My Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats – Review by Jenni Bishop

My Pearl HeartMy Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My Pearl Heart is a really short sweet Holiday romance. JN is an illustrator turned author who is able to easily weave a tale that you won’t forget. The characters are very well written and I fell in love with them. Each with their own backstory to tell that really kept me invested and engaged. There were a few different emotions, highs and lows that moved the story forward. I enjoyed the wit, the banter, the humour as well as the heartache.
Jasmine Hayes is a no nonsense brilliant, hot tempered and sassy businesswoman and I liked her straightaway. She has a quirky best friend that is sometimes hard to keep up with. She caters to the social elite and heavens above she found herself in a tangle of tongues (a kiss or two) and swept of her feet. Only those arms weren’t for her.
James Conner, once a drunk wallowing in self-pity with no thought of others finds himself with one insane contract and an engagement/marriage of convenience. That was until he met her and that kiss. Now he is determined to get his life in order but will it include her?
I can’t wait to see what JN does next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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