal mind a bit more than usual for these reads. This one took a different turn that threw me for a loop and I had to shake my head and re read. It’s near the end and it wasn’t necessary for the story but added a different element.

Of course it was amazing to see Levi again! I really have loved him since the beginning and he really only gets better as he ages. Tasha frustrated me at times. She knows the danger but yet ridiculously endangers herself over and over. She always promises not to and does anyway. I really think she has nice traits otherwise.

The secondary characters are coming out of the shadows. I really enjoy the attitude/humor that Donovan has been showing. Radar and Spenser have done really well and add some humor. There are newer characters as well that add spark and spunk to the story.

Overall this is the last one for these two. I am sad and will miss them. I will always wonder what happened with Tristan, Kimber and the parents and did Radar ever find anyone. This is a highly entertaining story and I loved the series.

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Jenni Bishop

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OH YEAH!! This is the third book and sadly the last in this compelling paranormal forbidden romance series. This book is just as good if not better than the first two which is why I had to force myself to slow down and not try to skim through it because my need to know was that great. This author is a master at creating a paranormal tale that is riveting and enticing and perfectly bewitching. The word smithing is spot on, the narrative is rich, and the characters are formidable. This complex and multi-layered tale is nonstop actioned packed and fast paced and has all the ingredients that make it great. With fated mates, forbidden love with sizzling chemistry that makes a girl sit up and take notice, Vampires and Lycans, Hell spawn and witches, danger, and secrets. This engrossing tale will have you glued to the pages and wanting more. It has everything that all die hard paranormal lovers will enjoy and more.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Master Tuscano (Masters of the Consulate Book 2 ) by Sylvia Black – Review by

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 2)Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

wow! this second book really had me going! This time it picks up where book 1 left off but instead its from Christians and Delilah’s point of view. This author has no problem with writing headstrong female leads. After her kidnapping, Delilah does not let that stop her from getting her revenge, but that pathway leads to her dying and Christian having to change her into a vampire. This does not bode well for either one of them. It shakes the whole vampire world and underworld to their core and not a lot of people are happy with this change. Christian is a good male lead and his character progression is a little bit slower to change. He is very much a ” I don’t care” kind of person and doesn’t always take no for an answer.
I loved reading this book and everything happens so fast and wasn’t dragged out at all. I wish it did answer some questions I had from book 1, but hope fully book 3 answers them all! I cant wait to see what happens next!

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Master Descallia (Masters of the Consulate Book 1 ) by Sylvia Black – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Descallia: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 1)Descallia: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a really good book! I enjoyed the writing and the storyline. Luce one of our main characters is a badass in her own right. She is a police officer and can handle her own. At first she seems a little timid, but she always puts others before herself. Once she opened up, she was a force to be reckoned with. I loved her story arc and her character growth. Salvatore is our other main character. He is the overmaster of all. This is someone you do not want to mess with. At first he starts out brash, overprotective, and aggressive. When he first meets Luce he goes overboard. But she pushes back and doesn’t take his crap for nothing. I loved seeing him become more caring and understanding and more accepting that she can hold her own.
The only problem that had was the BDSM scene. There was no real explanation, build up yes, but i felt like it was not the right build up. There was no real sit down and talking and making sure she understood what would happen and the set up of safe words, it was just this was happening, and bam it was done. I understand that probably wouldn’t have really fit into the book, but a brief scene i felt like would’ve made it better.
Overall I really enjoyed this book and simply cant believe that this is her first book! That ending has me wanting more and a little sad that it’s its own stand alone book. I cant wait to read book 2 an see what it brings!

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Kerry Baker

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought this was a great addition to the series. It can be hard to keep a series going as strong as the previous ones and yet this author seems to have done it effortlessly. This book has to be my favourite out of them and I found it so easy get back into. The story is exciting and as gripping as the others, I could have easily kept reading even after it had finished.
This has been an amazing series and this book just solidifies that entirely. This is a fantastic book and I would highly recommend the series.

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series is amazing, I love the books I have read thus far in the series, and this one does not hold back either. I can never get enough of this author and their amazing work, they captivate me every installment of this series, I love these characters so much, I grow along side with them in every book in this series!

The book takes off from where the second book is. I found the action was just as valuable with the suspense as it was in the previous two books. This one really had a strong essence of romance I found, compared to the last two. I found Tasha and Levi had really been through a lot, and those differences or opinions they had were cast in this one, and the portray of the strength of family was very strong in this book which I truly loved! I could not put this one down, it really brought everything to the table!

The story brought on the action and the suspense with the paranormal as the others did. I loved how each book in this series has a certain build up, and keeps the reader truly engaged and wanting more. As I have said, I grew with these beloved characters, and I could never get sick of them, I feel as though they became a part of me, and we are more less close friends. Amazing series, and amazing author! I really loved the bond of Tasha and Levi in this one, truly proved how connected and unbreakable they are!

Amazing series that is not one to be missed! I can never get enough of this author and how they create a wonderful story and wonderful world of characters come to life! I love this series with all my heart, and it is one I shall forever recommend and promote to others! The author is just as amazing as their books too!

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Shelly Kittell

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a paranormal story that will knock your socks off. There is action jumping right off the pages. Supernatural creatures of many kinds from vampires to lycan to hellspawn and a few more thrown in. Tasha and Levi return in this installment with their little girl, Persephone (a special hybrid). The plot is fantastic and so very intriguing. I didn’t want to put it down. I have been reading this series since book 1 (Forbidden Mate) and it just keeps getting better and better. In some books, a lot of characters can be confusing; yet, this author develops them so well as individuals that they all ties so well with each other. Many of the characters have carried on throughout the story. For fans of spice, there is some steam throughout. It is for the over 18 group. Fans of paranormal will love this book. I highly recommend it. I would give it more than a 5 if I could.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I seriously cant stop reading books by this author. She has the perfect balance of steamy scenes, action, and story progression! Every book I read gets better and better and there is no stopping her.
Angel and Trentino go head to head in this book and I’m not sure whose is more stubborn him or her. I love that this author makes such strong females who can stand by themselves and not give a care in the world about what their counterpart thinks. The males in these series start out headstrong but eventually come around to compassion and understanding. I love how interconnected this world the author has created. It moves so flawlessly from one book to another picking right up were the previous one ended. I love how the females become fast friends and their bond is unbreakable. Same with the masters. Seeing them fight for their mates is just simply amazing. I love these books and this Author! I cant wait to see what else she brings to the table because these cliffhangers are killing me!

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Kaitlynn Taylor

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3)
By C.R. Robertson


Wow!! I didn’t think it was possible to love this book more than the first two of the series. This is the third and final book in Levi and Tasha’s story and what an amazing conclusion it is!! This is a series that cannot be read as standalones, it must be read in order and is absolutely a must read!!

This storyline is dark, mysterious, interesting, captivating, action-packed, witty and so entertaining!! Honestly, it’s one of the best paranormal series I have ever read, and I have read many so that’s saying something. I love how I’m able to be so engrossed in this story and how even during a really serious moment a witty remark is thrown in and having me laughing. It really kept me on my toes!!

I would highly recommend this series to others and can’t wait to read more from this author in the future!

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was another incredible story of Tasha and Liam. I seriously couldn’t get enough of these twos before. this book did not disappoint just like the other ones. The way these two love each other and are from different races is so amazing. How the author has an amazing take on their way of writing about werewolves and vampires is incredible. I literally can’t not write how amazing this book was. I love how not only did these to fight for each other but also for the people that are in their lives. The book flows from Liam’s side to Tasha’s side of the story amazingly, and how you can get lost in this world of these two. I really hope this isn’t that last time that I read about Liam and Tasha. I highly recommend reading this series, so great.

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Kerry Carr

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R.  Robertson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 3 of The Shadow Chronicles. I proved this paranormal romance as much as the previous ones. These books are full of passion and also lots of action and danger than makes them a gripping read. I love the characters, both Levi and Tasha are strong dominant characters and it’s nice to see how equal they are. Even though it is in Levi’s dominant wolf nature to protect his love he realises that Tasha is just as capable and strong as he is. They need to learn how to work together if they are going to defeat the Master Hellspawn and stop evil from destroying the world.

We are back with Tasha and Levi. Tasha is a vampire/witch and Levi is a werewolf. Their love and relationship shouldn’t work but it does and the power they have between them makes them a force to be reckoned with.
In this book we find them on the hunt for another Elemental witch. It is only with this witch that they can close the gates to hell and stop the hellspawn from attaching. However things aren’t that simple. The powers of evil know that Levi and Tasha are weaker apart so they try to get between them. Will the couple split or will they remain strong together?
When an old power is discovered the secrets it holds makes both Tasha and Levi rethink everything they know about their species. This is a story of good against evil and the battle that they go through to get their happy ending.

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Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a series that I have enjoyed from the first book. I was excited to pick up the third book which I enjoyed just as much if not more. I highly suggest reading the previous two books in this series to help your enhancement of this series and this author. I enjoy being pulled into the story by the creative characters. I found them to be relatable and engaging. They bring the story to life on each page. This is a paranormal romance where the author used details to make the story realistic. A story that is not only full of paranormal creatures but also some romance and suspense. It is fast paced and was hard to put down. This is a story about old enemies now becoming allies, a love that is threatened to tear each other apart and finding the faith they need to find each other. Great characters and I enjoyed their growth. The growth of the plot throughout the story is great as well. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson

🟪 *¨*✶*¨* 🟪 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🟪 *¨*✶*¨* 🟪
Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson
Genre – Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Cover Designer – BRoseDesignz

The hellspawn have emerged as the true enemy of the vampires and lycans.
Old enemies are now allies, and the power dynamics of a new allied forces tentative, as the vampires and lycans create a new army to fight a threat they never knew existed.
Magic has re-emerged to take its place in the fight for freedom, and secrets begin to erode as the truth is revealed. Danger stalks Tasha and Levi since they are the key to unlock the last of the mysteries. Can they uncover the true origin of their species before its too late to save them from the hellspawn?
An ancient power returns and his revelations could destroy everything they believed was true. Tasha and Levi are stronger together, but evil is determined to keep them apart. They need to put their faith in the strength of their fated connection to find each other in their darkest hour.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by C.R. Robertson

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by C.R. Robertson

CR Robertson is a USA Today and International Bestselling Author. Her paranormal romance novel Curse of Seduction is a 2021 Vivian® Award nominee and a 2021 Firebird award winner.

She is the author of over thirty published novels that range from smouldering paranormal romance to dark and decadent mafia romance. Her stories are filled with sinful seduction, and her characters are an explosion of passion and emotion that creates a rollercoaster of adventure.

She lives in Ireland, the most magical country in the world, with her beloved spoilt dogs and chinchillas. She can be found gardening with her dedicated little helper dog Bumble who digs all the flowers out as she plants them. Her garden is overflowing with crystals and seasonal flowers for the birds, butterflies, and bumblebees.

Author Interview With CR Robertson




Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Ashley Hasting

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I truly love this author! This one focuses on Master Trentino and Angels story. Angel has connections to the dead spirits and helps out others like her Gramma did before she passed. Trentino is helping with the drama that occurred in book two. They meet while he’s checking for any bad characters and ends up in her house. The next time they meet, he saves her life by making her one of him. Ever since, they have a bumpy road ahead with all drama ahead, but that’s where you read and find out! This series is so worth it!

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Cindy Rushin

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Once again I was blown away, this series just keeps getting better and better. Trentino and Angel’s story took through many twists and turns but again we got our happy ending. This author tells really great stories that have powerful men and women finding love amidst a challenging time. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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Master Tuscano (Masters of the Consulate Book 2) by Sylvia Black – Review by Sylvia Black

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 2)Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this novel. It is the second book of a series about vampires and it definitely brought the same drama, adventure, and romance that was in the first novel. Christian and Delilah’s story was nonstop suspenseful and had so many twists and turns. I cannot wait to see where this series is going and what the author has in store for us as readers.

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Master Descallia (Masters of the Consulate Book 1) by Sylvia Black – Review by Cindy Rushin

Descallia: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 1)Descallia: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love novels about vampires and romance. This novel did not disappoint me. The story of Salvatore and Lucianna had it all, romance, suspense, drama, a villain, and adventure. It is always a good time when we can see a strong male find love and happiness with an equally strong female and I loved reading their story. This is the first in a series and I cannot wait to continuing the adventure as we work to figure out who is working against the vampires.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Jules Herbert

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This wonderful author never fails to hook you from the very start and the 3rd book in this amazing series definitely does exactly that! If you love a great paranormal romance filled with action, suspense and of course the all important Steam then this is the book, no series for you. While I do think you could read just this book if you chose too, I highly recommend reading the series from the start as there is a story line that threads through them all which will keep you wanting to know more and more. The two characters heavily featured in this book, Master Trentino and Angel, end up sharing such a strong connection it will make you almost envious. Characters from previous books will reappear and you will learn a little more about the Consulate and the vampire world. All I can really say without giving too much away is grab this series today and get reading!!!!

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consolate Book 3)by Sylvia Black- Reviewed by Jasmin Slagle

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trentino and Angel are EPIC. I have loved every single book in this series. Each book is better than the last. I can’t wait for Lucas and Embry.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Deb Robinson

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book. I can’t get enough of this series. Book 3 had me captivated in the first chapter and never let me go. The author has a brilliant way of making the story complex with twists and turns and yet not losing you in the details. I love that we are meeting new characters entwined with past characters that we have grown to love as well. Our main female lead is strong and doesn’t take guff from her new vampire protector. She has the unique ability to talk to the dead. Her gramma is her guiding light from beyond. In this novel you get to find out who is betraying the vampires. I was shocked. I can not wait for the next book in this series.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Kerry Carr

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia   Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Masters of the Consulate series. I have loved these books. They can be read as a standalone however to fully enjoy the story that runs through them all you really need to read them from the beginning. I love the characters in these stories. The men are dark and dangerous and fiercely protective of their own. The women are also strong and determined.
In the book we meet Trentino. Trentino is part of the Consulate. His main focus is to protect his vampire brothers and stop the corruption that is happening. However things change when he finds women of a enemy’s dying.
Face with the prospect of letting her die or saving her Trentino chooses to save her. However will that prove to be a big mistake.
Angel is a psychic. All her life she has been brought in to believe that vampires are evil and then enemy. So how will she cope when she realises that she is now the one things she hates?

Together they need to work out who the traitors are, save her brother Roman, and work out these new and very strong feelings they have for each other. Can they work at uniting the humans and vampires or will Angel now being  a vampire make the war against them even stronger?

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Piper Foster

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We start off the story of Master Trentino & Angel. This is another amazing book just another great addition to the series. Whilst contuing on her quest to find out who Lazareth is answering too she’s betray a vampire community. It’s a fast paced book and each page has me wanting more. Angel had to overcome her own demons. You want adventure and chemistry this is the book for you

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Moriah Venable

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love paranormal romances and it has been a long time since I read one. This captured my attention from beginning to end and I just love the cover.

I have not read the other novels in the series, but I did not feel confused or as if I was missing any important plot points.

Trentino meets Angel and on their second encounter, she gets shot. To save her, he turns her into a vampire. The relationship and chemistry between the two was one of the highlights of the novels. I loved learning more about this world and the other characters.

It was amazing to see how well Angel adapted and the secrets Master Trentino and Angel uncovered.

I read online that novels do not have to be read in order so I am looking forward to reading from the beginning and the rest of the novels that will be released.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Karyn Taylor

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in this amazing paranormal vampire series. The author was new to me until I started reading this series but I will definitely be reading more of her work, especially future books in this series. You could technically read each book in this series as a standalone but as there is a continuing story that runs alongside the romance element in each book, it makes sense to read the series in order.
We had been introduced to Master Trentino in the previous books but this time we get his story. So what happens when he discovers the sister of his enemies covered in blood and close to death? This is Trentino and Angel’s story and I can honestly say that I really loved reading it.
I was gripped to this story from the very beginning and the author does a great job of keeping the story fast flowing with twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat.
The author does a great job of developing characters that you become invested in and I love that we get to see the characters from the previous books still making a large impact on the story.
I’m really enjoying this series so far and really hope that the author does continue and gives us the story of all 12 Masters of the Consulate.

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Master Tuscano (Masters of the Consulate Book 2) by Sylvia Black – Review by

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 2)Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 2nd book in this great paranormal, vampire romance series. Technically each book can be read as a stand-alone but it will make for much better reading and more enjoyment if the series is read I order as there is a background story running along in the background of the romance storyline.
We were introduced to Master Christian Tuscano and Delilah in the first book in the series and this book starts at the exact point where book one finishes. This time Tuscano and Delilah are the main characters but we do still have the characters from book one playing a large role in this book.
I really enjoyed reading Tuscano and Delilah’s story. I was intrigued by both of them in book one and was glad that they got to tell their own story. I love that the book is written in dual POV so we get to see what’s going through the head of both main characters.
I’m really gripped by the ongoing storyline of the vampires and their struggles with others that is running through this series. The author has done a great job of creating a great storyline with many twists and turns that keep you entertained and not wanting to put the book down.
Book 3 is already waiting on my kindle for me to dive into and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Kerry Baker

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series just keeps getting better and better. Each time I start a new book I honestly rhino there is no way it can top the last and each time it does. I love the story to this book. It pulled me in completely and I just had to dins out what was happening. The characters just added to this even more. They were so engaging and fit the story perfectly.
This is one or those series that you honestly can’t describe enough to do it justice. I would highly recommend reading it as it is such a fantastic collection of books.

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Katie Matthews

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Oh oh Master Trentino – I think you may be my favourite! This author is for sure becoming one of my favourites! She definitely knows how to write dark paranormal and has certainly captured my interest in a genre that I’ve not really read much of previously! Trentino has to act fast when he finds Angel and I really liked reading about her as she recovered from her transformation. There was so much passion and chemistry between them but he knew he couldn’t act as he wanted. I loved the new friendships that were formed in this story also. The story is fairly fast paced and with some fantastic and unexpected twists and turns I couldn’t turn the page fast enough!
Another wonderful book in this series and one that I 100% recommend!

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Master Trentino (Masters of the Consulate Book 3) by Sylvia Black – Review by Corine Lombardi

Master TrentinoMaster Trentino by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was the best one out of the trilogy.
This author has an amazing way of sucking you into the story and I love and hate characters.
I am part of this world.
The vampires, the underworld, the magic.
There are always issues within the covens and the reign.
This was amazing I cannot really explain without spoilers.
I would recommend to read book one and two.
Such a creative writer, I didn’t realize how much I needed this book.

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Master Tuscano (Masters of the Consulate Book 2) by Sylvia Black – Review by Corine Lombardi

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 2)Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not my favorite, I did enjoy it but it is a new story, same universe.
So now we have Christian and I did not like the character.
The story continues from another characters time line in the series.
We keep the story alive and it is an adventure and experience of the dark and experience.
I have always imagined being a vampire.
If you had no other choice but to turn…..
I give this author great credit to focus on new characters within the same series.
Book two is a great bridge to book three.
Looking forward to more.

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