The Befallen (The Unsung and The Wolf Duology) by Cambria Williams – Review by Kerry Carr

The BefallenThe Befallen by Cambria Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was captivated by this story. It is a fantasy adventure where the battle between good and evil rages on. But what makes this story so magical for me was Sloane. Despite her disability, despite everyone’s opinions of what she can and can’t do, despite her own self doubts and fears she constantly pushes herself forward to find a way to save the people around her. Her strength and faith shine so bright through this story it was beautiful.

When she returns to her village she finds that it has been destroyed by the Befallen. Now she finds herself alone and in need to find a way of stopping the Befallen before they can strike again.
But her journey won’t be a easy one, there are dangers in the outside world she never knew existed and then she has to convince people that what she is telling them is true and not just a myth and a story.
When she meets Sir Tolvar he is reluctant to believe her story. He has his own demons to deal with and believing this story could lead him even more down the wrong path. BUT what if what Sloane says is true, this could he his chance to redeem himself.
So together they set out to find the secrets of the Befallen and find a way to destroy them but what happens when some obstacles have both of our hero’s doubting themselves and their abilities.
Will good win over evil this time or are the odds just stacked to high against them.

This book was captivating and the character growth throughout the story was great. The author’s writing was so good that I felt like i was actually there going on this quest with Sloane and Sir Tolvar.
It is a great fantasy adventure.

View all my reviews

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