As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

As Though You Were MineAs Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, never thought that I would like this book but the theme and the story captured my heart. The author did an amazing job with the character Julie.

At first, I was sobbing in tears when her brother and sister-in-law were in the accident and now she was being responsible for her niece and nephews. Who knew that she had to be responsible for her own blood and be a full parent to her brother’s kids?
What got me upset was Grant the brother and uncle of the twins. At first, I was like what does he want but then I realized that he was also the donor for his brother. Like, keep it in the family. Julie kept on doing what she had to do for her family and making sure that Grant did not get in the way.
I was sobbing when there were sad parts of Julie’s life because she was clueless about how to take care of her brothers’ kids. Love it…

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