Foxy Tails by Natalina Reis – Review by Kerry Carr

Foxy TailsFoxy Tails by Natalina Reis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting fantasy adventure with a MM Romance. The author does an amazing job with the characters and the influence of Chinese cultures and myths. This is what really brought this story to life for me all the little details that author put into the story.
In this book we meet Huli who is a nine tailed fox and Xiao who is a healer.

Huli has spent his whole life running away from danger and trying to save himself as everyone thinks he is a demon. He lives a very lonely and dangerous life.
Xiao has also known pain after having to deal with the grief of losing all his family.
Both of them do what they need to to be able to survive and neither of them expect to find companionship until they meet each other.
What happens next is a story about learning to trust and letting someone into your life.
Together they set out on the path to find what and who is responsible for the death of Xiao’s family but will they like what they find or are some secrets better left unknown.
This is an action packed fantasy adventure. There is a little romance involved in the story but it is very subtle and enhances the connection between Xiao and Huli without it taking over the story.

Get ready to jump inside this fantasy world and go on an adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

View all my reviews

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