Caim (Antipodes 4) by T.S. Simons – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Caim (Antipodes #4)Caim by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again this amazing, wonderful, and talented author has made such a impacting, gripping, and wonderful novel filled with so much!!!!

I have been hooked on this series since the first novel in the series was released in the Antipodes series, Each installment has left me with more and more wants, questions, and the need to know what will happen next plus with the events that happen will it impact the wonderful characters I have grown such an attachment to and what and how will this affect them?

In this one my two personal favorite characters Cam and Freyja are happy. They have gotten a wonderful little family and are living peacefully with acceptance of things they have gone thru and looking towards to a brighter future to what ever they make of it. Honesty from where they started out together and the journey to where they are both now was defiantly far from easy, or a smooth to get there. I love them personally and they are such commendable characters.

But alas a rainbow only can appear so long, before the storm may start again. This was not just any storm though. This bought on someone they knew before, and it was a shocker and unplanned really in reality to see the return of them. This threw the couple for a loop as well. I can say based on how the event happened they were not prepared for it and for sure not for what the return bought for them as well as their life together.

What happens next is a story of questions and more questions, as well as for myself and them seeking these answers but knowing what the truth is again? Or is it a truth they already know but they refuse to accept? Not only will these answers change their happy life but it will define these characters not just for the time being but forever…

Honestly this series is so unpredictable in a good way, what you think you know, is it really what you know? What you doubt, is there more under the table than you realize?

Again I’m so happy I came across this series with the first novel. This author is truly amazing and if I ever get a chance to meet them, I will truly be a happy fan full of curiosity about their writing. They truly know how to write an amazing series and keep the reader hooked, not only in the current book installment, but truly anxiously awaiting for the next novel in the series.

I for one can not wait to see what happens in the next novel. I’m pulled in every time, and I never want to leave this rabbit hole. I have questions as Cam and Freyja do and I want my answers no matter how happy or satisfied I may be with them when I go to seek them out!

Honestly, please pick up this amazing, gripping, awesome series. Its a series that I have truly fallen in love with and when the sad day comes and the series ends I will be re reading them. I truly hope this series gets made into a movie 🙂

Amazing novel and characters again . Seriously every time, every novel, I’m pulled more into the rabbit hole and no want to return to where I once was!

View all my reviews

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