Love Bites More (The Darkness & Light Duology, and the Love Bites World) by TL Clark – Review by Lisa Helmick

Love Bites MoreLove Bites More by T.L. Clark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It has been a bit since I have read previous books in this world. This is a nice story that incorporates characters from the previous stories but could also be read as a stand alone. I had met the main characters of this story previously but knew little about them. I kind of wish there was more to their individual stories other than watching, eating and time spent in the Den of Sin. There really wasn’t too much else until the third came Into play. I was slightly disappointed as I was expecting another great story in this world filled different characters. I did not feel much of a connection between the two Watchers but I did with their respective partner.

Overall This did not hold up to what I was expecting. It is an okay story without a lot of angst or action and not my favorite of the series. It was nice seeing the old characters and their familiars again.

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