No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

No Way Out is the first book in The Mafia Elite Series by Amy McKinley. I have read other books by this same author and have loved them all. Not only is her style of writing great, but she has a way of capturing your attention and making you want to read the book from cover to cover no matter how many chores or errands you have.

Liliana is a Mafia Princess who is being used as a pawn in her father’s quest to remain powerful among the five families in Chicago. He has never had much warmth or affection for her and it got worse after her mother passed away. She has grown up believing that her Mother’s father wanted nothing to do with her, but he has been keeping tabs on her the entire time. Liliana knows something big is about to happen, but she can’t quite figure out who all is involved and what their roles are in the game.

Max, aka Matt, is sent by Liliana’s grandfather to protect her from her father’s evil ways. His main objective aside from protecting his mentors family is to get revenge for the wrongs done to his family and to take back what should rightfully be his. He infiltrates the Brambilla family by posing as a highly sought after assassin and is brought on to protect Liliana by her father. Max sees this as a job and nothing more until he meets the object of said job face to face. From that moment he knew that there was no walking away even once the job was over. With so many players in the game and not being sure who to trust, will he be able to make Liliana realize he is on her side?

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