Broken Chains by Karina Kantas – Review by Michelle Austin

Broken ChainsBroken Chains by Karina Kantas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting and thrilling 4 star read. This was my first book from this author and I wasn’t sure what to expect. It did take me just a little bit to get pulled into the story. But once I got further in I couldn’t put it down.

Liz was watching and writing things she shouldn’t have been about MI5. When she finds herself talking to Alex there is something about him that is intriguing to her. She decides to change her career and go to school. She is doing very well and when she is close to graduating, is approached by Alex again and offered a job. There is a cringe worthy moment when she goes on her first job, there is a twist and she is put through some severe torture. There is another twist when she gets a coded email, how does this person know who she works for?

Things get more intense as the story moves forward. I will warn that if you have triggers then this would not be the book for you. There are several moments that I found myself cringing. We get violence, torture, mystery and so much more in this read. All of the characters added a great element to the story. This was an intense thrilling read and I look forward to reading more from this author.

Reviewed by @mab54615
View all my reviews

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