Truth Seer (Truth Seer Trilogy Book #1) Kay L. Moody – Review by Angela Hayes

4 Stars


Truth Seer is the first book in the Truth Seer Trilogy and debut novel by Kay L. Moody. This is a young adult sci-fi novel, with fantasy, action, adventure, kidnapping, terrorists, danger, traps, discoveries, secrets, super-powers, futuristic, obstacles, drama, and life changing situations.

The story is set 103 years into the future- where humans have developed interesting abilities. The world building in the story was particularly good, laying a solid foundation on which to build this imaginative tale. Ms. Moody has produced and original, descriptive and detail-oriented tale that held my attention, gave me pause, and made me think.

When I first read the premise, I had initially thought having the ability to see the truth in people/situations, would be a really great thing to be able to do- but over the course of the story, I decided that maybe it would be more of a burden than a gift.

All the characters are well crafted, but I feel that they weren’t really put through ‘their pace’ or really ‘tested’ much at all- and therefore not given the opportunity to really develop and grow as the story evolved… but, this is the first book in a trilogy so maybe there is more development to come in the other book/s.

I enjoyed the book, but did notice a few ‘teething problems’, and there was a lot of ‘telling’, instead of ‘showing’. But, again these didn’t detract from the overall storyline and I imagine that these minor issues will be ironed out come the next instalment/s.

I look forward to exploring the rest of this series!


Thank you, Ms. Moody!

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