Rogue (The Talisman Series) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Rogue (The Talisman Series)Rogue by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Baz Cormac is a rogue warrior, but this is not by choice, it is because he turned 28 before he found his talisman and had to pledge his loyalty to the Goddess, the Morrigan, so for the last three years, he has had freedom from a warriors restrictions, but also the necessity of taking the lives of warriors within that community, who happened to cross swords with him on the battlefield which the Morrigan orchestrates, he has also been gathering, training and leading a group of other rogues at the same time, whom he is planning to disrupt the Goddesses plans.

Delaney Ferrell is a young woman who has given up on finding her warrior and instead thrown herself into warrior training and her business instead, she is strong, fast and relentless with her training and everything else she puts her mind to, so when she receives a mysterious note which concurs with some rumours of rogues in the area she lives in, she decides to go and check it out as she already knows the area and will be able to tell if something is off there.

When Baz senses that there is a warrior nearby, he prepares himself for a confrontation, however, when he discovers that it is a female whom he has sensed, he is understandable reticent, but Delaney has no such weaknesses when it comes to a scrap with a rogue, this is what she has trained for and she knows that she has to put him down, so the fight for dominance between the two begins, but Baz is soon to discover that this woman is more than just easy on the eyes, she is a fiercely determined fighter.

As he makes the split second decision to kidnap instead of kill Delaney, he takes her to his lair and makes sure she cannot leave until he can figure out why he is so damn attracted to her, so in a desperate and instinctive act, he tries his sign on her and much to his astonishment it works and this is where he realises that Delaney is his fated mate and this throws his plans into complete disarray. When Delaney feels the reaction of her body to Baz and he explains why, she cannot accept the fact that she is the talisman of a rogue, especially since her Uncle decided to be one and brought shame upon her family, but will she be able to accept her fate and give love a chance, or will the Goddesses tear them apart before anything can truly begin? This is a fantasy adventure which is a balancing act, on a tightrope between good and evil, where one life altering decision has to be made before time and a Goddesses patience run out in this fated mates romance where secrets, lies, truths and revelations are all that stands between the darkness and the light and the answer to the question of which is the stronger side?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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