Unicorn, Don’t Do That! by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Crystal Brehant

Unicorn, Don't Do That!: It's okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstepUnicorn, Don’t Do That!: It’s okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstep by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a cute and funny story. I read this with my 7yo who laughed throughout the whole thing. Safe to say, he enjoyed it. Sometimes the best gift, is one that wasn’t planned. My son and I have read so many of Lois Wickstrom’s books. I believe this one is one of his favorites. Who doesn’t love unicorns, rainbows and poop? I would love to have a unicorn who poops rainbows on my doorstep.

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