She’s No Cowgirl (My Cowboy Series book 5) by Brooke May – Review by Lisa Helmick

She's No CowgirlShe’s No Cowgirl by Brooke May
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Brooke May’s books are always touch and go for me. Some I love and others I could pass on. This one seems to fall into the last category. There just doesn’t seem to be much to keep my interest. The connection between the two characters takes about thirty percent before they have a meet cute. Then another twenty percent until they are actually in each others orbit. There is a lot of info about his life before and meeting the team and she gives us the backstory on playing FB and how she can’t play now but can still be involved in it. I honestly did a lot of skimming and bypassing their inner thoughts. There is not a lot of conflict just a nice wholesome story.

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