Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor Book 4) by Brooke May – Review by Barbara Bohls

Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor)Regaining Integrity by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a quick read for me and I read it in a day. That said it is an amazing read and grips you from he beginning. You get all the feels straight from the first chapter. You feel connected to the characters refuse. You can relate to either knowing someone like them or because you were one of them in high school. The situation that happens between the main characters in high school sets the tone for the remainder of the book. You will keep turning pages to figure out if the leading female will get over what happened or if the leading male will figure things out and possibly grow up. There is a decent amount of steam in this book that feels natural to the situation. There is character development and growth throughout the book as the characters get older in life. It is a sweet story that has you hooked and rooting for the characters. Even though it is the 4th book in the series it can be read as a stand alone. I haven’t actually read the others in the series and this book makes me want to go and read them all.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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