To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland – Review by Ashley Dover

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles #1)To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Titiana is the only daughter of the Fae King Oberon of Aubren. She has experienced loss. Her four brothers were killed three years ago. Three years ago was the last time she heard her mother’s voice. Titiana feels alone in her world. Her only refuge is the quiet time spent with her father and mother after the evening meal and her caretaker, Alfreda.

The peace of Aubren is threatened when the crystal anchors of the Faerie Ring start disappearing in the middle of the night. Titiana is placed under watch with a soldier named Foster. Titiana desires to help her kingdom, but the King urges her to stay away from matters of the state. Does Titiana follow her father’s orders? Will the young fae princess of fifteen discover her true destiny? Will the princess find true love?

The author’s use of imagery in this story places you in Aubren and on the sidelines of this fantastical mystical story. From beginning to end, you will be engrossed in the tale of magic, first love, and destiny.

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