Human Hearts (Draco Sang Trilogy Book 3) by Mary Beesley – Review by Christen Ware

Human Hearts (Draco Sang #3)Human Hearts by Mary Beesley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A multiple-POV masterpiece that encases everything that a fantasy reader hopes to encounter: raging battles, the fight for a crown, and a love that defies all odds. The Draco Sang series has been one of beauty, strength, tears, and perseverance. Suza and Ferth, Jade and Tobin, and all of the characters that warmed this book with their witty banter and sharp skills. They have earned a place as much loved characters, and it is a shame that this appears to be the last of the installment as I would have loved to see their development further.

This story pick up in the heat of battle and follows each of these characters as they face hardships that most do not even imagine. Their decisions and quick wit leads them on periodically intertwining paths that encourages the story along in a fast-paced read without feeling rushed. It leads the reader through the multiple lives and personalities to match as the story continues. This book was a lovely refresher because most fantasy tends to hint at similar themes and occurrences. But this? A work of art that is both a palate cleanse and a lovely book to get a reader out of a slump. The characters were easily loved and my emotions always seemed to match alongside their ever changing ones.

A very, very great read.

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