The Fisher Men On the X (Fisher Men Book III) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Fisher Men On the X (Book III)Fisher Men On the X by Rebel Nicks O’Dey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
The Fisher Men On the X (Fisher Men Book III) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey

The Fisher Men On The X is the third Book in the Fisher Men Series and my favorite yet. I found myself lost in the pages and couldn’t stop reading till the end. My emotions were all over the place. I do recommend reading this series in although it can be read as standalone. But to get a better understanding of what is going on I recommend reading them in order. This is Becca and Zack’s story.These two met when they was younger and meet again as adults. These two have serious chemistry between them. Can these two help heal each other? Find out what happens next in this must read. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Protecting His Heart: a Lawson Family Novel (Lawson Family Series Book 2) by Tracey Cramer-Kelly – Review by Michelle Austin

Protecting His Heart (Lawson Family, #2)Protecting His Heart by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Protecting His Heart was a great 5 star read and book two in the Lawson Family series.
Once I started I didn’t want to put it down.

Ian is Jamie’s best friend (Book 1) and a very dedicated police officer. It’s been three years since he has returned to his hometown. Ian has some things in his past that he can’t quite get over.

Rachel has dreams like every woman, to be married and have children. Something has happened that is causing her to feel that her dream will never come true. When she meets Ian things start to change.

Ian is catching on to Rachel and knows something is off. As they get closer, feelings start to develop. What will happen if Rachel’s secret comes out? Can she have what she has always desired with Ian or will the past get in the way?

Overall I really enjoyed this book, there were several unexpected twists and turns. My emotions were all over the place. I will warn there is some sensitive content It can be read as a stand alone, although I highly recommend reading from the beginning. All of the secondary characters added a great element to the story. I loved seeing some of the characters from the first book. The author pulls you right in with her writing, you feel like your right there in the story with them. 1-click and get started today on this great series.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Angelina Frazzini

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Battling Beckett by T. Christensen is a contemporary step brother romance. This is the first book I’ve read by this author but I definitely enjoyed reading it. I couldn’t put it down! I finished it in one sitting.

Greer’s life is changing. Not only is she starting her senior year but she will be starting it at a new private school and in a new home. The only problem is, her step brother has made it clear she is not welcome in either place. Beckett’s not sure he, or his father, should trust the new women in their lives but he can’t deny the protective instinct he has when it comes to Greer. Greer can’t help the magnetism she feels toward Beckett either. Will these two realize their feelings for each other or keep battling through them?

I really enjoyed this book. Greer is timid but she stands up for herself when she can. Beckett may seem like a jerk but he definitely has a sweet side as well. I couldn’t put this book down and highly recommend it!

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SAN DIEGO DEAD (Jake Wolfe Series Book 4) by Mark Nolan – Review by Angelina Frazzini

San Diego Dead (Jake Wolfe #4)San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan is book four of the Jake Wolfe series. Though it is book four in the series, this book can be read as a standalone.

This story is a fast paced, action packed thriller. You can’t help but be on the edge of your seat wondering how Jake is going to get himself out of the situation he stumbled into. This book is able to pull you in from the beginning and doesn’t let go until you find out how once again Jake is able to protect his country and it’s citizens. I can’t wait to see if there is more in store for Jake.

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Protecting His Heart: a Lawson Family Novel (Lawson Family Series Book 2) by Tracey Cramer-Kelly – Review by Jana Teppih

Protecting His Heart (Lawson Family, #2)Protecting His Heart by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Protecting His Heart is the second book in Tracey Cramer-Kelly’s Lawson Family Series. I fell in love with her writing when reading the first book so I was excited to pick up the second book! You can read it as a standalone but if you like the Lawson family as much as I do, I promise, you will pick go and pick up the first book after finishing this one so do yourself a favour and start from the beginning!
Protecting His Heart is the story of Ian McCleary who was taken in as a boy by the Lawson family who showed him what a real family is, and of Rachel who is in a relationship that is slowly destroying her life … The writer has given us a story that touches upon a very sensitive subject matter that is the foundation to Ian and Rachel’s story but she is not blowing it out of the proportion. She gives us the backstory and she handles the characters with such a care and love … She shows how one can find their way out and how much they need the support of the ones who care for them and who meet them!
I loved learning more about the Lawson family and their friends and I am looking forward to the next story in the series!

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Elemental Fae Academy (Elemental Fae Academy Book 2) by Lexi C. Foss & J.R. Thorn – Review by Candida Hopper

Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two (Elemental Fae Academy #2)Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two by Lexi C. Foss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance
by Lexi C. Foss and J.R. Thorn

This book was just as awesome as the first book in this series. We do get to know some of the guys a little bit better in this book. This book is full of suspense, twists and turns, witty banter and some moments that make the temperature rise. This book kept me captivated the entire time. I couldn’t get enough of this book, it drew me in from the beginning. There aren’t words to describe how much I loved reading this book! In this story, Claire has matured and is learning how to better control her powers. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series, I can’t say enough great things about this series this far. This is a must read, I highly recommend this book.

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Demon’s Angel: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter Book 2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Lisa Brydalski

Demon's Angel: Satan's Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #2Demon’s Angel: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #2 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Demon’s Angel is the second installment in author Manda Mellett’s Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) series. And boy was it good!!!
When Demon sees Violet for the first time in many years he is surprised to see a full grown woman who just so happens to be a single mother and not just his best friend Nathan’s little sister. Not having his friend anymore Demon promises that he will do whatever it takes to protect Violet and become her stand-in big brother. What Demon doesn’t bargain on are the feelings he possess toward this woman who makes him feel things that aren’t very brotherly!
I really enjoyed this book, I liked the connection between Demon and Violet and I really enjoyed their interactions with the club. I enjoyed the storyline and the war between the factions and I cannot wait to see what is coming next!

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Dark Feathers by Natalina Reis – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Dark FeathersDark Feathers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book and it just might be my favorite. This author continues to create stories that are full of romance, suspense and fantasy. The characters are connectable and they made the story come alive and feel real. Joan and Phoenix, one is looking for a roommate and the other a dark angel. What they didn’t expect is to fall for each other. When the dark lord comes calling will Phoenix be able to protect her? Strong characters with great chemistry. I highly recommend this must read story.

Review by @bjwagner
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Pieces Of A Lie by Rowena Holloway – Review by Chantelle Smith

Pieces of a LiePieces of a Lie by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an amazingly captivating suspenseful thriller that had me immediately hooked from page one right until the very end! It will have you on the edge of your seat in anticipation waiting to see what could happen next. It flows from chapter to chapter and easy to follow and you don’t feel lost within the story. This author writes with incredible descriptions that make you feel you are there within the story. These characters that this author has created are real, they face a-lot through their journey and I loved following it. I think what else made this read even better was the fact that we got the read in multiple POV, I love when books are written like this as it helps me connect with characters, even more, helps me understand them and really gives me a proper insight to the characters thoughts and real feelings.

Overall I’m so glad I got to read this book, you will not be disappointed in reading this, and I can’t wait to see what else this author brings.

Reviewed By @tillytillzz

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Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Caralee Loonat

Evil SushiEvil Sushi by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evil Sushi by C.A. King
4 Stars!!!!

I stepped out of my comfort genre for this book. I was quite taken with this book. This is a unique story line. I really like what the author has done with this story line. The characters are quite realistic even given the paranormal spin to the book. I found myself at the edge of my seat awaiting to see what would happen next.

I like how the author created the setting. I also like the chemistry between Rod and Sally. I could really relate to the work situation for the fishermen. I was really on edge as the book went on and things took a negative turn for Rod’s discovery. I really cannot wait to read more from this author.
Reviewed by @caraleeloonat

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SAN DIEGO DEAD (Jake Wolfe Series Book 4) by Mark Nolan – Review by Debi Kircher

San Diego Dead (Jake Wolfe #4)San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

SAN DIEGO DEAD (Jake Wolfe Series Book 4) by Mark Nolan

5++++++++ Stars

This is my first book by this author and Im kicking myself because of that…This was 100% awesome and falls into my favorite genre of all time and written so perfectly, I can’t believe I haven’t read this author before now!

I will be going back asap and starting this series from the start because I want all the history I feel like I am missing. That does not mean this can be read as a standalone because I had no problem reading it but I want it all. LOL

This started right on page 1 with me being completely invested and I fell in love with both Jake and Cody. This hit me in all the feels but more than anything had me reading so fast I had to keep slowing myself down so I didn’t finish too fast. I must say I completely enjoyed Cody’s POV, that was brilliant and I was not expecting that.

This book has everything and I can not recommend it high enough and I can not wait to read the whole series including this one all over again and I can’t wait for more.

Mr. Nolan has a new fan and I’ll be one clicking everything!

Loved It!!

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Protecting His Heart: a Lawson Family Novel (Lawson Family Series Book 2) by Tracey Cramer-Kelly – Review by Kerry Baker

Protecting His Heart (Lawson Family, #2)Protecting His Heart by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Protecting His Heart: A Lawson Family Novel by Tracey Cramer-Kelly is the second book in the Lawson Family Series. This book is emotional and heart wrenching while also being sweet and loving.
When I read the first book I knew the series was shaping up to be good and this book does everything to keep this going. I found this one to be more emotional than the first and I think that is due to the subject matter. I connected with these characters in a completely different way to the first book.
The story had great depth to it as well. I was drawn in immediately and it really felt like I was there with everyone. I knew what I wanted to happen with the book but really was sure how the author would go about getting there. The whole book was well paced and written brilliantly. I really cannot wait to see what else is to come from this series.

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My Life Series: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone – Review by Kerry Baker

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of CamelotMy Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Life Series Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone is an exciting and fast paced series. You will be easily drawn into the Alessandra’s life and the tumultuous relationship she has with her family and herself. She is such an interesting character, desperate to be anything other than what she is. Forced by circumstances to use her experience and skill set.
Necie Navone creates an intense story that easily carries you through all three books. She has created lasting characters that really leave an impression. This was the first series that I have read by this author and it really was a strong way to start. She knows exactly when to hold back a little and when to push the story forward. All the books had a great pace and the right amount of development throughout. This was a brilliant series and a series that is worth trying.

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Elemental Fae Academy (Elemental Fae Academy Book 2) by Lexi C. Foss & J.R. Thorn – Review by Sheri Schrader

Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two (Elemental Fae Academy #2)Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two by Lexi C. Foss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance by Lexi C. Foss and J.R. Thorn is the second of the three book series. I highly recommend reading the first book in this series because this book picks up where the first book ended. Claire is trying to find out what happened to Exos with the help of Titus and the others. She is still learning how to control her newly acquired skills and figuring out this new world. I enjoy the characters and the development of the story. The story is a quick read and I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

Review by @sherimichelle1

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Elemental Fae Academy (Elemental Fae Academy Book 1) by Lexi C. Foss & J.R. Thorn – Review by Sheri Schrader

Elemental Fae Academy (Elemental Fae Academy, #1)Elemental Fae Academy by Lexi C. Foss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elemental Fae Academy: Book One: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance by Lexi C. Foss and J.R. Thorn is the first book of three in this new series. Claire is dared to kiss a man at the bar. Little does she know this will set off a group of events beyond her control. She discovers she is not who she thought she was but a fae halfling. This story is not for a young teen but someone a bit more mature due to some sexual scenes. Also, this is a reverse harem so Claire is not at a loss for handsome, available men.
I enjoyed the story and wanted to know what happens next. The characters are interesting and the story wasn’t just a cookie cutter story. I look forward to where these authors go next in this series.

Review by @sherimichelle1

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Ailey of Skye by Wendy Hewlett – Review by Kerry Carr

Ailey of SkyeAiley of Skye by Wendy Hewlett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a wonderful story about a girl called Ailey. Ailey grew up in Canada with her gambling addict of a father. When her father died she was left to fend for herself and the only way she was able to survive was to join a gang and become a drug addict.

Fact forward 13 years Ailey is a heavy drug user and is almost on the brink of dying when her grandmothers solicitor finds her.
After going through rehab she decides to go the the Isle of Skye to claim what was left to her by her grandma. Little did she know she would find a brother and a mother who had been searching for her.

So starts an adventure where her dads old debts come to find her, along with the threat of her old life catching her up.

It is a heartwarming adventure dealing with loss, kidnap, drug abuse and learning to love all over again.

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Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Karyn Taylor

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Devil’s Dilemma is the 4th book in the Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) by Manda Mellett. With each book I read in this series I then say that they are my favourite. This is because Manda Mellett is just getting better and better. This book was no different in that it has now become my favourite. I don’t know how Manda Mellett does it but she just keeps giving us fantastic characters and amazing storylines.
In this book we are given the story of Pyro and Melissa. We met Melissa in book 3 as the girlfriend of Skull. When Skull goes missing, Pyro steps in to be the shoulder for Melissa to cry on. His feelings for her getting stronger by the day but knowing he can’t act on them as she’s been claimed by Skull.
As with all the other Satan’s Devils book, the author pulls you in from the very start, takes you on a rollercoaster journey, and stamps on your heart leaving you totally overcome at what you’ve just gone through.
This story has everything, So much emotion, heartbreak, love, betrayal etc. There are many happy, light hearted moments and then you are sobbing like a baby in the heartbreaking moments. Tissues are definitely advised.
I had read somewhere that the author planned to stop at book 4 and was gutted as there are still so many awesome single guys in the MC who need their stories to be told. However, I was ecstatic to read at the end of this book that there will be a book 5 coming soon.
Keep them coming Manda Mellett, this series is awesome!!

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Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Naomi McDonald

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Devil’s Dilemma is the fourth book in the Satan’s Devils MC Colorado Chapter series. It can be read as a standalone, although this story does mention events from previous books.

Just from the synopsis, I was pretty sure I knew how this story was going to go. I WAS RIGHT! I have to say that this story is expertly told. Even though I already had an idea of how it would play out, it still kept me hooked all the way to the end.

Be prepared to be pissed at a certain character. I won’t name names because I don’t want to ruin it. I wanted to reach through the pages and slap a person! I mean, how low can you go??? I felt so bad for Melissa. What she ended up going through nearly tore my heart out. I did appreciate her backbone when she was finally able to have her confrontation of closure.

Superb storytelling, as always.

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Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C A King – Review by Katie Kearney

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3)Hitting The High Note by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C. A. King. I love a book that can take me bu surprise and this one definitely lived up to that. It’s got twists I didn’t see coming. I have truly loved every minute of this series and I do recommend them to be read in order. The adventure the author takes readers on its at times mind blowing. The characters are all so detailed and you can’t help but sink in to their story. It’s well written and paced nicely never feeling rushed or lacking anything. I’m so excited to see where the author takes readers next. If you’re looking for something a bit different then I recommend this series and book to you. Four stars!

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Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Sue Kemp

Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2)Drawing Strength From Words by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horseman Novel Book 2)
By C.A. King

Drawing Strength from Words is book two in the A Hour Horseman series. I have read other books by C.A King and I would have to say that this is probably not my favourite. I have to say that I was a little lost reading this book, but then it may have been because I haven’t read book one. On saying that however I do have to say the C.A. King’s writing style of being able to let you get to know the characters is very much on par in this book. I would highly recommend that you start with book one in the series, and I hope you enjoy reading yet another great series by this wonderful author

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Matt’s Swirly World: Children’s Book by Madeleine Matthews – Review by Angela Hayes

Matt's swirly worldMatt’s swirly world by Madeleine Matthews
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Matt’s Swirly World by Madeleine Matthews lept out at me when it showed up on my recommended book feed, as I have a three year old in my life who I am always on the lookout for great picture books for. I thought the title was catchy and the cover was cute- so I grabbed a copy and couldn’t wait to read it to him.
When we opened the book, I was impressed with the beautiful and colourful illustrations which just lept off the pages. Jack thought they were great too. He was pointing out the slide, the balloons, butterflies, children, rainbow, dragon, cars, and waves etc- and was really excited about the pictures. But, the story was very wordy and way over his head. I think it would be more suited to 8 to 10 year olds. So, I went back to the blurb to see what I could make of it- and found a rather long and wordy explanation for the book.
This book was written as a guide to help parents teach their young ones about mindfulness and self-control- using love and understanding to help guide them through stressful times. While I love the concept behind the book- the execution, for me, missed the mark. As a children’s picture book, “Matt’s Swirly World” really needs to be simplified more so that the younger children can engage and understand. Because a three year old is a ripe candidate for tantrums and/or emotional meltdowns- but this book is way to complicated to really engage him/them properly. An older child would better understand the story.
Love the pictures, love the concept- but the ‘story’ left us wanting.

Thank you, Ms. Matthews.


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Joe Football by Autumn Sand

 ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~

Joe Football by Autumn Sand


#JoeFootball #AutumnSand #CollegeRomance

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – College Romance, Sports Romance

Page Count – 307 pages

Goodreads –

Hate the game, not the player…

Only the good die young, but did it really have to be my brother–the only person in my family who understood me? Growing up in a house that’s built entirely on Super Bowl wins, I refuse to love the game and the men who play it. Football has a way of destroying lives. And here I am frustrated, angry, and empty–sick of everything that has any connection to the sport.

But then Brice comes along…

He’s everything I want, and everything I hate. Now that he’s a part of my world, I can’t give him my heart. It’s too shattered and fragile for someone like him. But I keep wondering, can he mend the broken pieces, or will he toss it away like just another one of his touchdown passes?


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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Autumn Sand was born and raised in New York City. Considering herself a true New Yorker in every way from the restaurants that she eats to the shoe fetish she has. Oh yes at one time Autumn has had a shoe collection of 300 and has the credit card statements to prove it. Other than shoe shopping she has various interests such as reading, writing, and traveling. Autumn has worked in the fashion industry for most of her adult life before pursuing writing. She is reluctant to call herself an author but considers herself a person who writes words that people just so happen to like to read. As you can tell Autumn has a sarcastic sense of humor and loves to make her friends laugh in all occasions. She enjoys a good glass of wine but her go to drink of choice is a Jack Daniels and coke with a twist of lime. None of those froufrou girlie drinks for her.





Protecting His Heart: a Lawson Family Novel (Lawson Family Series Book 2) by Tracey Cramer-Kelly – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Protecting His Heart (Lawson Family, #2)Protecting His Heart by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series and I liked it just as much as I liked the first one. The author writing is good and I was entertained throughout the whole book. It was fast paced so alot of things happend but that worked really well in this book. The main characters were extremely likeable and I was rooting for their happy endings despite the demons they are were facing. I am looking forward to reading more by this author and I would recommend this to a friend!
Happy Reading!

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Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Angela Hayes

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia #1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Sugar & Spice is the first book in the Spicetopia series by Phoebe Alexander. I really loved this book, it is a little different from her other books- but with the same sexy flare we have come to expect from Ms. Alexander.
Cy is on an undercover mission at his family’s theme park. He has a job to do and there is quite a bit at stake. But he’s thrown off-kilter when he meets the delectable Jolie.
Jolie has a few secrets of her own. She works two jobs trying to make ends meet- taking care of her responsibilities is her number one priority. Sparks fly and the heat rises. But what happens when secrets are revealed? You really need some Sugar & Spice in your life to find out all the delicious details for yourself!
After such a sublime introduction to the Spicetopia world, I’m really looking forward to the rest of the series!!!

Thank you, Ms. Alexander!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Matt’s Swirly World: Children’s Book by Madeleine Matthews – Review by Maura Harper

Matt's swirly worldMatt’s swirly world by Madeleine Matthews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“In this book parents will learn how mindfulness helps kid’s create better coping skills, but also a variety of other useful tools”

While this is illustrated with beautiful illustrations and the message is told in a “child like” tone, I’m not sure who the audience is supposed to be. It seems as if it is geared towards a young babysitter to explain why the youngster in their care is having a meltdown.

Great visualization exercises that I think everyone could learn from.

Review by @mauraharper

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Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen – Review by Angela Hayes

Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother RomanceBattling Beckett: A Contemporary Step Brother Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Battling Beckett: A Contemporary Stepbrother Romance by T. Christensen is, as the title would suggest, a stepbrother romance- with an ‘enemy to lover’ aspect to the story. This new adult story made for some really great reading. It has plenty of drama, angst, friendships, high school politics, and emotions- with just enough danger and mystery to keep things interesting.
Greer’s whole life gets turned upside down when she and her mother move into her (prospective) new stepfather’s mansion. Things should have been the beginning of a new phase of her life, with exciting opportunities to look forward to. But, her new stepbrother, as well as the mean girl brigade at her new high school- have made her life miserable. To add salt to her wounds, she seems to be developing feelings for her tormentor. But when danger threatens her safety, will he step up and keep her safe- or use the opportunity to rid her from his life?
I really didn’t like Beckett for the first part of this book, because he was such an arrogant jerk- but, as the story progressed he slowly redeemed himself in my eyes. I really liked Greer, but her low self esteem really frustrated me at times- but I was invested in the characters and the outcome of the story. The whole cast of characters were really well developed- crafted into fully realised and complex individuals with their own unique personalities, quirks and flaws. They all added to the overall feel, flow, and development of the storyline.
There were a few minor issues (Amazon Kindle edition) such as a few typos- wrong words being missed in the editing process- for example: council instead of console, to instead of too, tooth instead of took, were instead of wear. And there were parts of the story where it seemed to slip from third person to first person perspective, and back again. Again, these were fairly minor issues, and didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment of the book- they were just a little distracting, because when I came across one it pulled me out of this otherwise captivating story.
The suspense, intrigue, tension, and chemistry were really well done- keeping me flipping the pages to discover how everything would play out. A testament to Ms. Christensen’s writing talents!
I wonder what Ms. Christensen has in store for us next?

Thank you, Ms. Christensen!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Fisher Men On the X (Fisher Men Book III) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey – Review by Michelle King

Fisher Men On the X (Book III)Fisher Men On the X by Rebel Nicks O’Dey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the series and is probably my favorite so far! It was definitely the most emotional! I found myself just a bit weepy more times than I can count while reading this one! I have decided I want to be a Fisher Man! You will need to immerse yourself in this series to understand what I’m talking about, but this series revolves around a family whose members escaped a cult like religion known as the Seh. While the things that happen are unrealistic to me, I can’t help but feel for these women and wonder if these types of things truly go on and what I can do to help if they do. This book in the series in the most powerful as both the main characters, Zach and Becca, have a history with the Seh. Seeing the struggle of these people trying to overcome their pasts to become what they are meant to be is both heart wrenching and beautiful.

Each book in this series says it is a standalone, but I do not recommend reading them as such. You really need to start with book one or you will be missing a lot of information that you really need to understand what is going on in the following books. Trust me, it is worth the time! This has been an incredible journey to follow! I have so much respect for these characters and for the author who wrote them. I can’t imagine it was always easy. Don’t worry though! It’s not always emotional…this book had me laughing out loud so much! I am giving this a full five stars and can’t wait for the next book! We get a key piece of info at the end of this story that I am looking forward to exploring in Morgan’s book!

Reviewed by @chellek44

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The Fisher Men X-ing Lines (Fisher Men Book II) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey – Review by Michelle King

The Fisher Men X-ing Lines (Book #2)The Fisher Men X-ing Lines by Rebel Nicks O’Dey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Fisher Men Xing Lines is the second book in this series and I highly recommend you read the books in order to get the full story. This book focuses on Connor, one of the four Fisher Men, and Rika, a friend of the family who needs a place to stay. The two end up as unlikely roommates as Connor is a wee bit OCD and has to have everything a certain way and Rika turns his world upside down…all without ever actually meeting him! For an entire year, the two are roommates but their schedules never work out to where they are both home at the same time. They talk and text and get to know each other in an unconventional way. They develop great chemistry and had me in hysterics with their banter back and forth!

There is a lot going on in this series and in this book. There are several story lines that run together and you will find yourself completely in tune with this families emotions. One minute you’ll be laughing out loud, the next minute sobbing uncontrollably. This series is about a unique family unit with a dynamic you don’t see much anymore. Strong young men who have been raised to have the utmost respect for all women and to always help them in any way they can, all while showing their appreciation for them. As you read, you will find out who their parents are and why they raise their children the way they do. It is a gripping tale that will break your heart and put it all back together again. I am absolutely absorbed in this series and can’t wait to see where the author goes next with this story line! I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the Fisher Men’s stories!

Reviewed by @chellek44

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The Fisher Men X My Heart (Fisher Men Book 1) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey – Review by Michelle King

The Fisher Men X My HeartThe Fisher Men X My Heart by Rebel Nicks O’Dey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely LOVED this book! I was a bit confused by the timeline in the beginning but it works itself out as you continue to read. And that you will definitely do! I lost so much sleep reading this story because I couldn’t put it down! This is a love story of friendship. It’s about always being there for each other, no matter what. Building on childhood friendships and seeing what they become as you grow. It’s a story about survival, strength, courage, and so much more. All of this with a bit of “Gossip Girl” thrown in, aka the Casual Observer! Who is this mystery person???

The four Fisher Men: Morgan, Connor, Xander, and Zack (swooning over them all!) make a vow to always love and protect Samantha, but never date her. It’s a vow they take very seriously and they know if one of them breaks the vow the rest of them would lose her…and that cannot happen. As you are taken on this journey through their lives from childhood to adulthood, you are consumed with emotions for these people. Laughter, sadness, anger, love, hate, sexual tension, and a bit of ugly crying! You feel it all strongly.

This is an extremely well written, emotional, girl-next-door tale. It does contain some material that could be triggers for some people. There is sexual assault and bullying in the younger years. But it is a well told story with lessons we can all learn from. I can’t wait to read more in this series!

Reviewd by @chellek44

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Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Candida Hopper

Evil SushiEvil Sushi by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Evil Sushi
by C.A. King

I have read other books by this author and she never disappoints!! This book was full of fantasy, intrigue, mystery, suspense and so much more. This book is so rich in detail that you feel like your right there. There were different dynamics to this story, people with their own agendas and the damage that people are capable of. This story was unlike anything I have ever read, its originality kept me engrossed and the vivid descriptions kept me reading. This book is a definite must read and I highly recommend it.

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