Operation Pinpoint (Space Force Rejects Book 1) by Landra Graf – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Operation PinpointOperation Pinpoint by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Captain Ravenna Joyner is a woman who has risen through the ranks of the Space Force and has a gained a reputation while doing it, but only one person has seen through that and actually made her happy and now they have disappeared and Ravenna will do anything to rescue them, even if that means working with someone she can’t stand and a prisoner who could kill her in seconds. Dravos Trax is a is an alien who has been imprisoned by humans for the last five years and has little to no trust for them, but when he is given the opportunity to be released from his captivity by tracking the missing Space Force ship the Perseus, he jumps at the chance, even if his life would be forfeit if he leads the others on the mission wrong.

As Ravenna joins the rest of the team she will be living with for the time it will take to complete the mission and find her lover, this is where she first lays eyes on the Tracker who will be accompanying them and the first impressions are interesting, she is more curious than fearful and in comparison to her crewmates, this is definitely not the norm, but she feels an unexpected connection to the alien in front of her, but she has no idea why. Dravos has been starved and when he first lays eyes and ears on the commandoes in front of him, all he can do is listen to the conversation and assess them, however, as soon as he sees the only woman in the group, he knows he is in trouble, her scent is unique and calls to him in a way that only his mate can and that is just his luck, that his mate would be a detestable human, but soon all he can think of is feeding as an irresistible meal is brought to him.

As the mission sets off, Dravos tries to keep his distance from Ravenna, but in the confines of a ship, this is not easy to do, but he is determined to do it until the mission is finished, especially when he finds out that the ship they are searching for harbours his mate’s lover, just another complications to add to things. Meanwhile, Ravenna is finding it difficult to keep the relationship with Dravos professional and is struggling with those feelings, but when they find the Perseus everything changes, so the team don their space suits and head to the ship and as they find body after body, but no sign of a struggle, they suspect something is wrong, but grief devastates Ravenna when they find her lovers body. Shortly after this, communications break down and Ravenna and Dravos are left on the ship by their fellow commandoes and told that they need to tie up loose ends, so they both go into survival mode and manage to escape by the skin of their teeth, but now they are stuck together trying to find out the who and the why behind the betrayal of her crew and the deaths of those aboard the Perseus.

Will Dravos and Ravenna manage to find the answers they seek, or will their survival be found out and their lives become endangered all over again? Will they allow the budding passion growing between them to flourish, or will revenge stop something before it can begin? This is a fantasy romance with space themed action throughout, as a race for answers ensues before fate catches those who try and outrun it in this engaging story.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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