Beneath the Fallen City (The Omni Towers Series Book 1) by Jamie A. Waters – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Beneath the Fallen City (The Omni Towers, #1)Beneath the Fallen City by Jamie A. Waters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. It is a little science fiction with a touch of paranormal story about dystopain earth. It has a flow of characters that keep you reading and made the story feel realistic. This is a well developed story that is engaging and will keep you turning pages. Kayla is a scavenger who invades the wrong district that leads to revenge and someone hunting her. Will the twists and turns lead to survival? I highly recommend reading this book and find out what happens to Kayla.

Review by @bjwagner
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Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery, #3)Diamonds & Deception by Ellen Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in this series, I enjoyed it just as much as the previous two. One of the things I enjoy most about this author is her ability to pull me into her story and keep me engaged until the end. This is a mystery and suspense that kept me guessing what would happen next. Karina and her sister Jilly team up to help find out who set up a friend. When they dig to deep and Karina is forced to call Mike, will he be there? I highly recommend finding out what happens in this story.

Review by @bjwagner
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Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C A King – Review by Kerry Baker

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3)Hitting The High Note by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hitting The High Note by C.A. King is the third book in the Four Horseman Series. This is a fantastic series that I cannot recommend highly enough!
In this book we get the story of Uriel. Like the previous books this one instantly grabbed my attention. I was straight back into this world and the lives of the characters. This book is so exciting. It is filled with twists and turns the whole way through. I thought I had an idea of what might happen after book 2 however C.A. King has performed her usual magic and taken me on a completely different journey.
I love the way the author has combined the stories so that in each book we get more details of one particular sibling while also getting to know a bit more about the others. For me it has added a depth to the series that I think a lot tend to lack. This author has definitely become a one click author for me and I would urge everyone to give her work a try!

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Carrie Reed

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Battling Beckett By T. Christensen
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars!

This is such a wonderful book. The story line is great, and really pulled at my heart many times. The characters were very nicely written as well.

Beckett, of course I think is a real piece of work, and I dislike him through most of the beginning of the book. Greer, I immediately love her. She is strong and independent and is good at sticking up for herself.

When all of the gossip and trouble follow her around, Greer will let it roll off and try to ignore it the best she can, and that feat in itself is amazing enough, I know I couldn’t. When her and Beckett start to get close, I did become more excited for their relationship, but it seemed there were just a lot of misunderstandings on her part, and I can understand why and sympathized with her. When she is traumatized by something that happens at her school dance it may change her relationships for good.

The secondary characters such as Beckett’s dad David and Greer’s mom Vivian, as well as her best friend Lexi and new friend Pepper are an excellent addition to the story. I would really enjoy seeing a book on Pepper and Mark’s relationship and Lexi and Jason’s relationship. I would highly recommend this book, I had literal tears, anger, sadness, and joy many times throughout the book and it is well worth the read.

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Chantelle Smith

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Battling Beckett is a brilliant contemporary romance read written by T. Christensen. It’s well-paced and full of an amazing storyline. its a captivating read from the start and takes you on an emotional journey of two brilliant characters. Beckett & Greer are relatable and real and while Greer is easy to connect to Beckett take a little while to warm up to but in the end, I loved following their journey and hoped they both got a HEA. This read draws you in and you end up reading it in one sitting, but nonetheless, it gave me a brilliant introduction to this author and I can’t wait to see what else this author brings.

Reviewed By @tillytillzz

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Kerry Baker

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen is a great story with strong characters. It is a quick fun read that have you cursing and loving the characters at the same time.
This is definitely the type of book that, if you have a free afternoon, you can pass the time easily. You are drawn into the story effortlessly and definitely engage with the characters. At times I found the switch in POV to be a little unclear however for the most part it was easy to keep up with everyone and I liked that we saw things from both sides.
I haven’t read too much by T. Christensen yet however the bits I have read have piqued my interest enough to know I want to explore more of her work in the future.

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Ailey of Skye by Wendy Hewlett – Review by Sarah Oakes

Ailey of SkyeAiley of Skye by Wendy Hewlett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great read about recovery. Aileen MacEwan heads to skye after her grandmother dies and leaves her a house there. But when she arrives, someone is already living in it. Annoyed, she tries to have him removed but discovers they have more in common than she thought. As time goes on and events unravel, she discovers both herself and new friends along the way. Will she return to Canada the same person or sleill she be changed by Scotland?
A great read. Well developed plot with twists and turns that I just couldn’t put down. Well developed characters like Ailey standing up for herself but vulnerable underneath or Brodie as stubborn but caring underneath
Great cast of supporting characters like the sweet mother figure Lianie or funny and charming Alec.
I loved the visual detsil throughout the novel like with the house with blue door and stained glass panes and cream walls for a sense of comfort. Or the scenes in the fairy pools with the waterfalls in the sun with its blue waters and green trees as hidden kingdom full of magic wonderfully written.
I also liked the use of Scottish culture throughout the novel with its language and customs given the respect they deserve and adding a sense of character to the novel. I also liked the use of suspense as detials about Ailey were revealed slowly to make you want to keep reading to find out what happened to her. I also liked how the book was Aileys journey as she grows and changes through the story emotive and powerful and moving.. Overall, a great read and I would give it five stars.

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Imprisoned Online: Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Gaming the System (Imprisoned Online, #1)Gaming the System by P.A. Wikoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Imprisoned Online: Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff


Imprisoned Online: Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff was creative fictitious novel. I was extremely impressed with the authors imagination in that he created a fascinating world where online gaming has pretty much taken over. The world has literally become to hazardous to live in but the human race has created devices to allow them to live safely and be able to fully immense themselves in the online world.

The main character was even more fascinating than the world he lived in. He was very different from his family and, as seen at the start of the book, does not really care to be in the online system like the rest of the world. He was definitely fun to follow in this novel and was developed well. I also loved how easily the story seemed to flow and keep my interest. This was an excellent read and I highly recommend it!

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Elemental Fae Academy (Elemental Fae Academy Book 2) by Lexi C. Foss & J.R. Thorn – Review by Erin Wolf

Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two (Elemental Fae Academy #2)Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two by Lexi C. Foss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance by Lexi C. Foss & J.R. Thorn, 5 stars.

Claire was finally becoming comfortable with her men and her new life. Then Exos is kidnapped. Desperate to do whatever she can, she will trust those around her to help and provide strength. With Exos gone, Cyrus appears in Claire’s life, determined to use her to find his brother. She is just a little half fae, and he is an arrogant ruler. They hate each other, but have to work together for the one they both love. But the longer they are together, the more they respect and understand each other. Then there are the other two men recently entered into her life. They want to be friends only, not too keen on sharing Claire. But can this work? Can she find Exos and destroy the new evil one bent on destroying her life? Sometimes you just have to trust…

I loved the story and characters from book one. I was hoping this one could hold up to my expectations. It totally did. There is definitely more hotness and sex in this book, but that is not surprising. Claire and the men around her are growing more into what they are meant to be. Again, each man is different but compliments Claire beautifully. And the story is not just a straight line. I can say that I did guess where it was going to a certain extent, but other things caught me by surprise. There was more at risk in this book, so there isn’t quite as much lightheartedness, but it’s not gone completely. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book.

This book and series has it all and the authors create and world and story so intriguing and captivating. I want more!

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Review by @erinwolf79

Devil’s Due: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #3) by Manda Mellett – Review by Liz Vrchota

Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3Devil’s Due: Satan’s Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Satan’s Devils MC: Colorado Chapter by Manda Mellett is quickly becoming my new obsession. Each book is written with such a passion for these characters that shines off your kindle screen and seeps into your subconscious. I find myself thinking about the characters during my everyday life and honestly, that is what any avid read strives to find. A set of books that will seep into every pore and make you feel all the feels. I would highly recommend that one reads these books in order and completes the original Satan’s Devils series as well. It builds into a perfect crescendo that Manda Mellett seems to have a knack for.

I am not going to divulge much about Devil’s Due. This latest book, the third in the Colorado Chapter, is one you won’t want to miss. Especially if you have been following the MC gang for awhile. The camaraderie amongst the boys and their SO’s they wind up with is something anyone searches for their whole life and yet can’t ever find it. It renews my faith in the idea of love and valor. I often feel as if these MC stories from Manda Mellett are a whole new twist to the idea of modern day fairytales. I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on book four! Fingers crossed I am on the right page with who I believe we will get the story of next!

Review by @lizaileen
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My Life Series: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone – Review by Katie Matthews

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of CamelotMy Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


A fantastic 5 star box set that I highly recommend! The three stories included are My Hidden Life, My Tragic Life and My Free Life!

My Hidden Life
This really was a beautifully written story. This is the second book that I have read by this author but this first in this prequel series to the Brothers of Camelot. I really enjoyed reading Alessandro’s story even it was emotional at times. I enjoyed reading her journey of how she became the woman I read about in The Only One. The author’s detailed writing enabled me to be fully invested in the story. I am really looking forward to the next one in the series to find out more about these great characters!

My Tragic Life
! I was so happy that the book did not disappoint! I really, really enjoyed it and again the author dragged me into the story straight away. This book should definitely be read after book 1 as it is a continuation and begins around 9 months after the incredible ending that the author left us with.
Again I was captivated be Alessandra’s story and it is hard to remember sometimes, because of the life she’s lived and is still living, that she is still only a teenager. The story is a great mix of coming of age situation interspersed with violence – there certainly are twists and turns on every page which kept me riveted from the beginning to the end.
Alessandra is a fantastic character and I am really enjoying her story and seeing her grow up – she is mature far beyond her years and I think as she gets older she really will be a force to be reckoned with! I cannot wait to see what will happen in the next book!!

My Free Life
And so we have the final book in the trilogy of the prequel series to The Brothers of Camelot series and what a final book it is! I have loved this trilogy – I’ve never read a prequel trilogy before and I thought it was such a fantastic idea by the author. Not only do I feel like I know the characters inside out but I am totally ready to carry on with the next part! I love this author’s writing style; she has totally captured my attention with her beautiful writing. Her characters are well thought out and progress so well over the story – especially Aless, I feel like I have grown up with her from the very beginning. I have seen her progress from a child to an almost warrior princess! She is a fantastic character and I love her!
The story is full of action and turn the pages fast enough! I highly recommend this book and the series needs to be read in order!!

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The Men of Holmby Hills: Chase (The Holmby Hills Series Book 1) by Allyson Simonian – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

The Men of Holmby Hills: ChaseThe Men of Holmby Hills: Chase by Allyson Simonian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Men of Holmby Hills: Chase (The Holmby Hills Series Book 1) by Allyson Simonian
4 stars

This was my first read by this author, and I enjoyed it. I wish we could’ve gotten to know the characters a little more as I felt we just got the big parts that made them the way they are or act. Was a good story I was just left wanting more, as they meet, fall and marry so quickly, I felt I missed a big gap of time.
I liked the drama of it all but it was just missing some key things to make it a 5 star for me. Will read more from this author though as it was well written.

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Cassi Rogers

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Battling Beckett by T. Christensen is a forbidden contemporary step brother romance novel. I know I say this in many of my reviews… but I’m going to say it here too: I had a hard time putting this book down. I stayed up late into the morning hours reading, then went right back to reading it as soon as I got home from school drop off. Let me start this review by saying that this book probably will not be for all readers as it has a high school setting, which some may not like the drama and whatnot. I however LOVED this book! This book alternates between different points of views, which I typically follow really well. With that being said there are times, especially towards the end, where the point of view rapidly changes between 1st and 3rd person so it does get slightly confusing. I found that slightly frustrating because it happened in an important scene, but it wasn’t hard to get through and get the true emotion and importance of what was happening.
The character descriptions were spot on. Greer is shy and introverted, she is a starting at a new private school where she doesn’t know anyone and sticks out like a sore thumb. She has a soon to be step brother, Beckett, who could help make things a lot easier for her. Instead of doing that he decides to be an absolute jerk, which was frustrating for me as a reader because I could feel Greer’s struggles. I alternated between wanting to karate chop Beckett and give him a big hug through the majority of the book, which is what this author was aiming for. There is plenty of action, emotion, and friendships made throughout this story… it will suck you right in and keep you there even after you have finished the book. I would definitely recommend adding this book to your reading wish list.

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The Fisher Men On the X (Fisher Men Book III) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey – Review by Katie Matthews

Fisher Men On the X (Book III)Fisher Men On the X by Rebel Nicks O’Dey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I am absolutely loving this series and have been really looking forward to reading the third instalment and I wasn’t disappointed at all! Becca really was a wonderful character to read about and I loved getting to know her and I’m not sure she was what I was expecting but she definitely surpassed the things I thought about her at the beginning of the story! I loved Zack and the two of them together were just adorable! I loved the connection that they had and it was clear that even an extended period apart didn’t dampen down the genuine connection that was there between them. There was a lot of emotion in the story and I definitely was there right with the characters at times! This definitely was a great addition to the Fisher Men series and one that I highly recommend!

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SAN DIEGO DEAD (Jake Wolfe Series Book 4) by Mark Nolan – Review by Katie Matthews

San Diego Dead (Jake Wolfe #4)San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


San Diego Dead was an action packed story from beginning to end and whilst this isn’t my usual genre to read I have to say I have really enjoyed this series and would highly recommend it to others. The action begins straight away and I find that I am completely hooked on what I am reading. The multiple points of view in the story mean that as a reader I feel like I am truly absorbed by the story. I have to say Cody is just adorable! I love that he is included in the story so much – makes it fun to read amongst the drama and action of Jack’s life! Jack is still as great as always – there is just something about him that draws me to him, I think it’s his dedication to his job and his protectiveness of the people he cares about (not forgetting Cody of course!!)
I look forward to more from this author again in the future!

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Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C A King – Review by Katie Matthews

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3)Hitting The High Note by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Amazing!!!! I have really been enjoying this series and getting to know all of the horsemen so I was looking forward to Uriel’s story and I was absolutely blown away by it and I have to say this is definitely my favourite so far! The author really did an amazing job with this new instalment – I really was hooked from beginning to end. There were some extremely unexpected twists and even now I keep thinking back and how I honestly just did not see some of the things coming at all! The book is very cleverly written! I loved Uriel, I don’t think he was what I was quite expecting to be honest and Bekka was a surprise also! I loved getting to know their characters.
I am so, so excited to see where Ms King is going to take book 4 in the series – I cannot wait! Her writing is so vividly detailed that her books are a real pleasure to read at all times! I 100% recommend this book and the series as a whole!

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My Life Series: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone – Review by Shannon Fowler

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of CamelotMy Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow I love this box set! I read each of these books before they were in the box set but having them all together is even better!

My Hidden Life- book one- is about the Canzano Family but more importantly Alessandra or Aless, as she is called. She is a naive, sweet and seemingly sheltered little girl for most of this story. As she grows up, we learn that she is not so sheltered. She sees and knows things. Her father is Capo or captain of the Mafia Family. And is feared by all. He is grooming Aless to take over the Family and all their dealings. This story and her training start out when she is just 6 years old. Capo is easily one character I can hate.

My Tragic Life is easy to read except when Aless become a killing machine to protect her family. I loved watching her grow and learn through-out these stories. Her feelings about the “men” in her life, especially Grayson and Luigi make me laugh, blush and sigh right along with her. She is probably the strongest female character I have ever read about. Even though Aless didn’t show much emotion during a rather difficult situation, as a reader I sure cried like a baby. This book sure leaves a lot of question for the next one! I can’t wait to see where the Brothers of Camelot come into play.

My Free Life – book three- Great conclusion to the build up of Aless’s life as a mafia princess! This book was easy to read even while I was holding my breath as to what could happen next. I really expected more from Capo/Papa, the jerk face, however I am sure we haven’t heard the last from him. I love how Aless’ men follow her, protect her and really have her back when times got tough.

Highly recommend this box set and can’t wait for more from this author!

Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Lisa Helmick

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an awesome story! I was easily drawn in because it’s a step-brother romance. But the story and characters captivated me and kept me turning pages. There was so much tension between the two main characters. I could t get enough! I LOVE it! The dislike from Beckett and the peacekeeping from Greer are just a perfect set up!

The secondary characters…I love them!
OMG the talk David just had with Beckett in his office. Puts all step dads to shame. I want David to be my step dad. Not for the money but because he is so sincere and nice and protective of theses two women. Then there is how it’s so easy to see his love for Viviene and by association Greer. I also adore the relationships each parent has with their child. Just makes me go “ooooo” when there are those scenes. Even the FB players were a fun to watch/read.

This is a first time author for me. Her character building was crazy good. While a few things bothered me I wouldn’t let it stop me from picking up this book! It’s a definite page turner and filled with so many wonderful characters. I almost can not wait to re-read!

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To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal Book 1) by Jamie A. Waters – Review by Lisa Helmick

To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal Series, #1)To Kill a Fae by Jamie A. Waters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am SO glad I picked this up. It is attention getting right from Start. The writing in here seems to appeal to something in Me. I love the intrigue, the bits of information given and the relationships between the characters. It all keeps me going and wanting to know who, what, when, where and why.

This is filled with a plethora of wonderful and amazing characters. Pixies, witches, faeries, goblins and demons among others. I rarely say this but I came to enjoy meeting each one of them. Their relationships are so interwoven I couldn’t wait to figure them out. Who controls who? Whom are friends/hates who? Who is stronger? Who is lying and why? I was so happy to get these answered among others throughout the book.

The story is fast paced and is intricately woven to give me some Information. But I am a puzzler so I need to figure out the unasked questions. Therefore I could hardly put this down. Because just when I figured out one thing…another would catch my interest and I’m off again. Everything was explained so well and at the perfect time. Not too much background information at any given moment.

This is a first time author for me! I am impressed with the quality of work done on this book. I think she hit ALL the marks for a story well done. I absolutely LOVED it and highly recommend to all Paranormal lovers! I look forward to more from this author but especially these characters!

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Protecting His Heart: a Lawson Family Novel (Lawson Family Series Book 2) by Tracey Cramer-Kelly – Review by Debi Kircher

Protecting His Heart (Lawson Family, #2)Protecting His Heart by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Protecting His Heart: a Lawson Family Novel (Lawson Family Series Book 2) by Tracey Cramer-Kelly

5 Stars

So I loved this story..Some parts were a bit hard to read and that’s because they felt so real and dealt with things that I just know really go on in this world and that is just reality.

I must mention that I completely appreciated that this book wasn’t packed full of hot scenes..Don’t get me wrong I like those too but it was a nice break having all the content in this story be an important part of the story.

I love the Lawson family, and the part they played in Ian’s life made me love them even more. His past was rough and the life he made for himself was possible because of them and when his past pops back up on his doorstep the journey through hurt and truth and forgiveness was written beautifully.

Rachel was full of hopes and dreams that just were not within her reach with the circumstances she was living with, this was so sad and made me angry more than once. Thankfully a kind and loving police officer decided to care enough to offer assistance, helping her realize she deserved so much more.

This was an awesome story..Short and quick yet full of content making it a complete and in some places an edge of your seat kind of book. I had all the feels while reading this one and truly can’t wait to read more from this author. It was also nice being able to check back in with Jamie and Kira, it made me want to go back and read their story again.

Awesome…Loved it!!

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Ailey of Skye by Wendy Hewlett – Review by Robin Rankin

Ailey of SkyeAiley of Skye by Wendy Hewlett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ailey of Skye by Wendy Hewlett grabbed my heart and twisted relentlessly. My heart exploded with hurt and sadness for Ailey and everything she experienced and survived in her short twenty three years. I suppose I should be happy she was able to make it through but good grief she was dealt a bad hand and it only continued to get worse for a long time.

Ailey is a hero, she took her second chance and did amazing things while only thinking of others, no matter the consequences for her. I absolutely loved this book, but there were parts that were very difficult for me to read and I had to walk away for a bit.

This is my first time reading anything by Ms. Hewlett and I have to say I’m throughly impressed and plan on reading her other books just as soon as possible.

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Run to the Sea (Reigning Hearts Book 1) by KG Fletcher

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Run to the Sea (Reigning Hearts Book 1) by KG Fletcher Author
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#secondchanceromance #kgfletcherauthor #RuntotheSea
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Romance
Page Count – 235 pages
Goodreads –

He’s a broken man searching through the past for answers.
She’s his childhood best friend he had no idea he was in love with.

Thomas Capshaw never thought he’d put his dreams of being a sketch artist on the back burner and end up working in New York City far from home. The very last thing he expects is the inheritance of his famous grandfather’s beach cottage on the sandy shores of Florida where he spent his childhood summers.

Emeline Fischer is an aspiring artist trying to make ends meet, working an assortment of odd jobs while painting her dreams on canvas in hopes of landing her own gallery show someday. When she is Thomas’s waitress during her shift at the local beach diner, she immediately recognizes her sensitive childhood friend who promised long ago to protect her from her unstable home life when they were teens.

The two friends take a journey into their past through a box of photos left behind at Cap Cottage and rediscover their mutual passion for art – and each other. Thomas doesn’t plan to fall in love with Emmy – but maybe he’s always been in love with her. Can he forgive himself for his past mistakes and start over in the only place that ever felt like home? Or will his guilt and the demands of his cutthroat, big-city career prevent him from following his heart and reuniting with the only woman he ever truly loved?


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Dubbed, “The Singing Author,” KG Fletcher lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband Ladd and three sons. She is an active member of RWA and Georgia Romance Writers. She was a singer/songwriter in Nashville, TN and a recipient of the “Airplay International Award” for “Best New Artist” showcasing original songs at The Bluebird Café. She earned her BFA in theater at Valdosta State College and has traveled the world professionally as a singer/actress. She currently gets to play rock star as a backup singer in the National Tour, “Remember When Rock Was Young – the Elton John Tribute.”

KG is a hopeless romantic continuing her work on her original cabaret act called, “The Novel Romantic – an unexpected evening of sweet & spicy love” to help promote her romance novels. She is also a conference speaker and shares how music can enhance a writer’s experience.






Stalking the Stalker (Valley View Mysteries Book 2) by Laura Hawks

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Stalking the Stalker (Valley View Mysteries Book 2) by Laura Hawks


#ReadReviewRepeat #LauraHawks #Suspense

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Contemporary Romantic Suspense

Page Count – 315 pages

Cover Designer – Moonstruck Cover Designs

Goodreads –

As a notable celebrity, Tyler Channing is used to encountering ardent fans. Yet when he came to Valley View to perform in a play, he was in no way prepared for the psychotic intensity of Louise Harper.

But when Louise is found dead, Detective Caleb Mitchell is put on the case to discover which of Louise’s plethora of secrets was worth killing her for? Was the murderer Louise’s daughter, Mackenzie, who was infuriated over family secrets? Perhaps it was her soon-to-be-ex, Al, that refused to let her go? Had Tyler Channing been so tired of being stalked he finally snapped? Or, was Louise involved in something far more sinister that lead to her death?

Time is running out, and a killer is on the loose. Can Detective Mitchell solve the case before the body count rises?


You can find this video on our youtube channel

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Ms. Hawks has always been interested in writing in some form or other, including writing for a local newspaper. Deciding to become more knowledgeable, she headed back to school and received her Master’s Degree in Ancient Civilizations, Native American History and United States History.

It was at this time she got involved in role playing on FaceBook, which gave her ample opportunities to grow and hone her writing ability.

She lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her four companions, all males… cats. She travels as much as she can to various Author/Reader conventions and loves to meet established fans and make new ones, some of which she considers friends more than fans.





Falling For His Badass by Jessika Klide

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Falling For His Badass by Jessika Klide
Page Count – 168 pages
Genre – Contemporary Romance, Military Romance, New Adult Romance
Lizzy has terrible luck with men.
It’s not that she doesn’t attract good guys, she does. It’s that she settles for “decent” ones.
Tired of making the wrong choices when it comes to men, Lizzy trusts her best friend, Tara, to take her away for the weekend. Lizzy knows that if she wants an all-consuming love, she’s going to have to take a bigger risk to attract a different type of man.
But this road trip will yield dangerous results. Her panic button will be pushed, and before the first night is over, she will be Falling For His Badass.


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Jessika Klide is an Amazon Bestselling Author with fans in over 25 countries.

In 1981, she married her high school sweetheart. He is not only her soulmate but her best friend and they are living their Happily Ever After in Alabama.

Jessika Klide also writes as Cindee Bartholomew. Both write strong alpha men who love their strong independent women. Jessika’s writing is scorching hot romance with all the details, while Cindee’s writing is steamy, seductive romance. She believes lust and love form perfect unions and the stars really due align for true love.





Beneath the Fallen City (The Omni Towers Series Book 1) by Jamie A. Waters

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Beneath the Fallen City (The Omni Towers Series Book 1) by Jamie A. Waters


#OmniTowers #Romance #Dystopian #Fantasy

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Dystopian Fantasy Romance

Page Count – 376 pages

Cover Designer – Deranged Doctor Design

Goodreads –

**Winner of the Readers’ Favorite Award for Fantasy & Science Fiction Romance**

**Winner of the Colorado Independent Publisher’s Association’s EVVY Award for Science Fiction**

**Global Ebook Awards Honorable Mention for Science Fiction**

Some secrets are better left buried…

Kayla is a scavenger, driven to search the ruins of abandoned cities for artifacts in exchange for critical life-saving supplies. But, the rarest artifacts are found in the most dangerous ruins—those under control by the OmniLab traders.

Carl is one of those traders—and Kayla’s invaded his district. He’s determined to stop her and the best way to do that is to recruit her. The only problem?

Kayla hates traders.

When a powerful man intent on revenge starts hunting her, Kayla realizes the only way to save herself may be to accept Carl’s offer. But that would mean surrendering to OmniLab and giving up everything she knows.

Only everything isn’t quite what it seems.

Including OmniLab.

And Kayla’s in a lot of trouble.

Beneath the Fallen City is an exciting dystopian fantasy series with romantic elements and shocking twists. Join Kayla as she unearths the secrets of the past and discovers a hidden world no one thought was possible.


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Jamie A. Waters is an award-winning writer of science fiction and fantasy romance. Her first novel, Beneath the Fallen City, was a winner of the Readers’ Favorite Award in Science Fiction/Fantasy Romance and the CIPA EVVY Award in Science Fiction.

Jamie currently resides in Florida with a murder of crows in her backyard and two neurotic dogs who enjoy stealing socks. When she’s not pursuing her passion of writing, she’s usually trying to learn new and interesting random things (like how to pick locks or use the self-cleaning feature of the oven without setting off the fire alarm). In her downtime, she enjoys reading, playing computer games, painting, or acting as a referee between the dragons and fairies currently at war inside the closet. Learn more about her at




Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler Books
Genre – Mystery / Thriller
Page Count – 270 pages
Cover Designer – RL Sather
Publishing Company – Power to the Pen
International bestselling and award-winning author Ellen Butler presents book three in the Karina Cardinal mystery series! Fans of Melinda Leigh and J.D. Robb, who love the humor of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum will adore this gripping mystery adventure.
The rainbows-and-unicorns period of her friends-to-lovers relationship with Mike Finnegan officially over, Karina Cardinal is taking a tactical retreat. No way is she calling him for rescue from one of her infamous “scrapes.”
Too bad trouble, if not her middle name, is a close relative.
Sadira Manon, friend and colleague of Karina’s sister Jillian, has been dropping way too much cash on designer labels for a middle school teacher. Even one who moonlights as a jewelry store clerk. But when she’s accused of theft, the loose diamond falling out of her purse is enough for the police to sing the song of their people—”Miranda Rights.”
Karina, Jilly, and Silverthorne Security join forces to investigate who’s setting Sadira up to take a fall, and why. They dig up a shady tangle of Russian mob ties and gambling debts. By the time Karina realizes they’ve dug too deep—and maybe a little too far outside the law—Jillian’s in trouble, and the only way out of this particular pot of hot water is to make that phone call…and hope Mike doesn’t let it go to voice mail.


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Ellen Butler is a bestselling author writing critically acclaimed suspense and award-winning historical fiction. Her experiences working at a medical association in Washington, D.C. inspired the Karina Cardinal series. She is a member of Sister’s in Crime, International Thriller Writers, and the Office of Strategic Services Society.





Matt’s Swirly World: Children’s Book by Madeleine Matthews – Review by Jenni Bishop

Matt's swirly worldMatt’s swirly world by Madeleine Matthews
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Matt’s Swirly World: Children’s Book by Madeleine Matthews is a book to be shared by parents with their children. It is also a book for parents to help them traverse the pitfalls of tempers and tantrums. The book is beautifully illustrated and Madeleine has a good concept in theory. Unfortunately the story is a little to much for younger kids to take in. I read this to my friends little boy, and he loved the pictures but the story got lost in translation and he lost interest half way through. We all know that all young kids want is something short sharp and shiny. An adult reading it is one thing but I think it needs revising to hit it’s intended audience.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C A King – Review by Jenni Bishop

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3)Hitting The High Note by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C.A. King is a fantasy paranormal story and another wonderful addition to a series that I have loved, C. A. does not disappoint. This series just captivates and ensnares you and you are always hanging waiting for the next adventure. This is a different take on the Four Horsemen and the legends/stories and C.A. does it brilliantly, you just never know what you are going to get. I love the surprises that crept up on me and that added another dynamic. I love, love, love the characters who once again find themselves embroiled in danger and demons, action and drama, demigods and mates, chuck in a side order of romance and you have the basic food groups for a recipe for success.

Bekka keeps herself locked away from life and socially stunted but when she notices an ad in the paper her curiosity gets the better of her, but it is that and her jealously that finds her in a situation that she may not recover from.

Uriel, a Horsemen who along with his brothers and sister are chasing the means to keep the gates of hell closed. He looks things on the brighter side of life and is a little quirky and fun. He made me laugh. This cowboy is a bit of a drifter and is on the hunt for demons but he finds is the one thing he never knew he was looking for.

I am now wanting and waiting for the next installment – When the Paint Dries.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen is a wonderfully written Book that draws you in from the beginning and doesn’t let go till the end. This is Greer and Beckett’s story. She is going to a new school and finds herself dealing with Beckett who isn’t very welcoming. He is at the top of the private school and knows he doesn’t make Greer feel very welcome..Although there’s tension between them there is also attraction. Can these two have a future together? Will she act on her attraction for him? Find out what happens next in this must read. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Demon’s Angel: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter Book 2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Renee Ullery

Demon's Angel: Satan's Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #2Demon’s Angel: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #2 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Demon’s Angel: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #2 by Manda Mellett

This story is Violet’s and Demon’s story. Violet is trying her best with the hand she has been dealt, but she is in trouble. She is struggling with finding a good option. I do like Violet has a character.Violet experiences the trauma of a sexual assault so certain parts may be difficult for some readers.
The experiences she has endured has not made her bitter. She is taking care of so many others that she becomes used to being the source of answers. Demon comes in to help her and provides hope. However, he is adjusting to his position, and he is learning to navigate on what it means to lead. Overall, I enjoyed this story.

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