The Mating Haze (Long Claw Pride) by Brooke May – Review by Barbara Bohls

The Mating HazeThe Mating Haze by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book does not disappoint. I was intrigued with the blurb about this book. The haze that could surround the MCs of this story if they don’t take the mating mark right away. This is something that I haven’t read about in other shifter books. It is something that I can come into this series and consider a new take on the shifter genre. That said this book was excellently written and very descriptive. I was able to picture everything in my mind like a picture. There are some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. It definitely kept me turning pages to see what was going to happen and where everything was heading in the story. The romance in this book is spit on for the story. It isn’t too much and not too little. I feel like this book was really thought out. It is part of a series and I would highly recommend reading them all. I was bot disappointed at all while reading this book and I intend on reading the rest of the series. This is a fast paced book and will keep you turning pages. It will allow you to loose yourself for a few hours while reading it. I always feel that a great book will make you loose track of time and this book did that and then some.

Reviewed by: @bbohls
View all my reviews

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