Master Tuscano (Masters of the Consulate Book 2) by Sylvia Black – Review by Shelly Kittell

Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 2)Master Tuscano: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sylvia Black has hit home with another winner. Master Tuscano will have you on the edge of your seat. It picks up where Master Descalia left off. Delilah is off trying to get revenge on her own and ends up in several pickles of her own. Christian has to come to her rescue. I caught myself gasping and just feeling all the emotions as I was reading their adventures. It’s got witches, vampires, fairies, etc. Who doesn’t love paranormal stories? You must pick up this book and read the adventures of Master Tuscano and Delilah. You won’t be disappointed.

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