Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian (Morris Valley Gang Book 1)Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I adored this book as it follows Brinley returning home to lay low and hide from her stalker. This is where she meet cowboy Adrian who has lived in town since shortly after she moved away. This means they ended up having the same circle of friends but never meet until she returns. The attraction between them is clear from the beginning and IRight in Front of You, Morris Valley Gang Series, Brooke May, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Western, Romance just thought Adrian was the sweetest thing. Brinley was a strong female character and I really liked her relationship with her friends as well. I am a sucker for the kind of books where the man needs to protect or rescue the female and I really appreciated that the stalker part and climax of this book was not too intense and brutal. It was just suspenseful enough to get the point across but not too intense that I was overwhelmed reading about what happens to her. This wrapped up so nicely and it is clear they were meant for each other and I just loved the way it all came together.

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