Sinful Daughter (Dark Mafia Sins Book 1) by Emily Bowie – Review by Amy Brennan

Sinful DaughterSinful Daughter by Emily Bowie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I must be honest here, when I picked up this novel, I had my doubts. Even at the beginning, for the first few chapters, I didn’t feel like I was really “in it.” I felt as though I was skipping back to the beginning to recall who was who in the two Mafia families that they discuss, and it took away from some of the story. Really, I have not been interested in any Mafia oriented books, shows, or movies before, and took a chance at picking this up. Well, once I was a fair bit into Aria and Theos forbidden love story, I was NOT putting it down.

I started diving deeper into the relationships between Aria and her father, and other sisters, along with her older adopted brother, and the sort of ‘sheltered’ life she had lived up until this point. Being told what to do is not something I’ve ever been a fan off, so I could certainly relate to not only Aria, but her sister Katrina’s character as well. Arrogant, authoritative personas have been my kryptonite, so when I started to get to know Theos character a bit more throughout this novel, I must admit, I was falling for him.

Overall, I quite enjoyed that Emily Bowie’s Sinful Daughter – Mafia Romance, though wish I had of taken more time to really get to understand the inner workings of the Mafia, and what that means for all family members. I loved the twists and turns that she brings into the main plot line, and the cliffhanger ending. I will be reading the next installment, and with the whole modern day ‘Romeo and Juliet’ feel this story gives off, I have to say I’m quite excited to get to know the other family members better! Thank you, Emily, for this change of pace. Wonderful read!

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