Ghost Talker (Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries Book 1) by Byrd Nash – Review by Kerry Carr

Ghost Talker (Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries #1)Ghost Talker by Byrd Nash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Madame Chalmet Ghost Mysteries series. I really enjoyed this story it was a quick read but the story was gripping and so good I read it in one sitting. The author does an amazing job with the characters and I love Elinor Chalamet. She is such a strong and fiesty character. She knows her skills and what she’s good at and she will stand up to anyone who trys to tell her otherwise.

Elinor has helped police before with murder cases. Her ability to speak with the dead and helped them solve cases in the past. So when she is asked to come talk to someone pulled out of the river she willingly accepts. What she doesn’t expect it to meet  if Tristan Fontaine, duke de Archambeau.
Tristan is involved because the person has some link to the royal family. Now Elinor has to try and solve this case while not allowing Tristan to get in her way but because of the situation and who this person is Tristan is determined to work along side Elinor and make sure the secrets stay with her.

As they work closer together it’s not just the mystery of the case they are solving. As time progresses feelings start to emerge that neither of them were expecting.
Will they be able to find the killer before they strike again? Can Elinor keep her focus to find the killer or will Tristan because too much of a distraction.

This is an action packed paranormal romance and I can’t wait to read the next in the series.

View all my reviews

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