Love & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell – Review by M Policicchio

Love & StilettosLove & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After the worst year of Mia’s life, she finds herself in the bedroom of summer vacations at her grandma’s. All the memories of those summers, the time she got to forget all nonsense from her parents, was supposed to be a comfort not a chokehold. Mia is making some positive changes like going back to college. But try as she might, there is one person she can’t avoid forever.

Mitch has made a name for himself as a firefighter, he has a fiance, and he might have finally moved on from the one girl he can’t forget, until she comes waltzing back into his life. Mia. His childhood best friend. When they run into each other at church, Mia gets a glimpse of Mitch and his new life. She is prepared to leave him alone. When she needs help on an assignment for school, Mia turns to Mitch.

Mia and Mitch try to rekindle their friendship, keeping it strictly in the friendzone. Feelings long buried come to a head when Mia realizes that she is being duped. The mentor that has been encouraging her all year is oddly connected to Mitch. When Mia confronts Mitch, the mystery unfolds as well as secrets come to light. All is not pretty in the daylight. The truth that comes out threatens to destroy what Mitch hopes to build with Mia.

This one is a very sweet tale. Lots of energy. Moves quickly. No steam. Not quite what I was expecting but good enough to read until the end. I have to say, I wasn’t expecting some of the twists. I had the wrong person pegged for a long time. Then some of Lacey’s moves were unexpected. Overall, a good story worth the read.

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