Necromancy The Musical by Debbie Hibbert – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Necromancy the MusicalNecromancy the Musical by Debbie Hibbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the vibrant city of New Orleans lives CeCe Le Blanc, she is a young woman of sixteen who loves the dramatic arts, but she is also a necromancer, it isn’t something your everyday person can do, or handle, but she is a pro at it now, well almost, ever since she brought her dog back from the dead anyway. So, when her dad calls her in to look at someone in the morgue and use her specific talents, she doesn’t really have a choice, she has been helping him for a few years by speaking to the spirits of his victims to find out who their killer was and they have had some success, but this time it is still a mystery.

When she gets home, she will have just enough time to pack before drama camp, which starts the next day, so she calls her best friend to pass the time while she does it but ends up promising her some room for her clothes instead followed by a few hours of needed sleep. When they arrive, the two girls get settled then make their way to orientation, this is where she spots a handsome individual and disappears in a cloud of hormones, but this isn’t the end, when she eventually rejoins CeCe, they are invited for lunch with the hottie and his friend, CeCe is reluctant, but eventually agrees, but the friend is also hot, so she doesn’t really mind in the slightest, this is where Zack Wren enters the picture, definite, possible boyfriend material.

That night CeCe settles to sleep when her dreams are hijacked by another magician, but the magic being used feels dark and greasy, unpleasant and definitely unwanted, but what is more worrying is that the person knows her name and says they want her magic! CeCe battles against the darkness and wakes up in a fluster, but she knows that this probably isn’t the end of the story, she is right and when her protective shields no longer work, will it be the end of drama camp, the budding romance between her and Zach, maybe even her life, or can her magic beat the darkness surrounding her before more lives are lost?

This is a fast-paced fantasy with all the paranormal activity you would expect in New Orleans and more which will leave you hanging off the edge of your seat as the drama unfolds both on and off the stage.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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