Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs Series) by Landra Graf – Review by Barbara Bohls

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let’s start with the obvious, you can read this book before reading the others in this series. There are characters that overlap between books but each book can be read as a stand alone. You don’t feel like you are missing out on anything if you are starting with this book. You will want to go and read the other books in the series. Now, let us talk about this book. It is amazing and fast paced. The action on the pages keep you turning them. When I say this book was a quick read, I don’t mean that by it being a short time span; I mean it because the action and pace of the story line is quick. Just when you grasp what happened, something else happens. The cars in this book just accelerates the story line and the pace which the author wants to take you through the story. Then the author adds in some amazing characters that help feed into the pace of this book. I felt like an adrenaline junkie while reading this book. When I finished it, I felt like I do things that are way out of my normal. lol. This book will have you thinking you can do some of this amazing stuff that the characters do because you can relate to them. The characters help drive home the chemistry in this book and I loved every second of it. I will be reading the rest of the series because if this book was the good, can you imagine what the whole series is like and how even more incredible it could be. This book contains a little of everything for everyone. I highly recommend reading it even if you don’t like romance, you will like the banter with the characters and the action in this book.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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